Need help

Oct 17, 2022
2 questions
1. This box I'm texting in now? I can't use the Bold,Italics,attachment, etc. anymore. The page with a magnifying glass can be used( no idea what it means),but everything else is just faded in the background. How do I fix it?

2. What time zone does Lit.operate in?
This forum is for helping regarding the Live Chat facility.

That said, Lit has users across many locales any time zones.
In the reply box, you'll notice just above the comment box a strip of icons that include bold, italics, as well as list, alignment, paragraph format, link inserts, image inserts, emoji panel, media, quote, and insert tables. If you're saying you can see these options but cannot access them, you might try the Tech Support forum. Lit is based out of the united states, but as Looking said, people should not have difficulty using the site based upon time zone. I hope this helps.
I tried tech support, multiple times with ZERO response, that's why I'm posting in other forum's. Lit says they want feedback, but I haven't found that to be the case,but thanks.
This forum is for helping regarding the Live Chat facility.

That said, Lit has users across many locales any time zones.
Yes,I can read,but I've contacted tech support multiple times with zero response. I was hoping maybe I could get some help from another Lit.member so I could use the 'bold' & 'italics' in the,'50 and older' LIVE CHAT...
Are you trying to use those text elements in chat or in the forum? The “LIVE CHAT” at the end of your last post muddies that up. I don’t know that it’s possible to use those in chat.

In the forum, the tool bar with the B, I, and other text options is working for me and seems to be working for others as they are using them in posts, so I don’t think this is a Lit issue. Have you tried the old IT solution of logging out, restarting your device, and logging back in?

As to support from the site, there are literally two people running the entire site and their main priority is the story section. The chat and forum are extra content. They read the tech support forum, but almost never reply. This is just the way it goes.
@thetiesthatbindme -- In the Live Chat, bold and italics are not an option. What folks often do is *use asterisks* around text that they wish to emphasize. I, too wish we had formatting options for the chat, but as is often said around this place, it is a free service, and you get what you pay for. :)