Pandemonium challenge support thread

Though are angels (or half angels) allowed?

I see no reason for why angels should be banned from entry, though I suppose the story ought to feature at least one demonic entity of some kind regardless. :unsure: Some people see angels and demons as two sides of the same coin, but I think that's simplifying things as demons can take many forms - and not all of them are necessarily physical. If you bring in an angel but make her constantly fight her inner demons, putting the focus on that, I'd argue it ought to qualify. Or maybe her dad is a fallen angel or something. Do angels have fathers? Hmm.. 😅
I see no reason for why angels should be banned from entry, though I suppose the story ought to feature at least one demonic entity of some kind regardless. :unsure: Some people see angels and demons as two sides of the same coin, but I think that's simplifying things as demons can take many forms - and not all of them are necessarily physical. If you bring in an angel but make her constantly fight her inner demons, putting the focus on that, I'd argue it ought to qualify. Or maybe her dad is a fallen angel or something. Do angels have fathers? Hmm.. 😅
There’s like 80-100k words of backstory (plus many tens of thousands more by @Djmac1031 and well). Elena and Bobby are part of a wider world 😊.

In it - certain types of angels and demons are indeed two sides of a coin. But others aren’t. It’s… complicated.

Elena is a human who was gifted certain angelic powers for [spoilers]…

I've been writing an entire backstory on the history of Heaven and Angels, Hell and Demons.

Let's just say it's fluid lol.

I know @EmilyMiller 's Emma has a mother.
Because I always planned that from before I wrote Desire and Off The Shoulder. Or I just make shit up as I go. I mean, what’s more likely 🤣?
