The Unwilling Slave (open to one female)


Literotica Guru
Sep 24, 2008
I'm looking for a female writing partner interested in purchasing an unwilling slave. Coddle me, work me, break me, use me as a (sex) toy, I leave it up to you. PM me with a sample if you're interested.

This would take place in a sort of fantasy world similar to the Roman/Byzantine empire. The Emperor, and his family, at the top of society rule the empire assisted by a small number of noble and wealthy families, slaves, at the bottom serve them. Unlike the actual Roman/Byzantine period, women can freely move about in social circles and the city with the same rights as men.

As he sat, chains on his limbs and collar around his neck, Jin wondered just how he had come to this. His family had been poor and when his mother fell ill, they could not afford to pay the doctor to attend to her. Desperate, he turned to a crime boss who agreed loaned him the money, but at an exorbitantly high interest rate. With no other options left, he agreed to the terms.

With the doctor's help, his mother eventually recovered, but the loan became a heavy burden on the family. A large portion of any profits from their farm went to pay off the constantly accumulating interest. "Accidents" became much more common as well. Nightshade in the feed for the flocks, foxes getting into locked henhouses, fires starting in fields, field hands quitting with no explanation beside terrified expressions.

Despite the fact that by now, they had repaid their original loan several times over, all of the money had only gone towards paying the interest of a debt that had only grown larger. Realizing that the crime boss meant to keep his family forever in debt, Jin left the farm and went to the city to seek a solution. He found that if he wanted to make a lot of money quickly, his only chance lay in fighting in the Arena, where fame, and more importantly fortune, awaited those who became champions.

Inexperienced, but with the his family's freedom at stake, he defeated his first opponent. He learned quickly, soon becoming a worthy contender in the arena, his unrefined but unrelenting fighting style raised the crowd's bloodlust while fattening his savings. But in spite of his winnings, he lived a spare existence, living in a small hut on the outskirts of the city. He had grown up in a life absent of luxury and with his winnings, little changed. Rich food, fine clothing, the brothels, even drink. He denied himself all of these, saving every coin he could.

Finally, the day came that he was to fight the Arena's champion. Jin took his savings and placed a bet on himself. The duel was nearly evenly matched, but when the dust settled, it was Jin who lay disarmed on floor, blood pouring from wounds that crisscrossed his body. It was only by the mercy of the crowd that his life was spared. A consolation prize for entertaining the crowds.

But the Arena was now closed to him. The crowds didn't want to see a defeated gladiator. They wanted to watch supermen, men who had never been defeated in combat, men who they could raise up and be in awe of. Now that he had been defeated, Jin was just human, another notch on the champion's belt.

Destitute and out of options, there was only one thing left that he could do to free his family from debt. He sold himself into slavery. He had been able to negotiate a high price because of his fighting skill and his relative fame to those who had watched him fight. The slaver had told him a local crime boss had expressed interest in purchasing some new muscle. The irony choked nearly as much as his new collar.

He sent the money to his family with a letter that stayed intentionally vague as to how he had come by the money, mentioning that he would be staying in the city permanently from now. The crime boss was scum, but he wouldn't openly renege on the deal. It would be bad for business and his reputation. His family would finally be free.

The thought was bittersweet as he sat in his cage in the courtyard of the slave market, watching "customers" go by. The slaver was off somewhere else, showing off his wares to anyone with a large enough purse.
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Calcini was a noble woman and daughter of one of the prime ministers. She was walking through the market when she noticed the male locked in a cage. She approached warily her ruby red hair waving as the curls of her red hair spilled from the band in her hair. He had a collar clamped around his neck and scars crossed his chest. She turned calling out for his seller. After negotiating a bargin she had him removed from the cage and attaching a chain to his collar pulled him along with her.
Jin was too distracted by his thoughts to notice the woman approaching him, looking him over. He only looked up when he heard a nearby voice call for the slaver. The voice was definitely feminine and from the look of her, she was of noble blood. His heart sank as he listened to them negotiate before finally agreeing on a price. He could delude himself no longer. He was a slave.

He stood and let the woman attach her chain to his collar, silent as a stone. He followed her out, glaring at her back the entire time. Although he knew it was a common sight, Jin couldn't help but feel as though every eye was fixed on him, watching as he was led like a dog on a leash.
She calmly led him out of the market and into a less crowed area that was were the upper clas lived. She walked through a high gate pausing momentarily to close it before turning back to him. She unclipped his collar knowing he wouldn't run. She looked him over before grabbing his wrist and pulling him into the house. She snapped her fingers and 2 maids appeared. She muttered something to them and they whisked him away.
He watched as the buildings became larger and more luxurious the farther they walked. He wondered just what sort of person this woman was, his new owner. Arriving at their destination, he watched coldly as she undid the chain from his collar, but was surprised when she grabbed his wrist to pull him inside. He had little time to look at the house he'd arrived at before two maids appeared to hurry him off into the house, taking him away. Once they were out of the sight of the woman, he asked them "Who's home is this? And what did she say to you?"
The maids watched him warily before the younger of the two spoke.
"This is the manor of our Mistress Calcini Thome. Daughter of Prime Minister Tobias Thome." she replied folly before pushing him into a room.
"You are to bathe and get dressed so we can take you to the parlor." replied the elder maid handing him a clothe, soap, and a towel.

The younger maid carefully draped fresh clothes on a table and left. She had left a shirt made of black linen and a pair of matching pants.
He watched the two maids leave before turning to the bath. He was still a little wary but figured that there could be no harm in washing himself. Stripping off his clothing, he lowered himself into the water, feeling the hot water undo the knots in his muscles. Jin winced a bit as some of his newer scars pulled and twisted at the hot water. He scrubbed away the dirt from his hair and his skin, washing his neck beneath the collar as best as he could. He took his time, washing every inch of his body.

After toweling himself dry, he dressed himself. The bath and the new clothing did much to make him feel like a human being again.

He knocked on the door and simply said "I'm ready."
The younger maid reappeared her and whisked him off down a long hall into a large sitting room. The room was decorated in marron and gold with gold cloths hanging from the ceiling. The maid backed out of the room slowly.

Calcini was sitting on the window seat her legs tucked up under her. She noted his presence with a simple wave of her hand to signal him to approach. When he got close she turned and stood. She unsnapped his collar tossing it across the room.

"Such a distatsteful collar. Apparently your slaver had no since of beauty." she said smiling. She snapped another collar this time made of maroon cloth with a gold gryphon embroidered on it. She circled him her eyes roving over him and then returned to stand infront of him.

"Im am Calcini but you are to refer to me as Mistress or Cal. And you are?" she asked eyeing him.
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The room he was taken to spoke of an easy life of luxury. Maroon and gold, colors of status, were prominently displayed everywhere. The sense of luxury was utterly alien to him.

He frowned at her wave, but approached her nonetheless. He stood with his head up and his back straight, his hands together behind his back. His new collar was far lighter and more comfortable against the skin of his neck than the old metal one. But it was still a collar. A constant reminder of his lowly status.

"My name is Jin." he said cautiously. He still wasn't quite sure what to make of this woman just yet. Her name was unfamiliar to him, but he had paid little attention to the politics of the city in his past.
"You should consider yourself lucky. You'll be treated very kindly here." she said as she turned and walked to the other side of the room. She returned holding a gold chain leash in her right hand. She put it in a box on the right side of a doorway in the back of the room.

"Your room is through this door and then the door on the left. You are free to do as you wish and communicate with who you wish, including." she said. With a wave of her hand she dismissed him and returned to her seat. She returned to the book sitting in the chair utterly ignoring him.
Jin found himself struggling to make sense of just what was going on. Things had turned out better than he had initially hoped. Dirty work for a crime boss had seemed his most likely fate and menial labor for a relatively kind owner had been his best hope.

He thought about wandering the house to "Not that I don't appreciate your kindness so far, but what am I doing here?" he asked. "You must have bought me for a reason other than to look pretty. I'm sure there were many other slaves who could have served that purpose better."
Calcini laughed her light voice almost musical. "No. I find my life here rather boring for lack of male compainonship, so you will basically be here to keep me company." She looked at him again her green eyes glowing with companionship. She held her arms out to him motioning for him to come closer.
That...didn't sound so bad. Especially when he'd been expecting far worse. He walked closer to her, a little more relaxed than before. "I expect I'll be rather poor company. Farm boys turned gladiators don't usually mingle with nobility such as yourself."

Jin found his eyes drawn to her own, drawn in by they almost danced with a welcoming glow. He stopped just short of bumping into her. "But I'll do my best," he said. "Mistress...Calcini" he added, the words felt uncomfortable to him but he supposed it wasn't terrible price to pay for his good fortune thus far.
She reached up and hugged him. She let him go her eyes facing with mirth again. "Just call me Cal." she said laughing. Shebseemed to think for a moment and then stood and grabbed his wrist. She dashed happily through the house and out the back door into an imense garden. There were plants everywere, roses, crysanthamum, and orchids,btan wild threw the garden. There was a small river flowin through the center of the garden and over it arched a wooden bridge. She sat down sliding her sandles off. She dabbled her feet in the clear cool water and patted the bridge beside her for him to sit. "So how old are you anyway Jin?" she asked. Cal was only 19 but everyone believed she was in her twenties and shebwasnt going to tell them otherwise. Shebsat there twirling a blood red rose and watching him intently wondering and planning.
He was stone-still as she hugged him. As an only child to a sickly mother, he had had little occasion in his life to be hugged. But feeling her embrace him, Jin felt his heart soften a fraction for his new, if somewhat unorthodox, mistress.

When she grabbed his wrist, he ran along behind her, dashing with her through the house and the garden, led by her hand and the sound of her laughter. The fresh smell of grass and plant life, rich with the heady scent of flowers, suddenly reminded Jin of home and the countryside again. Something that he had not experienced since he had arrived in the city, where everything was made of marble, bronze, and stone.

Sliding his own sandals off and rolling up the legs of his pants, he sat down next to Cal, dangling his feet over the side of bridge, so focused on the stream that he didn't see her intent gaze. Counting the summers since he had left his home at 18, he replied "20. I'll be turning 21 soon." Looking at her, he decided that Cal looked close to his age, perhaps a few years his senior. "Thank you Cal. For showing me this place. It reminds me of my home."
"Well I can assure you that wasn't intentional." she said patting his leg good naturedly. She looked around the garden all of this she had planted herself. She loved plants especially flowers and considered her self and exceptionally talented gardener. "If you ever wanna come out here let me know and I'll have someone bring you, at least until you know the way." she said. She smiled again but her eyes sparkled mischieviously. She slid her hand up his back and suddenly...she pushed him. He fell of the bridge and into the water while she sat laughing. "Im sorry but I couldn't resist. You were a sitting duck!" she choked out over her laughter.
He smiled back at Cal when he saw her eyes sparkling with something looked like mirth. He was about to say something when he felt her hands slide up his back and suddenly he forgot his words.

So he was completely off-guard when he felt her hands suddenly push him off of the bridge and into the river. He rose up soaked, spluttering water. With some embarrassment Jin stood up again. He had gone nearly 2 years undefeated in the Arena and he had just been soundly ambushed by a girl who looked like she'd never fought in her life.

He walked through the river toward the low-hanging bridge and with a very serious expression put his hands on either side of her. A sudden grin crossed his face and Jin grabbed her up by the hips, lifting her into the air and catching her in his arms, like a groom carrying his bride. Finding a spot deep enough that they wouldn't be hurt, Jin looked to Cal and said to her "You can punish me for this later if you'd like," and fell backwards in the river with her still in his arms, soaking the two of them all over again.
She laughed when he picked her up an when he dunked her she gasped. She surfaces spluttering. She flipped her red hair out of her face spraying water everywhere. She laughed as she scrambled onto the banks. She stood there wringing the water out of her hair. Her wet dress cling to her and the maroon fabric appeared dark purple.

"You suck!" she squealed still laughing. She smiled pulling him onto the bank as well. She smiled at him and brushed his wet hair out of his eyes. "My rules are simple, don't talk to the maids, don't leave out of the house me, don't come in my room without knocking, and never go into the music room, study, or armory without me. Other than that you can do whatever you wish. I told you I'm more of a friend. now come on we need to get some dry clothes." she said and took of towards the house laughing.
He nodded as he listened to the rules. A little restrictive, but considering the alternatives, he wasn't about to complain. As he joined her on the shore, he sneaked an appreciative glance at how her now soaked dress clung to her body, accentuating its curves and shape.

He tried to brush the thoughts aside. He felt sure that Cal could never be interested in him. When she took off, he chased after her, keeping pace just behind her as they ran through the garden back into the house. He wouldn't have really minded staying wet. Even soaked, these were still the best clothes he'd ever worn. But he followed her anyway. He actually found himself caring what she wanted.