Jokes that are titillating


King of Cheek.
Feb 27, 2018
I thought I'd start a joke thread. (Yes I know there have been others) This one will be for jokes or memes about breasts.

A young reporter was having trouble finishing her byline. The editor specifically told her she couldn’t print the words breast or boobs. The young reporter thought long and hard. Finally, she handed the editor the following report:

“Mrs. Smith was injured in a car accident today. She is recovering in County Hospital with lacerations to her ( . )( . )”
What is the origin of the word "Boob"?

The "B" is the aerial view, the "oo" is the front view, the "b" is the side view.
John asked his girlfriend if he could take a photo of her totally nude. When he’d taken, she asked what he would do with it.

“Print a tiny version to put in a locket so I can always wear it over my heart.”

Charmed, she invited him to pose nude for her. When she’s taken her own photo, he asked what she would do with it.

She thought for a moment, looking at her phone. “I’m going to have it enlarged.”
Me and ol' Johnny Cash gonna write a movie/Gonna put all the rest of 'em to shame/Gonna be starring Dolly Parton/Gonna call it The Hunchfront of Notre Dame

So Jenny approaches her husband and tells him she wants $10,000 for a boob job. He scoffs and tells her that’s ridiculous and that if she wants enormous breasts she could get them for next to nothing.

“How?” she demands.

“Every morning, take a wad of toilet paper and wipe it between your boobs. Every night. Do the same thing. Before you know it you will have HUGE breasts.”

Incredulously she asked how toilet paper could possibly make her breasts grow.

“I don’t know how, but it sure worked on your ass.”

With the life insurance payout, Jenny is getting the boob job, and some liposuction.