She Is the Object of Her Desires. (With smallncute.)


Really Experienced
May 1, 2011
It was Friday night and at home, alone by herself… Again.

Madeline sighed and set down her pen, deciding that her homework for college could wait for a later time. Right now, she had no interest in translating Latin into English though it was a favorite activity of hers in college. She stared at the translated paper, as if wanting to have an answer or a conversation from it.

Maybe it’ll tell her what she could do on a Friday night all by herself that wouldn’t look desperate or needy for contacts from people her own age bracket. Maybe it’ll tell her how she can get her own life. Could it give her a song and dance routine while that was going on too?

Nothing happened though. Of course not, what would in the small little town like this one? Nothing exciting or daring ever happened here. (The last time something ‘exciting’ happen was when a goose was set loose from the farm and the entire police team went on a man, or goose?, hunt looking for it.) It was a small, peaceful town that was unknown to the rest of the world and that was one of the (many) reasons why she wanted to move out when she was done with high school. She wanted adventure, excitement for once. She loved being a Child of God but she also wanted to be a Human Being and Woman too.

Until her parents asked her to stay… No. No. She shook her head to dispel those nasty thoughts, not wanting to go near them with a fifty foot pole. She will not blame her parents for her attending the community college and not Harvard like she had planned and gotten. They just asked her, wanting her to stay with them for just a little while longer, she accepted it.

Obviously, the feelings of restlessness and tiredness that was coursing through her body, she was regretting that choice. Maybe if she had been asked to stay when she was still 17-years-old or 18-years-old, she wouldn’t have regretted it so much. She wouldn’t have minded. But she was in a state of her life that made her want to see the world, to see the options that were laid before her if she just took them.

Almost all of her friends left the town, with only a handful staying for only a ‘while’ as they said. They had plans to go out, to live and to have fun. She was stuck here for another four years.

Pushing her chair away from her study desk, Madeline looked around her bedroom and listened to the silence that filled the house. The house was devoid of life but herself and her many roses out on her balcony garden, making her feel more empty and irritated as the clock on her wall noisily ticked the seconds away.

Her parents were out there, somewhere, helping people that needed help and her friends were off on dates or to other countries and she was here trying to translate a five page essay from Latin to English. There was the option of watching T.V but at this hour it was just late night shows she didn’t like and old sitcoms that bored her to death. Her I-Pod was borrowed by a friend of hers and her stereo was being prepared. Her parents stereo was still there but it required her leaving the room and moving, which would make her sweat and that was something she disapproved of right now.

Maybe I wouldn’t be in such a lazy mood if it wasn’t so hot, she thought as she fanned herself with her hand. Daddy said the air conditioner will be fixed tomorrow but now would be just as nice.

Her clothes, a simply blouse and a flowery skirt, were slightly damp thanks to her perspiration. It was only a mild case but in the summer heat they've been having as of late, it was something she did not like. Though she lived here her entire life, the heat that came by was just unbearable. The air conditioner would help against the Battle of the Heat but it was out of the fighting lines, getting prepared while she was left alone to battle it. She was losing miserably.

The heat was simply maddening, even if the windows were opened and some cool breeze came in. It wasn’t enough though.

There has to be a better and fast way to get cool. She saw the water bottle she had placed on her table, thought why not, and took it to dunk it over her head. The cool water splashed down on her head, matting her curly chocolate locks, and then slid down her tanned, rosy skin thanks to all those years of outdoor activities. It hit her rounded shoulders and abundant chest and even her leg, shapely legs, making her clothes stick to her. She was grateful that she wasn’t wearing a bra or underwear; it felt nice to have the cool water against her bare body.

She felt cool, and pleased with her brilliance, until the heat came again but with vengeance just minutes later, leaving her sticky and slick. Yuck. She loked at her clinging clothes, wondering what to do when suddenly, she had an idea pop in her head.

It was insane, stupid, awful, dumb, exciting and simply wonderfully scandalous to think about.

Why not just take her clothes off? No one was in the room but her. She needed to change anyways, she was feeling sleepy, and it was her room after all, she could do as she saw fit. She wanted to prance in nothing right now, thank you very much.

The windows were opened, letting her next-door-neighbor and friend, Selena, be able to see what she was doing but Madeline brushed that concern aside. Selena was a nice lady; she would never peek on her. Why would she? Selena was a friend of hers for years, since she was just a little toddler. She saw Selena as a close friend of the family, if not a close relative, and no doubt Selena saw the same way as well. Selena also had a boyfriend of hers, so she Madeline was certain that she didn’t swing that way.

So… Clothes removing it was! Drum roll, please!

Madeline, out for the need to walk around to get rid of the restless energy she still felt, stood up and began unbuttoning her blouse, revealing her perky, firm breasts that were a decent C-cup first as she wiggled, strutted and danced to imaginary music only she could hear. She moved around her room seductively, trying to imitate her friends’ dance moves she saw them do at parties she went with them. She wasn’t good as them, no doubt but she made it up for energy and enthusiasm.

She threw her top away to the bed, leaving herself in just her skirt while she continued to dance that made her breasts bounce and jiggle in time with her movements. While rotating her hips suggestively, she grabbed the band of her skirt and started to bend over while doing a twirl. With her perky, tight ass now facing the window, she started to tug her skirt down as she continued to make her hips move in a rhythmic movement that looked like she was taking something to her backside.

With the skirt pooled around her feet, still in the black Mary Janes she was wearing, she kicked them off and basked in her newfound freedom. Why were Adam and Eve so ashamed to be naked when they had the Fruit? If anything, they should have been pretty pleased with themselves for being able to expose themselves without a care in the world. If she felt like this, in her room no less, imagine how they could have felt with being out in the entire world.

This was so stupid to do! Her mama would have a heart attack if she ever found out about it, her daddy raising his brows and clucking his tongue in that manner that she was so fond of. It made it even more exciting to the girl, who had never done anything reckless besides saying ‘shit’ once in public. The excitement, the rush she was getting. Maybe she should do this more often if she was going to feel like this all the time.

She continued to dance seductively naked in her room, withering and twirling, enjoying the cool air that brushed against her hard nipples, her bared skin, confident that nothing could go wrong. Who would be watching her after all? Ghosts?
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Name: Selena Ward
Age: 36
Bust: 34B/C bust size 8 dress (Uk sizes)
Hair: just past shoulder length naturally curly often worn in a pony tail and dark eyes to match
Complexion: White (Caucasian) but with some Mediterranean ancestry so browns easily in the sun

Selena is petite at 5'2 but has a toned, curvaceous form with naturally brown wavy hair, that is often worn as a pony Tail. Her measurements are a 34B/C bust, one of her ex-boyfriends used to joke about being able to predict her period by the increase in the swell of her cleavage. At work she rarely wears trousers, always dresses in a skirt or dress. Her attire is very professional yet she always endeavours to retain a feminine edge, a hint of cleavage, boots- always provocative, alluring rather than totally in your face sexuality! Underneath she often wears fine silk lace bras, thongs, though of course she also has more utilitarian items for more practical usage. But even those are more sensual wearing sloggi crop tops under her blouse when she goes for a hike or a bike ride.

As to her dress sense, Selena rarely dressed sluttish, as a high street common hooker. Rather she would be more aptly described as the high class call girl, professional yet provocative look. Rarely in trousers other than tight jeans or leggings.. She always dressed well, her toned, curvy legs suited tight jeans/leggings or skirts. Most were below the knee but with revealing slits, many were bespoke to emphasise the slit... Selena believes in the saying "Less is More"

She has an extensive lingerie collection, silks and lace and enjoyed wearing it... Often she would were a pastel shade blouse/top, but with a darker bra underneath, e.g. a navy blue bra under a pale blue blouse... Selena loved boots, and had a large collection. She had early discovered how sexually provocative they can be, the best way to get her current boyfriend to recover kiss to masturbate him with the toe of her leather boot, her FMB. Whilst they are not in a Ds relationship he enjoys licking and kissing the leather, and his erection returns so quickly...

Selena left the small town as a student and headed to the Capital where she studied maths and then accountancy. She enjoyed aspects of the city, the night life, the characters but also longed for the country side, a short ride to being out in the wilderness, the woods, the trees the meadows. And so after a couple of years working in the city, she returned to her home town. In part because she missed the wilderness, but also her mother was ill, and so she wanted to be closer to her. But now in her early 30’s she lived alone, though her partner wasn’t too far away. She loved the countryside but missed the city’s night life.

It was whilst at college that Selena had explored her bi-sexual side. She soon realised she could never give up cock, she loved the feel of it in her fanny too much, the grunting, the spasms as it cam deep inside her cunt, or on her lips, tongue. But Sapphic sex was different, sensual, sexual rather than pure physical sex….

Her mother died, and so she was left their house, already paid for. As such Selena was sorted financially despite her well paid job as an accountant. Boring, tedious at times the job could be, it was well paid and always in requirement, boom or in a recession. Her range of clients made it more interesting, though the work was more mundane than her experience in the state capital.

It was getting late, ona hot Friday evening. Selena had been given some work at short notice, a client was thinking of expanding and asked Miranda’s opinion on the proposals. Miranda liked the couple and so agred to read it though, and had just finished, scribbling notes on the paper as she sipped her white wine, cold fresh crispt, fruity.

But she was hot, and needed a shower, and so headed upstairs. As she climbed the stairs in the hallway, she stopped as she looked out of the window. Selena had not bothered with the lights and so was able to see in to the side window of her young neighbour’s bedroom. What Selena saw was Madeline nude.

That’s right nude as she danced around her room. Selena was rather surprised. Usually Madeline was more reserved in part because of her parent’s chosen career, profession life style. They had known each other for years and when Selena returned from living in the City she had grown into a young teenager. Now they were friends, the two of them often would cycle over the weekend, mounting their mountain bikes and go for a ride.

She was cute, pretty but Selena had never looked at Madeline, thought of her in a sexual manner, until that point. Selena was shocked yet drawn to what she saw, unable to move, until Madeline moved from the window, obviously going back to a book or her PC. After waiting in the dark for several minutes, Selena headed to her bathroom and her much needed shower.

As Selena tried desperately to sleep, images of what she saw came flooding back, her breasts bouncing as she danced, her pert breasts, the smooth inviteing skin…

Finally with her body aroused, Selena reached for her toy draw and opened it. Soon the room was filled with the buzzing sound, climaxing with Selena’s groans of pleasure as she orgasmed on her rabbit.

Selena woke up early, the sound of the birds singing in the spring sun. She stretched and looked outside, a lovely day. As she got out of bed, she saw the vibrator and remembered what she saw…

She headed down stairs to make some tea and breakfast. She sought her mobile and looked up Madie’s number and wrote a text

“Fancy a ride today?”

Selena placed the phone on table and sipped her tea, mentally debating which route to take for her ride as she sipped her tea.
So far, her day has been going well. The heat was more tolerable for the girl, she didn’t wake up in the middle of the night at all due to the heat, and she found out when morning came soon enough. Madeline woke up to a cool, air conditioned bedroom now that air conditioner was fixed and she remembered to wear clothing before going to bed.

Well… That, or her mother did it for her but she was certain she did it herself because her mother would have screamed her awake for sleeping in the nude.

After letting herself relax in her soft bed, trying to shake the laziness that had settled into her bones after a good, long sleep, she slipped out to go to her bathroom to get ready for today. She wasn’t going anywhere but Madeline liked to be prepared for anything just in case. aWhile brushing her teeth, she went back inside her room to check her cell phone for any messages that had been sent to her late last night. There were the usual ‘Wish you were here!’ messages from her friends that were travelling, pictures sent to her, messages asking her half-heartedly if she fine.

Then, she noticed a text from her nice neighbour, Selena:

Fancy a ride today?

Madeline smiled a foamy white smile. Boy, would she love one! She’s been cooped in her house since the start of summer, besides the occasional trips to the mall and church but it was always because of an errand and not for fun, and she was starting to feel summer fever settle in until this text from Selena came along. She knew she could count on the woman.

Speaking of her friend… Madeline frowned, a question popping into her head as she looked at the text. Where was Selena last night? She didn’t call out her window like she usually did when she came back home? Did she… Nah, she would have burst out laughing or something if she saw Madeline naked or something. She must come home very late.

She texted back: Sure, just let me get my stuff and I’ll meet outside your house in 15 mins. XOXO, Maddy

After she sent the text, Madeline felt better than ever. She was in a cool room, she was going to chat with her nice friend and she was going to do some much needed weight loss. She poked her belly with some grimness in her eyes, feeling bad that she had some fat that came at the cost of her curves. Not any longer. She was going to go out cycling and she’ll do her best in it.

Resolved, Madeline finished brushing her teeth and took a quick shower. She dressed in a pair of black spandex shorts and a white, rather tight t-shirt and chose her ratty old sneakers that have been with her for five years. They were reliable and, hopefully, they still will be for today’s ride. She packed a spare change of clothing, since she was going to be out all day, and headed down the stairs.

Mom was in the kitchen, her back turned as she cooked some breakfast and her father was watching a Spanish soap opera he had gotten into recently. Wasn’t that the show where the crazy villainess killed the nun with the rosary? She was sure since that sun was made fun of on The Soup.

“Mom! Dad!” she called out as she grabbed her water bottle to fill it up while snatching an apple to eat on her bike ride. “I’m going out to day with Selena!”

“Mhhmmmm…” Her dad was watching the show intently, leaning forward on his chair, his stovepipe moving up and down in agitation as the lead male got together with the female villainess’ daughter through a surprise wedding. “A surprise wedding! Ha! How can a wedding be a surprise?”

Her mom, the more grounded person in the marriage, kissed her daughter’s forehead after settling her husband’s pancakes on the table. “Don’t be out too long,” she warned as she handed her daughter a paper bag she had quickly put some food in for her daughter later. She then pulled out a helmet from nowhere, Madeline just chalked it up to Supermom Powers all mothers had, and put it on her only child's head and clasped it firmly on. “But if you’ll be out late, I left you a 100 bill in the bag and bring some clothes with you!”

Promising her mom and kissing her parents goodbye, she quickly hurried out, got her bike from the garage and walked to Selena’s house with her bike in tow.

“Here I am!” Madeline called out, ringing her bike’s bell.
It wasnt long before Selena's phone beeped, the tell tale sign of an incoming text.

Sure, just let me get my stuff and I’ll meet outside your house in 15 mins. XOXO, Maddy

Selena smiled, as she reached for another banana and peled it, sipping her tea as she ate her banana.

Next she reached for her two water bottles filled one up with an energy drink, the other, larger one with water and placed them next to the back door.

Before long, Selena was outside getting her bike ready. She wore cycling shoes, and a one piece Lycra bib outfit, over her crop bra. Her outfit was finished with a sleeveless cycle jersey in which her odds and sods were stored int he back pockets.

Selena was on her bike roughly platting her hair when she saw Maddie arrive, and smile, as she finished plating her hair before placing her helmet on, and securing the strap.

The two chatted, Selena noticing almsot imidiatly that Maddiw was brales under her cycling top, and smiled. Seh briefly remembered the evening before as she saw Maddie unclaps her bra and dance around the room...

"So where are you planning on going to?" Maddie asked bringing Selena back to the present.

"Oh Tuckers woods...?"

Tuckers woods are an old are of woodland that has not been damaged for farming. It is believed to be the burial place of an old long forgotten Indian tribe and some say haunted. But Selena and Maddie have ridden there numerous times, the trees helping to protect from the intense summer sun and heat,.

Maddie nods and off they go. Progress to the woods is slow as their of road bikes are not suited to speed on the road but finally after 40 minutes or so they reach the woods, and stop, Selena reaching for her water bottle. Maddie stopped in front, facing her allowing Selena another brief glimpse o f her breasts, the nipples semi erect from rubbing against the material, as they chat briefly..

The two ride for several hours, until as morning gives way to lunch time, they pause....

Selena stands up and rests her bike against the nearest tree before taking an energy bar and nibbles it as she drinks some water, again chatting with Maddie mainly about her college...

Finally Selena asks..

"So this guy who has been giving you the eye, any progress?" as she teased her younger friend!