Look for editor / beta-reader for first story


Feb 16, 2024
My first story is about ready to submit. I think.

I've been trying to scratch an itch by writing out some sex scenes that were living in my brain. I started to flesh them out with some characters and background info, and now the characters have taken over and the whole thing has run away from me. I've got about 6 chapters, 5 to 10k each. 1 and 4 are done; 2, 3, 5 and 6 need work.

I'm a bit nervous and I'd like to gauge reactions to the first chapter before deciding if I want to complete the rest. I'd like someone to look over Chapter 1, make sure I haven't made any egregious mistakes, awkward or overly repetitive phrasing, maybe some advice on dialogue and pacing. Ideally a male perspective?

Chapter 1 is essentially a meetcute/intro for the two main characters, and as such it's pretty straightforward MF sex, nothing overtly kinky. Shade over 4k in length.

Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks!
I've sent you a PM. If you want to do some background research on me before accepting you can check out my stories in the link below, and if you search the feedback forums, I've given a fair number of other stories feedback.