Explain different stats?


Really Really Experienced
Jul 24, 2015
I have two different stats for same story one under my works and the other under new list. Why? ( and love the Hot story badge…)IMG_2005.jpeg


  • IMG_2006.png
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The stats on your page are more up to date than on the list page. They'll sync eventually.
The stats on your page are more up to date than on the list page. They'll sync eventually.
What he said. Your control panel page updates almost immediately. Other pages update periodically, with different update periods, so yeah, that can sometimes create confusion.
Thanks for ur answers. Kind of depressing lowering of scores over number of reads..
To expand on that, there are seven sources for stats that I'm aware of:
* Your control panel
* Your story
* Your author page
* The search page
* The top lists for votes
* The top lists for reading
* The list of all stories in that category

From what I have seen, these are rarely in sync. To pick an example:
4.44 rating, 19.7K views
4.43 rating
4.43 rating, 24.8K views
4.45 rating.


4.43 rating

And this is with the story after 28 days, when things have greatly stabilized. The divergence is greater the younger a story is.

The stats on the story page can be really different than the other sources:
Sometimes, to be clear, the numbers NEVER sync. I've had multiple stories that have reached the 12-month toplists, and sometimes their view numbers NEVER match the numbers I see in the story itself. It's not a matter of delay. For some reasons the views are just counted in a very different way.
Sometimes, to be clear, the numbers NEVER sync. I've had multiple stories that have reached the 12-month toplists, and sometimes their view numbers NEVER match the numbers I see in the story itself. It's not a matter of delay. For some reasons the views are just counted in a very different way.
I've never seen the data synch up, ever. The only source I pay attention to is the Control Panel. Views, Followers, Score - they're all different, in different places.
Sometimes, to be clear, the numbers NEVER sync. I've had multiple stories that have reached the 12-month toplists, and sometimes their view numbers NEVER match the numbers I see in the story itself. It's not a matter of delay. For some reasons the views are just counted in a very different way.
..how..? But I am not complaining ..
It just is, dawg. It's all trade secrets of our smut overlords, we are simply the nonunion minions tasked with slaving away to keep the machine fed.