A Wolverines Heart (Open)


Literotica Guru
May 9, 2017

Holly Fox

Holly had been born in New York City but when a murder that involved her parents happened she moved away, she got emancipated at sixteen and thankfully her parents had a large life insurance policey so if they died she would be okay. So she lived thirty minutes away in a nice simple house, she was hoping one day of having a family which was why she made it the way she did. She was a simple girl though she was very smart, she graduated top of her class three years in advance. She hated the city because it reminded her of what she had lost, and it killed her to think that way all the time. She wished to find someone that didn't have a closed mind, because when it came to the mutant race she just thought of them as normal people. She knew some were bad but some were good, and she had heard of the Xman. She had known about them for many years.

But that was another reason that she tried to stay away from the city, the city was a city full of blood, blood of the mutants that are shot and killed just because they are mutants. Holly had a big heart and she was beautiful but wasn't a bitch about it. She had taken in some mutants in the past, those with wounds or just trying to find a place to stay for a night or two. She was glad and kinda got a reputation from mutants, but it was a careful one, making sure no one said to much in case she was to get attacked. It was boring around there sure, but she was out of the war, away from the bloody streets. The cops who were getting paid to do dirty shit she couldn't take it. But she knew that being at the house, she wanted a husband and children but the thing was she had to go out. So it was kinda a bad situation, until one day something interesting happened.

She was getting ready to go on a pourch when she noticed a man tending to his motorcyle, she had no idea what was going on so she walked off the pourch and walked up to him, she smiled thought looking up at the sky it was about to rain, she could smell it. And she was never wrong, if she smelt it, it was something that was going to happen. She placed her hands on her hips and smiled at him.

"Need some help?"
When you walked up to him as she had noticed how good looking he was from afar, her eyes item for a few seconds going over every inch of his body, and he was rather handsome something in sinemet or think she knew him, though she had never met him, which was something that was actually kind of weird and that fact because she knew she'd never met him and he was not the area it had appeared, but then who knew because she had been away from the city for so long. But she kept her self because she couldn't help but hate what was going on in the streets in New York, the ex member doing what they could, but she didn't understand how they could help people that did not respect them, that fear them that hated them, it was part of the reason why she had such great respect for them because they help even a lot of people terrified of him or hated him, she then heard his voice and smiled and noticed his hand watching out for her to shake.

She grabbed his hand and shook it so his name was Logan a very unique name. Her name she hadn't heard in a long time since not a lot of people call their kids slogan, but you love the name and smiled. She knew she had to introduce herself. So she spoke softly. And in a very kind voice." nice to meet you Logan, my name. Is holly holly fox some people around here. Just call me foxy. So what are you giving an enery like this for there was really not much going on you said it was a long trip if you don't mind some conversation I'd be curious to know where you were going or were you reading if such a question isn't too personal because the kind of person that doesn't want to take personal information is many body unless they are willing to share it."
She was impressed by him. He was interesting and very good looking, and when he asked if she knew of a place she couldn't help but not her head, happily, she didn't want to end this conversation with him, he seemed to other nice and meeting new people out here. It was a miracle when that happened, so she pointed him to away to a nice little diner reminded her of something that would be around in the 50s, the old style kind of cafes which she likes once he stopped, she got off the back of the bike and removed the helmet that he had offered her, offering it back to him. She grinned softly. It was known as these up to see they had all kinds of things here anywhere from seafood to steak.

" Hope you like it here. You seem like the kind of guy that would want a rare steak, very sick and a beer because frankly that sounds good only I was the age to drink. I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I have to admit I am join the company to spend a very long time since I have talked to anyone since I'm kind of a loner"
Holly had no idea what was going on here she wanted a nice bite to eat and she hadn't been there for a while but she had always been welcomed there and she didn't understand what was going on but then when the woman tried saying that she heard people she'd never hurt anybody in her life she doesn't even respite her since she hates spiders I look down at the ground and actually started to have tears welled up in her eyes she shook her head and placed her hands over her ears" I've never heard anyone in my life you know me I've been coming here honor 4 years how in the reason why you're still often remember all that money I gave you after my parents died to help you guys stay a flow and you throw me out like I'm some kind of street rat."

She was so angry, but she didn't have the time to be too angry at anybody for too long because she felt vibrations, and it was something she had never felt before when Logan tugged her to the window, she looked down and thought the huge machines it was funny because he, down something inside her, knew what they were, even though she had never seen them before, but it was at her house she had just been there but didn't understand she looked at Logan and when he said that she ought to come with him. " and where the hell are you going to take me or you going to fight something so fucking huge and why the hell do they want me I mean im not hurt anybody I don't fight anybody just like to help so what's being spewed all a sudden I don't and where the hell are you going to take me or you going to fight something so fucking huge and why the hell do they want me I mean im not hurt anybody I don't fight anybody just like to help so what's being spewed all a sudden I don't understand I am and where the hell are you going to take me or you going to fight something so fucking huge and why the hell do they want me I mean im not hurt anybody I don't fight anybody just like to help so what's being spewed all a sudden I don't understand I am so confused"

Tears went down our cheeks as she was so confused and didnT know what to do she felt like hitting something or perhaps someone but she wasn't violent and never would she's not 1 to hurt people or to have a violent outburst of any kind but she was angry and it was very easy to see that by anybody
Everything was moving so quickly these things were here for her yet she didnT understand why what was so important about her but she listened to him and he didn't really have much more choice he was half horsing her and she was half willing she would be full willing if she understood what all was going on wither not that that was much of a choice right now everything inside her screamed for her everything was moving so quickly these things were here for her yet she didnT understand why what was so important about her but she listened to him and he didn't really have much more choice he was half horsing her and she was half willing she would be full willing if she understood what all was going on wither not that that was much of a choice right now everything inside her screamed for her to stop but there was no way she could because that man most likely her death and she didn't want to die today.

And the most impressive thing happened when she noticed a plane coming out of his skin, right between his neck as he cut the curly when be will use, the pay for it was for the reason why she was in shock and then she stood, she grabbed the helmet and just stood there, but then here he was saying what is name one again, which she already knew and then Wolverine her memory flashed pretty quick as she had heard that name many times she sighed softly and put the helmet on. And got the back holding on to him so he could take off, but there was one thing she needed to know and she noticed with the helmet I had a system in it, where they could talk a microphone so she had to know.

" But why are they after me Logan I'm a mutant sympathizer I'm not a mutant I? Which is why, but those people said confused me, im not a fuckin mutant." but the pit of stomach she had a very bad showing that this was going to end up going one of 2 ways such as he and to him and waited for him to tell her whatever it was he was going to tell her
While she was hanging on to him, she began to think of all these people that she touched everything that she did yet she had no idea she had been on, it was a different feeling because she was a muse she was the problem, even though she never meant to hurt anybody that now people saw it and it was exactly why she was thrown out. To the just poured out of her she couldn't believe this was happening as it was, it was damn near impossible to even think I mean, yes, she had his protection that was all good and everything but. What else could she do she was our sons afraid to find out she wish she understood was going on since noon. I complained about it till that day when everything over normal I faded away and it was so damn hard to even sink streak, she was so afraid of what was going to happen to her.

But here he was saying he was going to taker to see professor x. I, she smiled at that but didn't know what to expect, carbide touched one of the young ones there, and they got more power than they could already handle since she knew that's where they want to control what they were, she had always respect me as because heart of life must have been, especially those who couldn't control it, but then she started to think about the rumors she heard about a girl named rogue. This must have been someone or what she felt she understood Roseville was when she touched skin to skin with 8 mutants that she borrows their powers unfortunately and almost kills him she can kill a human very easily but she had been taught a little here and there how to control her ability. But she figured until she was older, she probably wouldn't be able to control it, but who knew what the future led for her. She sighed softly and looked up at Logan..

" I have a feeling I know a little of what it feels like to be rogue, I've heard of that young girl because when you're a sympathizer. You know where to go for the underground"
She could not but smile at his reaction when he found out that she knew exactly who Rogue was it wasn't hard to figure that out and when it came down to it everything just seemed suggest get more complicated she didn't know what to say to him but she did know one thing she would be able to tell him what she could without exposing anybody she knew that she would be welcomed with them but did not want them exposed because they helped the xmen in their own way. " wow when I can tell you Logan is that there actually mutants in the group they feed us the information in the underground now they are now by means misusing this information only a select few know about it and have sworn to keep it silent from your enemies because your enemies have always been our enemies in a way we have made contributions to the xmen in our own little ways like for instance who ran away wow when I can tell you Logan is that there actually mutants in the group they feed us the information in the underground now they are now by means misusing this information only a select few know about it and have sworn to keep it silent from your enemies because your enemies have always been our enemies are.

I remember a couple years ago, when I was still living in New York city, I ended up bumping into a rogue once she said that she was running away from school because she didn't feel like she belonged. Everybody knows that rogue has brown hair with a streak of white that was her identifying mark, and that was when magneto came when you guys had to fight, who do you think a herd all the humans to get out of there? From you guys fighting we did that because we believe in protecting both obviously humans need protecting because of their ignorance you guys can protecting because you guys don't want to hurt anybody accidentally when you fight and that is understandable it really is so show no about rogue and beast and I'm sorry about Jean Grey. She was the main mutant behind all of it, as she is the one that gave us the information, though I was never meant to tell you that I was never meant to admit it to anybody, and nobody could have gotten that information out of me even if they threatened death or tortured me.

So the only reason why I tell you now is because I don't like to lie. I don't like to keep things from people that I expect to trust me and vice versa, and I know that you had something to do with her when she was alive, I wish we could have found a way to help her. But I don't think she's really dead. As she has a creature inside her, a spirit and its very hard to kill her, it's hard to kill the Phenix, but in one way or another you will see her again notated the point. I'm sorry I hope I didnT angry you are set you by mentioning her, I just thought you should know that she was a hero to all of us."

And then all of a sudden when he stopped her she knew that he sensed or smelled something that did not agree with him so she followed his lead quickly and made no noise her heart was pounding she was breeding a kind of loud but she put her hand over her mouth to silence aesthetic her And then all of a sudden when he stopped her she knew that he sensed or smelled something that did not agree with him so she followed his lead quickly and made no noise her heart was pounding she was breeding a kind of loud but she put her hand Over her mouth to help quiet her down.
Alex had noticed the claws on his hand as a damn near scared the shit out of her, she was not used to it and because they were so close to her skin it redraw even more, he had not caught her, he seemed to know what to do with him, but then she thought for a moment and began to think she knew his history, his true history from what Jean had told her, but I only told her and nobody else, just in case of one day they had ever met because she'd always been thrusted by Wolverine his powers, the ability to heal it was amazing and she had seen him fight a few times too. I like the leather of the x men solid they were. It looked very good on him, but she shook her head as he began to move and they took off she didn't know how this was going to work if they were going to get away and everything deep inside her thought this might be a trap, not that he was knowingly leading her into a trap, but these people are not stupid. The Sentinel seems to be very very intelligent for machines.

Once they got into the highway, everything was smooth sailing until they both noted that something was up in the distance, and that's when she sends danger for the first time in her life. It hit her. Like a truck heading a human being, it was fast it was almost instant and it scared the piss out of her as they stopped, she saw what was going on and saw that mutant fly out, trying to get away, her eyes went wide and the second the Sentinel grabbed him. She grew angry, very, very angry to the point where she wanted to hit something or someone she heard what Logan said and just nodded to him, but as he turned around she looked behind and knew that they had seen him and this was going to be it she wasn't afraid, but she was pissed off she didn't know what they did to the mutant and didn't understand why they were doing this..

But she noticed the machines up ahead and everything in her just snapped she was not going to lose her life and be some fucking labrat what she didn't realize as she was grabbing on to logans sides roughly now that would hurt him but something that would alarm that something was going on she started panting as something inside her lost control and there was a shake to the ground the cars had no people on begin to rise from the ground. And she just jerked her head in the direction of the machines and the car just flung right at them. When she saw what she had done, she hoped that he would take the initiative and run like mad so to speak. Yet as she could do that, but the anger had just rolled up inside her so strongly.
He didn't seem fazed at what she had managed to do and she felt very light headed everything was got a hard in her head everything slowly sunk through when he asked if she could write a bite she shook her head no but she did have a photographic memory and she noticed his bike was automatic she watched him to see how to ride a bike and imparted him on the back she didn't know what he can a mind what he had planned? She had no clue everything in this moment froze her, and it was kind of hard to think but she spoke finally"

" Logan pull over. I should be able to ride your bike, I have never ridden before I have a photographic memory, I have watched you and I know your bike is an automatic, I believe very well, then I could drive the bike, successfully not kill us and get the hell outta here with us. The choice is yous Logan" right now it was a moment of trust. What do you do it? Or when he just trying do it himself, she had a feeling that he was going to use himself as a weapon, but she knew she could do it, she wanted to do it to prove that she could do a lot more to just sit there, her heart was racing yet she found it exhilarating and it was a nice feeling. The adrenaline rush was perfect.
At first I was kind of annoyed when he didn't allow her to drive because she knew professional to do it, but he didn't know her, so she kind of understood you and not was still annoying to think everything around her went by so fast when he bad them across, it was a familiar feeling and it was something not healthy that was far superagent an anybody had ever created in the human world, she followed his lead and got down into a ditch and laid flat on her back and looked up, she waited for those damn things to come by. She covered her mouth, just in case the land or whimper because it had over they'd be dead. Thankfully, however. So deep down she took the de breath and looked at loveWhen he asked her the question he did about a place to stay she thought for a moment and nodded.

" Down the start road there is going to be a bed and breakfast can take probably about 20 minutes to get there so we're gonna go anywhere better, do it now.." no idea what. But you gave him the information and he could do with it as he would everything in her made want to run, but she did not, she knew that would be foolish and stupid, so once they were gone, so she stood up and looked at him, she offered her hand to help him up, even though she knew he didn't need it, but it was a gesture of good will. And a sign of friend ship
She was glad that he said that he was starting to like her, all she wanted was a friend and she had a feeling that Logan would be that friend everything was going smoothly, she did, as he asked her to do, and finally, when he knew something was going to happen, something bad and she tried to argue to help he refused, so she did as he commanded and she actually sat on the bike, but then she saw a bigger man hearing what he said Eric she must have met, magneto the leader of the brotherhood of mutants, the leader of much destruction. She was worried she knew that they were pretty much very similar mutant lives she watched as the goon but she was getting very antsy and worried she knew this could end very badly but something inside her started to ache she didn't know what it was but it was starting to become rather painful more so than be an annoying.

Before you think it happened, she hunched over the bike. And flames began to engulf the bike, creating it into something much more than what it was. She didn't know if they were still under cover, but she had to stop the fighting she didn't know who was in the right and who was in the wrong, frankly, she didn't give a shit before she knew it the bike was transforming, it began to look something like ghost rider could do, but the anger inside her could now be seen she started the bike up as it rumbled and knew that the shield was down and that they would be visible, the bike was created into something different flames covered up the tires. In her eyes seem red, like she was not in control of herself, which she really wasn't. He rode the bike and right when they were slow part. She raised right in between and did a wheelie. And we twirled around trying to get them to stop once the bike was down on the ground she found and looked at sabertooth

" Nobody Will ever capture me. I am not a tool for destruction and I will not allow you to use me as such. I may not know what is happening to me, but I will not let you hurt Logan..". She narrowed her eyes at sabertooth and before anyone knew it she had actually thrown him hard against a tree 3 feet away from them she was panting and in pain better knows was bleeding badly as well as she was using her ability she knew nothing about her emotions is what controlled her power
The it didn't take long for an amount at what she did was a big mistake, but she just wanted the fighting to end. She didn't want anything to happen to Logan, nothing bad, but as it came down to it, she screwed up big time and heard the rumbling felt it and knew that they were in deep shit now everything was wrong in that moment, but she didn't know what to do about it, she was scared, and when he told her to take off she did she ran as quickly as her legs could take her and her legs could take her far. But what he didn't notice was one was right behind you watching her slowly, the Sentinel must have just been told to do it. Or did it on its own volition. But she really wasn't paying much attention and it happened

In that moment she didn't know what was going to happen she ran so quickly that her legs are certain to hurt her she did not want to be captured she did not want to be slave that she did not want to die whatever it was she had no idea what they had planned but she did not want any part of it that much she did know. Everything inside her just wanted to fly away and leave, but she knew that that wasn't going to happen, even if she could do it, she didn't think she would do it, I wasn't the kind of person that would cower out on that. As she was running because she didn't stop, she looked back and noticed that not all the sentinels were after Logan one was now turned at her and was heading in her direction, which freaked her out even more. She tried to run but knew that out running this thing was going to be impossible since it could fly and hell probably leap tall buildings in a single bound.

When I grabbed her she cried out Logan's name so loudly it was almost like the ground shook with how scared she was the tentacle grabbed her and she reached out for Logan try to help she wanted him to help so much and even that son of a bitch saber too she wanted his help to save her but I was not going to happen a simple fact that she was not going to be a prisoner and God knows what that meant she was thrown into a cell she hit her head and was unconscious for a while
The dream she had was a mix of good bad and sad she did not it was even possible, but everything is cider tried to get her to wake up, but unfortunately she started to dream about her parents, she saw herself as a very young child, about 2 or 3, crawling rolling around and everything a baby, would that was carefree in the world but a microphone. Yes, she saw herself grow up and I was saying what she had to relive the death of her parents, she tried so hard to save them. She was a big opera. And they got a front row seat to her favorite phantom of the opera well after they were done you know they were on their way to have dinner unfortunately there was a drunk driver that was going 70 in a 30. Her father tried to get out of the way, but unfortunately it was not meant to be they were hits. And her father went right through the windshield.

She could see herself trying to say her parents. Since she was a very smart little girl, she tried so hard she knew CPR, which just was not strong enough to do it. Her father was dead instantly, but her mother hung on until the ambulance arrived. There were a lot of people that felt bad for her, but there was just something about the accident that did not set right with her and never did. Because she had noticed, her father had tried to slam the brakes on and the brakes were not working. It was then she knew that someone wanted her family out of the way, unfortunately no one wanted to listen because she was so small when they died. Though, and she had asked to see the vehicle, she pointed out that the line to the brakes have been suffered, unfortunately they had never found the person responsible, but it was not an accident. It was a clean cut.

Then it was that that finally woke her up. She groaned as she slowly opened up her eyes, I notice that there were 2 other people in here with her it looked like a mother and their child who looked really really scared. Sense. The Sentinel had taken her. She knew that the woman had to be a mutant the child she did not know but she sent something about the woman she smiled at her to try to offer her some reassurance, she didn't know what was going to happen, but she wasn't going to just lay on her back and let them do whatever it is they wanted to do to her.

" Is your little one gifted to ma'am?" she wanted to show the lady she, too, with a mutant so that there was no need to be afraid of her.
She had no idea what that woman had done her while she was out cold, but she did see her life flash before her eyes was a very hard thing to see she saw her parents everybody that she had never known it died, it was kinda hard, but she didn't care when she woke up she tried to make pleasantries with this lady, unfortunately, I wasn't what happened she had accidentally turned her daughter into mutant, and when her mother said what she did, she looked down and tears began to form from her eyes, that was not when she attended not what she wanted to do, but it was out of her control. She looked up at the lady, tears, falling down her eyes as she spoke softly, her voice trembling. It was easy to see she was truly sad..

" I'm sorry you are right she should have kept me dead that is my power my burden my curse I can turn people regular humans into mutants. My power has just woken up within the last couple of days, but now I wish I was dead, I meant no harm to you or your little one. I am truly sorry." she sat in the corner she wanted to stay away from everybody she didn't want to hurt anybody. He turtled up as they would say in tears streamed down her eyes. Said she got angry a burst of rage as she stood up and then, with her hand with all her strength began to punch the metal like she could be Superman and punched themselves out, but she did not stop, she punched the so hard that she broke her knuckles and her hands were bleeding badly. Her right hand was completely fucked up. And slowly, she cried and began to slowly slide down the wall.

" I'm a freak that deserves to die.."
She did not understand why she did what she did, the only reason why she was in was he silent because she said that she wished she had never woken her up. She should have left her to die and now in a way she's thinking fox because now she has ability to do escape to get the hell out of there, she came down on the slam was over. She rubbed her cheek since it was really fucking sore. What to say to her? To hurt anybody else was the biggest year ever in her, she's asking as she had someone coming for her. She thought all for just a few seconds and knew exactly who would be coming in, she knew there was a lot more to Logan that met the eye she knew he'd be all survived, this all and she nodded to the woman.

" I just recently met someone that was one of the xmen, will be on there way to me, I was on my way to Massachusetts to talk to professor x. Since my powers have just woken up, he wanted to help me nurture them to control them so I wouldn't hurt anybody accidentally. I'm sure because of who they are and I'm sure you know they are they will help you and your daughter as well it won't be just me they will be saving it will be out as well and that I want to make sure they do if they don't but I'm pretty sure they would because they are heroes after all
She knew that the boys coming for her, it was really easy to know that because she could send some something her abilities have allowed her to do since him and the funny thing was sabertooth, she did not know Victor could be used as a allbut, it didn't matter, she watches a hole with being formed into the cage they were in and saw Victor she did not want to leave Nancy alone, she wanted to help her to reunite her with her daughter. Which is why she was fighting him, he didnT understand, but before she had a chance to really say anything, he hit her on the side of the head and she was out cold, it took her a few moments to realize what was going on, she was handed a little girl and was told to go to his safe place, but she shook her head.

" I can't do that I have a responsibility to the woman that still in there her name is Nancy and this is her daughter her daughter I made into a mutant I have to get her back to her mother I will not leave her for the seals to kill or whatever it is they do now you can either help me or get the hell out of my way but I am not leaving her I would never forgive myself if I allowed such a thing to happen."

She had no idea where that anger came from, but it just came out of her and it was actually kind of funny she looked at the little girl and saw that she wanted her mother and she was not going to rip her mother out of her sight, she was not going to allow any of this more to happen, and as she had to kill the goddamn machine she would, she looked at the little girl and assured her that she was going to do whatever she could to get her mother back to her because of foxy. Changed what happened in our family and she had to do something.
She didn't like being told what to do. That was very much sway. The she looked at him, she growled back at him in frustration as he took off and continued to go after Wolverine this had to end. And unfortunately, it up crying out when the tree fell so they were being very stupid and it was starting to really piss her off to the point where the ground was shaking. She made sure the little girl was okay and then walked in between each hand out. One out to Victor one out to Logan, but not in the way you would sink her hand wasn't reaching out to them exactly, but her hand was flexed up flat, like she's going to throw something at each one of them through her palm. Then it was then that she closed her eyes you couldn't take much more. She began to think about what she could do what she has done.

She did what she had to do when she was singing at the power that she had. She was trying to give them time to get away on bike, she was able to lift cars and throw them, perhaps she could make them freeze. I didnT know that was going to work, she didn't have time to test it, and now she was angry more than ever." you 2 have got to stop waiting over me because I am going back with Logan, I'm not going back with you and I swear to God, you try something Victor ill blow your ass up if I have to I am not going to be used to turn other people humans, mainly in Milton, didn't even want to turn that little girl. It was an accident. If this is about who has the biggest day I don't want to hear it we need to get out of here, we need to get out of here now."

She said with a look of determination on her face, she wasn't going to anybody stop her. Not even logan
She watched what was going on as she listened to what saber too said there was no way in hell that she was going with them she was her own person she was not a weapon and she already knew that was what Eric wanted her for anyway but as they battle back and forth about her, she knew that this is going to get a lot worse for her everything inside her grew even, more furious when they decided to try to fight again and she could not help it was to come next. She began to think about what happened this last few hours Logan was everything To her and that meant the site as well and this man sabertooth also known as Victor all he did was his her off? And she couldn't handle that anymore. She began to shake violently and as they kept battling in words back and forth since she was losing her grip on them, she knew it was not going to stop her was just going to get worse.

"Enough" she growled, which caused Logan and Victor to both be thrown back. If her nose was bleeding badly and she began to get very sick, she collapsed onto the ground as her nose bled. She grew angry and then hope that this will be enough to stop them, but she was not going to help magneto in any way the only way she wanted to help was to stop what he could do to her a weapon, making it were no humans existed. It was not a world she wanted to belong to. She was weak and very drained and knew that she would be able use her powers anymore. She tried so hard to stay conscious though she was getting a headache.

"Please stop I don't want to make people mutants against there will and mine"
She couldn't believe what was going on. She should have run when she had a chance she felt stupid or an over when he grabbed her and hit her. She was out cold. She slowly started to wake up when she is. Her eyes opened and saw the man she knew exactly who it was. And saw the other mutants watching her. She looked over her body and saw the scratches and looked at Victor, he was as good as dead. I didnT know what was going to happen. But she didn't care. She slowly stood up, wiped the blood from her nose and knew exactly who this man was, she knew who's history very well, the reason why he became so close minded to humans. He blamed what happened so many years ago on ignorance.

" I know all about you Eric more you think any human or me knows about you the only one that would know this kind of information would be professor x last year and daughter to a handful of inner human. But making every human pay for what they did to you some years ago, you're stupid if you think I want to do it willingly. And I hate to tell you are, are you going through the water than do anything? Oh, he scratches. I know all too well that I'm going to be found. The sense of my blood will be enough Find me so I highly suggest to leave me the fuck alone because I'm never going to help you."

She hopes to get to Logan would be able to find her, and just that little bit was around, she wished that she was more telepathic than anything, but she didn't know what all her powers were and right now she was drained and couldn't use any of them, but she was so angry with what was going on now she looked outside the window and hope to God he would come quickly. When it came down to everything, she was more afraid about what was going to happen if she fought she just hoped to God. The Charles will be able to find her since he had his technology that he had. So I decided to try her damnest to reach him, she didn't. All fit would work, but she had to do something.

" Charles, I'm in trouble mag needle has me. Victor knocked me out so I couldn't stop him from taking me, I hope Logan can find my scent, but I don't know if he's going to be able to. I don't want to hurt anybody? But I have a feeling magneto. Has his ways of forcing someone to do what he wants.."
As he spoke to her, she really listened and sounded like he was a good man at one point, but what point does he throw away everything because of his anger when it came down to it, she started to realize that these powers that manifested with just being thrown out there because they're body, didn't know what she wanted, but she started to think about what her true power was her humans into mutants, but what if it was possible to turn mutants into humans it had to have been the same thing, but as she started to plot in her head had to stop him, she began to wonder what ore she can learn from him. So she did something more of a test than anything being out. She took a deep breath and placed her hand. And she was placed in that forest that ended his humanity. She saw what he did using his power to help a friend, so he wouldn't be killed by machinery.

Here he tried to do good with his power, and the humans looked at him like he was a freak and his daughter could not control her powers? She was terrified she wanted to protect his wife and daughter. She saw how they used arrow so he could not stop them from taking his daughter. And then saw his wife accidentally shot, teats fell down Holly's cheeks and let him go, looking into his cold eyes she spoke in his true language. Which was polish.

"I'm so sorry you lost your family to stupid people, but what do you think Magda or your daughter Nina would want you to do, it may have been another life but your still hurting over it, you turn every human into a mutant you won't have peace but a war mutant against mutant like how your brother hood goes after the xmen."
Holly couldn't help but laugh as he actually thought that Wanda was going to be able to break her, she knew all too well what Wanda could do. She knew about her even before All of this. But she couldn't help but still feel sorry for Eric, he was what he was because of his past and wonder technically being the second daughter and knew all too well that quicksilver was her brother. She looked into Wanda's eyes and now she was going to do exactly what her father told her to do like a good little girl, everybody did what he wanted him to do, and that was what made him powerful, but she looked over back at Eric And shook her head softly. She really did so sorry for him.

" I am sorry you have suffered so much Eric, but no matter what you do to me, no matter what you have your children do to me, I will not help you and I hate to tell you, but if I can make humans, I most likely could make you back to human so I'd be very careful who you mess with." down she was scared because she really did know how her powers were going to see she had a bad feeling it was going to be about torture would have to last until Wolverine or the xmen came for her. Tried so hard to communicate to indicate with somebody it was possible she didn't know if anybody could hear her. That was the biggest problem. She didn't know if it was a. It was possible for her to reach professor x or anybody for that matter.
She was scared that he was going to die on her watching how much pain he was in, she had to do something but doing as he asked? She did not know if she could do that in the least, she looked into Logan's eyes and tears fell down her cheeks. She looked down to the ground and closed her eyes, she had been hurt badly by Wanda and should have been broken by now. But she slowly stood up onto her feet with a grunt blood coming from the cut on her lip. If she could see into the past then she could manipulate her ability. She walked up to Logan looking like she was going to do what Eric wanted her to do. She looked sad in his eyes and was rather sad she did not know what to do now. Her back against the wall as she looked up at the sky and closed her eyes, tears falling down her face.

What she didn't know however as one of the mutants from the brotherhood collapsed onto the ground and seemed to be convulsing and watched as everything changed on him, he went from being a mutant to becoming human. It was easy to see because the kid reminded her of Hank the one they called beast because his mutation was physical and before them all he was human, she did not know what the hell was going on, was this her or an illusion?
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She did not know how she was doing it but she just kept going, she grinned holding all the power here. She only had to think about it she didn't need to move a hand or arm. When he grabbed her she made no sounds and she had the power here. She understood in one way she was the most powerful if you think about it. She looked at Magneto and growled at him, she was annoyed. "Only way I will do that is if you let Logan and myself go. I can take away your power to Eric so watch what you do. All I need to Dom is think it, your helmet won't block it" she said simply more pissed then ever, as she narrowed her eyes and began to think it her powers now effecting his daughter.

",let us go or your daughter is next" she spoke in Polish
She hadn't realized just how screwed she was and when he attack ed her she cried out until everything went dark. She had no idea what was going to happen she woke up and knew something was very wrong, she could sense her mental powers were blocked, and headed what he said, but the important thing was Logan was gone and that was important. Looking at him she could not help but laugh. "The difference between us I'm selfless your selfish its that simple, you can do what ever you want to me, the point was to piss you off soi you would let Logan go, my life does not matter, sacrifice the few to save the many" she walked away and sat down prepared to die
She was listening greatly to Eric what he said and unfortunately he was right on a lot of it but the reason why humans fear mutants is because they fear what they do not understand he had tried to do this before with rogue she almost died because of it. People that are mutants were meant to be mutants people that were human were meant to be human yet he did not seem to understand that. He felt it necessary to show her what they do when a mutant is captured and it would be very apparent on everybody that she was upset greatly as tears welled up in her eyes but did not shed after she was done watching it, she put her head down and closed her eyes. It Was a lot to her it was a lot to bear, but that man was killed before she had a chance to save him. Everything he was saying made sense to her and yet she couldn't do it at least she didn't think she could do it if she did it would kill her and she wasn't going to sacrifice herself for a brotherhood member. Everything he was saying made sense to her and yet she couldn't do it at least she didn't think she could do it if she did, it would kill her and she wasn't going to sacrifice herself for a brotherhood member

" What, you say, makes sense Eric I won't lie to you, but people that are mutants and people are human are meant to be such. You want to know why people fear mutants they are 2 big reasons, Eric one because they do not understand what they cannot control that is when were supposed to help the people and another is because you people keep destroying shit you try doing this to rogue a few years ago. You killed hundreds of humans in the process.
Part of you selfless Eric but the way you're doing it is not. You destroyed a subway station you destroyed our bridge people are afraid because you're using your powers for evil I understand what professor x is trying to do and I respect him greatly but I also respect you greatly as well I was there when that man was taken I tried to save him but my powers did not manifest fast enough it tares me Up we have to see what humans do to us, but I was a human only 20 hours ago."

She stood up and looked out the window hoping that the xmen would hurry because she was actually considering his offer and it was very easy to see that she was she wanted out of her before she actually did it because if she did she would never forgive herself