Department of Homeland Security - Still Needed?

What’s the fucking point of such a department if it can’t stop you shooting each other to extinction.

You lose more civilians in Chicago every weekend than most of your external enemies hope to rub out via their plots.
What’s the fucking point of such a department if it can’t stop you shooting each other to extinction.

You lose more civilians in Chicago every weekend than most of your external enemies hope to rub out via their plots.
Wouldnt that indicate that the department is working? Or did you just want to cry about Chicago specifically for some reason?
Wouldnt that indicate that the department is working? Or did you just want to cry about Chicago specifically for some reason?

Sure, somethings working. And fingers crossed it stays that way.

How much it’s down to HS particularly I couldn’t say. God knows how many organisations it takes to keep you safe, not sure this is one whose job couldn’t be done by others.

Sorry, probably I was being cynical - I’m a Brit, with huge admiration for what the US represents. What you’ve done, and can do in the future.

I hope you can appreciate that - because of the different gun and policing culture - your mountain of gun deaths is shocking, especially given the amount of resource thrown at policing. It can look like fucking Dodge City, which is tragic imo.
Sure, somethings working. And fingers crossed it stays that way.

How much it’s down to HS particularly I couldn’t say. God knows how many organisations it takes to keep you safe, not sure this is one whose job couldn’t be done by others.

Sorry, probably I was being cynical - I’m a Brit, with huge admiration for what the US represents. What you’ve done, and can do in the future.

I hope you can appreciate that - because of the different gun and policing culture - your mountain of gun deaths is shocking, especially given the amount of resource thrown at policing. It can look like fucking Dodge City, which is tragic imo.
I'm not a fan of the gun culture here. Particularly the fetishishness that some have for them. I don't necessarily care whether folks have them, but I think many have them for the wrong reasons.

Either way, DHS is about disrupting foreign attacks and plans of attacks on the US and it's people - I think that we truly did fine prior to the creation and could do well after it is gone. Most of the time, I think being to slow to adapt is the issue that pops up.....which DHS doesn't solve
Yep, you added another level of dishonesty to your schtick on this. We'll see if you go for another.
Yep, you added another level of dishonesty to your schtick on this. We'll see if you go for another.
Do you feel heard yet?

It kinda seems like the answer is no. Maybe five or six more of the same is needed...then they'll truly hear you.
I agree with 74 that it wasn't needed at the beginning as we have many Federal Security agencies and now that the war is suppose to be over we surely don't need it as a "Big Brother." Even the FBI is no longer a peoples police force, but a political police unit. Neither agency is in the business of protecting the citizens. The Federal police are the ones who need a public watch dog to ensure they don't over step their power. And Keith makes some good comments on the HS being a duplicate of other agencies. In a manner, I think everyone is really agreeing on the basics, just for different reasons.
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I agree with 74 that it wasn't needed at the beginning as we have many Federal Security agencies and now that the war is suppose to be over we surely don't need it as a "Big Brother." Even the FBI is no longer a peoples police force, but a political police unit. Neither agency is in the business of protecting the citizens. The Federal police are the ones who need a public watch dog to ensure they don't over step their power.
I don't agree with you about the FBI, but having agencies for both domestic and foreign activities already established, I think the intention was to have the third agency that could interact with multiple agencies would be more able to respond to threats quicker.

There are definitely folks on both sides of the aisle I've heard who have called for it's abolishment.

That being said, that was the most coherent response I've ever seen from you. Good job 👍
74, be careful, you'll make me blush. And yes your last statement does cover the purpose of the agency as it was designed. As for the FBI, my father worked with agents and we lived in the same apartments as their families and they were always looked up to by everyone, but things have changed in the department just as they have with the heads of the military and not for the better. Our nation is in the miniority in the world for its purpose is to serve the people not as most nations feel that the people serve the leaders. It is easy to grant more power to those who govern and lose the control over those we trusted as they take advantage of our trust. HS and the FBI are examples of agencies that are crossing the line between serving the people and using their power for political purposes. I know it sounds radical, but the U. S. Marshalls Office is the senior Federal Police force and should have had the powers and technical skills given the FBI. And HS was suppose to be an administrative agency to interact, as you state, with the assigned duties of the other Departments.
No created agency ever goes away because their sole mission is to collect power to themselves that they can dispense, or withhold, from the movers and shakers of industry and culture.
Clearly, the OP has no idea of what agencies fall under HS. Please feel free to list each and tell us from your extensive research how and why each should be mothballed. I'll wait.
No created agency ever goes away because their sole mission is to collect power to themselves that they can dispense, or withhold, from the movers and shakers of industry and culture.
Shocker that you would agree with Chob's generalization and not actually discuss the agency itself.
Clearly, the OP has no idea of what agencies fall under HS. Please feel free to list each and tell us from your extensive research how and why each should be mothballed. I'll wait.
That almost sounds like you have a perspective on whether the agency is still needed but instead want to make this a pissing match about how smart you are. Enjoy that.
I'm not a fan of the gun culture here. Particularly the fetishishness that some have for them. I don't necessarily care whether folks have them, but I think many have them for the wrong reasons.

Either way, DHS is about disrupting foreign attacks and plans of attacks on the US and it's people - I think that we truly did fine prior to the creation and could do well after it is gone. Most of the time, I think being to slow to adapt is the issue that pops up.....which DHS doesn't solve
So, what's the CIA's job??????
Do any of those agencies communicate?? That was part of the issue on 9/11. Did they at least fix that??
OR are they all still busy protecting their own little kingdoms and their own precious careers??
So, what's the CIA's job??????
Do any of those agencies communicate?? That was part of the issue on 9/11. Did they at least fix that??
OR are they all still busy protecting their own little kingdoms and their own precious careers??
Agreed. DHS didn't improve these issues.
So, what's the CIA's job??????
Do any of those agencies communicate?? That was part of the issue on 9/11. Did they at least fix that??
OR are they all still busy protecting their own little kingdoms and their own precious careers??
The CIA can't operate in the United States. So, concerning homeland security, the most it can do is warn that something is coming from the outside. That indeed was one of the problems the creation of the Homeland Security Department was meant to fix--getting information linked up. And that has been improved. You may remember the cases of threats coming in from Canada that were headed off. That was agency coordination working.

The real issue now, however, is that most of the threat that DHS is faced with and trying to prevent is entirely within the United States--domestic terrorism. The CIA has no role in that.
Likely not. In all reality. But the fear which forms perception will still be sold and funded.