Sexual Positivity - Power Affirmations Audio


Literotica Guru
May 4, 2013
I had an idea today. Not sure if anyone else will be interested, but here goes.

Ever listen to power affirmations? Audios (sometimes with theta waves and such) that deliver positive messages to you to help boost mood, self esteem, etc.

I found one today that was based on attractiveness (here). IMO the best audios are delivered in the "You are..." fashion - like someone is telling it to you and you're accepting it.

So I was wondering if anyone would be interested in either receiving or exchanging audios like this. They could be personalized and sexualized. I don't mean sexual in the "I'm stroking right now" sense, though I guess that could be involved. More in the "you are hot and I saw everyone in the bar checking you out and getting aroused" way.

The idea is for it to be a force for positivity, get people feeling good about themselves, but also kinky - without going overboard.

I'm just spitballing here but if anyone's interested, DM me. Cheers.