The King & His Mistress (closed)


Really Experienced
Dec 11, 2013
The cold winter breeze sneaks into the horse drawn carriage along with the sunlight that starts to wakes up the sleepy Veronique. She pulls up the soft rabbit fur blanket closer to her face, feeling comfort in the soft fur as it brushes against her chin. She glances across and sees her lady-in-waiting sleeping soundly as the carriage continues to bump over the poorly paved roads. She takes her soft dainty hands and carefully peels away the curtain that has kept the sun shielded from her sleeping eyes. Her eyes adjust to the brightness of the sun and the green that has been absent since she's started her travels. The sudden change in light in the carriage stirs her companion and shows her alertness by an accidental kick to Veronqiue's leg as she stretches her tired legs.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to." The young maiden quickly says as she quickly glances at Veronique, speaking in their native tongue, French.

Veronique gives her a sleepy smile, her lips dry as they've attempted to ignore their desire for thirst as it would delay their travels, her bright blue eyes understanding as she gives her a nod, "Its fine." The young maiden, Rachelle smiles thankful for the lack of Veronique's anger.

"Are you alright my lady?" Rachelle asks as she stifles a yawn.

Veronique's eyes are on the ruby ring dominating her left hand, a promise given by her elder husband after it was decided she would marry the father of her previous fiancé to secure her family's new noble position in a new court, a new country. Rachelle looks jealously as her eyes move to her right hand, carefully eyeing the pearl ring surrounded by diamonds on her right middle finger and a thick gold ring with her family's insignia branding her as from the great La Tremoile family in France.

"Are you excited for your wedding?" Rachelle asks uneasy with the silence of the carriage as the sound of pebbles being crushed by the sturdy tires and the trotting of the horses echoing through their passenger carriage.

Veronique raises her right eyebrow and gently touches the molars of her left side together, her lips sealed from words.

Rachelle blushes quickly in embarrassment realizing Veronique's lack of desire to talk about her wedding.

"You must be excited to meet the King…" Rachelle quickly stammers, wanting to change the subject her lips still speaking their native language.

Veronique relaxes her jaw and eyebrow and gives Rachelle a gentle nod.

"I've heard he's quite the gentleman, I mean I've heard he had some fun during his years as a prince, I mean who doesn't…but I've heard he's quite…" Rachelle continues to stammer.

Veronique closes her eyes, her mind furious in her inability to do anything but to marry a man that is the age of her grandfather to secure her family's continued dominance across the countries of Europe.

"I only think and worry about Princess Alexa." Veronique says as she opens her eyes and finally opens her lips, her French accent mixed in her speech as she speaks the English language.

"Of course, my lady." Rachelle replies in concert with Veronique's speech in English.

The carriage comes to a stop with voices of Veronique's personal driver and the other drivers of her other carriages speaking to the guards of the castle.

"My lady, I believe we're here." Rachelle speaks her tongue having difficulty getting used to the English language.

Veronique breathes out heavily from her nose, the duo waiting for a footman to come and allow her to exit from her cramped enclosure.

Veronique hands Rachelle the soft rabbit fur blanket, as she hands her a small mirror to allow her to check her appearances along with a small gold tin filled with a red paste. Veronique carefully took the red paste and applied it to her lips, attempting to cover her dry lips and gently rubbed it in her cheeks, wanting to give the allure of a fresh face.

The two eye the handle of the carriage door as it turns and allows the breeze of fresh air into the carriage. The two first cringe as the cold air blasts throughout the carriage, Rachelle quickly reaching for Veronique's fur lined gloves and putting them on her dainty hands.

Veronique thanks Rachelle with a smile and watches the footman place a wooden block at the foot of her carriage. The footman smiles big studying the maroon colored winter coat practically drowning the tall slender young lady in front of her.

"Welcome to Castle Vladmire. Lady Veronique La Tremoille" A man dressed in all black tells Veronique as she gives her hand to the plump man.

Veronique looks into the man's eyes and smiles with just her lips, "Thank you" she attempts to hide her French accent but fails to do so.

Veronique quickly takes her gloved hand away from the man and waits for Rachelle to exit her carriage, her eyes then studies the other two carriage that had accompanied her trip.

"I'll make sure that all your things are situated in your rooms." The plump man quips, smiling big jealous of the elder man that will take her as his wife.

Veronique replies with a nod, Rachelle making sure that Veronique's head is covered from the cold with the hood that accompanied her jacket.

"I've been told to quickly take you to the King, Lord Beaufort should be with him as well." The plump man adds.

"And so we shall go." Veronqiue says as she quickly makes her way toward the entrance of Castle Vladmire.
“It is time to awake my king”

Alexander Tiberuis Stone A.K.A The King A.K.A The golden sun (the only son but still) and A.K.A the party boy growled and ignored Sir Gregor’s words. His rough callused hands quickly grabbed the heavy silk blanket and pulled it up sliding it farther up his naked body as he pulled it over his head. The soft silk cocooned around him giving him a momentary bubble of safety as he tried to ignore his advisors pleas to wake up.

“You shouldn’t play hard ball with me Alex”

The king heard his advisor moving away from his huge, wooden four-poster bed and seconds later a blinding light flared up. The afternoon sun cut through the simple sheet blanket and blinded Alex causing him to curse and fling the blankets off of him.

“Fine” Alex growled shooting Sir Gregor a nasty look as he got up “I am up are you happy?”

“I would be more happy if you wore under clothes to sleep” Sir Gregor retorted pointedly looking away “Go get ready for the day and I will join you at the breakfast table”

“Tell a king what to do” Alex murmured shaking his head as his advisor left “I should have you flogged!”

But Sir Gregor was already gone closing the heavy oak door with a simple click. Alex turned to his bed and sighed seeing that his “wife’s” side was empty and clearly had not been slept in that night. He put a hand to the bed to make sure and found it both cold to the touch and without even a trace of her hair or skin. Knowing her she had probably slept in Alexa’s bedroom under some false claim of need. She wasn’t fooling any one however and most of the staff was already gossiping about the King and the Queen having a falling out.
“Bloody woman” Alex murmured to himself ignoring the bed and moving across the smooth cold stone of his bedroom. Winter was chilling the castle more so than usual this year and as Alex padded into the large bathroom he made a mental note to talk to the staff about getting more fires going to flush out the chill. The castle was filling with more and more advisors ever since his father’s death and most of them would be looking for any excuse to call him unfit. He needed to be the best host he could be as well as the best ruler.

“What I wouldn’t give for some more wine” Alex murmured stepping into his bathroom and heading to the large marble basin filled with lukewarm water. He splashed some on his face and chased away the last of his sleep before running his tongue across his cracked lips. He took a small sip of the water than began getting ready for the day, first he shaved using his father’s old straight razor to chip away and cut the few patches of stubble that had grown in the night. He made sure his face was perfectly free of any lingering hairs before he stepped back and admired his form.

He had never been one for leadership and etiquette be had had been more than decent at swordplay. His rigorous training had given him a decent physique; he was of medium height and a little on the lean side, his skin was a rich golden tan from practicing in the yard and it was free of any dirt or scars that would like unbecoming, he had a handsome face with strong features and short cropped hair that looked professional and serious, his eyes were his most attractive feature they were a rich green almost emerald like and they sparkled with electricity and had stormy look to them, his legs were hairy and large almost like tree trunks and his balls hung between his legs as well as a large limp cock.

“At least I look like a king” Alex murmured “even though I don’t feel like one”
Such thoughts wouldn’t help him face the day any better so he quickly banished them instead focusing on his martial problem as he walked over to his massive wooden dresser. So now she wasn’t going to sleep in the same bed with him? It wasn’t his fault she could not give him a son or a heir to the kingdom, it wasn’t his fault they had lost two more babies. He had never been mean to her about it or even unkind their marriage wasn’t one born out of love that for sure but he bore no ill will to her. He even felt bad that she had to go through it, he may have lost the possibility of a baby but to her each of the other children they lost had been real to her. After the last one she had refused to talk to him instead choosing to spend all her time with there one and only child Alexa.

“Her governess is coming today” Alex murmured to himself ignoring his plain clothes (that he preferred) and instead pulling out a rich black and red cloak “remember to ask her about it” he reminded himself as he began pulling on his clothes and getting dressed.

He had been absent for most of her life drinking and partying and doing all the things a prince did. When his father died and he became king however he had promised to himself that he would grow up and with a bit of luck be a half way decent father to her. She adored him as much as he adored her and the one good thing that had come from his father’s death had been the closeness they now had for each other.

“Time to go be king” Alex said buttoning the last button his coat and grabbing his crown from the simple satin pillow it sat on, it was his father’s crown and the gold was polished to a sheen, all of the rubies and emeralds inlaid had been shone to a sparkle yesterday by the royal crown attendant. He slid it on his head and winced a little at the weight, it was a physiological weight as much as a physical one and even though he had been a king for six months now he still had a hard time getting used to it.

“Deep breaths” Alex said before putting on his “happiest” smile “get through the day and honor father as best you can”

He turned leaving before his nerve got the better of him and he rushed back into his bed. The kingsgaurd was waiting for him as he left the room wearing their best gold and silver armor and keeping one hand close to their swords.

“Good morning boys” Alex said cheerfully clapping them on the back “Keeping me out of trouble today eh?”

“Yes our liege” They both said as they walked down the warm wooden staircase that led them down to the main part of Castle Vladimir (named after his ancestor the first king of Essanders).

“You don’t have to be so formal” Alex said adjusting his crown and shaking his head slightly “you are guarding me with your lives I think that entitles you to not be so serious all the time”

“But there honor tells them not to” Sir Gregor said waiting down stairs in one of the large plushy red chairs his father was so fond of. Sir Gregor was some thing of a beast, a massive bulk of muscle and hair that looked comically out of place in the comfortable chair. Alex watched as he managed to extradite himself and bit back the urge to laugh at his uncle’s discomfort.

“Honor is no fun” Alex said ignoring his kingsgaurd and going to clap his uncle on the back “to many people get caught up in it when they can just have a fun time”

“You are a king now Alex” Sir Gregor hissed smiling and nodding at the people moving through the castle and preparing it for all the guest “You must act like one”

“And I have been trying” Alex reminded him “but my father was to stuffy for his own good I want to lead these people and not scare them”

“Well with all of your fathers council here you need to be on your best behavior!” Sir Gregor hissed quietly “any one of them can be on the lookout to discredit and remove you from the throne”

“I understand that” Alex said nodding “I will behave but we will talk later Uncle I need to go meet Alexa’s new governess”

Sir Gregor nodded and moved away to check on some thing. Alex watched him go before he turned on his heel and quickly made his way to his fathers…. His study. He saw Lord Beaufort waiting by the door leading into his fathers study and stops nodding at him as he bowed.

“Lord Beaufort” Alex said summoning up his “king” voice “I hear that your bride is on her way to see us”

“Yes my king” The elder man said nodding fiercely “I assure you she is every thing you wished for”

“I am sure she is” Alex said smiling at the old man “but I am going to have to ask you to leave I would rather speak to her alone so we can discuss my daughters needs and while I am sure you wouldn’t I do not need any thing influencing her answers”

“Uh” Lord Beaufort stammered widening his eyes “I guess so my liege”

“Thank you” Alex said placing a hand on his shoulders “You will see your bride after I am done with her so please go enjoy breakfast”

Breakfast seemed to do the trick for him because he quickly left and scampered down the hall. Alex breathed a sigh of relief out and thanked the gods it had been so easy to get him to leave. He opened the door to his fathers study and stepped in feeling the soft mountain line fur cause his boots to sink down. His father’s desk was waiting for him towering and dominating the space just like his father had when he was alive. Alex’s mind flashed to all the times he had been in this room, some good some bad. His father had always ended each time with a lesson trying to teach his son some sort of responsibility.

Now it was forced on him

He sat down in the marble high backed chair and waited pouring himself and the new governess a glass of the country’s finest wine. He filled both crystal glasses and sat it down resisting the urge to sip his as he waited for her to come in.
Veronique attempts to abstain from allowing her eyes to take in, to allow herself to learn her new surroundings as she doesn't want to look like a lost girl with eyes wide open trying to get accustomed to her new surroundings.

Despite her true desire to look up at the intricately decorated ceilings, the walls covered with beautifully sewn tapestry and colorful paintings hanging along the hallways. Instead she followed the plump man who greeted her at the entrance of the Castle, her eyes looking only straightforward to her destination.

The plump man introduced himself but she wasn't careful enough to learn his name. He keeps on rambling about the court here, trying to inform Veronique, the great daughter of the La Tremoille family, the ins and out of this court and more importantly for his curiosity, learn more about Veronique.

However rather than Veronique answering, it was Rachelle who answered on her behalf. Rachelle wished Veronique was more personable, especially when the other person made the effort to get to know Veronique. But it was useless, Veronique rarely opened her lips when it came to conversing with men she found disinteresting or useless to her.

Veronique's mind was preoccupied as she tried to think of exactly what she would say to her future husband, that man she was initially introduced as the father of her future husband. Although Veronique didn't truly care for the man she was supposed to marry, prior to his death, she was at least content with the fact that he was a handsome man who was near her age. But now she was forced to marry his father, a man who greedily looked at her when they first met.

Veronique drowned out the voices of Rachelle and the plump man and concentrated more on the sound of her wooden heels hitting hard on the cold stones. She could see the peering eyes from the other members of the court and from the guards who would steal glances from her.

People whispering to each other as they glanced at Veronique and her entourage were seen from the corner of her eyes. Veronique ignored the whispers, the curiosity of others, as they were nothing new to her or even Rachelle.

Soon the plump man kept on greeting more of the people walking along the hallways as the number of guards around the hallways and the doors grew, Veronique knew that they were close to the location of the King.

Veronique's heart skipped a beat when she thought about the King of Essanders. She had heard many stories about him as the good-looking Prince who only feared the death of his father who everyone assumed wasn't for at least another several decades. She had only seen portraits of him and each one depicted him as a handsome man, noble and powerful.

Soon the steps of the plump man slowed as well and he stopped in front of two guards, guarding the door to the King's study.

"Lady Veronique La Tremoille is here to see Lord Beaufort and the King." The plump man said directly to the guards, despite the many years he had worked for the king the plump man still feared the guards of the castle as he had no skills to protect himself.

Veronique took this time as to take off the hood of her coat, allowing her blonde hair which was kept with a long braid to come out from the warmth of her fur lined hood. The floral scent of lavender filling the senses of the guards for a mere second.

The guards nodded their heads and slowly the door opened.

"Lady Veronique La Tremoille and Lady Rachelle de Blois." The plump man quickly announced as he first entered the room with a bow.

Veronique followed suit along with Rachelle who had her head already down, while Veronique quickly met the eyes of King Alex. Her eyes quickly scanned the room for Lord Beaufort, but he was absent from the room.

Realizing that she was in presence of the king, and only him, Veronique curtsied, bending her knees which screamed in pain from their long journey while she made sure to keep her back straight. She met the eyes of King Alex, pleasantly surprised that all the portraits she had seen of him did no justice to the true attractive features of the young king.

"I am at your service, my grace." Veronique said as she allowed her blue eyes stare into the eyes of the king. Her speech laced heavily with her French accent which she had prior attempted to abandon but this time allowing it to linger.
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His breath caught in his throat

The woman who was curtseying in front of him was beautiful…. More beautiful then he had ever seen. From her hair down to her toes he had never ever seen a more beautiful work of art then the girl in front of him. She was heaven incarnate an angel in some ways. He couldn’t tear her eyes off of her couldn’t stop his mouth from almost opening………..

He cleared his throat, using it to shake away the surprise and his own awe struck look. He carefully pushed the high baked chair out and paused to grab her glass of wine from his desk. He strode across it ignoring his fathers many many stuffed mounts and going to where she was curtseying.

“Welcome to my kingdom” Alex said nodding at her to rise and trying not to get to caught up in her scent, his own scent wafted towards her male and very very manly. He towered above her and he had to resist the urge to bend down and give a soft sweet……

“You may sit” Alex said quickly handing her the glass and turning on his heel his coat swishing softly as he walked back over to his fathers…. His seat and sat down.

“I trust your journey was good?” Alex asked his voice becoming dry again; he quickly reached for his glass tumbler and picked it up pushing the amber colored liquid down his throat and sighing as the warm fiery liquid rushed through his bones. He hadn’t had a drink in a fortnight and certainly not the amount he would have consumed before he was king.

He was technically not allowed to have any (his uncles orders) but there was too much wine around for them to take them all. Besides his “addiction” if that’s what you wanted to call it wasn’t as bad as his “advisors” wanted to think it was.
Veronique carefully stands back up as she hears the voice of King Alex. Rachelle standing close by and the plump man already on his way to his next assignment.

Still standing, Veronique studies the darkly colored drink he had offered her and watches the King sip the alcoholic drink. She could tell from the way he sipped his drink, it was not his first time yet she was keen to observe that he relished it too much for him to drink it freely throughout the day.

"It was a fine journey, King Alex." Rachelle quickly interjected as she found that Veronique was still keeping to herself and in hopes that Rachelle's voice would awaken Veronique from whatever trance she was in. Rachelle still stumbling over the English language, her French accent heavy in her speech.

"Yes, it was fine." Veronique adds, her eyes meeting the king's. Despite her manners knowing she should sit, with the layers she had worn for their journey and with her heavy coat, the last thing Veronique would find comfort in was to sit.
“I see” Alex said frowning and placing his drink down with a soft thud, the governess seemed….. distant and not really speaking. He supposed it could have been because of her tiring journey but there was some thing else there. He couldn’t figure out what it was but it only furthered the intrigue and want he had for her.

He would have to be careful around her

“I wish to speak to you about my daughters training and schooling” Alex said folding his large hands across the desk and studying her closely as the warmth from the large stone fire place cracked beside them “I know you have had a long journey but I was hopping your lady in waiting could excuse herself so we could speak in private if you need to however it can wait”

His hand gave a small twitch and he knew it was calling for more of the alcoholic drink. He was nervous and flustered around the beauty and combining that with the nerves of being a king was enough to make him want to hit the bottle hard. He had been a good king so far but this girl was testing his resolve more than any thing else so far.
Rachelle carefully studied the disappointed look on the King's face and bit her tongue, she wanted to say something to Veronique as it was obvious he was uncomfortable with Veronique's cold demeanor. As the King, Rachelle assumed that he was only surrounded by people who only catered to his needs with a friendly, warm-hearted manner. But with the King's request in seeing Veronique alone, Rachelle knew it was her time to leave Veronique's side.

"I will go and see your new rooms, make sure that all your belongings go in the right place." Rachelle quickly stammered, her tongue still getting accustomed to the English language.

Rachelle waited patiently for Veronique's approval in her departure but instead her eyes were on the fire that had just crackled loudly, filling the silence in the room.

"We can speak now, if that is what you wish, your grace." Veronique said carefully, this time attempting to hide her French accent. Her eyes were back on Alex and then she glanced at Rachelle who quickly curtsied to the King and walked back to the door. The creaking sound of the door as it was opened for Rachelle was quickly followed by the thud of the door closing, occupying the lack of conversation between Veronique and Alex.

Veronique stayed standing next to the chair that was offered to her, her eyes on the table and the dark liquid her lips were begging to drink.

"You have to excuse me your highness, your castle is chilly compared to what I'm used to. Prior to this, I was in the mediterranean attempting to flee the cold winter." Veronique quickly made an excuse, her head wishing she was still back on her family's holiday house where she often escaped to flee the harshness of winter.

But then another reason to Veronique's lack of vigor was known to the king as her stomach grumbled, demanding to be fed. Veronique's cheeks quickly flushed embarrassed by her inability to control her hunger in front of the king.

"Je suis désole" Veronique replied in her native French, her right hand quickly on her stomach as if to tell it to be quiet, her lips unaware in her change of speech.
“I am so sorry” King Alex said as his strong chiseled jaw worked, his easy going relaxed smile changing into a worried frown. He wasn’t thinking of her and once again he was too preoccupied with his own wants and needs. He knew the new governess had been in the Mediterranean prior to her journey and that the journey to here would have been very tiring and hard to adjust to. He was badgering her with questions and talking when she was hungry and probably tired.

“I did not mean to keep you from getting some food and rest” Alex said gently pushing his chair back and wincing as the stone ground against the rough stone floor in the office “It was not prudent of me to want to speak to you after you have had such a long journey and I apologize for my lapse in manners it is not very noble of me to keep a beautiful lady from her husband and her rest” he said leaning against he desk his long muscular arms folding against his chest as he regarded her.

He didn’t know (or at least didn’t mean to) but his eyes were dark with lust for her. His eyes had never been one to lie and right now the electric green had darkened into a stormy charged look. He regarded her as if she was just a simple noble woman but his eyes….. His eyes told a different story they told the story of how much he wanted her how interested and piqued he was by her.

“Please go rest and eat if you must” Alex said speaking to her as if he didn’t know what his eyes were doing “when you have had your fill and are ready to speak come back to my office or if you are eager to speak to me then go get out of your traveling clothes and come back here I will have dinner brought to us and we can discuss my daughters schooling I would like to get our discussion going as soon as possible so you can meet my daughter but it is your choice you are a guest of my castle and you and your husband will have nor want for nothing”
Veronique furrowed her eyebrows gently as she heard the word of her new employer and the King speak. His lips moved swiftly, his eyes unwavering from Veronique's eyes currently mirroring the color of the sea. She was embarrassed by her audible stomach and cursed at it as she wished to retire to the rooms, not just to change out of her traveling clothes but to retreat and spend the rest of the night there.

Veronique relaxed her brows and carefully opened her red stained lips.

"I will change into clothes, more suitable for your castle." Veronique replied carefully. "And if my King would graciously accept my presence at dinner, I would like to discuss about your daughter." Veronique carefully crafted her words as to make sure they pleased her new employer. She had no desire to eat with the king, but she was curious about his daughter.

She curtsied and left the king's study and made her way to her room. She was placed into the apartments reserved for foreign dignitaries. Luckily until her marriage to Lord Beaufort, Veronique was granted to stay in separate apartments.

Rachelle had already readied a navy blue dress, with intricate beadings and lace along the waist and the arms for Veronique to change into. Veronique placed dabs of rose perfume along her jaw line and right between her cleavage.

A fox fur neck warmer was placed around her neck, covering her gold, jeweled cross. Her hand still decorated by the ruby ring her fiancé had given her, the pearl ring from her family and the gold ring that showed everyone her great bloodline. Her ears were decorated with large pearl earrings and her hair, which was earlier in a braid was now flowing freely as soft curls.

An intricately beaded head piece rested on the crown of her head, keeping her hair out of her face. A simple pair of heavy pearl earrings rested on her ears. To fight the chill of the castle she covered her body with a turquoise cape lined with fur.

Veronique then made her way quickly back to the King's study, her eyes steadfast to her destination, her feet quick as she feared bumping into her future husband. She hoped that she would be occupied with the duty as the governess to the king's daughter and that her requirements as the Lady of the Beaufort family would only come second to the needs of the King.

As she found herself at the entrance of the King's study, she couldn't help but wish that it was the King she was to marry and not Lord Beaufort. Not only because she desired to be royalty but because she couldn't stand marrying a man of her grandfather's age and share a bed with him. But the King, she would have happily shared a bed with.

"Lady Veronique La Tremoille" said one of the guards as he opened the door for Veronique. She carefully crossed the threshold and curtsied for the King. She then walked to the chair she was previously offered by the king and carefully seated herself in it, "Yes, your majesty now lets speak about your daughter." Her posh French accent laced into her speech.
Alex watched her go; as soon as the heavy oak door slammed he let out a long breath and got up nervously moving over to the fireplace. What was wrong with him? He had acted like a lovesick teenager the minute she stepped into the room fawning and panting over her like a fresh-faced boy trying to hump any thing that would let him. He had a wife! And even if they weren’t having problems he had a duty to the kingdom to maintain his honor and his marriage. Besides she was betrothed to another as well and that man was important to his cabinet, Lord Beaufort was and old friend of his father and he was a noble man with quite a bit of pull in the north. If he stole his bride he might choose to rebel and Alex was not entirely sure the nobles would not flock to him.

“So quit acting like a love sick child” Alex hissed to himself as he saw the fire crackle and a few spare logs fall down to a shower of spark “she is the governess and that is what she shall be to you nothing more nothing less” he reminded himself before turning on his heel. He felt his boots rubbing against the stone as he strode to the door and opened it.

“You there” He said catching a brown-eyed black haired servant girl walking “what is your name child?”

“My name my lord?” She stammered her simple servants garb swishing against the stone as she came over to him and bowed “My name is Marie how can I serve you”

“The old me would have made a lewd comment” Alex thought before casting the thought away “can you please bring me a full meal for two from the dining hall tell the cook I will be eating in here because of a meeting”

“Yes my king” she squeaked out before running down the hall as fast as she could, Alex knew the poor girl would be trying her hardest to please him and sure enough minutes later she appeared with two other servants all of them struggling to hold the massive plates full of food they brought.

“Here allow me” He said grabbing a few of the plates and ignoring their protest and pleads to let them, instead he quickly put the plates down on top of the table before grabbing the others and arranging them so that he and the girl would be able to reach as many of them as possible.

“Thank you ladies” He said smiling and pulling out a few golden coins from his vest “please allow me to pay you”

“But my liege-“

“Oh hush” Alex said pressing the coins into their hands “go buy your self some thing pretty girls”

They blushed and left bowing and toying their hair as they closed the door. He shook his head and turned sitting down and pouring them both another drink just as he heard the door open again. Before he could say any thing the beautiful girl was back giving him a soft curtsey before she carefully seated herself in the chair he had previously offered. He tried to ignore the sweet rose smell wafting from her and carefully cleared his throat before sitting down across from her.

“Thank you for joining me” Alex said happily sipping some of his wine “I am sorry to keep you from your husband and your rest please feel free to eat as we speak and I promise I will try and make this as fast as possible for you”
Veronique glanced at the feast in front of her, she wondered how many other women in this kingdom as well as others, had the opportunity to eat with the king. Although she had enjoyed a meal with royalty, this was the first time she was enjoying a meal solely with a ruler. Any other women, would have been nervous but not Veronique. She had a job to do and as a La Tremoille groomed as if she herself was a princess, held no worry in dining solo with the King.

She heard the fire crackling and realized that her cape would be unnecessary, especially as she would start to eat. She carefully took the cape off and placed it on the chair as she stayed sitting. The animal fur, cozily keeping her back warm.

She waited for King Alex to eat and placed her hands back in her lap, her eyes learning the new plates of dishes laid perfectly on the table. She wondered about her future husband and what he was up to and if he knew that she was enjoying a meal with just the King. She was thankful that King Alex had her occupied as she had no desire to spend time with Lord Beaufort.

"Thank you my…thank you King Alex." Veronique said in her French accent. She was unsure of what to call him, still as a French citizen he was technically not her king and thus she had no reason to call him, 'my lord', although 'your grace' did seem fitting.

"Now, you said you wanted to speak with me about…Princess Alexa. I've heard she's about five years old and excels at everything." Veronique said with a genuine twinkle in her eye. Despite her somewhat cold and refrained nature, Veronique genuinely adored kids and was content with her position as Princess Alexa's governess. Although her own parents were absent for much of her life, Veronique had a joyful relationship with her own governess who was her mother figure. She had hoped to play such a role for the Princess as well.
“You are the governess to my child” Alex said favoring her with some thing rare in the court, a genuine smile. It stretched across his face lighting up his features and giving him a handsome easy going look “you and I will be seeing much of each other and King Alex is to stuffy you may call me Alex or if your big on ceremony Ser Alex I am afraid I am still not used to being called king so I prefer other tittles” He joked as he carefully made himself a small plate of meat.

He sat the simple plate down in front of him and reached for his water. He let the cool liquid run down his throat wishing it was the castles finest wine instead. Before he had been king he could scarcely remember drinking water instead of wine. Of course he could scarcely remember much of any thing during those days. A king couldn’t be a good king if he didn’t remember half his life his father would have said.

Of course he was dead

“My daughter is five years of age” Alex said nodding and setting the water down “she does excel at every thing she is like me in that way once we want some thing we do every thing in order to have it she is driven to excel at every thing so she becomes obsessed and does every thing in her power to master it she is a good girl but she also can be to obsessed I want some one who can keep her grounded who can teach as well as guard her your parents speak about you highly and praise your skills with children no doubt to secure your position but I have no doubt you will rise to the challenge”

“A few things before you speak” Alex said raising a hand “as my daughters governess I will expect you to perform your duties as if they were your highest priority your husband is a good man and I wish him no ill but as my daughters governess that will be your highest priority not your marriage I will expect you to be here at all times and I will expect you to care for my daughter as if she was your own if you can not handle the sacrifices you may have to make doing this job then I will understand and find some one else but if you can I am sure my daughter would love to have you as her governess”
Veronique studied King Alex, although he told her to call him, Alex her tongue was unable to lose his title. His smile as he spoke to her seemed authentic and not a smile used to comfort Veronique or to put on a show.

She watched him drink the water which perplexed Veronique. She had heard he enjoyed the taste of wine all throughout the day and frequently would drink to the point he had no recollection of his actions the next day. She took her fork and placed a small bite of roasted potatoes in her mouth. She ate delicately making sure her mouth never opened more than it was needed and to only put in food that would be easily chewed and swallowed.

Veronique smiled as he spoke about the praises her parents gave her to the King. In reality the praises he heard about her had come from her own governess and not from her parents as they rarely spent time together. Her mother lived in Italy, her father lived in Paris as they separated long ago. Although her parent's marital bliss had dissolved, everyone still believed that they were happily married as their family's biggest concern was to keep the La Tremoille family as golden as they could.

"Well, Sir Alex." Veronique said carefully, her tongue attempting to get used to not call him King. "Despite my family's last name, I am grounded. My mother had an interest in the peasant life and in our house in the countryside she had her own little cottage which included a farm, a barn, and a garden. I actually know how to pick the freshest eggs, milk a cow and have seen the birth of a horse, cow and a pig." Veronique said with a smile, trying her best to emulate that she's just a simple girl. Her mother had a romantic view of the peasant life and as a wedding anniversary gift, her father had given her the country escape.

"And of course, being your daughter's governess is my highest priority. The marriage to my husband only comes second to fulfilling the needs of my…" Veronique was about to say King, but she stopped herself. "The needs of fulfilling yours, Sir Alex, your daughter is my highest priority," she replied, making sure her posh French accent was laced in her speech. "I'm in no rush to have my husband's child as I'm sure he's still mourning the death of his own child." Veronique said lying through her teeth, already fearful of Lord Beaufort's desire to impregnate her with a new child.

"And I'll make sure she doesn't pick up this…accent." Veronique said with a playful smile. "My own governess had a Swedish accent, but it never entered my own speech."

She then carefully cut a piece of meat, carefully opened her red stained lips and then placed it in her mouth.
“Well that is very good” Alex said smiling at her attempts to call him sir Alex. She was at least taking to it better than most of the others did, when he asked any one in his kingdom to do it they stuttered at him that it would be unwise and not proper decorum and still called him King Alex. He knew it was their jobs just as it was his to be king but he still hated being called it. His father was king, his father made sure every one knew he was king. He commanded a room as easily as breathing and there was never a doubt he was king. Unlike Alex who could barely command his table.

“I think you are perfect for the job” Alex said nodding rapidly “I want my daughter to learn those things as well as how to defend herself there will always be some one out to get her and she should learn how to survive just in case perhaps you and I will look into getting a farm land for her or at least performing some duties around the castle of that nature”

“I like your accent” Alex said not really thinking about what he was saying “I have always been fond of the French accent especially in woman there is nothing sexier than hearing them moan” he said as he began also cutting up his own meat and politely eating it. It was only after he finished three bites that he realized what he said. His eyes widened and he even blushed a little as he cleared his mouth.

“Forgive me” Alex said clearing his throat a little and smiling at her softly “some times I forgot I am a king now and not a prince I did not mean to speak so impolitely especially to a lady my apologies” he said before grabbing his water and taking a hurried sip.
"You must build your daughter her own hameau. It would be perfect. She is a princess, it wouldn't be proper for her to do any chores here in the castle. But if its in her own little retreat, well she would have to learn to take care of it herself." Veronique replied with a twinkle in her eye. She spent many playful and memorable hours on her mother's own rustic retreat as it allowed her to escape from the usual structured schedule and the critical eye of her parents.

Veronique smiled when he told her that she was perfect for the job. "I've also learned to care for myself as well." Veronique added, "My father had me train with the best swordsmen and archer in France as he wanted to ensure that his daughters could always fend for themselves." She blushed as she realized that she was bragging about herself. Despite her many accomplishments and desire to sound appealing to King Alex, she always felt embarrassed when she spoke of them. She carefully cut a small piece of meat and placed it in her mouth.

Her face flushed more when Alex spoke about his liking to the French accent. She was well aware of his playboy ways, even a few of her noble friends had been his companion in his bed and spoke of him as a skilled lover with vast knowledge in knowing how to please a women in bed, multiple times. Despite his reputation as a ladies man, the man in front of Veronique seemed to have matured from his playboy years, serious about his daughter's education.

When Veronique was first offered the position of serving governess to King Alex's daughter, her parents were a bit weary of her employer. Well known as a womanizer, her mother lectured her in the importance of keeping the Beaufort family happy as they were the key to grow the La Tremoille name in this new empire. Her mother made sure to mention that becoming one of the King's "private companion" would be disgraceful to the family as, in her mother's words "A Tremoille becomes Queen, not a mistress that can be easily discarded." Thus Veronique made sure to make any relations with King Alex strictly professional.

Veronique took a sip of her water and carefully placed it back down on the table. "Well I'm glad you like my accent." She said unsure of how else to respond. "And you never have to apologize to me, Sir Alex, for I'm just the governess." Veronique said with a smile as she went back to eating her dinner.
“I am afraid I still must” Alex said smiling and going back to eating “It is in poor taste for a king to talk about bedding French girls even though I am sure your friends have told you about my companionship with them as fun as it is to reminisce about the past I am a king now and my dear uncle would have given me quite the yelling if he had heard what I said such is the price of being a all powerful king” He stated drinking his water and reflecting sadly on his words.

It wasn’t that he enjoyed being with many woman (or at least he shouldn’t say he did) in truth he wanted to find a woman, wanted to be in love. He had pleasured and been pleasured by a lot of woman in his life and there was some thing special about each and every one of them. Yet none had ever screamed as being the “one” to him, they were all wonderful lovers and company but none of them had ever held any more than passing interest to him.

But of course back then he had been drunk and a fool, preferring to be the playboy then a decent man. Maybe if he had he would have been able to catch one of them or maybe they would have loved him instead of seeing him as a source of pleasure………………..

Alex shook the thoughts away and cleared his throat before setting his simple wooden utensils down “I like your idea but I admit I have no knowledge of farm lands you and I will have to make a plan one day to go out to the farm lands in the east I will default to your judgment and we will find a quite retreat for her to learn how to care for herself in I already have plans for her to get training in both archery and swordsmanship but if you are as good as you say you are perhaps you can be her teacher”

“In any case I am sure I have taken up much of your time” Alex said smiling softly “I would love to continue to be in such fine company for the rest of the night but I am sure you are anxious to see your husband I will sadly let you go so you can rest” he said getting up and grabbing her hand.

“I thank you for looking after me daughter” Alex said kissing her hand lightly
Veronique carefully listened to King Alex's words, she was still weary of him. She was curious if his apologies for his earlier words were just a rouse and he was just testing her to see her reaction. She grew up in a world where people were deceitful, manipulative and most importantly, calculative. A gift was always given with a favor to request. A praise was only given in order to heighten the ego of the person praised and demand to use their so called power. She knew all too well not to trust people.

A wave of panic ran through her body when she heard King Alex talk about the end of their meeting. Her having dinner with the king was her excuse to not be in the company of her future husband, which she had no desire to be in. She blushed when she felt the king's soft lips touch against her skin.

"My lord, I'm sure you're busy but it's not always that a person sans a title here in your country has the opportunity to be your only dinner companion. If it isn't too much to ask, I would be delighted if I could entertain you longer."

Her voice was bordering the line of seduction, her French accent was present but it didn't hinder the king's ability to understand her desire. "I would love to hear more about your daughter...and your wife."

Veronique stammered the last word, unsure of King Alex's reaction or his true feelings towards his wife, the mother of his child. She and only heard rumors and stories about the relationship between King Alex and the Queen.

It surprised much of Europe when King Alex agreed to marry his current wife due to his playboy reputation. However if one were to look at the union strictly as a political alliance, it was the picture perfect family. Much similar to her own family.

Although from the outside her parents' union appear fueled only by love as rumors had it that the two eloped. When in reality their marriage was done hastily as her mother had opened her legs for her father, after a long courtship sans any intimacy in the bedroom, and just about mislead him to believe that she was with a male heir for the La Tremoille family with now blood of the oldest noble family in France, the Rochechouart.

Her father was a direct descendent of the La Tremoille family, while her mother rightfully with her own noble and aristocratic background also had blood of the Rochechouart through an illicit liaison.

Veronique glanced around his study and saw the portrait of Alexa, but no portrait of his wife. She knew that it was King Alex who ran the country and the court, but if she was to succeed as her role as governess to Alexa, she needed to gain the trust of her mother, King Alex's wife.
Alex frowned his features changing from playful and handsome to some thing more nervous. She wanted to talk about his wife? Why? Was his kingdom already abuzz with rumors of their strained marriage? So far he barely knew about it but women did love to gossip and perhaps his wife had talked to one of her ladies in waiting or a fellow noble woman.

Like Veronique Alex had grown up in politics. The court and “games” of politics were what he knew what he had studied and grew up in. Human nature was some thing he never quite got as a young adult but for him the games noble men and woman played with each other was infinitely more comfortable and easy to study. He knew his marriage and its problems would come to light soon enough but his position was too rocky for that to come to pass now.

“Of course you can” Alex said eating more and smiling softly. In truth he hadn’t wanted her to leave. She was stunning and warm and captivating so unlike his wife. He found himself wanting to talk to her just as much as he wanted to find out what lay beneath her dress……

“You are my child’s governess” he said jabbing at a piece of meat and pushing it into his mouth “there will be long nights where you and I spend alone time together or with my child you may not have a true tittle but you shall never want for my company”

He hadn’t meant to say the words as if they had a double meaning. Yet the minute they fell off his soft tan lips he realized that they did. He blushed a little and cleared his throat causing a low rumble to sound out across his body. He carefully kept his eyes locked on her refusing to bow down to his embarrassment as he brought a grape up to his mouth and gently bit on it. The red juices wetted his lips and he gently stuck his tongue out running them on his bottom lip as he continued to look at her.

The Kings intentions had been pure or at least he was attempting to be but he did not realize his eyes were electric and stormy with lust. He ate some more groups and finally broke eye contact with her now that his blush had gone away.

“You really wish to know about my wife?” He asked curious and if he cared to admit a little surprised “I don’t think its polite dinner conversation to talk about my wife with another woman” he teased.
Veronique attentively watched the way the juicy grape split open in King Alex's mouth, the sweet juices wetting his soft tan lips, the way his tongue peeked out from his mouth…

Her mind knew that she shouldn't be staring at the King so intently, especially when he was eating, but her eyes couldn't help but study the handsome, young and charming King. Especially when the man she was to spend the rest of her life with was wrinkled, aged and repulsive.

She had only known the man, who she was set to marry, as the father of the man she was engaged to until his untimely death. She knew from a young age she would never have the luxury of marrying out of love as her parents only cared about furthering the family name. Nevertheless she wished to be with someone she did not find disagreeable.

Veronique carefully cut a piece of the meat in front of her to a chewable portion and placed it in her mouth. As she placed the fork back down on the table and felt the chewed meat enter into her gullet she smiled at the King who was ever so looking at her with intriguing eyes.

"Well my grace, I'm not sure if there would be any reason for us to spend long nights just the two of us…"

Veronique said carefully, trying not to sound as if she would be ungrateful for such an event.

"I mean I'm sure you're a busy man…" her voice alluding to his well known philandering ways prior to his coronation.

"And I wouldn't want to keep you from the Queen. I'm sure she would not be too inclined to have you all to myself." Veronique mentioned his wife again, which from his attitude seemed to be a sensitive topic.

"I only ask about the Queen since…" Veronique said with a smile, "She is your wife, the Queen of Essanders and most importantly Princess Alexa's mother. I understand that you are welcoming in me becoming Princess Alexa's governess which by all means is all I need…nevertheless I would also want the Queen's blessing."

Veronique knew court life too well and the last thing she needed to do was to anger the Queen. For Veronique to have a long and prosperous role as Princess Alexa's governess as well as her stay in the court of Essanders and further her family's name, she needed as many allies as possible. Especially as she had no intention of asking her future husband Lord Beaufort for any favors.

"And I am not another woman…" The sound of "r"s distinct in Veronique's speech. "I am your daughter's governess…Princess Alexa of Essanders who is in direct line to the throne but not only that…she is your precious daughter…I would hope that would mean that I am not just another woman." Veronique finished her words.

She eyed the glass of water next to the dark liquid, her throat was thirsty thus water seemed to be the better option, but her hand quickly reached for the wine as she carefully took a sip of the bitter juice, her lips peaking out to make sure no remnants of the dark liquid stain her moist lips.
“I don’t know about most kings or noble men” Alex said finishing his food and looking at her closely “but I do not wish to leave my daughter entirely in the hands of her governess what I mean when I say you and I will be spending long nights together is that I want to have a close look at my daughters tutelage not because I don’t think you will do a bad just but simply because I like being there for her and I also like teaching her”

“So if it pleases you most nights I would like to hear how she is progressing and the next lesson plan for the day I would love to attend with her but sadly my duties during the day will keep me away for the most part so after she goes to bed I would like to see you in my study that way we can discuss how she is doing what she learned and the plan for tomorrow”

Alex knew she might not like that. Most governesses would think he didn’t think them capable or wanted to get into their pants. Alex might have though she was sexy but he honestly wanted to just be there for his daughter as much as he could. It was some thing his father had done for him (or so he heard) his teacher and his father were always talking and discussing how best to help guide him.

He would do that for his daughter

“I hope you are okay with that” Alex said finishing his plate and pushing it away. He drank a little more of his water and cleared his throat before continuing “it is not in any way a knock on your abilities it is simply to give a father a piece of mind I am afraid you will not be seeing much of your husband” he said smiling a little sheepishly.

“As for my wife I am sure you will meet her in time” Alex said trying ot resist the urge to scowl “she does not want any thing to do with me right now so I doubt she will even care or notice I am not in our bed she usually sleeps in her own room now any ways”
Veronique nodded her head, "I think its a generous act, a perfect fatherly act for you to want to look at your daughter's tutelage. It would be an honor to have you by my side." Veronique said with a soft smile.

She should have been nervous, terrified of King Alex's decision to accompany her while she was with Princess Alexa. But not Veronique, not a La Tremoille, not a Rochechouart (no matter how the blood came to be part of her), she was raised to perform well under pressure.

And in honesty she was jealous of Princess Alexa. Not to say that her father was dismissive of Veronique, but he was more absent from her life than her mother. They had a decent relationship, she knew he loved her and he took care of any financial aspects of her life.

Never had Veronique ever felt lacking of anything when it came to money, material goods, estates, servants, or anything else that money could buy. The only thing she felt missing in her life was the time she spent with her parents. But this was a given.

With her father in the French court and working for the King, her mother busy with her own agenda to further her own name, the care of the offsprings were always given to the governess.

Veronique assumed that would be the way with the relationship between King Alex and Princess Alexa thus she was happy to hear his desire to be present in Princess Alexa's tutelage. However Veronique knew all too well that words were easier to say than actually doing the said action. But at this point all Veronique could do was believe the words of King Alex.

"So, bien sur Sir Alex." Veronique blushed when she called him sans his title, 'King', "I would love to be in your company and inform you about the progress of Princess Alexa as well as discuss with you about her future studies…and since you always a packed schedule as King…if the night time works for you, my highness I will forever and always be at your beck and call." Veronique said with a sincere smile.

She was happy to hear that King Alex intended to keep her occupied during the nights, even if it was just couple or even several times a night in a week, it meant time away from her future husband, the man she had no desire to share a bed with.

"And please don't worry about my…future…husband." Veronique said the word carefully, pointing out that she was not yet a married woman. "I'm sure Lord Beaufort would understand and if he doesn't he has no choice but to…you are the King and my presence here in court is to please you and to be the governess of your daughter. My marriage to Lord Beaufort is not the slight least important compared to the task entrusted to me, by you." Veronique said sincerely.

The smile on Veronique's face turned to a more caring look as she heard Alex speak about the strained relationship with his wife.

"Well, Sir Alex." Veronique took the time to say his name as she carefully constructed her sentence. "I'm sorry to hear about the Queen. I'm sure she cares very much about you…I mean you are King Alex of Essanders, even the French woo about you…but I'm also sure that being Queen is not an easy task. Anyway, as King I'm sure you have ways to…to…" Veronique for the first time since meeting with King Alex stammered with her words.

Her fair colored skin cheeks were bright red as she looked into King Alex's eyes, unsure of how to finish her sentence. Their eyes locked onto each other and for the first time since she's been in the king's presence she realized how utterly handsome and how truly enticing King Alex looked in front of her.

Although she never seduced a man to bed as she had solemnly kept her virtue to her first husband. She was sure that it wouldn't take much of her energy to find herself tangled with King Alex, in his bed. However this was not on Veronique's agenda. She would never become a mistress to the King, not even maitresse en titre (chief mistress).

She had seen and heard too many stories of a woman being used solely for the pleasure of a man higher in status than her, whether it be of a royal, an aristocrat or a noble, and at the time of the liaison him promising all of his love. But once the infatuation is over a new woman quickly filling the role of the mistress and the prior mistress left with nothing more than an offspring or two from the man (which most likely she would have to relinquish to his estate) and the promise of a husband (who doesn't mind having sloppy seconds) and never truly having the love of the man they hoped to be with…forever.

Veronique promised herself that when she was to give away her virtue, that when she was to lay in bed with a man, that she would do so on her own terms. Which meant she already had a plan to make sure she would never consummate her marriage to Lord Beaufort.
Alex nodded secretly pleased at the thought. He was captivated by this woman more and more with each passing moment and was already trying to make up an excuse to spend more time with her. She was sly and resourceful, confident yet caring, and the way she carried and handled her self was almost like his father. She would have made a good Queen, much better than being a governess. She was meant to rule.

Much more than he was

It was his own insecurities talking and he knew that but he still couldn’t help but face them some times. His father always said he would make a good ruler some day but Alex had always known that day was far off. Less than year ago he had been in Paris drinking and partying and whoring his way through the cities. His father had understood and given him the leave to go but cautioned him that his time would come soon.

Of course Alex had blown his words off. He was enjoying himself and he didn’t want to even think about going back to the castle and taking care of his responsibilities. He hadn’t even written his father back instead he had burned the letter and quickly went back to doing what he was doing.

A week later the letter telling him his father was dead arrived

“I am glad you think so” Alex said softly “I was not around for much of her life I decided to party and be irresponsible I did not regret it because it has helped me slide into ruling and politics since I got it out of my system but what I do regret is letting Alexa grow up with out a father to count on for so long I love my daughter very much and because of that love I want to be there to help and guide her which is why you and I will be spending a lot of time together” he said with a slight smile.

“Good” he said in regards to her beck and call statement “I will probably call on you every night after her studies I have need of you so we will eat talk and have a nice time hopefully I have proven that I can be a good host” he said gesturing at the table and winking softly.

It was flirting but he didn’t know if it was harmless or not. He certainly did not want it to be harmless but at the same time he knew that it should and probably needed it to be. She was his daughter governess! It would be the definition of stupid for him to do it. Even though she was so beautiful and so very French…….

“I do not worry about your husband” Alex said her words reminding her of that little fact “He is a noble man and swear allegiances to me he has no choice in the matter even though he might complain about it” he says shrugging and smiling a little. He didn’t mean to sound possessive or any thing but he was simply stating facts. Well at least he wasn’t trying to be possessive.

“Maybe” Alex said shrugging “but me and my wife have our issues and it was more of a marriage for political purposes then romantic ones as for me finding other things outside of our marriage I have been trying to uh…. Refrain from that behavior for Alexa’s sake as well as the kingdom it has left me lonely but it is probably for the best” he said shrugging slightly.

“Are you excited for your upcoming marriage?” he asked curiously.
Veronique was surprised to hear King Alex talk openly about his playboy days. She expected Kings to keep their personal private lives away from any ears other than their own.

"Well I do think you are the most generous father…which I'm sure translates you to be an amazing King." Veronique said with a smile. She wondered if her own father ever professed his love for her daughter as much as King Alex did for Princess Alexa.

Veronique was part of a melange of offspring belonging to her father and mother. Her father was married prior to her mother, but that marriage only resulted in a handful of miscarriages, a stillborn son and two daughters one that was deemed to ugly & sent to a convent and another who found herself tangled in the sheets of too many noble men prior to a proper marriage, she never found happiness.

The offspring directly from her mother and father consisted of three daughters and two sons. Veronique was the youngest of them all. Even though she was the baby of the family she grew up independent and most importantly a shrewd observer.

Her eldest sister, Clarisse, who was blessed with beauty was quickly married off to an aristocrat with deep ties to the French court. Veronique knew her eldest sister never wanted such a union, she had no choice but to accept the marriage. As far as Veronique knew from their correspondences, her eldest sister lived at the French court as a happily married women with a handful of offsprings.

However Veronique knew that Clarisse was far from happily married as her husband was a well known womanizer and left Clarisse to take care of not only the offspring they made as a married couple but also of his illegitimate children.

Her oldest brother, Alban, found his way through the French court and although was married to a delightful women with her own aristocratic background, he had a wandering eye. Veronique's second sister, Benoit, was not deemed too ugly to marry like the daughter from her father's first marriage, but she was not blessed with beauty like Clarisse or the later Veronique. But with a large dowry and promise of the La Tremoille blood she was able to secure a marriage to a Germanic noble.

Although his family had a noble name and a colorful background they had a son who was a widow, a known gambler and unpopular with the aristocratic women in Germany. From what Veronique knew about Benoit's married life, her husband was away often and Benoit is unhappy living in a foreign country.

Her second brother, Laurent, wanted to be his own man and not just rely on the family name. Laurent found himself as a strong leader in the armed forces but ended up losing his life on the battlefield.

Veronique was born over a decade after the birth of Laurent. Veronique was blessed with beauty, natural charm and most importantly wit. By the time Veronique was able to talk in full sentences Clarisse and Alban were already married.

Veronique was most close with Laurent but he was often away during his short life. Her family had entrusted her to carry on the prestige of the La Tremoille name into the kingdom of Essanders. Veronique constantly felt the weight of her family on her shoulders and vowed to make her family proud but in a way that would keep Veronique's dignity and pride.

But since she was the youngest of her family and her father had many children prior to Veronique, he was absent from her life. She was envious of Princess Alexa.

A smile grew on Veronique's face when she heard that King Alex would call on her every night. If all goes well, she would be able to keep the king's company long enough for her future husband to be too tired to perform any marital duties.

She was keen to observe the flirtatious attitude of King Alex, but in many ways she was used to it. As a beautiful young woman with an aristocratic background, it was not unusual for high noble men with aristocratic backgrounds, even royals to openly flirt with Veronique. But she was always careful to smile at their flirtatious ways, but never over exceed her charm.

She liked the fact that King Alex was possessive of her, actually she was very happy about it. She needed him to be possessive of her as much as possible if she was truly going to keep the King occupied and abstain as much time from Lord Beaufort.

Veronique listened carefully as King Alex spoke about his wife. She had already assumed that his marriage was only out of political purposes, all royal marriages were. But she didn't expect him to admit to it. She was even more surprised to hear that he had been refraining from extracurricular activities for his daughter's sake. She wished her father would have said such a thing but she knew the true reason behind King Alex's lack of illicit affairs weren't just because of Alexa, but more so because of his new title as king.

Veronique was surprised when King Alex asked about her marriage. She should have expected such a question from him as she was to get married and most women, despite their lack of love for their future husband, still found some joy in getting married.

"Yes, I am…although it is a shame that his son, who I was intended to marry died before we could be happily married." Veronique replied. She wanted King Alex to know that it was not her decision to marry the aging Lord Beaufort.
“I have heard about that” Alex said nodding and watching her closely. Lord Beauforts son had died in his army during the winter wars. Alex actually knew him pretty well and they were even friends… of sorts. They were around the same age and since most of the men in his court were older noble men he had quickly gravitated towards the Lords son. He was only an officer in the army when they met but under Alexs careful care he had risen through the ranks quickly.

Not because the king was doing him any favors though but because he had legitimately worked for it. He was good with a sword but like Alex he wanted peace more than any thing. The Vikings weren’t looking for piece so there was no chance of it happening but Alex remembered the long talks they had in this very office talking about peace and what they wished for it. He had been a good friend to the king and even a mentor of sorts. He had helped Alex become more responsible.

“I knew him well” Alex said suddenly getting up “he and I were good friends I know you didn’t get a chance to know him but he was a good man so unlike his father and he was eager to meet you! Very nervous though to I kept having to give him tips on how to be cool and romantic he had never had a girl friend of any thing before you”

He walked over to his big dark wood desk and leaned down pulling out a small bundle wrapped in sheepskin and tied with a piece of leather. He brought t back over and handed it over to her being careful not to dunk it in any of the food.

“Your new husband wanted this back when he died” Alex explained nodding at the package “but your fiancé wanted you to have it he considered you to be his wife already and tradition dictates you get it instead of the relatives” Alex explained.

Inside was a dagger. It was the dagger a general got when he came into the position. Her dead fiancé had only just gotten it when the bandits attacked. Alex wasn’t there and insisted he come back to get it but he had been resolute with staying with his troops. He had paid the price for it in the end because the bandits used the ceremony as a surprise attack and he was dead before he could even draw it out of its sheath. He had lost many men that day (a point Alex made to remind himself) but more importantly he had lost one of his greatest friends.

“Lord Bueafort may not be okay with you having that” Alex said shrugging “but it is yours and if he has a problem with it you just need to tell me your husband is….. A good business man and politician but he can be a bit brash and idiotic at times I know he doesn’t care for me very much so I am sorry if you ever have to experience conflicting loyalties”

Alex knew he was probably letting on more than he should (he did barely know her) but some thing about her made him want to tell her any thing. Alex had never been much for keeping secrets any ways. He was a good politician and more than capable of dealing with all the nobbles around him but he rarely lied to them misdirection was more his style slight of hand tricks that the conman in paris had taught him. He didn’t need to lie to his people when he could just trick them.

And he was very good at tricking them.
Veronique's attention peaked when King Alex spoke in friendly terms about her previous fiancé. She heard stories that her previous fiancé was on good terms with the King of Essanders, one of the reasons why her family pushed for her marriage to him, however it seemed that they were more than just on good terms but actual friends.

Veronique cursed God in his decision to take away Lord Beaufort's son. He seemed like the perfect match. A good friend of the King. A courageous man who fought well in the army. And maybe even shy, not a womanizer like the reputation of King Alex.

Most importantly he wouldn't be an aging man older than Veronique's own father… Veronique cursed the cards dealt to her and even questioned if her union with Lord Beaufort was actually meant to be…perhaps if she found Lord Beaufort so vile then did that not mean that she was to save her virtue for another man that would ensure a greater prestige onto the La Tremoille name?

Veronique carefully untied the leather and held the sheepskin making sure the dagger didn't fall. She studied the dagger in front of her that was said to be given to her previous fiancé from the King. She was not naive and had her experiences of holding and even using a dagger. Her eyes were not afraid to stare at the sharp blade. She wondered the face of her previous fiancé when he was gifted this award.

"Thank you my grace…" Veronique's voice trailed off. "But if Lord Beaufort wouldn't be okay with me having it…I don't think I should…" she said carefully. The last thing Veronique wanted to do was to ruffle any feathers with her future husband.

Although it was a great honor for King Alex to give her this dagger, in some ways it was meaningless to her since the man it belonged to was no longer here…the man she was to marry was no longer on this earth…instead she was going to be forced to marry a man who even according to the King is, "brash and idiotic". Veronique had no desire to marry Lord Beaufort.

"Do not get me wrong, King Alex." Veronique quickly added. She knew he requested not to call her King but it seemed necessary as she had tried to give back a gift he had graciously given her, "It is a very thoughtful gift…but I'm…I'm not sure if I even deserve it. We were only engaged…not married…shouldn't such an honor go to his father? Although…if you deem it…" Veronique stammered her words which was unusual for her as she tried to get her point across.

"Although I am gracious in your generosity, as I was never his wife it would seem proper for such an honor to go to his father especially if he knew of its existence and has requested for it. I'm nothing more than just the woman who was brought in to marry into the Beaufort family…" Veronique said carefully, trying to downplay the fact that the bloodlines of two of the most oldest noble and aristocratic French family run through her veins.

She didn't like having to submit to anyone but if she was to, at least in words, she would for the King of Essanders.