Primates with bigger testicles cheat more


Aug 2, 2008
Back in 2014 some researchers published a paper the correlated male testicle size to the propensity to cheat. While I found that part of the research interesting, what I thought was more interesting was that you could predict a female's fidelity from her mate's testicle size. This was the quote from the article

Study: Primates with bigger testicles cheat more
Researchers from the University of Oslo studied various primates and found difference in testicle size has a direct correlation with fidelity -- in both males and females. While male primates with larger testes cheated more, so did their female partners. "We can determine the degree of fidelity in the female by looking at the size of the male's testicles," assistant professor Petter Bøckman is quoted in Britain's Telegraph.

So, here's a question for the ladies who have been married more than once, or have been in a partnered relationship where there was a mutual agreement for fidelity. If you did stray in either relationship -- did you do it with the man who had the bigger balls, or the man who had the smaller balls.

Also, if any women want to comment of the idea that they are more likely to cheat if their partners are cheating on them, that might be interesting as well. Perhaps what we believe is a conscious decision to cheat has more to do with evolutionary biology that we actually realize.
