Knowledge is power

Knowledge is credibility.

It’s true that stupid plots will get poor ratings, but damn it can be tedious if you catch one of stupid ones the wild. Write better than the others. And as erotic lit has a low reputation for writing quality, you have good odds of outshining most.
CQ, CQ, CQ this is King Richard Lima four niner Bravo calling any station...

To bad that only reaches to the horizon then keeps going into outer space. Unless of course you happen to hit an inversion layer and it bounces back toward earth.
The Marine Radiotelephone Service or HF ship-to-shore operates on shortwave radio frequencies, using single-sideband modulation... This service is retained for safety reasons, but in practice has been made obsolete by satellite telephones [and] satellite internet.

Short wave radio is used because it bounces between the ionosphere and the ground, giving a modest 1,000 watt transmitter (the standard power) a worldwide range.

...Marine radiotelephony first became common in the 1930s, and was used extensively for communications to ships and aircraft over water.​
All you needed was money.
This is a theme that pops up in these threads from time to time -- criticizing authors or stories for being socially irresponsible because they don't present the subject matter as it "really is."

Which is really whiplash amusing when it's being discussed at the same time that a discussion in favor of happy endings is going on. :D
The Marine Radiotelephone Service or HF ship-to-shore operates on shortwave radio frequencies, using single-sideband modulation... This service is retained for safety reasons, but in practice has been made obsolete by satellite telephones [and] satellite internet.

Short wave radio is used because it bounces between the ionosphere and the ground, giving a modest 1,000 watt transmitter (the standard power) a worldwide range.

...Marine radiotelephony first became common in the 1930s, and was used extensively for communications to ships and aircraft over water.​
All you needed was money.

Yes, I know. I was being obnoxious. Sorry, next time I will be clear with what I am doing by including the <obnoxious></obnoxious> tags. ;)
Yes, I know. I was being obnoxious. Sorry, next time I will be clear with what I am doing by including the <obnoxious></obnoxious> tags. ;)
No apology needed. I'd have posted my reply anyway, mostly because I hold FCC licenses and know a bit of commo history. Had I posted <obnoxious>The 1929 Kodak Retina I was a flop</obnoxious>, I would expect *some* wonky response. Maybe. Depending on forum members' obsessions.

ObTopic: Fantasy artists of superhero comics and other juvenile imagery too often depict characters (usually female) in impossible postures or (usually male) surviving impossible stresses. One need not have passed an A&P (Anatomy and Physiology) course to know better. But of course some dumb-asses try to act-out comic-book scenarios. And some LIT readers may try to act-out hot, nasty, improbable fictions. Hey guys, don't stick your dick in a vacuum cleaner.
Shakespeare wrote a striking clock into his play Julius Caesar. Very few people complained.
But . . . but . . . I didn't even know that clocks had unions in those days. :D
No apology needed. I'd have posted my reply anyway, mostly because I hold FCC licenses and know a bit of commo history. Had I posted <obnoxious>The 1929 Kodak Retina I was a flop</obnoxious>, I would expect *some* wonky response. Maybe. Depending on forum members' obsessions.

ObTopic: Fantasy artists of superhero comics and other juvenile imagery too often depict characters (usually female) in impossible postures or (usually male) surviving impossible stresses. One need not have passed an A&P (Anatomy and Physiology) course to know better. But of course some dumb-asses try to act-out comic-book scenarios. And some LIT readers may try to act-out hot, nasty, improbable fictions. Hey guys, don't stick your dick in a vacuum cleaner.

I too held an FCC license for radio communications in the 27 meter band(if I remember correctly), know as citizens band radio. It was the texting of the '60s and '70s.

I would sometime switch over to single side band and bounce a signal all over the world.

Of course that was back in my teens. :D
I too held an FCC license for radio communications in the 27 meter band(if I remember correctly), know as citizens band radio. It was the texting of the '60s and '70s.
Oh yeah, CB used to be licensed. Then it went wild, with songs and everything. A USMC colonel I rock-climbed with in Joshua Tree in the late '70s had a perfect plan to crash the Kremlin: airdrop CB rigs all over the red bloc. Moscow would then surely fall, its lines of control bypassed.

My tickets, now long expired, were commercial. I never bothered going ham (although I was well-versed in radio history) and my CB gear is gone now. My ears are too shot for SWLing. I'll take a neural implant, please.
I hardly think anyone is going to be misled by "wrong" BDSM stories in the category, because they're castigated viciously — in minute detail — in the comments and utterly devastated in score.

The nuclear option of annihilating any author who dares step outside the lines is already in place, and has been for years. The number of authors who come to the forum is minuscule, so I don't think you're going to do much to advance your cause of chasing those "wrong" authors away here, compared to the relentless campaign that's already in progress. 4.69/80 2PCs

Several years ago I tested your idea for real. I took the honey of a Dom and spent the weekend in bed with her.He watched me walk off with her. I know women, he knew nonsense. Readers want informed guidance.
Oh yeah, CB used to be licensed. Then it went wild, with songs and everything. A USMC colonel I rock-climbed with in Joshua Tree in the late '70s had a perfect plan to crash the Kremlin: airdrop CB rigs all over the red bloc. Moscow would then surely fall, its lines of control bypassed.

Alternative radio stations were in place, "Voice of America" aired in most languages used in USSR including Latvian. We with grandad used to listen (it was illegal of course). We had huge pre-war lamp radio set (the in-built vinil disk player was no longer operational, however). Openly sold sets didn't have the band at all. Useful signal of the station was few times wider than the scrambler on top of it, so it floated back and forth over the voice, but while semi-random it had a pattern and by constant adjustment of the frequency and a bit of intuition you could hear well upwards of 95% only rarely interrupted by that ears tearing beep.

Being good soviet child I had to ask at some point: "why do you listen those lies?" And grandad patiently explained that everyone tell lies, but by hearing two opposing liars you have chance to incur what the truth may be. That's a lesson we had to learn for survival, but many of you over there seem to have missed altogether.

Radio amateurs were a thing, and due to the opportunity to chat over the border had air of romantic renegade around them, but it also was known they were tightly controlled and probably constantly listened to. For a short time (around 1986-'88 or so) I too learned the theory and was tinkering with the soldering iron and build some sets, but soon lost interest.