1986: The Year the Civil Rights Movement Was Murdered

Pot, meet kettle.

This is just from this week, you poutraging pussy. TWENTY THREADS IN ONE WEEK.

You literally posted about a doctor who has never examined President Biden that he will resign soon.

Thread count = infuriation??

LOL you're as fucking retarded as Rory and Rob. :D
Thread count = infuriation??

LOL you're as fucking retarded as Rory and Rob

Yet still not as dumb as you. You should read the thread before popping off, my post was in direct relation to what Granpa Urine said. But hey, he's an alt-right mongoloid too.
Pot, meet kettle.

This is just from this week, you poutraging pussy. TWENTY THREADS IN ONE WEEK.

Proving my work ethic and quality output totally outstrips yours. When was the last time you saw an outrageously mentally ill person on the street and said to yourself, self, you don't know what your seeing, so to be sure wait for a psychiatrist to show up with a formal diagnosis? :rolleyes:
Proving my work ethic and quality output totally outstrips yours. When was the last time you saw an outrageously mentally ill person on the street and said to yourself, self, you don't know what your seeing, so to be sure wait for a psychiatrist to show up with a formal diagnosis? :rolleyes:

How often do young people ask if you need help finding your way back to the eldercare facility for the cognitively disabled?
How often do young people ask if you need help finding your way back to the eldercare facility for the cognitively disabled?

Never. I'm loved, respected, and admired by people who know me and do business with me. I know that pisses you off, but tough shit.:D
Never. I'm loved, respected, and admired by people who know me and do business with me. I know that pisses you off, but tough shit.

Yes, all of your friend and businesses partner love you so much that you had to flee your home state and live in complete isolation while frantically posting your asinine musings all day. 🤣
Yes, all of your friend and businesses partner love you so much that you had to flee your home state and live in complete isolation while frantically posting your asinine musings all day. 🤣

That's not quite accurate. I had this place for years, just didn't live here full time. I do business in several states and have friends in those states. My business partner is still in California. As a matter of fact, you'll be happy to hear, I'll be leaving you to your own devices in a week or two. I'll be gone a month or so tending to a new project we have going in the great state of Colorado. So you can look forward to an easier time waddling around the house with my size 12 boot removed temporarily from its regular home in your tortured butt. Don't say I've never done you any favors.:D:rolleyes:
That's not quite accurate. I had this place for years, just didn't live here full time. I do business in several states and have friends in those states. My business partner is still in California. As a matter of fact, you'll be happy to hear, I'll be leaving you to your own devices in a week or two. I'll be gone a month or so tending to a new project we have going in the great state of Colorado. So you can look forward to an easier time waddling around the house with my size 12 boot removed temporarily from its regular home in your tortured butt. Don't say I've never done you any favors.

All this bluster and you're still talking about my ass, twink.
As Eric Hoffer noted, every great cause begins as a movement, turns into a business and degenerates into a racket. "Civil Rights" had obviously his the terminal stage of this in 1986, and the falling camel attracted the knives of, yes, the Critical Race Theorists.

Very interesting article on how CRT - the antithesis of civil rights - displaced civil rights. The author obviously knows a great deal about CRT:


Careful, D-bags get really, really, REALLY pissed of when you present them with facts.
Careful, D-bags get really, really, REALLY pissed of when you present them with facts.

Yeah, they keep saying I'm "obsessed with race" when I object to their new CRT religion which says that the most important thing about you is your race, something which no one has control over.

I'm an extremist who thinks that what you choose to do with your life means more than what is your purely by accident of birth. I know, loopy, no?
Careful, D-bags get really, really, REALLY pissed of when you present them with facts.

Yeah, they keep saying I'm "obsessed with race" when I object to their new CRT religion which says that the most important thing about you is your race, something which no one has control over.

I'm an extremist who thinks that what you choose to do with your life means more than what is your purely by accident of birth. I know, loopy, no?

You two would make a great couple!!!

Here.......:rose::rose:one for each of you.:)
You two would make a great couple!!!

Here.......:rose::rose:one for each of you.:)

Oh, look, Fuzzynuts is showing his immaturity.

Maybe the 'D' in Democrat stands for Detritus.

But, hey, Fuzzynuts, good for you. It's good that you keep trying to be witty, though I'd update your material. I'm rooting for you, little guy.

Here's a 'Participation Award' for you.
CRT is an opinion devoid of factual foundation and packaged as a theory. It lacks intellectual foundation.
*checks to see who bumped this useless shitty necro thread up*

You know it's an old thread when: 1) Corneus Kausa wasn't banned yet, and 2) Hisarpy/ICanhelp/etc. was still using "Bud
Spencer" as his screen name.