Prowler (closed)


Mischief Maker
Aug 22, 2001
OOC: This is closed for LoganDarkHome and myself. Please do not post in the story without an invitation.


April 2004

“Miss Delany, how much longer?” They were all tired, she couldn’t blame them for their complaints, but it didn’t make them less irritating.

“We’ll make camp in an hour.” She too was weary. They’d hit port in San Luis nearly three weeks ago and had been on the move since. Moving inland to Palmas, she took time to stop there and let the folks from National Geographic take pictures of various species in the area.

They rented a boat there and a navigator to get them down the Araguaia, again stopped in small settlements as the request of the photographer’s party. She took it in stride, but she wasn’t there to watch grasshoppers. They’d paid her boss with a hefty donation to tag along on a trip that Mina was most certain they shouldn’t have been allowed to come on.

How was she supposed to track and tag the endangered cats of the area with this rag-tag noisy crew along? Jack, the photographer assured her numerous times that when the time came down to track her beasties, he wouldn’t make a peep. She hopes so, because this current ‘beastie’ was rare, a legend and looking to be impossible to find.

“So tell me again, this local legend?” Jack kept sliding up to her every chance he got, the type of touchy-feely guy she didn’t get into. He was good at his job, but he had no social skills worth mentioning. He was treating this trip as some sort of ‘cruise of love’ dating opportunity, very awkward to say the least.

“Well the locals in the area keep swearing, recounting incidences where they believe to have seen some sort of panther, only larger in size. Story says, he is twice the size of all known male panthers in the area. That he has stalked down and killed four different hunting parties, poachers and killed each man responsible, or holding a gun.”

“Do cats do that?” Jack was writing everything she said down into his small notebook, but he knew the answer to that without asking.

“Cats are territorial, as much as any other animal is. If threatened they will defend themselves, but generally they avoid all human contact. So it is not normal for a cat to hunt the hunters, without provocation.” Mina stretched, feeling cramped on the small tug boat, always surrounded by Jack or one of Jack’s crew.

She could kill her boss for this! While she is trekking around South American jungles in a group of all men, he was schmoozing some where in LA with some wealthy client, enjoying ice cubes, air conditioning and safe from large swarms of biting bugs.. Of varying sorts. Her eyes were thankfully hidden behind her sunglasses, so Jack didn’t see her narrowed look.

“I am told he stands about five and a half feet at the shoulder, taller if he stretches out but have no known photos of the cat, just pictures of the imprints from his paws. Unknown age, unknown pride, and unknown weight. Of course, we can’t know if we’ve never seen him or the prints in person. So that is why I am here, as you know, to track him down and tag him.”

The rest of the trip was uneventful and the scenery was lovely this time of year. They chugged slowly down the Araguaia, found their destined docking spot and set up camp. Which, judging by her maps and charts, the middle of no where and some where between Palmas and Cuiaba.

It took nearly two hours to unload all their equipment and supplies from the boat. Between the hired men, the NG team and her, they had fourteen people she had to escort through the jungle safely… Someone hated her, some where, but she wasn’t quite sure who it was.

She was a nice gal after all, of course she was pushing close to thirty and still single.. As her mother often warned her about. “You need a nice young man to marry and settle down with, make me a grandmother! Before your looks fade, dear.” Well meaning, but annoying all the same.

Her looks weren’t fading. She was always flirted with, granted she was no playboy pin up, but she was in shape and pretty. Her last boyfriend called her, ‘his girl next door’ fantasy. She could live with that… just not his habit of finding other fantasies while she was at work.

She had long brown hair, her mother said it was auburn, but brown was Mina’s style. She had hazel eyes, her mother said she had green eyes with some honey highlights… Was it her eyes or a fucking hair dye commercial? She hacked at leaves in her path, taking many frustrations her mother caused over the years on the poor fern.

Wilhelmina Addison Delany was NO charity case, Fellas! She hacked some more underbrush with a single swipe and felt better. Five foot six inches, nice build and curvy in the places that counted, who could ask for more? Jack was interested, the thought came and went just as quickly. Almost disgusted with the idea, they just didn’t click. She was a country gal, born in the wilds of Montana, and raised by a mountain man of a father. Real men didn’t get manicures where she came from, and she was guessing that Jack’s manicure was very professional and most likely pricey.

“Set up camp here.” She slung down her pack, asking everyone to be as quiet as possible and set off on foot. Taking the nearest game trail, and her tranquilizer gun in hand, she headed off to the bush to find a safe spot to pee.

The hour was growing late, the sun would be down within fifteen minutes and she wasn’t exactly familiar with this area enough to be out too long past sundown. However, she was comfortable in her environment, having hunted since she could walk with her pop. She was a natural, silent and quick on her feet. She made no noise as she moved into the wind, her eyes scanning for threat as well as a good spot to crouch down. The breeze felt good, cooling the sweaty streaks on her throat and forehead and the scent in the air was heave on earth to her. Earthly, wholesome and pure. There wasn’t any smog in the air, or stench from garbage or crowded sweaty bodies. She could live here and not miss a thing outside this jungle, her thoughts as she walked.

Unknowing of the area, nor the danger ahead of her now crouching to drink from the river, she traipsed onward at full speed, but silent.. And most importantly, down wind.

At first when she made the clearing, she hadn’t seen him hunched down, muzzle hovering just over the water as he drank. She turned quietly from left to right, scanning the area about waist level for any intruders, and then scanned back again over the foliage. It was then that the large cat caught her eye, and everything in her stilled with excitement, fear and adrenaline.

She was unable to move for the longest second of her entire life. He was absolutely gorgeous, breath taking in his flawless coat. And jesus, was he a large one! Was this the cat? Could it be so god damned easy?! Things like this didn’t happen to her! All that went through her head as that one second ticked by.

The second tick was beginning when she noticed he wasn’t tagged, the distance was great enough she could tranquilize him, but she had only seconds to react because the cat’s head was lifting from the water. So down she went, crouching and in the same fluid moment, lifting her rifle to her shoulder.

The first *pop* went off, the dart hitting the cat in the flank, his entire body jerked away from the offending sting, coiled and curved with it’s shock and defense mechanism. His head swung towards her, his lips curled and fangs bared as he hissed at her. He didn’t go down, she knew it wasn’t enough and hit the trigger again just as his muscles bunched up to make that leap.

She hit her ass on the ground as the second dart sank into his front shoulder, but she didn’t hesitate to move, scrambling backwards as the cat turned towards her fully and leapt at her.

“Go down, baby. Please, god! Go down!” She was muttering to herself, the awe in her keeping the fear in check. If it wasn’t for his uniqueness, she might’ve been pissing herself with fright right about now he came right for her. She dropped the gun, jumping to her feet as the cat landed but a few feet shy of where she was.. but she had been there but seconds ago! The math went wild in her head, trying to determine how far that cat had just cleared to get to her.

“Nice kitty…Oh god..” She gulped, the cat was coiled and looking like he was going to spring on her again. “I need a new job… Nice baby..” She cooed at him, uncaring that he couldn’t understand a damned word she said, but she hoped the tone would draw his attention as she slid slowly backwards.

“Ten more seconds, baby. That’s all I need..” She trembled, her fear was starting to show now, and she was silently cursing herself for jumping the gun.. so to speak.
today was perfect, the temps where warm, but not overly so, the skys where clear. The rainy season having passed everything was lush, green, and quiet. Waking up early in the morning, i stretch, letting my claws dig into the branch of the tree, looking down i scent the air, my eyes scanning my surroundings, seeing nothing around that could ruin my day i jump down.

it had been a few days since i was last able to hunt, having killed 2 more groups of poachers, it was time to relax and eat, walking through the thick brush i slowly make my way to a herd of gazelle i spotted last night bedding down, coming to the edge of the brush i lay down, my eyes watching the herd, the fawns, the males, the females, narrowing his eyes he spots an older gazelle near the back of the pack.

crouching low in the brush i slowly make my way around the herd, watching them, my ears on a constant swivel looking out for anything that might be bad, hunkering down, his muscles tensed, digging my claws into the ground, i spring, quick, hard, clearing the distance between me and the gazelle before he could even move, sinking my jaws into the neck i feel the splash of blood, with the force of a freight train i down the gazelle, not caring as the herd scatters, there isnone on this prarie that could down me, even the lions kept their distance, they knew what i was, i was not panther, not a normal one anyway, and i was 4 times stronger then any normal animal

having eaten my fill i make my way to the watering hole, lowering my head to the water i begin to drink, letting my guard down, i figured i would be safe, i knew the hunters wouldnt be stupid enough to be back this soon, give it two or three weeks there would be another group but nothign till then, humans where nothing if not predictable

and then i heard it, the soft pop of a rilfe, a silencer? and then i felt it a sharp sting in my ass i growl and whips my head around, ripping the dart from my ass, i snarl and immediatly picks up movement in the bush, they where down wind....god damn it.....then he saw the flash and another pop as a second dart clipped my shoulder, hissing loudly i crouch and spring, clearing the lake in a second leap i came down just as she rolled, snarling deeply.

a girl??? i let my guard down and get shot in the ass by a female? what the hell....

My ears perk up as i hear her voice, she was whispering to herself
“Go down, baby. Please, god! Go down!”

he tilted his head, his fangs bared, he saw the fear on her face, the awe, he saw the thoughts running through her heard, she saw me clear the lake in a single jump, and she was in shock, slowly i advance on her, watching as she backs away from me,

“Nice kitty…Oh god..I need a new job… Nice baby..”

he tilted his head at her words, he could hear it in her voice, she didnt seem intent on killing me, she was too shaken, too unco-ordinated of an attack, slowly i advance on her, reaching out i sniff her, growling still, my eyes watching her face, watching as her eyes locked with mine, and it registered on her face, my eyes gave me away everytime, she saw the intellegence, she instantly knew i was not normal

“Ten more seconds, baby. That’s all I need..”

he staggered, her words, his head grew fuzzy, licking my lips, i looked to her face, trying to keep focused, two darts, two shots, did she poisen me? is this how im gunna die after all these years at the hands of a female?

the last thought running through my head was a string of curses that this is the way i was gunna die, and then i slumped to the ground, breathing deeply i shook my head again but the haze took me, and i fell unconscious at her feet
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"Oh god!" She literally went limp as the cat lay unmoving at her feet. The adrenaline rush was pulsating through her and the fear made her crawl a few more feet away. Fighting the urge to vomit down, she sat there just breathing.

"Jesus!" She still could not believe it, her own eyes. The fact that she was still alive alone!.... god, she better never tell this tale to her mother, she'd be locked up in the damn basement for a good ten years, if her mother had her way.

She glanced over at the cat, her leg straightening a bit as she gently nudged the beast with the toe of her hiking boot. When it made no move, she sagged even further. Simply put, she laid there. Saying a silent prayer to a god she didn't really believe much in for whatever powers-that-be that kept her alive just now.

For a moment, when their eyes had met she could've sworn he knew what she had been saying to him. "I am losing it!" She had to be, although felines were smart creatures, they did not speak english!

Thundering came down the trail, the guys yelling out her name as they came like a fucking herd of elephants!

"Miss Delany!? Mina!?" Good timing, Jack ol' buddy.. NOT! "Miss Delaay.. Holy shit!" Jack stumbled over his own boots trying to stop as his eyes fell over the downed cat.

"Holy... Wow." He gaped like she had, only she didn't look so stupid in her opinion, about it. "Is he.. Is he.. Man! Tell me he's alive!?"

Did he come to see if she was alright? How about move to help her stand up? Nope.. Good Ol' Jack was more interested in the cat! Not that she blamed him, but chivalry went out the window decades ago.

She got herself up on her own, calling to the nearest hired hand to fetch the travois and to assemble the cage. "Fetch my kit as well!" she moved forward, none to gently pushing Jack aside.

"God, you're gorgeous baby." She spoke softly with the reverence she felt. Her hands moved over his head and down his shoulder, pulling out the darts.

"You- you shouldn't be over there, Wilhelmina!" Jack stammered as he rifled with his camera case. "He could attack.. Is he really subdued?" His questions were firing off a million miles a second, but she only had eyes for the beautiful creature before her.

"He will sleep for at least four hours. That gives me time to tag him, and you to get pictures."

"Well.. The pictures were supposed to be of the cat in the wild, not on the ground looking dead." Jack kept fumbling with his camera bag until he got the small 35mm free to snap a few close ups.

Mina however had other things to do, including checking his vitals, teeth and paws. He was healthy as hell, bulky with muscle and very.. VERY large. His breathing sounded like a content kitten, the soft pants coming out as a partial purr in sound.

"Load him up and let's move." It took five men to get the cat onto the travois, four to carry him, nearly drag him back to camp. Setting up camp had been postponed, everyone remarking on the odd coincidence of Mina running into the local legend before they had a chance to use even one meal of their supplies.

Taking a small tag from her kit, she pierced the cat's ear with the small numbered tracer. She flinched when she punctured his ear for the device, and felt sadder than she had ever felt before. She wouldn't have to mar such beauty if mankind would just leave the creatures of the world alone!

Disgusted with it, she made quick work of testing the tag with her meter to be sure it would track his movements before locking him into the temporary cage.

"Well we've found him, it's unlikely if we let him go we'll get photo opportunities." Jack was a might pissed, but there wasn't much he could do about it now.

"Look, I didn't ask to stumble across his path. Hell, I am not even sure where his den is located, so this might've been our ONLY chance. Besides, I am here for this cat's preservation not your salary."

"So what do you suggest we do to fulfill our contract?" His tone was clipped but even Jack knew he was barking up the wrong tree.

"Well you observe him for the time that we have him. Take pictures, the bars of the cage are thick but you can clearly see the cat. And perhaps we will scout the area and see if there are any other large cats in the area." Mina sat down on a fallen log and began unpacking her tent.

She was placing her tent right next to the cat's cage, but she wanted to be the nearest incase of poachers or the cat became a danger to itself. She knew better than any here how a wild creature could behave when waking up to find themselves in a cage for the first time.. She couldn't risk him giving himself a heart attack.
after he passed out he was down but he wasnt out, thanks to his high metabolism the tranq merely paralyzed him, but it left him groggy, he heard bits and pieces of conversation, he felt his body being jerked around, he was loaded onto some kind of tarp and felt himself being lifted, everything passed in a blur, but the one thing he did remember, he felt the petting, and it made him purr, the light touch of a females hand, it had to have been her

"God, you're gorgeous baby."

her soft words rang in his ears, and everything in his body reacted, his muscles flexed under her tender petting, but that was as his body could handle, the drugs she shot him up with where strong. it would take some time before his body could burn off the effects. he listened to the people in the area, slowly his hearing seemed to straighten out, he could make out stronger bits of converstion among the men.

he heard the female, mina...she was called....he felt the sting of another needle as blood was drawn, felt them poking and prodding my muzzle, checking my teeth, felt my paws being lifted and measured, then finally after what seemed like forever felt my body being loaded into a cage.

my blood, i had to get those samples, if they tested it. as my mind began to focus, the drugs wearing off.
i need to get those samples back, they cant test my blood, it would raise to many questions and then i really would become the hunted one

as the cage was left beside a tent i was slowly gaining feeling back in my body, frowning as i felt something attached to my ear...

a tracking beacon....hmmmmmm....

after about another half hour i rose from my lack of control, raising slowly i shook my head, clearing hte last of hte cob webs, raising my paw i batted at my ear, feeling the tag remain in place i snorted, my eyes focusing i looked around the make shift camp, scenting the air i caught a whiff of perfume that caused me to sneeze, my ears swiveling around as i heard a female take in a sharp breath, i looked to the tent beside me,

shes in there, i can smell her.......mina.....

he slowly rose to stand in the cage looking intently towards the tent flap

She exited her tent, finger in her mouth as she grumbled under her breath. "You would think I could be more careful with my own belongings and not jab myself with shit." She glanced up at the silent camp, wondering what held everyone's attention.

Turning her head, she could see why everyone had once again stopped working. Her cat was awake, and apparently glaring down his regal nose at everyone, instead of fighting...


"Is that.. it.. He! Normal? This behavior? He's staring at us." Jack sounded accusing, but awed none the less.

"Well, you are staring at him." She chuckled, "You guys spooked? ..... You can't be scared? He can't open that cage without apposable thumbs." She sighed, eyeing each member of the team in turn. They were spooked.. by a cat!?

"Oh hell, my house cat plays this game with me every morning. You guys really should pay attention to animals more often. They aren't stuffed, stupid or afraid of you as you might believe them to be." She moved forward, notebook in hand as she eyed the cat.

Two of the hired men were babbling something behind her, half in portugese, which she didn't understand a bit of.

"What are they saying?" Her head turned from the cat to stare at Jack for an answer.

"Something about a demon.. No, a ghost. Some religious mumbo jumbo about capturing the ghost of the forest." Jack was busy snapping pictures, his flash becoming an annoyance.

"A ghost huh?" She swung back to look over the cat who was eerily staring right back at her. "That doesn't seem like a fitting name for such a fierce warrior... Now does it?" She asked the cat. "Well they can relax, we'll be letting him go tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Already?" Jack stood up, his photos forgotten for the moment.

"Yes, tomorrow Jack. We can do serious harm capturing a wild animal like this and keeping it caged for too long. He is also endangered, and as such, you will just have to deal with my final say so on this." It was why she was there, she was paid to keep these beauties safe.

She eyed his eyes, the partially open jaws and paws. She had no real indicators for his age, but he seemed far older than the standard. "Judging from the area, his parents were jaguar." She spoke into a tiny tape recorder, seating herself onto a cooler near as she dared get to the caged beast.

"Age, undeterminable." She paused the tape, head cocking to the side as she watched his eyes. "Only thing that is clear, he's big and male and healthy. I was unable to test for heart worms or rabies, but he displays no behavioral indicators that would accompany or show signs of deterioration." She paused it again as Jack came closer.

"He have a mate?" Jack snapped a close up of the cat but the flash's light seemed to irritate the cat.

"Male cats, especially the black panther are solitary creatures. He will find a mate in heat and call to her, maybe even fight another male over her. But once the business is done, he is on his way back to his own territory."

"So how do you know if he is preserving the species?"

Mina chuckled, "He is healthy and male. I have yet to see a male animal, who is functional, be gay. As long as there are females in heat near enough to scent, he will mate."

"Interesting..." He scribbled something down and retreated a few steps towards the small fire pit. "How old do you estimate him to be?"

"I can't really say. A male cat in the wild is lucky to survive twelve years. captivity a little over twenty. This one appears much older than twenty, but has no gray in his coat either." She reached for a bottle of water, twisting the top and swallowing deeply. Brushing strands of hair from her face and neck, she hoped that it cooled down sometime soon, this swelter heat was ungodly.

"Why isn't he fighting, hissing .. something? He isn't even making those god aweful sounds other trapped animals make."

"I know, it is odd isn’t it? All of this is. Look how he watches me, it's like my cat at home. They give the impression they understand what we're saying. He should be fighting, but isn't. He isn't even threatening me for how close I am to his space."

"Why aren't you trying to eat me, big guy?" She moved slowly closer, going down to her knees before the cage. A foot, at best separated her and the front of his cage. Her words were so soft no one heard her, well except the cat. They have exceptional hearing, she wouldn't be surprised if he could hear someone a mile away.

"How do you plan on releasing him?" Jack sat down on a camp chair, but he was writing furiously into his notebook.

"I will tranquilize him again, take him further into the forest. Somewhere beyond where I found him.. We will lay him out and hide in a stand until he awakens and wanders off."

"A stand?" Jack's head lifted, his smile growing broader. "Does this mean I will get natural pictures?"

"It is possible, if he lingers where we put him. It isn't likely though, he should run away as soon as he is able to stand." She searched the cats face, looking for signs of age, battle scars or something... Something wasn't adding up here, but she was too giddy with the discovering to really focus too much on it.
as he sat and watched the group of men freeze as one by one they see me awake, i cock my head to one side, watching them, silently, my tail swaying gently behind me, i lick my lips as i see you step from your tent, immediatly my attention drawn to you and your finger in your mouth, my eyes avert themselves as i study the cage im in, sniffing at the bars and pawing them,

mmmmmmm reinforced steal-weave pipes, they came prepared

my ears swivel around, listening to the chatter, the questions from the men, even snorting as one guy in the back of the camp pissed himself for the most part i ignore everyone, but always constantly aware, sniffing along the bottom of the cage, even slipping my muzzle around one of the bars, gnawing on it testing the steels strength

His ears swiveling around he turns his gaze to Jack, narrowing in his focus as he studied the man, judging by the scents the guy was throwing off he had the hots for mina......his mina....shaking his head he returns his attention to the cage

"Is that.. it.. He! Normal? This behavior? He's staring at us."

once more he looked to jack, licking his fangs, he'd only seen the guy less then 5 minutes and already didnt like him, it was obvious he was trying to front, make himself look like a tough guy, but he could hear jack's heartbeat like the thundering of a storm on the open plains he was scared shitless and that thought made me smile

"Well, you are staring at him. You guys spooked? ..... You can't be scared? He can't open that cage without apposable thumbs.'

as she finished the sentence he reached out and swatted at the lock on the cage, his gaze went to mina then to jack, his tail swaying he batted at the lock again and could have sworn that jack had just found a color even paler then white the way his face was

"Oh hell, my house cat plays this game with me every morning. You guys really should pay attention to animals more often. They aren't stuffed, stupid or afraid of you as you might believe them to be.

thinking to himself she has a pet, a cat none the less, thats what the smell is,

finally as jack got too close that damned camera finally pissing me off i let go a deep roar and swipe at him, hissing at him i watched him suddenly trip and fall on his ass and start babbling again

"Well they can relax, we'll be letting him go tomorrow."

at the mention of letting me go my ears swivel around and i look to mina,

oh no, you aint sticking a dart in my ass again female, im leaving tonight, you just dont know it yet

Tomorrow? Already? i look to jack and roll my eyes hissing at him again just to rattle him, shaking my head i lift my paw and decides since ive got nothing better to do but scare the hell out of jack i start cleaning myself

"Judging from the area, his parents were jaguar."

He snorted at her words, she would find out some day, if she only knew the truth she would seriously pass out right now his eyes going to the small device in her hand he backed himself into the cornor of the cage and laid down, his eyes never left her, his tail curled around his body, the tip of his tail twitching and swaying against the cage floor

"Age, undeterminable. Only thing that is clear, he's big and male and healthy. I was unable to test for heart worms or rabies, but he displays no behavioral indicators that would accompany or show signs of deterioration.

as she talked his eyes traveled over her body, she was slender, and filled out in all the right places, she was in control, she asserted herself well among the others and they obviously respected her, bonus points for her

"He have a mate?" as jack snapped another picture my paw lashed out from between the bars just missing him as i hiss again, growling deeply in irritation, this jack, was gunna be the first to take care of

"Male cats, especially the black panther are solitary creatures. He will find a mate in heat and call to her, maybe even fight another male over her. But once the business is done, he is on his way back to his own territory. He is healthy and male. I have yet to see a male animal, who is functional, be gay. As long as there are females in heat near enough to scent, he will mate.

oh no my mina, i have no intention of leaving you, but you dont know that eyes narrowing i watch her as she takes the water bottle and takes a swig, she was hot, as in over heating, his eyes looked up to the sky then back to her, she wasnt used to this weather, that was clear

"Why isn't he fighting, hissing .. something? He isn't even making those god aweful sounds other trapped animals make."

my dear jack, if you keep talking ill do more then hiss and fight, seriously dude dont you shut up? inhaling deeply and i close my eyes, choosing to ignore jack for now, my ears on a constant swivel still, after a few minutes i open my eyes again, and looks back to mina, at least she was worth looking at

"I know, it is odd isn’t it? All of this is. Look how he watches me, it's like my cat at home. They give the impression they understand what we're saying. He should be fighting, but isn't. He isn't even threatening me for how close I am to his space. Why aren't you trying to eat me, big guy?"

as she got closer i lift my head from off the cage floor, oh mina, trust me, it might be a little while, but i really intend to do more then eat you. watching as she slowly got closer and closer to the cage he reached out slowly, sniffing her, his head cocking to one side, god she smelled heavenly, shaking out my fur i press my muzzle against the bars, sniffing her hair, my tongue swiping out as i lick her forehead

"I will tranquilize him again, take him further into the forest. Somewhere beyond where I found him.. We will lay him out and hide in a stand until he awakens and wanders off."

as much as i would love that my sweet mina, i cannot stick around that long, i must get those blood samples and get out of here.....but dont worry, i am not letting you out of my sight

"It is possible, if he lingers where we put him. It isn't likely though, he should run away as soon as he is able to stand."

he snorts and yawns, curling up he closed his eyes and decided to take a nap
Mina Delany

She had to admit, the 'ghost' was scaring the hell out of Jack. The guilty satisfaction of that made her hide her face from Jack's notice.

"Such a bad boy.." She chastised without any sting to her words. He seemed so playful, if a deadly predator could be considered playful? She found herself drawn nearer to him, and yet nearer. He lowered his head, his mouth sitting between the bars and panted softly.

It was the look in his eyes as he stared at her that seemed to draw her nearer. They didn't seem quite right, there was something nagging her about this cat and his mysterious eyes. Was she losing it?

Whatever it was, she came close enough to feel his wet nose brush her forehead.. It was his nose, wasn't it?! She was startled by the cold wetness on her forehead, but couldn't fully accept that this cat just licked her! It had to be her bumping his nose..

She sat up, shook her head at her own inner thoughts, and went right back to writing some more notes down. She sat quietly for a good half hour, making notes and talking to no one in particular until dinner was called. Had so much time passed already? She wasn't even aware they were cooking, she was so intent on her kitten.. erm , Cat!

When did it become her cat anyway?

She stood and stretched, hands reaching high as she arched her back to get the kinks out. Stifling a yawn, she set her notebook down and headed for the cook pot for some stew.

"Did you save some steak for the cat?" She didn't expect they would, given he was being released tomorrow but she asked anyway. Surprisingly she was told yes, there were scraps saved for the cat, though it wasn't much. It didn't matter, it was something however meager it was.

"How do you like living in LA?" Jack was back to his small talk -need a date chatter.

"How is living in Tampa?" She countered, taking her stew and plate of meat for the cat with her.

"Not the same, I can imagine."

Mina shrugged, it wasn't montana, but it was a roof. "I see rooftops ninety percent of my view, but its where the jobs are. If I went home, with my mom the way she is, I'd end up married with twelve kids on a dairy farm. I'd rather not vaccinate cows, they aren't that interesting." She sat down, knees pressed together as she did her best to balance her mess kit bowl/plate combination on her lap and toss a few scraps into the car at the same time.

"See, I can't see having kids... Like ever!" He waves his fork around, chewing between words. "They slow ya down, ya know? Can't really go venturing with junior needing a bottle or diaper.. man, I SO don't do diapers." Jack rambled on a few more minutes but when she didn't offer any comments, he stopped trying once again.. at least for a few anyway.

"Pompus braying ass.." She muttered under her breath. This trip was almost over, thank god! She'd come to find this particular cat and had succeeded! So now she could go home. It was sad in a way, she wanted more time with this rare beauty, but so badly wanted out of Jack's company at the same time!

"Maybe someday I will come track you down once again, huh big guy? That okay with you?" She smiled as the cat bent down to sniff the meat she just tossed to him.

"Sly devil, you're testing me to see if I am going to sedate you again huh?" Her thoughts and his actions filed into her mind to add to her note book later on.

She stood up quickly, forgetting her seating as she went to find more stew. The cooler topled and nearly tipped over.

"Hey! Careful with that, the samples are in there!" One of Jack's men, a doctor in training.. A vet in training to be more precise.

"Sorry. SORRY! Alright, It was an accident." Weary, she gave up the idea of more food and instead washed her mess kit and put it away. She sat a little longer, watching the cat nap, declining the offer to join in a game of poker and then finally calling it a night.

Stepping into her tent, she lit a small lantern and began undressing. She didn't pay no mind to the noise outside the camp, other than listening for the cat to go into distress. She stripped down, uncaring if her shadow reflected on the walls, she never stripped fully down with these men around anyway. She learned not to the first time she went out with a team, for four weeks she never heard the end of it!

Those were some good times.. She smiled, she had been so embarassed too. Turning off the light, she opened her tent flaps for some of what little breeze there was outisde and lay down on her cot. Tomorrow would be another busy day.
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"Such a bad boy.."

his ears perked up as his eyes opened, hearing her stiffled words his eyes narrowed almost in amusement at her meaningless chiding of my actions, inhaling a deep breath he sighed and looked around his cage again, he was bored now, this whole being captive thing was starting to get old, but there was nothing i would be able to do about it till after they all went to sleep

"Did you save some steak for the cat?"

he watched as the others around the camp relaxed and enjoyed their meals, his nose wrinkling as the wind shifted and i caught scent of the food, snorting i pawed at my nose as the smell or the stew disgusted me then he heard what he wanted to ear

"How do you like living in LA?"[/]

mmmmmm so shes from LA, that should be easy enough to deal with, then came her retort to jack

"How is living in Tampa?"

mmmmmm well at least he is on the other side of the country, wont need to worry about him once i make it back to the states, he sighed again, as his mind drifted off, going to school, his friends, family, his family of course like him, but they choose to live as humans, to be confined to so many rules and laws, no, this was freedom, living as a feline, so much simpler, no rules, no laws to break,

"I see rooftops ninety percent of my view, but its where the jobs are. If I went home, with my mom the way she is, I'd end up married with twelve kids on a dairy farm. I'd rather not vaccinate cows, they aren't that interesting."

oh no, there will be no farms for you my sweet mina....standing inside the cage i begin to pace, swiping at the bars on the cage in aggitation, i could deal with being confined for short periods but now i was starting to get antsy, listening to jack sputter on with mindless small talk, like mina cared, and neither did i, finally after his apparent last ditch effort he shut up, thank god,

"Pompus braying ass.."

a smile of sorts formed over my muzzle and i snorted a laugh at her comment, she had a point, but i would have choosen much more.......sophisticated words, like, pompus cocksucking dumbshit but thats just me,

"Maybe someday I will come track you down once again, huh big guy? That okay with you?"

i nodded my head at her words, watching as she tossed some meat into the cage, i knew it wasnt tainted, id watched her pick it up right from the cook and give it to me, but i nealt down to smell it anyway, at least the cook had taste, medium rare, yum

"Sly devil, you're testing me to see if I am going to sedate you again huh?"

he quickly chomped down on the meat and swallowed it, licking his muzzle he lifted his paw to his face and began cleaning himself again only to be drawn to the sound of something falling over as mina tripped over a plain cooler

"Hey! Careful with that, the samples are in there Sorry. SORRY! Alright, It was an accident."

ahhhhhh so thats where they put them, good, saves me time searching the camp for them, goody goody, now, it shouldnt be much longer.......ahhh there they go, retiring for the night....good, mmmmm mina's leaving her tent flap open, maybe ill stop in for a good night lick

as the lights of the camp dimmed and everything became silent i closed my eyes, his ears swiveling around, everyones breathing was slow, even, jack was snoring like a god damned chain saw and it hurt to listen to, with a smile i feel the old tingle i hadnt felt in years travel through my body, my paws shifting to hands and feet, muzzle, fur, shifting back to my face and body,

whispering silently to myself as i crack my sore and tired muscles

"ahhh god id forgotten how this feels, now then lets take care of this damn lock"

reaching through the bars i make quick work of picking the lock with a claw and slowly opens the cage door, looking around i smile and moves from the cage silently, moving with silent ease of years of practice i move to the cooler, opening it i take the vials of blood they drew, and pulls the stoppers from them pouring the blood into the sand i make quick work leaving the vials laying there, the samples where now contaminated they would never be able to identify them

"there, thats taken care of"

closing my eyes once more i smile as i shift back, cracking my neck i move to minas tent, my eyes re-focusing to get used to the dark i move slowly into minas tent, inhaling her scent i purr softly, moving to her i focus in on her breathing, poor girl was exhausted, and was out cold, gently i nuzzle the soft fur of my forehead against her cheek purring for her before leaving the tent, catching sight of a digital camera that had been left out a smile forms on my lips

"mmmmmmm maybe leave her a present"

shifting back to human form i futz with the camera, setting the timer on the camera i shift back, standing in front of the fire the camera goes off, taking 3 back to back shots of me standing by the fire, my eyes looking right at the camera, her black panther in all his glory, free from his cage, and then i was gone from the camp

"What in the hell happened here! can you answer me that!?" Jack was screeching like a fucking school girl, it had to be.. at best 5AM! Pots clanked loudly together, his curses rising in the air as he had a heated argument with the 'vet'.

"The samples are ruined." Disappointment clear in his tone, but he snapped at Jack to calm the fuck down.

"There's digitals on my camera, who took it? huh? can you answer me that?" Jack stomped some where, his voice a little muffled as Mina tried to clear her head enough to sit up. "Someone crept into our camp, or one of these hired religious nut cases set it free!"

That caught her attention, Free? Set it Free? Bolting upright, her head swam as she tried to get her eyes to focus. Both feet swung over the edge of her cot but dangled above ground.

Hunched over, she pressed her fingertips into the corner of her eyes, wiping away the morning itch feeling. Clearly she hadn't heard right, but the ruckus going on out there, who didn't hear them?

When she moved her hands away from her eyes, thats when she saw the prints in the sand. It took a few long moment for it to sink in, just what she was staring at RIGHT beside her fucking bed!

"Oh my.... god..." The prints were huge, all four paws were in here, double set as he had come in and backed out. "Holy shit...." She literally gaped like a buffoon. She never knew it, never even felt his presence. She hadn't heard him come in, nor leave... What’s worse, she was uninjured!

She wasn't sure if she should be happy or sad, scared or pissed off. She wanted to sigh with relief and at the same time, curse that she'd missed her chance to study him further.

She stumbled out then, kicking the dirt around to conceal his prints in her tent. It would raise far too many questions, she already had enough of her own without adding to the increasing list!

She stumbled out, eyes on the cage. She was correct, he had escaped them.. She felt the ground shift as she sank down to her butt on the ground, too stunned to speak.

Maybe a small part of her held onto the reality that cats just don't behave like this. That if he had gotten out, he hadn't come near her or anyone else, most cats flee.... Until now.

"Miss Delany! Mina! Snap out of it!" Jack snapped his fingers right in front of her face, his irritation showing as he glared down at her. "Some incompetent fool has released the cat! I don't know who, but you can bet your obscenely low pay check, I will find out!" He stared hard at her, as if she would release a wild animal in the middle of a fucking camp and expedition SHE was responsible for?!

"You're out of your mind to even think that, Jack! So I best you look else where." She fumbled with the ground and brush around her, grabbing the cage door to help her regain her footing.

"Get some breakfast and sit tight. I will see about tracking him down..." If I can. popped instantly into her mind. This cat didn't get to be as old nor as large as he is by being careless. Luck smiled upon her once, she was already doubtful that it would smile twice in her lifetime... Needless to say, she had to try.

It wouldn't be easy, that was certain. She used the makeshift shower just outside camp to get herself clean, thankful for modern companies who made portable showers. The cat would go to ground, to tree, to ground, if she was lucky he'd hit ground and leave some marks behind. She had a large search area, but this chunk of land was completely surrounded by water ways and rivers. Big cats don't like swimming in water, period. Aside from snakes and crocs for predators, they just didn’t like to be submerged in water.

So that meant, he had to be here some where..

She rinsed herself off, turning the nozzle on the bucket to stop the water from raining down on her. It was a bit tricky to dry off standing in a circle of wet shower curtain, bu she managed for the most part. It was the one thing she missed from civilization... A shower. That was about it, maybe french fries were a close second?

Shaking her head at her own thoughts, she stood silently for the longest time just getting her nerves under control again. She had to have patients if she was going to deal with Jack a few more days, the tracking wouldn't require nearly as much as that asshole did.

Where did he go? and why did he look in on me?

Parting the curtains, she peered out into the surrounding jungle as she couldn't help but feel as if he was out there, some where... watching her.
She had to shake it off and get over this whole 'weirdness' she'd been feeling since she ran into the cat.

Perhaps it was vacation time for her? A little too long in the jungle perhaps. She scolded herself mentally as she dressed herself enough to step out of the shower curtain mess. Wrapping her hair up, she applied lotion to her legs and arms, making sure it was unscented. She dressed again in camo, tucking in the pants to her boots and tying it off. She wore sturdy gear, it did nothing for her figure but it kept her safe from bugs, snakes and other crawly things.

She could hear the team, faintly, back in camp. Still baffled, some still throwing accusations out there, and one bent Vet cursing about lost samples.

How did the cat know where the samples of his blood where? A shiver passed over her, again she stilled. Motionless and breath held, she listened to the surrounding forest. It was awefully quiet, a bit too quiet in her opinion. Her eyes shifted over the foilage, but it was toot hick to really penetrate with her eyes alone.

Hearing and seeing nothing, she finished up her toiletries and hiked back towards camp. She had a cat to track down, or at least try to.
come first light he was woken by the sound of screaming not far off in the distance, having retreated to a nice thick tree for the night he was within a 1/4 mile from the camp, but damn did jack have a high pitched voice if he could be heard from this distance the entire savannah could hear him, his ears swiveling around, the Withel pride was out hunting, and whats worse, they where heading for the camp, he frowned and jumped down from his tree, the two males where fierce enough but the females were brutal in their hunting tactics and jack was doing nothing to keep them from the hunters radar

oh this is gunna end badly, the withel pride is heading towards the humans camp,

he knew damn well, the Withel pride lost a few cubs and a breeding male to pouchers, if humans where hear they were a target, moving swiftly through the brush i make my way to the outskirts of the camp, my eyes keying in on every person in camp, where was mina?

i moved silently through the thick brush, the pride of lions was close, the birds had quieted down, he finally located her, she was on the outskirts of the camp showering, my god she was beautiful, and she was right in the prides path, he frowned more, as the pride closed in the males began to bellow their hunting call, and i watched as every single person in the camp froze, a look of terror on their faces,

his eyes stayed on mina, as she heard the first grunt she quickly retreated back into the camp, which gave him a sigh of relief, but from his quick search of the camp he knew they didnt carry guns, only tranq guns, they didnt expect to run into anything,

as everyone gathered into the middle of the camp the females slipped from the brush line into the camp, and all hell broke loose, as the first two workers paniced and ran they were quickly pounced and killed dragged off into the brush by a female the males were next to show, and i had no choice, as the first male lunged for Mina i ran head long into the camp slam tackling the male before he got to mina, i beared my fangs and roared at the male,

getting back up he looked to me, my ears swiveled around as i heard every voice in the camp collectivly gasp at my sudden re-appearance, i square off with the male, very well aware that every female lion was zoning in on me at this point, i couldnt wait, digging my claws in i jumped the male, a flurry of claws, bites, painful yelps and bellowing crys of rage filled the air as we faught

finally managing to get a grip on the males throat i twist and a sickening snap is heard as the lions neck breaks, swinging around i throw the 700+ lb lion clear from the camp and back into the brush getting jumped by 3 females i roll one off and squares off, hissing against the pain from my cuts, i make quick work of the 2 females, their dead bodys laid out in the middle of camp,

panting heavily the rest of the pride having lost 3 members already to me quickly back off and retreat, panting heavily i wince, not caring that every person in that camp was stoned dead stupid and just gawking at me, i limp to the edge of the camp, looking back, my eyes going to jack who pissed himself, then coming to rest on mina, my face, muzzle, entire body coated in blood, some of it my own, i dart back into the brush and head to the nearest watering hole to wash up

Chaos didn't come close to defining the utter mess in camp. Men were shouting, running for weapons they didn't possess. Scrambling for cover, hired men scattered into tents and trees, two weren't so lucky.

Mina's heart was pounding so furiously, she thought for sure she was having a heart attack... Could someone die at twenty eight of a heart attack? She had no idea.

In the aftermath, she still could not wrap her mind around what she had just witnessed. Sure, cats are predators, territorial as hell.. but he protected her, of that she had NO mistake about.

Was it because she had fed him? It made so little sense! She was also the one who shot him, three times.. So why did he protect her?

"Tangai and Manuel are missing." She nodded vaguely, her mind just shocked by the violence of what just happened.

"Find a search.. assemble a search party, find him if you can.." She paused, then added, "WITHOUT endangering yourselves!" She trembled a little and hand to squat into a small ball and hug her knees for a long moment.

"No one signed up for this, Miss Delany." Jack was such a moron, as if she had planned this shit!

"Send word ahead, break camp. We head out of here in two hours."

"What if we can not find Tangai or Manuel?" A voice asked, angry and yet frightened just the same

"We won't find them alive anyway, so if we can't find them in time... may they rest in peace where ever they are." Mina wasn't bending on this, she had final say so in all things.. Executive decision and she was using it.

She started forward, her eyes having never left where the cat had vanished.
"Are you insane!?" Jack grabbed her arm and yanked her back around to face him. "You can't go in there. Hell, you have to be half way insane to even consider it after that!"

"He saved our hides, I can at least make sure he isn't dead." Her tone was ice cold, her arm ripped from his grip as she swung around to do the unthinkable.
She had nothing to protect herself, she was indeed half cocked to do this, but she had to be certain..

He scared away the pack, he bled for them though it made no sense.. Nor did her entering the fucking forest to seek out a pissed off WILD beast! But she went into the underbrush anyway, spying the droplets of blood right away.

She followed it deeper and deeper into the woods, marking a path as she went so she'd find her way back.. She kept her ears and eyes peeled for her cat.

"Oh boy.. You're hurt.." She spoke aloud, searching for her target. "Here kitty, kitty, kitty....... what the fuck am I doing?" She chuckled nervously at herself. "Oh yes, he is definitely going to answer to THAT." She spoke to herself to keep her self calm when all she wanted to do was run for the fucking hills.

"Where are you, big guy?" She crept slowly through the bush, trying to keep sight of the blood droplets, his paw prints and the terrain. As easily as she followed him at first, it became impossible only a few hundred yards into the interior.

She stopped dead in her tracks and found nothing, absolutely NOTHING further to track him with. "What?!" How the hell was it possible? Back tracking, she retraced her steps and hunted in different directions for him. "Just be alive..." She chanted under her breath as she scanned the forest floor.
panting heavily i made it to the small watering hole, it wasnt more then 1500 yards from mina's camp, plopping down by the water i flinch at the pain, fuckers were mean, but my cuts werent deep, and would be healed by morning, lapping at the water slowly i let the cool liquid slide down my throat, shivering i rose to stand, ignoring the screaming of my muscles i slide into the water hissing, let the blood wash from my fur, i move back onto the sand bank, my ears perk up as i hear rustling not far off, footsteps, minas scent carried on the air, she was tracking me

her voice carried on the wind and it made me smile

"Oh boy.. You're hurt.. Here kitty, kitty, kitty....... what the fuck am I doing?"

oh that was cute, he had to laugh at that, shaking his head he continued to lick at his wounds hissing at the sting, after a few minutes satisfied with them for now i rose to stand, wincing i cursed myself mentally and sniffed the air, with a purr i slipped into the brush heading towards mina

"Oh yes, he is definitely going to answer to THAT. Where are you, big guy?"

as she finished that sentence i slipped from the brush about 20ft from her, my face scarred up from the fight but relativly clean, my eyes look to her, panting softly i had to lay down, my body was aching to badly to stay standing, my tail twitched in the brush, watching the fear in her eyes, as she stopped breathing, the memory of her face when we first met, she wasnt nearly as scared now as she had been that first time,

hissing softy i twisted around to lick at the gouges in my hind legs for a minute before turning back to her, she was unarmed, which was a good sign, means she wasnt gunna try and cap me again, so i stayed relaxed around her, my eyes never leaving her

She froze in place, it was instinctive as breathing. That fear was a natural reaction to staring a large predator right in the eye... Kind of reminded her of a deer caught in the head lights.

She sank down into the flora and fauna, relief coming that he was still alive, as much as self preservation kicking in and trying to drive her away from him.

".... Thank you..." She paused, her head tilting much like his was, "Its so weird, it's like you..." her voice lowered, afraid of being over heard? Or maybe afraid of upsetting the cat? "Understand me... but that's silly.. isn't it?" She shifted a little, trying to keep still but able to run if she had to.

Not like I can out run him if I had to.. Her inner voice was not helping her remain calm, but she was fighting that.. so far she was winning too.

"Now that I see you're ok..." She didn't finish speaking, it's not like he understood her anyway! God why did she keep having that feeling? It's too ludacrous to begin with.

She wanted to pet him, one more time but was too terrified to make herself do it. While the cat had saved them, had left them unharmed after being caged, he was still a wild beast. You don't pet wild beasts!

"I have got to be out of my fucking mind.." Her voice trembled as she spoke, but her hand came out, and her palm was face up so he could scent her. Fingers unfurled, she stretched forward a little to see how he would react.
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he watched her entire body freeze as i laid before her, id expended a great deal of energy and now that the adrenaline was wearing off i yawned, which im sure didnt help her mood any, finally his eyes left hers, and he looked to her hands, her legs, anything else, he couldnt look at her face anymore, he just lay there his ears swiveled forward as he listened to her

".... Thank you...Its so weird, it's like you........Understand me... but that's silly.. isn't it?

he lifted his head and looked to her, cocking his head to one side, how he longed to answer her, to let her know that he understood every word she spoke that he could communicate with her, but he couldnt, it would surely tramatize her more then she could ever handle

"Now that I see you're ok...I have got to be out of my fucking mind.."

he watched as slowly reached out, and he didnt moved as she got closer i raised my head and sniffed her fingers, my tongue darting out to lick them softly. If that didnt truely freak her out he lowered his head and nuzzled his face into the palm of her hand, his eyes closing as he did so, a deep rumble of a purr eminating from within his chest, he laid his head at her feet,

it was at that point he made up his mind, he was returning to the U.S, why not? he had money, his family was loaded and he had access to the money he was gunna fly back with her, but not as he was now, no no, he would follow her, but as he had to be, as a human, he grimaced at the thought, but he couldnt let her go back alone,

She saw spots before she realized she was holding her breath. Gasping for air, and trying to do it quietly as not to startle the large feline inches from her body, she nearly fainted on the spot.

Her heart beat so hard in her chest that it hurt, her hands went clammy as hell too, but she made no sudden movements. Slowly, cautiously, she lowered one hand down, faintly brushing the tips of is hairs. The coat was wet, in places she knew he couldn't reach to clean himself, but it didn't click in her mind that he might've bathed in water.

Cats don't do that.

Cats also don't curl up in your lap like garfield and purr like a kitten!

A nervous giggle escaped her, one she quickly quieted down. "Kitten.. Unbelievable... I must be dreaming.." Her hand sank further into his coat, enough that she felt his body heat emanating through.

and he was purring!

"I must smell good to you... That has to be it." She had no idea what female cats smelled like, but maybe she was giving off a scent similar? Who knew, this had to be from the twilight zone library.

"Miss Delany!" She could hear her name being called, a good distance away too. Unfortunately, her time was just about up.

"If you weren't endangered, Id try and tame you.." she whispered, careful where her hands touched him, avoiding the wounds. She shifted a little, pulling off an over shirt, then her T-shirt. Leaving her undershirt and bra on, she slid the t-shirt next to the cat, then slipped her over shirt back on.

"Maybe I will be able to come back to you big guy.." She smiled, she did make trips back every year to check for offspring to tag, maybe he'd remember her. Felines were smart and her scent was distinct, like any other living creature on the planet. A reminder for the short time he might lay there.

Carefully, she peeled herself slowly away from him but he seemed to have fallen asleep.. "A cat nap.." She smiled, his ears were moving so he knew she was with drawling.

When she was sure it was clear and he wasn't going to pounce, she made a hasty retreat back towards camp. Feeling truly lucky for the first time in years, she felt a little lump form over the sad thought of leaving the cat behind. It was silly of course, he wasn't a pet after all. But she'd never forget him or this place.

"We're packed up and the boat is waiting down at the shore." Jack offered her two prints from his camera, but asking nothing in return. Maybe he too was feeling something more humane here himself?

Or he wanted to score point for later use...

With one last look back into the brush, she grabbed her pack and moved ahead of the team. Tangai and Manuel hadn't been found, but the team took their belongings back with them, hoping it might give some comfort to their families.

It was almost pitch black when they reached the shore of the Araguaia River, but the boat was waiting and well lit. No one had really spoken since they left camp, and all seemed reluctant to talk even now of their experience in the forest. It would add to the legend of the King of the Panther with the local folk, it was going to be one hell of a story, pictures included for national geographic... It would continue to haunt Mina for weeks to come, only she didn't know that just yet.
he listened to her, he could hear her heart hammering in her chest and he longed to tell her she needed to breath before she passed out, but he just sat there looking at her, as she started to breath on her own he let go a sigh

he pressed into her hand a bit more, letting her do as she wished, the feel of her hand running through my fur was calming, something i had not felt in ages, he continued to purr gently as her hand explored my fur and body, his body was warm, healing itself after the fight he usually had to take a dip in the swimming hole for a while to cool off, but then again he was usually back in human form by now after a fight as well but he couldnt not in front of her, so he had to suffer

Kitten.. Unbelievable... I must be dreaming..I must smell good to you... That has to be it."

gods female you have no idea how good you smell, *leaning my head up i
gently lick your hand again, my eyes looking to your face, rising to stand, i move closer, sniffing your hair, memorizing your scent, something i would need for later,

"Miss Delany!"

he snorted and almost growled that he was being interrupted, but at this point it mattered little, he was going to follow her he could travel faster then they could, the only way out of this part of the territory was by boat, he would buy passage and meet them and then follow them back to the states

"If you weren't endangered, Id try and tame you..Maybe I will be able to come back to you big guy.."

you've already tamed me babe, you dont need to try any harder then you already have...... he panted softly, feeling you shift my eyes open and i watch you strip, purring more i look to the shirt you left beside me then looks to you as you walk away, burying my face in the shirt i inhale your scent and shivers, gripping it within my teeth i take off into the brush, increasing the stride of my run i make it to the boat just before dusk, shifting forms i walk into the small port town

Standing 6ft 3, short brown hair, blue eyes, well built, but not overly muscled, wearing the usual attire for folks in this area, light brown hunting vest, shorts, and a ripped tank top, as i walk by a table of 3 passed out drunks i snag their safari hat and walks to the dock master, after some short negotiations i snag a ticket for the ride to the main land, next course of action, i walked off into the foliage, sniffing the air

"good my scent marks are still in place"

with a smile and about 500yrs more i dive into the water, after about a minute i surface with a lock box, picking the lock having lost he key long ago i pulled out a nicely sealed air tight package, wallet, ID, money, credit cards, and my passport i make my way back to the bar and orders up a drink just in time to see you and your gang come walking up
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"The next assignment I take is going to be somewhere, far from here, where there are less bugs!" Jack swat at the mass of gnats in the air around him, cursing as he made his way towards the docked boat.

"Is passage booked?" Mina spoke to the vet, ignoring the pissy Jack.
"Yeah, we're set. Jack paid the locals and they've gone on their way, just us three now. We'll be in San Luis by tomorrow night, we can fly out from there and .. what? Three days? you'll be back home in sunny side californ- I- A!"

His attempt to be cheery landed flat, sputtered and died. We'd lost two good men back there, there was nothing to really cheer up for.

She was still behaving silly, missing a damned cat! How was that possible? Had she fallen in love with the legend? Her father always warned her that her bleeding heart, for any and all strays, would be her weakness.. possible down fall. Was he right?

"Mina? helllooooo!" He waves his hand in front of her face, his brows drawn together in concern, "You sure you're alright? I can check you out..."

"You're an animal doctor!" She sighed, pushing past the two. Winding her way towards a small table, she sat down and waited for a drink.

"When do we leave?" She asked, distracted and noticibly sulky.

"About thirty minutes."


The trip was uneventful, quiet and thankfully boring. Jack stayed mostly to his small cabin on the ship, and Mina hung out at the back of the boat, watching the forest fade away. She wondered if her Cat made it some where safe? Would he be alive when she managed to find a reason to return here, if she ever got that chance?

There would be other animals, other causes, and more endangered species to save... She just wished she could've had more time with this rare find.

In San Luis they spent the night in a small hotel not far from the air port. She neither went out, nor joined in any of the merriment going on. She'd heard far too many horror stories of Slavers capturing people here for her tastes. She wasn't as young, but one never knew for certain, right?

The next day, they boarded the plane and the last leg of her trip home.

"Where did they seat you?" Jack asked as Mina checked her ticket and seat number.

"It says 24 A, I think that's a seat window. You?" Not that she cared but thought it was polite to ask.

"Im at the other end of the air craft." He glanced up the rows to her seat number, noticing a man seated in the outter seat. "Want me to ask the man if he wouldn't mind swapping seats?"

"Oh, No. Thats... really sweet of you Jack, but I am going to sleep the entire way home.. But thank you." She hastily made her way up the isle, careful of her carry on. She didn't dare look at Jack, not wishing to encourage him to come up and do just what he threatened to do.

"Excuse me, sorry.." She brushed against the man who would be seated next to her the entire way home. Unlocking the overhead compartment, she felt him move before she saw him stand...

Jesus! he was so tall he blocked out the sun, the top of her head barely coming to the bottom of his chin.

"I didn't mean to.." Her words faltered a little, stepping back to give him room, it because obvious why he moved for her. She would've never been able to squeeze between his legs and the seat in front of them.
for the most part the boat trip was uneventful, go figure, i spent my time fishing off the side of the boat, being part cat i loved sea food, although i couldnt keep what i caught i just liked to hook em and release them, however my gaze continued to drift over to Mina, licking my lips, i had to wait, i didnt want to turn her off to me so i just stayed to myself, another unknown among the group of people on the boat,

once we made it dock i slipped into a rest room and shifted my clothing to something more mid western, black jeans, boots, a black skin tight tshirt and a cowboy hat, the whole african safari look wouldnt do me any good in the states, then slipped back out, buying up a plane ticket after charming a stewerdess for a spare ticket i bored the plane and took my seat, i absolutely hated flying

god damn planes were flying coffins and just as snug, no room to stretch out which has always been a problem for me, personally why i wished to stay in the woodlands, more room, hearing the ever complaing voice of jack and the offer to take me seat i narrowed my eyes,

"Excuse me, sorry.."

smiling warmly i laugh "no its quiet alright, these planes are awefully cramped, "
his voice had a deep rich bass to it, not overly low key but had that nice grumble to it, moving fluidly i stand to allow you to pass by, i couldnt help but smile as i look down to you

"I didn't mean to.."

"no no its quiet alright, if you want i will take the window seat if you want to sit on the outside?"

watching as you shake your head no i nod and helps you secure your bag and closes the luggage compartment before i take my seat

"well since we are gunna be flying together for a while.....names Conell, and judging by your loud mouth friend you must be the Mina he has been bitching at since port"

smiling softly i offer my hand, feeling you take it i lean down and softly kiss the back of your palm, the rest of the flight was un-eventful, jacks luggage was lost between plane transfers so by the time we landed in LA he was fuming mad once more bitching about sueing the airline for the cost of his luggage and what not i just rolled my eyes

"mina let me ask you something, its been a few years since ive been to LA but i still remember my way around, would you to catch a bite to eat? i know this fabulous restaurant around the corner, has the best Pasta in town?"
Mina Delany

He was a big guy, but he wasn't like a barrel of a man or even a body builder-can't-wipe-his-own-ass type. Large, but not... something. She couldn't really say so, but she found his smile infectious.

He was friendly, well mannered and very politely spoken. He sounded like he had a very good education, but he did not appear old enough to have so much knowledge? Maybe she was just being a little presumptuous?

After a short chit chat and just before the plane took off, she managed to nap a little. But dreams kept waking her until she finally gave up trying to rest. A half hour out from landing, Conell again was chatty.. Probably because she kept stealing glances at him and he noticed her doing so.

She felt comfortable around him and didn't like that she did. She usually trusted her instincts, but she'd never had good luck with any males in her life but her dad. He was the only man who loved her unconditionally, and had yet to find one like him.

Of course she kept remembering her cat, and the last time she saw him. It was remarkable still, so much so that she had goose bumps every time she thought of that whole last encounter. She had to be THE stupidest brave person on the planet.. Well maybe not, there was that Austrailian guy on TV... Ok so she was a close second.

"Excuse me, Miss? We've landed." A female 'flight attendant' stopped to point out that she hadn't gotten up from her seat yet.. Or more likely to eye Conell's butt as he pulled his carryon down as well as hers.

"Yes... thank you.." A little embarassed to be caught day dreaming, she accepted her bag from Conell and left the plane. She was distracted the entire route out of the airport. If it hadn't been for Conell taking her elbow at a few places, leading her out, she probably would've been lost in her own damned airport!

Of course that didn't mean she was going to go on a date with him!

Her brows were up as far as they could go, she gaped a little at him. Guess shocked didn't look too sexy as Conell was smiling a cute little knowing smile at her as he waited for an answer.

Did he just ask her to dinner? Granted they flew in together, but not together!! Damn don't think like that, this man is NOT a stray! She didn't know anything about him but his first name, he traveled VERY light, he had a sexy smile and nice body... Seemed to be educated, possibly of good background.. Guessing from the leather boots he had on..

"I am. I Uh..." She turned a little, her gaze leaving his face to stare at the concrete sidewalk, "Oh boy.." She spoke softly, barely audible to herself. Her heart was racing, she was so tempted! And for all the WRONG reasons!

I am not shallow! I am NOT a shallow gal! I'm not, I'm soooo.. damn!

Her head came up instantly, an overly bright smile on her face and he knew the answer without her speaking it. "I really can't, I'm sorry.. I have to get home, I haven't been home in.. Gosh, months! But it was nice to meet you.." She set down her luggage and held out a hand as he shook it softly.
"Maybe next time?" She knew the odds of them running into each other again, in a city the size of LA? Almost impossible.. He probably knew that too, but he didn't argue with her.

A taxi pulled up to the curb and climbed out, grabbing her bags up. "It was really a pleasure to meet you Conell." She did mean that, it wasn't every day a guy like him took notice of a girl like her. She climbed into the taxi as the cabby put her bags in the trunk, quietly waiting.

The trip to her apartment was uneventful, but the lugging of six bags up to the fourth floor in the damned dark was hell! "damned elevator!" It was always, ALWAYS breaking down. She should be thinking of a newer area of town, maybe a newer apartment building.. But there was just something.. homey and sweet about these old buildings, plus it was near the college and libraries as well as a large outdoor park she could job in.. And CHEAP. Can't argue with cheap.. Not in LA.
he couldnt help but watch her, even as the plane took off she was plastered to the window, looking down as the ground quickly left us, he felt the shift in her body, the steady beat of her heart, and the sadness in her face, he had a good feeling he knew what she was thinking about and it made him smile

Soon thought she drifted off and i too relaxed, taking one of the magazines from the seat pouch i flipped through it before tossing it back into the seat back, had i known better i would have bought a book to read but i dont think that far ahead, rolling my eyes to the heavens i too decide to catch a nap,

after a long 9 hours we finally landed, id awoken a few times throughout the flight and checked on mina, as the plane landed she was out cold, he chuckled and got up as the flight attendant woke mina, reaching for your carry on my finger nail shifts to a claw and i cut the Luggage tag with your name and addy on it and pocket it before you look up

with a warm smile "here you go, i grabbed your bag for you"

"Yes... thank you.."

he nodded and like a gentleman let her go first, following her off the plane he smiled, catching a glimpse of her tight ass his eyes narrowed in amusement, as we walked up the sky ramp i stayed by you, not overly crowding you, given the amount of people it was easy to make an excuse as more then once i had to gently guide you through the airport as you were about to walk into someone or something

"so, how about that dinner i promised?"

"I am. I Uh...Oh boy..I really can't, I'm sorry.. I have to get home, I haven't been home in.. Gosh, months! But it was nice to meet you.."

"Like wise M'lady Mina im sure we will see each other again"

he smiled softly, a twinkle in his eye he opened the door to her taxi and helped her in, watching as it drove off i reached into my pocket and pulled out the ID tag from your bag

"mmmmmmm Santa rosa lane huh, "

with a grin i turn on my heel, looking up to the night sky, tonight was perfect, slipping into an ally i shift forms, shaking out my fur and just happy to be back in my "normal" form i make quick work of navagating the city, managing to stay well hidden in ally shadows and tree line i shift back as i slip into the ally behind your apartment and leaps up onto the fire escape, sniffing the air i snort

place smells nasty, how can she live in this,

slowly he worked his way up to her window, he smiled as he watched her from the shadow of walkway, laying outside her window the only part visible was the top of my head and eyes, watchin as she unpacked, checked messages, and finally what seemed like hours retired to her bedroom

christ this girl is a busy body

as the lights in your apartment went out i watched as you opened your bedroom window slightly, a smile crossing my face i wait another half hour untill i hear your breathing slowly steady using my muzzle i nudge the window open and slowly slip into the bedroom, silent as ever i move to your bedside,

god you are beautiful my mina, absolutly beautiful

grabbing the blanket between my teeth i pull it up around you, reaching out i gently lick your cheek, having been wrong i feel you stir and watch your eyes open slightly i freeze in place, but as you roll over i let go a sigh, placing my front paws on the bed i nuzzle your cheek and slips out the window just as i hear you actually wake up this time and knew i cut it too close leaping down from the fire escape i hide behind a dumpster
Mina Delany

Something woke her from a sound sleep, some.. feeling that made her shiver. At first she thought she was still dreaming, because it appeared her jungle cat had come callin' in the middle of the night.. but that was merely a weird dream..

And then she felt the bed shift, and the tickle of whiskers and a very real sensation of a wet tongue.. Jerking upright in bed, her eyes scanned the darkness, then she hit her bedside table light. Fumbling with the lamp for a moment, she managed to get it turned on without dumping it onto the floor.

"Okay Mina.. Get a grip." Her eyes scanned the room, but there was no cat there. "How in the hell would a cat get from brazil to here in the first place!"

Silence, even though she listened for a purr or some sort of indicator .. "Tawni? here kitty, kitty, kitty!" Whistling softly, she listened as a set of paws hit the floor in the small kitchen, the jingle of a small bell chimed as her pet jogged down the small hallway, into her room and made the leap onto her bed.

"Were you in here making trouble? huh?" She stroked Tawni behind both ears, bending her face down to kiss the top of Tawni's head. Tawni too was all black, big and black.. Though no where near the size of any wild cat, just a fat fixed house cat she adopted as a kitten.

"I keep having the weirdest dreams..." Curling up with Tawni, who didn't mind the onsided conversation, being hugged tightly or when Mina yawned in her face. Tawni was great like that, an attention whore princess.. A perfect match for Mina who had no one around to give her attention to.

Morning alarm went off much too early for Mina's sanity, and so the snooze button was pushed a good four times before Mina actually peeled herself out of her bed. She made coffee and had a grapefruit, brushed her hair into a pony tail and put on her running suit.

Popping a dish of salmon and liver (ew!) cat chow down for Tawni, she left for her morning run of three miles around the park.
watching from the shadows of the ally i saw the bedroom light flick on just as i hit pavement, wincing slightly from the long fall but it wasnt bad, id jumped down from worse, with a sigh i curl up under the dumpster and lets my eyes close, i needed rest, morning was gunna come way to soon for my liking

come morning i yawn and stretch, moving from under the dumpster i shift forms, leaning against a wall i pick up a discarded paper that some hobo left behind, bringing up to my face i watch you pass by me from teh cornor of my eye then following you up and around teh cornor, i toss the paper and sets out on a brisk power walk speed, keeping you just within eyeshot range, i cut across the field and heads you off at the park

with a smile i make myself look busy,

"MINA!!, hey mina!"

as i see your head whip around i come jogging up to you from the park, a smile on my face

'well hey there, didnt think i'd see you again this soon, how was your night?"

watching that cute dumbstruck look come across your face i laugh

"before you ask my hotel is just around the cornor, i was just out admiring the beauty this park has to offer, "
Mine Delany

The warm up was slow in coming, her body protesting against her habits. She was tired from her last trip, both physically and emotionally tired. Her body badly wanted her to lapse, just this one and take in some much needed R&R.. But if she got out of the habit of taking care of herself, she knew she was the type of person who'd forever give it up and grow fat, old and lazy before she hit thirty-five.

So she was keeping pace with Beyonce in her ear, belting out her latest with much sass as possible.. It was a good jogging song, and less violent than metallica at this hour. Up beat was good, verses loud, angry metal.. Not that she didn't absolutely love her loud angry metal.

She nearly stumbled over her own feet, barely catching herself before she face planted in a most embarassing way in front of none other than the cutie from the plane, Conell!

"Oh my god!" Her heart lept and her body temperature climbed a few degrees in response, he really should be locked up for doing this to the female population of the world! They just can't handle specimens like this bumping into them, with big friendly smiles and tight buns of steel!

Ok gutter slut! Mind else where!

So, maybe he is overly friendly? Gay? ..... Uh, no! She could be wrong, but he did not seem remotely gay.

"Hey.. Conell, right?" She played it off! You go girl! don't let him work his magic number on you! Her smile grew wider, friendly. She couldn't help it! She wasn't an airhead or a twit, but this man unnerved her to no end!

Its so unfair! She gave a mental sigh, she really needed to get out more often and stop drooling on strangers.

"Wow, small world huh?" Pulling the Mp3 head phones out of her ears, she figgetted a bit wondering how her luck had changed so much lately?

"You visiting the city of angels huh? See much yet?" She was making small talk of boredom, she wanted to slap her forehead.. Hide in a bush and rewind the morning to include her shower BEFORE her morning jog!
smiling as i watch her stumble then recover i cant help but laugh softly, moving to her i smell her body heat spike and her heart jump 3 beats, all the cuter she looked.

"Oh my god!"

"yes i do look godly dont i?"

teasingly i flex, my arms, the fabric of the shirt im wearing tightening to show off the thickness of his arms he laughs at the joke

"Hey.. Conell, right?"

nodding gently "well, i think i would prefer being called god, but conall with suffice, although i suddenly like my name better since ive heard it come from your lips"

looking around the park and surrounding neighborhood
"yea, when i left the airport i asked the taxi driver where a decent and not overly priced hotel was, he suggested the Howard johnson around the corner

"Wow, small world huh? You visiting the city of angels huh? See much yet?"

"No like i said i havent been here in years, and alot is changed, im ashamed to say, but im actually kinda lost, and didnt really want to pay for a taxi, quickly having realized that traffic is terrible around here, so i thought i would take a walk and see where the wind lead me, "

he couldnt help it, his eyes roamed over her body, an appreciative smile cross my lips

"i had wanted to ask you the other day what had brought you that far into the jungle, a working girl like you?"
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Mina Delany

Lifting her hand to shield her eyes, she glanced left, then right and finally turned half way around, "I think that hotel is... Um, that way." she pointed ahead of her and to his right. "I think.." She chuckled at her own silliness. She lived here and she wasn't sure!

With the mention of the jungle, her eyes shaded a little. Her smile remained but it was tighter than before. "Yeah, I forgot exactly where you boarded at. Even smaller world huh?" She started walking, he moved smoothly into stride with her, appearing to listen intently for her to speak.

She paused, gazing at him closely, then away and once more back before he grinned at her, "Oh. sorry." A nervous chuckle came, she couldn't figure him out and she was betting he knew that too.

"I work for 'We Care'...?" she wondered if it rang any bells, but it didn't appear to. "We Care for the Future, or WCftF. Preservation of animals, mostly we work with saving endangered species.. But we rescue all animals we can. I was tracking a legend, if truth be told. Sounds silly doesn't it?" She scratched the small area of her exposed stomach between top and her spandex leggings.

"I was told of this legendary, poacher eating panther. My boss found out, he said something to National Geographic, and they wanted in on this chance of a lifetime. No one really thought we'd find it, but we could maybe track and tag some species in the area.. and maybe we'd get lucky with this mysterious legend." She fell quiet, not sure she really wanted to share her cat with him.