N8's Sharing is Caring

You have a beautiful Homescape, Ana! Dingle was wonderful! I'm glad we were told to check out the town. I made friends with a priest and a nun while out wandering one day. I would love to go back again!
So a Priest and a Nun were out wandering one day and made friends with a Yogi...

So what's the punch line you ask?

Us. The times we fail to take chance, go out and wander, make new friends and expose ourselves to the wonder of nature.

I know...sad joke. But it's early! It's rainy here today but the suns out somewhere.
I always wanted to go travel in Europe, esp being a French major. But you know how life is. When my daughter had the chance to go, I was so happy for her. She was mainly in Ukraine. She's had a hard time dealing with what's going on over there.
Norfolk Botanical Gardens began in 1938 as part of the Work Progress Administration (WPA), a part of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. It started life as the Azalea Garden Project. The labor force of 220 African Americans, 200 women and 20 men, cleared the underbrush and sowed the seeds for what became the beautiful gardens we enjoy today. Their biggest fund raiser is the Garden of Lights holiday celebration held every year. In the past it was a drive-thru event but it is now walk through only. The change is for the better. The laughter of children and the joy of families make the lights even more spectacular.

Please follow me and enjoy a sample of this magical place. All photos were taken last night.
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I was just thinking about this place but couldn't remember where it was until now. I don't have any pictures, sadly, but while we were in Ireland we visited this wine bar on the first night in Tralee. We learned it was a hideaway of JFK... Which made much more sense seeing portraits of him throughout the cellar.

Wouldn't it be great if we could all meet there for a wee tipple?
I always wanted to go travel in Europe, esp being a French major. But you know how life is. When my daughter had the chance to go, I was so happy for her. She was mainly in Ukraine. She's had a hard time dealing with what's going on over there.
Is she still in the Ukraine? It must be hard knowing friends you've met there are going through such a horrible crisis. You and your daughter are in our thoughts and hope you both find some joy this season.
A few more of Prague. If I overshare, I count on you to tell me when enough is enough. I'm not always good at knowing this. Hope everyone is having a nice Holiday/Christmas season. By whatever moniker you choose, it's a season where everyone seems a little kinder. That's never a bad thing. Unless you're inline for that last must have...then all bets are off. So...a few more Prague day photos, then some night shots...
Love all of you...enjoy your coffee or tea...and have a lovely day.