His Latest Distraction(closed for StarWhisperer)


Really Really Experienced
Nov 20, 2009
Henry Clarke- Flaxton lit a cigar and looked out of the rain lashed window at the uninspiring view of the rugged Cornish coastline. His clean shaven face wore an expression of absolute boredom that immediately marked him out as belonging to a certain class of privileged, rich, educated and finally, arrogant young men.

Exhaling a thin blue stream of cigar smoke he sighed wearily at the prospect of being forced to spend the next twelve months of his life in such an isolated, unnattractive location. He'd been standing at the window for ten minutes, staring, unmoving, lost in thought, and inwardly cursing the series of misfortunes that had befallen him and resulted in him being compelled to move out of London and settle there. Although most of the difficulties that had befallen him were caused by his own ill-considered excesses - namely gambling, and his name too often being associated with women of rather loose morals - he still considered it a damn shame all round to be forced to flee the city, as it were, and retreat here into obscurity until the furore had died down.

There was nothing here for him. Absolutely nothing of the remotest interest to entertain a man of his intellect and cultured tastes. That much had been all too obvious as soon as he'd seen his first glimpse of the grey and depressing house he was obliged to inhabit. The stage coach that had carried him from Plymouth had rocked and crashed and jarred every bone in his body and on his arrival he'd discovered the house where he was to live was big, cold, damp and cheerless. It stood on a stretch of lonely moorland a mile from the cliffs. There was nothing to see, nothing to do. His view from the window was of stunted gorse bushes battered by the wind and beyond that the grey, cold waters of the Atlantic. He doubted very much if his position as local Doctor to the small villages he'd passed through would impose any great or distracting demands on his time.

One of his first tasks on taking up his position was the tiresome business of interviewing prospective employees for the position of house maid. For two days he'd been forced to watch them come into the study where he was conducting the brief interviews. All of them, as he'd expected, crude, uncultured, red-faced, wide hipped country women who'd looked around the study with an imbecilic, awe struck gaze of wonder and so depressed him with their over-eager smiles and clumsy attempts to curtsey, their fawning and false attempts to ingratiate themselves with him, that he was seriously beginning to despair of ever filling the position. In London, the task would have been delegated to one of his man-servants, here, in this God forsaken place, he was obliged to interview them himself.

Sighing again, and hearing over the soft crackle of the open fire in the hearth, the light sound of approaching footsteps, he drew on his cigar and turned reluctantly to the door.
God spare me, he thought wearily, as someone knocked and began to open the door, another bovine faced old harridan with breasts that hang like flour sacks to her waist...
Alice Cobley walked slowly down the dark, mildly depressing hallway towards what she assumed was the study. Stopping before the door, she paused and took a deep breath, smoothing the skirt of her simple light gray dress. It was possible her favorite dress because it matched, almost exactly, the color of her eyes. It was also the nicest item of clothing she owned. Alice came from a simple country family, like many of the women interviewed before her. She was much younger, however; only nineteen, wide eyed, innocent, and in need of a job. Her mother had died two years ago, and her father, having no clue what to do with her, had told her that she needed to find a live-in position as a maid.

Alice had been searching for almost a year now. She had very little experience, beyond cleaning her own small home she had been sharing with her father. She could cook very well, but she had taught herself in the last few years. No one wanted the pretty slip of a girl caring for their home. She didn’t look capable enough, to anyone, hard as she tried to be convincing. She had no experience, no one wanted someone who needed to be taught. Alice was a self-starter, a fast learner, and she really could do the job, but no one would give her the chance to.

She took a deep breath, tucking a loose strand of light brown hair behind her ear before lifting her hand and knocking, then slowly pushing the door open and stepping into the room. She gave a smooth, graceful, charming little curtsy. “Excuse me, sir?” she said quietly, glancing up once, but quickly training her eyes on the floor just before the man’s feet. “I’m here to interview for the position of maid…? I’m sorry if I’m late. The rain slowed me a bit.” She glanced towards the window, then back up to look earnestly at Henry. “Do forgive me,” she requested sweetly.
For the first time since his arrival in Cornwall Henry felt his spirits lift as he caught sight of the unexpectedly attractive young woman before him. Her complexion was fresh with just a touch of colour in her cheeks. Her voice was soft and her manner respectful. He'd noticed with approval the way she'd looked at the floor when she spoke to him. Now his interested gaze took in her young and shapely figure, lingering briefly on the firm upper swellings of her breasts revealed by her grey dress.

"Alice...?" he paused, searching his mind to remember her name. "Alice Cobley, is that correct?"
He smiled as he welcomed her, taking far greater interest than he had displayed to any of the other applicants.

"Please, do come in. I apologise for bringing you out here on such an inclement day."
Henry could be charming when he wanted to be and he was charming now. He was tall and handsome, yet about his features there was a spoilt, rather arrogant appearance. A more wordly observer might have noticed a carefully guarded look of dark pleasure and thoughtful speculation in his gaze as he appraised the young woman before him.

Drawing Alice closer to the fire he stood with his back to it, one arm resting casually on the mantle, the other hand still holding the cigar rested on his hip. His well cut jacket hung open at the front, his pale breeches were tight, and his black boots highly polished.

Briefly, he asked Alice for details of her experience and explained her duties, while all the time his eager gaze studied her attractive face with frequent glances at her figure whenever she looked away. His outward appearance gave no indication of the base and lewd thoughts in his mind. To all appearances he was, and looked, the perfect gentle man doctor, thirty two years old and recently arrived from London.

"Part of your duties of course will be to assist me with my wardrobe each morning," he added, smiling disarmingly. "Naturally a doctor has to take care over his appearance. One has to make the right impression for ones patients, you understand..."
Alice nodded, confirming her name. She walked further into the room, appreciating with a sigh the warm fire. She rubbed her cold hands together, listening attentively whilst the Doctor spoke to her. She appreciated the warmth, at any rate, even if she didn’t get the job. She’d had to walk through that rain. She shrugged and shook her head, though, saying that he couldn’t control the weather, and so what need was there to be sorry for it?

She was a bit surprised at the addition of wardrobe assistance. Alice glanced over his clothes, then, eyes traveling down from shoulders to toes, then back up to his face. “I think I could manage that,” she said with no hesitation. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure if she could, but if it would get her the job she would damn well try. She knew nothing about the clothing of well-off, fashionable men like him. Though, to herself, she thought he could wear just about anything and no one here would pay mind to it.

“I really am a hard worker,” Alice promised earnestly. She wrung her hands nervously at waist level, staring him in the eyes. Her father had said that eye contact made you seem more honest. “I might not know everything right away, but if you give me a week, or a couple of days, even, I could easily learn everything there is to know about maintaining your house. I would keep you happy.” She nodded, praying, though she felt more hopeful about this interview than any other. He, at least, seemed more interested in her as a prospect than anyone else had.

((OOC: I'm guessing [if you haven't realised] that we're in very different time zones. :) So this thread might be a bit more slow going, but that's alright with me if it's alright with you. For me, currently, it's about twenty minutes before 9 in the morning, as I'm posting this. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am, in guessing that you're maybe five hours ahead of me.))
"All I ask for is honesty, a cheerful disposition, and a willingness to learn," Henry said with a smile. "As there will only be the two of us here for much of the time I don't imagine the amount of work involved will be a problem for you..."

He paused thoughtfully. Alice seemed almost too good to be true. She was attractive, undoubtedly a little naive, anxious to make a good impression, and apparently innocently unaware that he might have other, less honourable reasons for wanting to employ her. In London Henry had been well known for being something of a ladies man, always with a keen eye open for a pretty face. If the girl was pure and of good character so much the better.

Suddenly eager to complete the interview he quickly offered her a generous weekly salary and her own small attic bedroom. They could discuss her day off at a later time, he told her, and quickly ran through the duties he expected of her; cooking, laundry, cleaning and going to the market in the village for whatever provisions they required.

They talked for about twenty minutes, Henry was keen to learn all about her family, and at the same time he informed Alice what to expect as the house maid of a Doctor.
Outside, the wind continued to blow strongly, the rain lashed against the windows, but it was quite warm and comfortable in the study. The more they talked the more Henry inwardly congratulated himself on his unexpected change of fortune.

"I should warn you," he said, smiling good naturedly when the interview was coming to a successful conclusion. "I'm an early riser. I wake at six o'clock every day without fail. I shall want your assistance with my wardrobe promptly at six-thirty. At seven o'clock, weather permitting I plan to take a short, brisk stroll along the cliffs, before returning here for breakfast at seven-thirty. I trust you're not averse to rising early in the mornings?"
“Those three things most certainly describe me to a “T,” sir,” Alice said with an enthusiastic nod. She continued to wring her hands, feeling incredibly lucky as he promised her more money than she had thought she would be making, and a room to stay in, as well. Alice had never had her own bedroom before; they only had one, so she and her father both slept in the same room. The privacy she would get seemed like a Godsend.

She nodded again, intent on agreeing with everything he said. He seemed very kind, and very interested in her life, which she liked. He was treating her as if she was a person, instead of the dirt beneath his shoe. Alice greatly appreciated this.

“I get up with the sun!” she said honestly. “It’s no problem, whatsoever. I grew up on a farm, so I know about waking up early. I can be awake and ready to assist promptly,” Alice assured the Doctor with a bright smile. “And, I can easily prepare your breakfast for you while you are out on your walk.” She thought of the food she would be able to eat here herself, and her smile widened a bit. “I promise you that I can meet your expectations, sir. I hope to exceed them, truly.”
When Alice had gone Henry sat in quiet contemplation by the fire. The light was almost gone from the day and the flames from the fire danced on the walls. Outside the rain had stopped but the wind still howled fiercely around the eaves of the exposed house. In the distance he could hear very faintly the deep pounding of the waves against the cliffs.

Henry lit a cigar and nursed a glass of brandy as he lounged in a comfortable arm chair. Everything had been settled amicably. Things couldn't have worked out better. Alice was going to move her belongings into the attic bedroom the next day. He would allow her the rest of the day to familiarise herself with the house and she would begin her duties the day after.

He smiled coldly to himself as he stared into the flickering flames of the fire. Such a sweet, attractive and innocent girl. Fresh faced with a fine womanly figure. He thought again of the tantalising glimpse he'd seen of the upper swellings of her breasts. Her eagerness to please him was quite touching. Sipping his brandy he felt quite sure that he would indeed be very pleased with her.
Alice, meanwhile, was wandering about her small home, having trudged back and getting rain-soaked in the process. She was collecting her few possessions and putting them into a black bag. Her father was sitting at the kitchen table, watching. “Who will cook for me now?” he asked jokingly.

Alice smiled over at him. “I’m sure you can fend for yourself, father.”

He shook his head a little. “I’ll miss you, Alice, but I’m very excited for you, too. From what you said, this Doctor seems like a good man.”

“You won’t have to miss me,” Alice said primly. “I’ll be able to visit on occasion. It isn’t too terribly far away, you know. Besides, you’re always so busy. You’ll hardly have time to miss me!” She smiled brightly at him as she took her small bag and headed back to the bedroom to sleep, preparing for the first of many long days and early mornings.
Next morning Henry waited somewhat impatiently for Alice to arrive. Yesterday's rain had brought a new flush of colour to the usually bleak landscape. The wind was still strong but the clouds were white and raced along hurried on their way by the wind. When the sun shone through the frequent breaks in the clouds the grass and the gorse bushes shone with deep rich colours. As he looked out of his bedroom window watching the narrow dirt track for his first glimpse of Alice he looked forward with increasing anticipation to the coming days.

Far out to sea a tall ship with all its sails stretched taut ran before the wind making good time along the coast. The water sparkled with a thousand pinpoints of light.
Every time he glanced towards the winding trail that led from the village it was deserted. He paced back and fore in his bedroom with his hands clasped behind his back. He'd neglected to stipulate a time for Alice to arrive but in future he would be sure to set strict times and expect his meals punctually. Alice would oversee the running of his house but Henry was looking forward to overseeing Alice.

When at last she did appear over the slightly rising trail he saw with pleasure the way the wind stirred her hair. The way it blew her loose dress against her legs. Even at a distance he was excited by her fresh faced, youthful appearance.
When he opened the front door to greet her there was no evidence in his manner of the thoughts that had filled his mind only moments ago. He smiled warmly and took her bag, then talking all the time of inconsequential things, he led her up the wide staircase, two storeys, to show her the attic bedroom that was to be her new home.

"It's rather small, but I hope it's adequate for your needs," he said, placing her bag on the single bed that stood under the sloping roof.
Sunlight entered the room through a small, East facing window. He peered from the window at the view of the ocean, overjoyed that she had finally arrived, but revealing nothing of his true feelings.

Inside, his heart was beating with a slow, deliberate rhythm. Just being this close to her sent the blood racing hotter and faster through his veins. The disgrace he'd felt at having to leave London was already a distant memory. He was no longer bored or disenchanted with his new position. Smiling he bowed politely to Alice, deliberately flattering her, and suggested that she take the rest of the day to unpack her belongings and acquaint herself with the rest of the house. She was free to explore at will. Meanwhile, he added, before closing her door, he would be in the study writing letters if there was anything she needed.
Alice had quite a walk, and she was not looking forward to making it carrying her bag of belongings. She set out in the morning, trudging slowly along the path, starting out with her eyes half-shut with sleep, and by the time she arrived, the day was well on it’s way. She had kissed her father goodbye, promising if she couldn’t find the time to visit in a few weeks time, she would write him a letter.

With a small, police curtsy, Alice greeted the Doctor. She smiled brightly at him. He took her bag and she followed him up the stairs and into the attic. The room was, indeed, a bit small, but it was all hers, and that was the important part. The fact that she had walls and a floor and ceiling and a window and a bed all to herself was enough to send Alice into another round of wide, youthful smiles.

She nodded to Henry, thanking him sweetly. “It’s not small, it’s perfect,” she told him of the room, looking around in near-wonder. “Truly. Thank you so much for allowing me to stay here.” She even got a window, and she could see the ocean! This was absolutely marvelous.

Alice promised to stop in to the study, had she any questions, before sitting on her bed and just… being for a bit before she stood and unpacked what few possessions she had. The clothes went into the tiny little wardrobe, and any other items went on the rickety bedside table. Alice sighed, flopping back on the bed for a moment before she set off to explore, intent on wandering into every room in the house and ending with the study and suggestion that she make some sort of food for the Doctor.
Henry sat at his desk in the study as he heard Alice's footsteps as she explored the house. On the desk before him lay a few scattered items of correspondence but writing letters to people in London was the last thing on his mind.

His thoughts instead turned to Alice. He could imagine her passing through the many rooms on the floors above him, her footsteps light and quick, a smile on her face. Some of the rooms were unfurnished, others were used for storage purposes. He saw her opening doors, peering into room after room, a bright, almost childlike expression of quiet pleasure on her face.

In keeping with his nature his thoughts soon turned to imaginative speculation about the soft velvet texture of her pale thighs. How she would look with her shoulders bare, her hair hanging down about her attractive face. He thought about her breasts and the soft, inviting swell of her stomach. The thick, profuse growth of soft wiry hair that was sure to grow at her crotch.

He remembered wistfully an eighteen year old kitchen maid at his Uncle's home near Reading, and how he'd surprised her early one morning by walking into the kitchen to find her stripped to the waist and carefully washing herself. He remembered her pale, heavy breasts with her large, distended nipples. The sudden look of shame mixed with uncertainty as she'd submitted to his eager, heavy handed fumblings.

Reaching under his desk he found his erection swelling stiffly in his tight, white breeches. A dreamy, far away light came into his eyes as he idly rubbed his hardness through his breeches and thought of Alice.
As Alice explored the house, she decided to herself that, in order to please her new employer to the fullest extent, she would unpack everything and furnish the rooms. He seemed to own a lot of things, even if they weren’t in use. Of course, she would ask him, first, but Alice sincerely hoped he would say yes. Part of it was that she just wanted to look through all of the items in storage and under white sheets.

Alice clasped her hands behind her back and walked towards Henry’s study. Finished, for now, with her exploration of the house, she had decided to offer to make him something to eat. He had told her to take the day off, but she was oh so eager to please him. She had been overjoyed at the sight of the kitchen, which was possibly twice as large, or larger, than the one she had at home.

Really, this whole house was at least three or four times larger than the one she had grown up in. Alice would have been overwhelmed if she hadn’t gone to so many large, intimidating houses on her interviews. She wondered if maybe all of the dusting she would have to do shouldn’t be intimidating, but shrugged it off as she reached the study door.

She knocked lightly on the door before pushing it open. He had said, anyway, to come if she had a question. Alice walked into the room, her eyes on the floor. She didn’t see the look on the Doctor’s face, nor notice that his hand was below his desk. If she had, she most likely would not have had the slightest clue as to what was going on, anyway. “Sir, I was wondering if I couldn’t make you something to eat,” she offered, her voice quiet. “I know you told me to take the day off, but if I made something for myself, as well, it wouldn’t be like work. And, anyway, I’d like to begin to familiarize myself with the kitchen, if that’s alright with you.”
Henry made no attempt to remove his hand from his erection when Alice entered the study. From where she stood it was impossible for her to see what he was doing. Instead, he smiled slowly, a somewhat sly and superior smile, if only the young woman had been observant and experienced enough to recognise it.

He'd heard her wandering through the house and now she stood before him, possibly one of the most attractive and pleasing to look at women he'd ever seen.
"You know Alice," he said, his hand still moving lazily up and down the length of his aching erection, "I was just thinking to myself that a woman as attractive as yourself would not look at all out of place in the popular restaurants and salons in London. No, don't look surprised. I mean it, I really do."

Watching her and enjoying the way she'd blushed at his compliment Henry agreed that if she wished he would be very grateful for a light meal. But that she shouldn't go to too much trouble.
"But please, stay a while first, there's no hurry."

Still gently stroking his erection Henry began to tell Alice about his life in London. His intention was to flatter her. He told her about the dazzling theatres, the restaurants with real French waiters. How the main thoroughfares of the great city were crowded with wealthy gentlemen and their elegant wives all wearing the latest fashions. He told her about the great industrious teeming life of the city. The ships in the dockyards. The people from all over the world. The parks, the buildings, the polished black horse drawn carraiges that filled the streets on opening nights.

As he spoke his eyes frequently lingered on the fullness of Alice's breasts, on the smooth inviting curves of her hips. His dark and lustful mind was already planning ways to see a lot more of Alice Cobley's delightful body.

Still talking, smiling warmly, he moved on to tell her about the great cathedrals and churches, the libraries, the public institutions, the banks. And now, as he talked, as he flattered her with his apparent delight in sharing all these things, his hand, moving very cautiously beneath his desk, drew down the front of his breeches so that his erection was exposed but still hidden from Alice. A dark sense of anticipation rose inside him as the young woman stood demurely before him, smiling, intently following his words, while beneath his desk his erection thrust stiffly into the air.

"And now," he said, "I've probably bored you enough, so if you'd like to put together a little something for lunch." Smiling at her, holding her gaze, he said, "I'll join you shortly in the dining room. I just have one more thing to take care of here first."

As soon as she was gone and he'd heard her footsteps receding towards the kitchen Henry's smile disappeared. He moved lower in his seat and began to stroke his erection with greater urgency.
Alice smiled at Henry, blushing a pretty pink at his compliment. She ducked her head and shook it a little. “Oh, I don’t know about that, sir. I’m just a sheltered girl from the country.” She rubbed the back of her neck, the blush taking quite a while to fade.

She hung onto his every word, captivated by his descriptive telling of life in the city. Alice had never much thought about it, but now she had the sudden desire to go there, some day. Her eyes were trusting, locked on Henry’s face while he spoke, never once suspecting anything was amiss about the situation, even as he drew his erection out of his breeches.

“Oh, no, I wasn’t at all bored,” Alice rushed to assure him with wide, innocent eyes. She clasped her hands imploring me. “Please tell me more, over lunch? I would love to hear it. Truly.” She took a step back, heading towards the door, then disappearing from the room and shutting it behind her.

Alice headed to the kitchen, rummaging around and preparing a small, light lunch. She hoped to please the Doctor and prove that she did, in fact, know what she was doing. He was so generous to her, and so very kind. She had no idea how she had gotten so lucky. If she had been told his true intentions, in that moment, she would never have believed it.

She set their lunch out on the kitchen table, not bothering with the formal dining room. The table in there had a large sheet covering it currently, anyway. Alice sat down, waiting for her new employer to return before she began to eat.
They talked of general topics as they ate. Henry was careful to compliment Alice on her cooking skills. He smiled often and was good company but there was a dark motive behind every thought and action. He wanted Alice to feel at ease in his company, but only to a point. He didn't want her to lose her shyness, it was that as much as her shapely figure and attractive fresh faced innocence that so delighted him. He talked to impress her with his social skills, his knowledge of topical affairs, but he was also careful to preserve the distance between them, to establish his role as master of the house and hers as his housemaid.

"Of course, I've never actually dined in the kitchen before," he said, making a joke of her oversight, but nevertheless also making it clear that he hadn't in fact asked her to join him. "One doesn't usually dine with one's help, but as it's your first day and you don't officially begin work until tomorrow, I decided to make an exception for you."

In London, he explained, in more fashionable and much more strictly run private homes, something like that would have caused a scandal.

"It simply isn't done," he told her. "But of course, this isn't London. I like things done in a certain way, meals on time, my clothes laid out when I need them. I believe in punctuality, Alice, and a fair days work for a fair wage. I think you'll find me a strict but fair employer. As long as you prove yourself willing and a good worker I foresee no problems."

After they'd eaten Henry suggested a short walk. He was enjoying Alice's company, her eagerness to please him. He liked the way she blushed and the way she listened with respect to everything he said.

Outside, the wind had dropped and the sun felt warm. The moorland seemed to go on forever, although the rooftops of a few houses were visible in the distance. Gulls wheeled and called over the cliffs. Henry and Alice walked side by side around the house. They strolled between the gorse bushes until they reached the edge of the cliffs. Far below them the great curling waves rolled in and crashed endlessly against the rocks. The air was full of the scent of the ocean, of sunlight on grass.

As Alice studied the view Henry took the opportunity when her attention was diverted to admire her profile, to allow his gaze to move lower over the fullness of her breasts, to linger speculatively on her hips. When finally she turned to look at him he smiled.

"Tell me, Alice, don't mind me asking. But is there anyone special in your life? A beau? A village boy who courts you perhaps? You don't have to tell me if you don't wish to. I'm simply curious."
Alice ducked her head, blushing. She immediately lost her appetite. How could she have made such a stupid oversight so quickly? She set down her fork and put her hands in her lap. She had assumed that since she had said cooking something for herself would make it so that she wasn’t working, since today he had told her to take the day off, that meant that she wasn’t supposed to make a big to-do out of it. Also, she’d assumed that had meant she was actually allowed to eat. He hadn’t objected when she had said that she would like it if he told her more over lunch. Clearly, though, she should not have assumed anything.

The more spoke the worse Alice felt. She didn’t eat the rest of her food, just picking at it listlessly until Henry had finished. She dutifully cleaned everything up, as quickly as she possibly could. Her effort to make up for her careless slip.

Alice apologized at least three times on the walk for her mistake. She hoped dearly that he would forgive her for it. He didn’t seem too entirely bothered, but she felt horrid all the same. She had been trying so hard to please him and she could not believe that she had already messed it up. That mortified feeling was lingering, and that was what she was dwelling on while they took in the view. Well, she took in the view, and he took in her body, although she didn’t actually notice this.

She turned to look at Henry, intent on apologizing yet again. Instead, she was entirely caught off guard by his question. That was completely unrelated to anything she had been thinking. She wondered what made him curious, but her timid nature kept her from asking. Alice looked up at the sky for a moment before she responded. Her cheeks were a little pink, mainly due to the nature of the question.

“There… was a boy… but only for a short time, and it was nothing serious. He moved away, and so that was that.” Alice shrugged, looking down and scuffing at the ground beneath her feet. “I didn’t much like him, really, but he was the only boy who ever paid me any mind, so I let him kiss me, once.” She looked out at the ocean again, her face going from pink to red. “It was childish.”
Henry was pleased to hear Alice's answer. It was what he might have expected. A simple kiss, childish, she'd said, but it had caused her to blush and quickly look away.

He wondered what she would do, how she would react, if he kissed her now. If he took her face in his hands and looked into her eyes and kissed her passionately on the lips. He was sorely tempted. Her lips were full and sensual. The light breeze was gently stirring her hair, but he decided to err on the side of caution. There would be time enough for stealing kisses, time enough for stealing a great deal more.

Remembering how much she'd apologised for the misunderstanding at dinner he assured her there was no harm done. Perhaps he had not made himself clear on the subject or he'd assumed she understood the workings of private houses.
"But, in any event, it really doesn't matter," he said, as they strolled along the cliff top. "Let's put it behind us and forget about it. Tomorrow is the first official day of your new appointment. I see no reason why I can't relax the rules a little until then."

They walked a little further talking lightly about the things they saw, the wild flowers, the sea birds, before turning and making their way back to the house.
Alice nodded, relieved to be allowed to drop her mistake. She pushed it from her memory, almost immediately. She was even more relieved that he didn’t say anything about Thomas. She didn’t really want to talk about, or think about it, though she did still wonder what had made the Doctor curious in the first place.

She followed him back to the house, unsure of what to do with herself now. She never really had free time. Alice walked up to her new attic bedroom, looking around. She had already put away all of her things. She didn’t have all that many possessions to begin with. She sat down on the bed, looking out the window at the slowly dimming view, thinking. She wondered if there was anything Henry wanted her to do before he retired for the night.

Pushing to her feet, Alice went back downstairs, going to his study and knocking lightly, intending to ask if it was alright for her to go to bed, or if he required anything else of her. She knew he said that tomorrow was her first real day in his employ, but she wanted there to be no more slip-ups. Alice was a perfectionist by nature, and she had a desperate need to please the man who had given her a chance at this opportunity.
Henry was sitting alone before the fire when Alice knocked politely and came into the study. He'd been drinking. There was an empty brandy glass on a small side table at his elbow. The bottle stood on another table across the room.

"I thought you would be asleep by now," he said, his voice was low, his eyes shone with the effects of the strong drink.

Sitting there with only the soft crackling sounds from the fire for company Henry's thoughts had turned again to the things he would be missing in London. The parties, the theatre. The company of women.

Smiling at Alice he picked up the empty glass and motioned for her to bring the bottle.
"You might re-fill this, for me, beautiful Alice, if you would be so kind..."
Alice nodded obediently. She could tell that Henry had been drinking for a bit. It was in his voice, and his eyes. She walked across the room, picking up the bottle of brandy and bringing it over. She leaned down, filling his glass, then stepped back, holding the bottle in both hands. She could also tell he had been drinking because he called her beautiful Alice, instead of just Alice.

“I just wanted to make sure there was nothing you required before I slept,” she said quietly, eyeing him. “My job, after all, is to fulfill your wishes and make sure you’re comfortable and happy. I decided a few extra minutes awake were worth it.” She wondered how he would be able to wake up early if he stayed up late drinking, but decided that that really was none of her concern.

“I had planned on retiring once I was sure you were free of any needs,” Alice continued with a small nod. “So, is there anything that I can do for you before I go to sleep?” She smiled sweetly. “It’s not a bother in the slightest.”
"Alice, Alice, Alice," Henry mumbled thickly. He was tired and he was also very drunk. Rousing himself with an effort he passed a hand over his face, rubbing his eyes, trying to gather his thoughts. "You really don't have any idea what you're saying, do you?"

His gaze took in her chaste but eager expression, the gentle smile at her lips.
"You're so beautifully, perfectly innocent that it's almost a shame to..."

He stopped before he could say anymore but his gaze lingered on her face then moved lower to the well filled front of her dress. Lifting his glass again he beckoned her to come closer.
"Please, fill it to the top. It's my last of the night. A nightcap. Helps me sleep. Come on, do as I say."

As Alice stepped closer and leaned forward to carefully fill his glass to the top Henry's gaze focussed blearily on her cleavage. He lowered his hand deliberately so that Alice was obliged to bend even more to keep the neck of the bottle against the top of the glass.

She bent smoothly, unsuspecting, from the waist and her hair fell forward and Henry was treated to a tantalising glimpse of her large pale breasts exposed more and more as the top of her dress gaped open. Her breasts hung pale and smooth, enticing and round, with soft shadows between her deep cleavage.

"A view to delight every red-blooded man in England," Henry muttered, drunkenly.
Reaching for her with his free hand he hooked one curled finger into the neck of Alice's dress and held it open even more. Her breasts hung heavy and unsupported. He saw her nipples and then his mind slowly cleared and he released her dress and slumped back into the armchair. Some of the brandy spilled from his glass but his mind was a little clearer now and he waved Alice away.

"Please forgive me. I've had too much to drink." He turned back to the fire. "Go to bed, Alice. It's late, but be punctual in the morning."
Alice blinked at Henry, slowly shaking her head. She had absolutely no clue what he was going on about. After a moment of puzzling over it, Alice decided to blame it on the drink and shrugged off the comment. Yes, she was innocent, but Alice was unsure why anything in relation to that was a shame.

She hesitated, swaying a bit on her feet. Should she really give him more? He seemed well drunk enough already. With a small nod, Alice sighed and leaned over, pouring more liquid into the half-full glass with a steady hand. She didn’t notice her employer was staring down her dress until he made his little comment.

Alice’s eyes widened and she looked up, opening her mouth, though she had no idea what to say. “I…. I’m sorry? What…?” She nearly spilled the brandy. Henry pulled open even more her dress with a finger and Alice’s face flamed. “Oh. Um. Oh.” She hadn’t the slightest idea what to do. Alice took a step back when he let go of her, slumping back and spilling his drink. She walked over to the table the bottle had been on and set it down, standing with her back to him for a moment in an attempt to collect herself.

Despite the strange and uncomfortable conditions, Alice was a little torn. She was sorely tempted to clean up the spilt liquor, but Henry ordered her to bed. Deciding on a compromise, Alice took a small hand towel and laid it on the arm chair, should he come to need it. With a small nod, Alice headed out of the room, crossing her arms over her chest as she exited.

What had just happened? She had never expected anyone to do something like that to her, let alone the Doctor, whom she trusted implicitly (for some reason.) Alice shook a bit as she made her way up the stairs to the attic bedroom. She undressed and re-dressed in her nightclothes very quickly, shaking her head to herself. He had just been drunk, that was all. Nothing to get all upset over.

Even as she thought that, though, Alice felt rather violated. She closed her eyes, trying not to feel as if there were eyes all over her as she drifted off to a dreamless sleep.
"No, no Alice. I'm afraid this is altogether too unsightly. It won't do at all."

Despite his slightly aching head from the brandy the night before Henry was in high spirits the next morning. Alice had presented herself at his door promptly at 6:30am. It was now fifteen minutes later and Henry was critically studying his reflection in the mirror in his bedroom.

"You see what I mean, don't you Alice? A gentleman's cravat is the finishing touch to his wardrobe. It has to be tied just right or it looks abominable." Sighing and turning away from the mirror with what appeared to be a patient, good natured smile, Henry quickly unfastened the silk cravat and stood before Alice.

"Now, try it again, won't you? It's really not so terribly difficult."

He stood before Alice, smiling down at her, with the unknotted cravat beneath his collar, the ends hanging, waiting to be tied.
As she stepped closer his gaze took in her complexion, the shine of her hair. It was impossible to know what she'd thought of the events of the night before. She was carefully avoiding his eyes as she began to slowly re-tie the cravat.

Despite his drunkenness the night before Henry remembered every detail of the brief glimpse he'd seen of her breasts. He looked at them now, pushed together in the neck of her dress as she concentrated on fastening his cravat. His gaze lingered, noting every detail, the mesmerising way they rose and fell as she breathed, the soft texture of her skin.

"Do you know, Alice? I really do think you'd find it easier if you were to stand a little closer. If I may make a suggestion?" Smiling, but with his mind full of his own dark motives, Henry placed his hands on Alice's firm round hips. By necessity it caused them to stand a little closer. Lifting his chin to allow her to fasten his cravat Henry spread his finger tips and gently squeezed her hips, feeling the warmth of her skin, the exciting heat of her body, through the material.
Alice sighed a bit but nodded, studying the cravat and fighting the temptations to roll her eyes and rub her temples. Frankly, she wasn’t sure why it mattered all that much. She doubted he would be seeing anybody but herself today. Vaguely, she wondered if he just liked to be difficult.

Despite her negative thoughts, Alice stepped forward and began to re-tie it, sighing inwardly. She would not look him in the face; she had decided she felt terribly violated, but that she was certain it was an innocent drunken mistake, and it wouldn’t happen again.

She was about to take another small step forward at his suggestion when she felt his hands on her soft, supple hips, pulling her closer. She made a small, surprised noise at the feeling of gentle pressure of his fingertips.

Alice finished tying the cravat, praying that it would be to his satisfaction this time. She took a step back, carefully slipping out of Henry’s grasp. “Is that better, sir?” she asked demurely, still refusing to look him in the eyes. Her cheeks had a pink tinge to them. Alice looked away.
Henry's expression stiffened and darkened with displeasure as Alice finished fastening his cravat and stepped out of his grasp. Without even looking in the mirror he impatiently untied the cravat.

"I don't recall giving you permission to move away from me," he said, stiffly.
An attractive blush had risen to Alice's cheeks and now he brusquely motioned her closer.

"Perhaps I should explain, if necessary you will refasten this cravat a hundred times until I'm satisfied with the result, do you understand?"
Henry was annoyed. He straightened his shoulders and tugged at the sleeves of his shirt as Alice stood before him with her eyes lowered.

"If you want to work for me I expect you to follow every instruction to the letter. I will not tolerate disobedience. Now come here, stand where you were before."
As he waited for Alice to move Henry's gaze fell on the firm round shape of her breasts.

He was not a man who took kindly to being thwarted. As Alice obediently stepped closer and reached again for his cravat Henry raised his hands and spreading his fingers wide he deliberately cupped her breasts.