latest polls show majority want investigations into trump to continue

Polls are always skewed by who they ask.
I can't wait for SugarCounselorGuide to start a thread with a poll showing the exact opposite; saying that the "majority of Americans are against the FBI investigation."

If you ask 100 people in Council, Idaho, almost unanimously they will say the FBI are the bad guys in this one (and will also say things like Trump should be immediately re-installed as president so he can round up all the gays, jews, minorities, etc. and ship them off to "re-education camps".)

If you ask 100 people in Berkeley, California, Eugene Oregon or the south side of Chicago, almost all 100 will passionately support the FBI. (and a few will also add that the government should take over all major industries as well.)

That's how you get polls to come out the way you want them to. Bottom line, I don't trust any of them.
New Botany Boy screen name, I presume? (It's been at least two weeks since he's created a new one so I suppose he's about due.)
The poll, administered during August 12 to 16, found that 57% of voters believe the numerous investigations against Trump should move forward, versus the 40% of voters who believe such efforts should be scrapped. When breaking down voting by political party, NBC found that for the voters who voted pro-investigations, the demographic was as follows: 92% Democrats, 61% independents, and 21% Republicans.

So, they got 1,491 people - 73% of which self identified as Democrats - and 80% voted for Biden in 2020 - and asked them about the investigations of Trump.

Slightly over half of the people polled said the investigations should move forward. I'm not surprised with that cherry picked demographic. I'm betting that I could poll 1,491 people at a MAGA rally and get a different result - and you'd be right to say that the results of that poll would be biased, JUST LIKE THIS YOUGOV POLL WAS BIASED. Reporting this as if it is unbiased is deception.

The overwhelming majority of people polled were Biden voters and Democrats, and only half of them thought they should move forward with investigations. This poll is saying the opposite of what you think it says, butters.
So, they got 1,491 people - 73% of which self identified as Democrats - and 80% voted for Biden in 2020 - and asked them about the investigations of Trump.

Slightly over half of the people polled said the investigations should move forward. I'm not surprised with that cherry picked demographic. I'm betting that I could poll 1,491 people at a MAGA rally and get a different result - and you'd be right to say that the results of that poll would be biased, JUST LIKE THIS YOUGOV POLL WAS BIASED. Reporting this as if it is unbiased is deception.

The overwhelming majority of people polled were Biden voters and Democrats, and only half of them thought they should move forward with investigations. This poll is saying the opposite of what you think it says, butters.
Percentages are hard. Maybe break it down by party first to see how they actually are.
So, they got 1,491 people - 73% of which self identified as Democrats - and 80% voted for Biden in 2020 - and asked them about the investigations of Trump.

Slightly over half of the people polled said the investigations should move forward. I'm not surprised with that cherry picked demographic. I'm betting that I could poll 1,491 people at a MAGA rally and get a different result - and you'd be right to say that the results of that poll would be biased, JUST LIKE THIS YOUGOV POLL WAS BIASED. Reporting this as if it is unbiased is deception.

The overwhelming majority of people polled were Biden voters and Democrats, and only half of them thought they should move forward with investigations. This poll is saying the opposite of what you think it says, butters.
Let's investigate asshole corrupt Biden making millions from China, Ukraine, and about 10 other countries. Let's put Hunter in jail for corruption
Question for the OP and her fellow jackals, can you go even ten minutes without this guys name running through your head? I've never seen such obsession on my life. Its pathetic

:LOL: Its because he's always making news, either from his own mouth or by his legal consequences. Remember his constant Tweets? We know how little Donald Trump sleeps because he was always present. Thank god for Joe Biden - he doesn't make everything about himself all the fucking time.
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Question for the OP and her fellow jackals, can you go even ten minutes without this guys name running through your head? I've never seen such obsession on my life. Its pathetic
You first.