Question For Americans

After all, communists aren't citizens, they are property of the state.

You can't serve communism and be a citizen
So you must be a communist then. In your eyes, a pregnant woman is basically property of the state. Isn't that the same thing?
So you must be a communist then. In your eyes, a pregnant woman is basically property of the state. Isn't that the same thing?

Laos is currently the only communist regime in the world with an explicit ban on abortions. Romania was one of the only Eastern Bloc states with a ban on abortions, and abortion is largely banned in the socialist-leaning states of Peru and Nicaragua.

By and large, the dictatorship of workers and peasants is pretty much okay with abortions. When they do ban abortion, it's typically for strategic/demographic reasons, as it was under Stalin.
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There is a growing recognition that most of the political power in this nation is outside the circle jerk of elected federal officials. It's mostly in unelected bureaucrats and their corporate partners. Some power is still in state and local government. With increasing awareness that glorious campaign promises can be flushed with anything else a politician says, more people are walking away and doing their own thing. The easiest way to take power back from bureaucrats is don't give it away. Instead of striving for middle class jobs, wealth, and consumption, they seek more practical, frugal, and satisfying lives, with less money spent on taxes and various other payments for nothing of value.