Screaming and attacking JEWS is cool in school, but THIS merits a suspension

Dailycaller probably isn't telling us a fraction of the full story.

And if they are? Well, yes, it's a stupid thing to suspend a kid over. That'll happen when you consider the kind of morons who end up making decisions in most public schools.
In early April, McGhee was suspended for three days from Central Davidson High School in Lexington, North Carolina, the press release reads. The 16-year-old had been in an English class working on a vocabulary assignment when he raised his hand to ask the teacher whether her reference to the word “aliens” was alluding to “space aliens, or illegal aliens who need green cards?”

The question allegedly offended another student in the classroom who allegedly said he wanted to fight McGhee, triggering the teacher to call the assistant principal, according to The Carolina Journal. The word was then allegedly deemed as offensive and disrespectful to Hispanic classmates by school administrators, the outlet reported.

McGhee’s mother, Leah, later alleged during an exclusive interview with Louder with Crowder that she believed the assistant principal was the one who “insinuated racism.” She claimed the boy who allegedly took offense later stated he was “joking.”
Overreaction and CYA from a front-office flunkie who couldn't take a joke. If that's what really happened, then it isn't uncommon.
Given that is an obvious racist statement if you don't cover your ass and anything, anything at all happens you're utterly shit fucked.
People have been making "illegal alien" jokes since, like, forever.
It's not racist. It's not even particularly bad-taste by 16 y/o standards. Unless it's part of some kind of pattern on the part of the student (which, of course, it may well be) it should have been allowed to slide.
There's no way this was the whole story. It never, ever is, although this time I'm not in the mood to do snailspace's homework for him.