Seasons don't fear the robot...


Jan 31, 2023
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain


As AI and robotics accelerate in capabilities and find their way into virtually every corner of our economy, the prospects for human labor have never been better. Because of AI-driven economic growth, demand for human workers will increase; virtually anyone wanting to enter the work force will have opportunities to find meaningful, well-compensated careers. How we look at work will change, and the continuous disruption will cause a lot of anxiety. But the upside will be social improvements to levels we cannot currently comprehend. Roles and jobs may shift more frequently, but it will be easier to switch and more lucrative to do so.

While some of my peers in artificial intelligence have suggested AI could eliminate the need for work altogether and that we should explore alternative economic models like a universal basic income, I think proposals like that don't take into account the historic effect of automation on the economy and how economic growth increases the demand for labor.

History and basic economics both suggest that AI will not make human beings economically irrelevant. AI and robotics will keep growing the economy, because they continuously increase productivity and efficiency. As the economy grows, there's always going to be a widening gap between demand and capacity. Demand for human labor will increase even when AI and robotics are superior and more efficient, precisely because there won't be enough AI and robots to meet the growing needs.

Andrew Mayne,
I predict water balloons are going to be a thing. Until they're banned.
The exoskeletons will most likely be impervious to water, or the sun, or the wind...,
The exoskeletons will most likely be impervious to water, or the sun, or the wind...,
If robots don't fear the wind, sun, the rain........will they fear the reaper?

It was a DC robot, so, it's no wonder it drowned itself.......
People are beginning to realize that Artificial Intelligence is not ready for prime time.

7 percent of people who download ChatGPT open it a SECOND time.

It simply doesn't to anything of value, with the possible exception of anti-virus programs (oh how sexy).

Venture capitalists are getting tired of smoke and mirrors.

I think we're looking at the potential for the equivalent of the 2000 bust sometime this year.

Google "AI Hallucinations" to see how AI gets fed bad learning datasets and confidently insists Trump won in 2020 (and in certain circumstances grows six fingers).