Star Wars: Galaxy in Crisis


Literotica Guru
Aug 26, 2002
This is the Thread for a new game concept I've been toying with for awhile now and have finally decided to try and run with it.

Essentially it is a what if story. What if Anakin Skywalker didn't turn to the Darkside. The result to that for me is Civil War, between the new Imperial Forces and the new Rebellion which is headed up by the few remaining Jedi that survive Order Sixty Six. If anyone is interested please PM me.

OOC List
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A Nexus Point

As Anakin entered the room he looked around, he saw bodies in Jedi robes all over the place. On the floor near Palpatine's desk lay the upper half of Kit Fisto's body, his scalp tentacles unbound in a tangle. His lidless eyes stared blindly at the ceiling. His lower half was sprawled out near one of the couches. When he finally was able to look up he saw a last Jedi Master going blade to blade against a living shadow.

Mace was using his Vaapad style, he seemed to be fading in and out of existence, half swallowed by a thickening black haze in which danced a meter long bar of sun-fire. Mace pressed back the darkness with a relentless straight-ahead march; his own blade, many evil beings across the galacy, made a haze of its own: an oblate sphere of purple fire within which there seemed to be dozens of swords slashing in all directions at once.

"The Shadow he fought, that blur of speed-could that be Palpatine?" Anakin wondered.

Their blades flared and flashed, crashing together with bursts of fire, weaving nets of killing energy in exchanges so fast that Anakin could not truel see them--

But he could feel them in the Force.

The Force itself roiled abd burst and crashed around them, boiling with power and lightspeed ricochets of lethal intent.

And it was darkening.

Anakin could feel how the Force fed upon the shadow's murderous exaltaion; he could feel fury spray into the Force through some poisonous abscess had crested in both their hearts.

There was no Jedi restraint here.
Mace Windu was cutting loose.

Mace was so deeo in Vaapad that he seemed to no longer exist. Vaapad was a channel for darkness, and that darkness flowed both ways. He accepted the furious speed of the Sith Lord, drew the shadow's rage and power into his inmost center and let it fountain out again.

He reflected the fury upon its source as a lightsaber redirects a blaster blot.

There was a time that when Mace Windu had feared the power of the dark; there was a time when he had feared the darkness in himself. But the Clone Wars had given him a gift of understanding: on a world called Haruun Kal, he had faced his darkness and had learned that the power of darkness is not to be feared.

He had learned that it is fear that gives the darkness power.
He was not afraid. The darkness had no power over him, but....

Neither did he have power over it.

Vaapad made him an open channel, half of a superconducting loop completed by the shadow; they became a standing wave of battle that expanded into every cubic centimeter of the Chancellor's office. There was no scrap of carpet nor shred of chair that might not at any second disintegrate in flares of red or purple; lampstands became brief shields, sliced into segments
that whirled through the air; couches became terrain to be climbed for advantage or overlept in retreat. But there was still only the cycle of power, the endless loop, no wound taken on either side, not even the possibility of fatigue.


Which might have gone forever, if Vaapad was Mace's only gift.

The fighting was effortless for him now; he let his body handle it without the intervention of his mind. While his blade spun and crackled, while his feet slid and his weight shifted and his shoulders turned in precise curves of their own
direction, his mind slid along the circut of dark power, tracing it back to its limitless source.

Feeling for its shatterpoint.

He found a knot of fault lines in the shadow's furture; he chose the largest fracture and followed it back to the here and the now....

And it led him, astonishingly to a man standing frozen in the doorway. Mace had no need to look; the pressence in the Force was familiar, and was as uplifting as sunlight breaking through a thunderhead.

The Chosen one was there.

Mace lunged for the window and slashed away the transparisteel with a single blow. His instant distraction cost him: a dark surge of the Force nearly blew him right out of the gap he had just cut. Only a desperate Force-Push of his own altered his path enough that he had slammed into a piller into of plunging half a kilometer from the ledge outside. He bounced off and the Force cleared his head and once again he gave himself to Vaapad.

He could feel the end of this battle approaching, and so could the blur of Sith he faced; in the Force, the shadow had become a pulsar of fear. easily, almost effortlessly, he turned the shadow's fear into a weapon: he angled the battle to bring them both out onto the window ledge.

Out in the wind. Out with the lightning. Out on a rain-slicked ledge above a half-kilometer drop.

Out where the shadow's fear made it hesitate. Out where the shadow's fear turned some of its Force-powered speed into a Force-powered grip on the slippery permacrete.

Out where Mace was able to kick the shadow's lightsaber. It bounced on the ledge, and fell through the rain toward the distant alleys below.

Now the shadow was only Palpatine: old and shrunken, thinning hair bleached white by time and care, face lined with exhaustion.

Mace held his lightsaber dangerously close to Palpatine's throat. It wouldn't ahve taken much for him to just sever his head with a flick of his wrist, but Jedi don't kill. "You are under arrest my Lord."

"Anakin I told you it would come to this. I was right..." Palpatine's voice once again had the broken cadence of a frieghtened old man. "The Jedi are taking over!"

"The oppersion of the Sith will never returned. YOU have LOST!" Mace replied emphatically.

Palpatine lifted his head. His eyes smoked with hate. "No..NO..You will die!" His voice was a shout of thunder as lightening blasted out from his hands, and Mace didn't have time to comprehend what Palpatine was talking about; he only had time to angle his blade to catch the forking arcs of pure, dazzling hatred that clawed toward him.

As the FORCE lightening struck the lightsaber it was reflected back to its source.

Palpatine staggered, snarling, but the blistering energy that poured from his hands only intensified. He fed the power with his pain.

Both men called each other traitor in an attempt to win the support of the Chosen one.

"I have the power to save the ones you love. YOU must chose!" Palptaine told him. The yellow glare from his eyes spread outward through his flesh. His skin flowed like oil, as though the muscle beneth was burning away, as though even the bones of his skull were softening, were bending and bulging, deforming from the heat and pressure of his electric hatred.

"Don't listen to him Anakin." Mace pleaded as he struggled to fend of the onslaught.

"Don't let him kill me...." Palaptaine said. His voice above the endless blast of lightening became a fading moan of dispair. "I can't hold him any longer. I.... I... can't hold him any longer. I'm too weak. Anakin help me." The lightening swallowed itself, leaving only the night and the rain, and an old man laying on a slippery ledge.

"I... I... I can't hold on any longer."

"I'm going to end this once and for all." Mace said with an intensity that Anakin had never seen. He lifted his blade.

"You can't! He must stand trial!" Anakin finally said having found his voice.

"He has control of the Senate and the Court. He's too dangerous to be left alive."

On the floor Palaptaine continued to plead for his life. Anakin felt pitty for the old man that had been a mentor to him. "It's not the Jedi way." Anakin said as his hand began to carefully reach for his own lightsaber. "He must live!"

Mace was struggling with his own internal struggle. He was so close to the dark side at that moment that he was having problems controlling his emotions. All he could think of was all the Jedi that had been lost as a result of this man, who was supposed to be the leader of the Galactic Republic.

Mace closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he reopened them he looked at the younger Jedi. "Your right Master Skywalker." he said as he lowered his still ignited blade.

Palpatine couldn't believe what was happening, this wasn't as he had forseen. However he didn't have time to waste and he used that moment and lashed out at both men with a sudden arc of blue plasma. "Traitors!" he called out. The power of his hatred struck them, knocking Mace back and causing him to fall forever.

Anakin had been caught off guard as well, but was sent tumbling over one of the couches. As he struggled to get to his feat he heard Palptaine promise to take revenge on him and all he loved. When he stood it was to late, Palpatine had disappeared. His thoughts were jumbled, he needed to make sure Padme was safe, he needed to make sure he warned the other Jedi of this trechery. He ran out of the office and headed for his speeder.

Palpatine had used a hidden access door in his office, one that was used in order for him to reach safety in case of an emergency. The door led to a tunnel, which lead to a hidden bumker. There some of Palpatine's closest advisor were waiting for him. "We must move quickly. The Jedi are relentless. If they are not destroyed there will be civil war without end."

Palatine moved over to a closet and opened it, there were several black on black robes. He removed one and put it on, then raised the hood over his face. He would miss the face of Palpatine. He then motioned for one of the others to activate a control as he stood in the holo-transmitter. Instantly he was in communication with all the Clone Commanders of the Grand Army of the Republic... no the Galactic Empire. "It's time. Execute Order Sixty-Six." he then turned to the one at the communications console. "Get me the 501st. I have a special job for them."
Ro'ak grumbled and mumbled to himself as he pushed through the throngs of people crowing the streets of Coruscant. This war that the Republic had gotten itsself into with the Confederacy was seriously damaging his business, and with rumours that soldiers were marching on the great Jedi temple,he thaught to himself that it was about time he left and found a safer place to do business.

Ro'ak cursed to himself. It looked as though most of the civilian docks were overcrowded. Did this mean that the CIS had finally managed to succede in blockading the world? All the vidscreens said that the skies were clear, but that could just be propaganda. Glancing around, Ro'ak noticed that one pathway off of the main route was almost devoid of citizenry and, what was better, was that it led to a small docking port belinging to one group or another. Ro'ak allowed himself a grin. Making mental notes of all the starports looked like it was paying off! Quickening his pace, he hurried off down the path.

Only a few short moments later, Ro'ak came apon an open landingpad. On it sat a wide, squat spacecraft with a somewhat a-symetrical design. It looked like a bit of a junker, but the relitivly fresh paintjob suggested it was well cared for. Looking around to make sure he wasn't being followed, Ro'ak hurried over, quickly finding the main airlock and getting to work cracking to lock
Order 66

Gate Master Jurokk sprinted through the empty corridor, clattering echoes of his footsteps making him sound like a platoon. The main doors of the Temple were slowly swinging inward. Jurokk didn’t understand how this was possible, no one was on the monitor, and no code key had been entered. It made no sense to him.

What the Jedi Master didn’t know was that over the last three years, while the Jedi were fighting and dying along side the Clones. The Clones were learning, learning about the Jedi all that they could including how they protected themselves. Clone infiltrators had learned all about the security measures of the Temple and were now using it against their former Generals.

The huge doors soon creaked inward; as soon as they were wide enough for the Gate Master to pass, he slipped through. He looked out into the night and saw that the streets was full of clones. Battalions of them. Brigades. Thousands.

Something was definitely wrong.

Master Jurokk had no idea how wrong things were. Order 66 had been given, and only needed to be given once. Its wave-front spreads to clone commanders all over the galaxy. To every battlefront, military installation, every hospital, rehab center, and spaceport cantina in the galaxy.

Except for Coruscant.

On Coruscant, Order 66 was already being executed.

While the bulk of the Coruscant clones forces were now attacking the Jedi Temple, a few squadrons had been sent to another location…. the residential building reserved for the Naboo delegation. Their mission was simple, capture Senator Amidala and bring her to the Supreme Chancellor, and kill anyone that gets in their way.
Anakin Skywalker

Anakin couldn’t remember getting up from the floor. And he definitely didn’t know how long he had been out. He had never felt so much power from anyone. Even when Count Dooku had hit him with his force lightening attack it hadn’t affected him like this had.

But as much as his body was screaming out in pain to him, it was his soul’s pain that causing him trouble focusing. It felt as if his soul was being ripped to shreds, at first he didn’t understand what was going on. But it didn’t take him long to realize that what he was feeling was the death of the Jedi. Somehow Jedi all over the galaxy were being killed at once, and on a scale he wouldn’t have thought possible.

Part of him wanted to head to the temple, to fight along side his friends that even now he could feel dying. But another part of him was screaming at him to get to Padme. He needed to save her and his unborn child. The Chancellor knew of their marriage somehow. He was going to try and hurt him by hurting her and his child. That was something he couldn’t allow even if it did violate his duty as a Jedi.

Anakin jumped into the speeder he had arrived in and sped off to save his wife.
Shiriiak was standing not far from Master Yoda when he too sensed something was wrong. He put out a single hand to stop a Wookie from charging Yoda as the clones head hit the ground.

"All is not what it seems Brother. We must leave. This was a ruse. Protect the people. Go."

At this point the battle erupts in full glory. Several clones throw themselves at Shiriiak. He feels them coming. With hands fast and strong he disarms the closest and strikes with fierce force. He drops into a traditional Wrruushi stance and starts throwing strikes and using the clones as shield.He makes for the deeper area of the Wookie villages, to the dock where his ship waited. Soon even his immense strength and training is overwhelmed. There are 12 men pinning him to the ground.

Shirriak senses that Master Yoda is away. That pleases him. With a savage yell Shiriiak calls on the force. He sunders the piece of bridge on which he has been forced to. The bridge and him with it, and with him the 12 clones, all plummet into the darkness of lower Kashyyyk. They bounce hard against branches, crashing into limbs thicker than a man. Soon Shiriiak finds himself falling alone. He twists and spins in the air, his claws come out as he strikes with preternatural force at the edge of a limb. His claws find purchase.

Shiriiak assesses his situation. He is wounded. Not badly, but wounded none the less. The scent of blood will draw predators. Shiriiak looks at his belt and sees his lightsaber is still present. He reaches over his shoulder and winces at the realization that he has lost his Ryyk blade. It was the last gift his parents had given him. Now it was gone. Lost to the verdant darkness below.

Shiriiak focused. He called upon the force, this time for healing. He would not get far in his current state, not before he was swarmed with Kinrath or worse. Slowly as Shiriiak sinks into his meditation, his wounds begin to close. His fatigue gives way to serenity. He focuses on the ebb and flow of the Force. The disruptions are immense. Never before has Shiriiak felt disruptions as immense. After a few moments Shiriiak stands and looks up. He had fallen a great way. Over a hundred feet by his guess. In times less trying Shiriiak would have simply climbed the Wroshyr trees back to the village. However, time was of the essence. He needed to get to Coruscant. Shiriiak focuses his spirit and leaps.

In three leaps he finds himself on the bridge, still full of battle. Wookies and Clones. Shiriiak lunges for the closest trooper and rips the blaster rifle from his hands. He then snaps it like a twig as he growls and drives a vicious kick into the man sending him twiring through the air like childs toy. Shiriiak immediately becomes a target once more. He finds himself with his back to the village, and facing a platoon of clones. The clones, unable to give him their full attention due to the platoon of Wookies on the other side, are unsure. They falter. And in that instance, they seal there fates.

Shiriiak does what he must. He sees the wounded regiment of Wookies, 6 in all against twenty clone troopers, armed with carbines. If these Wookies fall, the village will surely be wiped out. Women and children. The future of a people. Shiriiak draws the line. He howls out in warning. A warning the clones do not understand. The Wookies, however, understand. They drop to the ground and dig their formidable claws into the deck. Shiriiak calls on the Force, and he pushes. Hard. Clones are sent flying. Battered by the Force. Bones break, bodies tumble from the bridge, and many more clatter together. Shiriiak drops to a knee. Exhausted. He smiles.

A young Wookie approaches, lifting him to his feet. Shiriiak stands with help. The young Wookie all but carries the Jedi to the docking hangar. At the Hangar there is a group of Clones. 4 of them standing at the door to the bay in which Shiriiak's ship waits. The young Wookie looks at clones and pats Shiriiak on the shoulder.

"I see four. I will take care of them. Stay here." The Wookie draws a Bowcaster and steps out from behind the wall. He blast the nearest clone and the clone crumples to the ground. The clones return fire as the wiry young Wookie dives for cover. The three Clone Troopers have superior tactical advantage. But the Wookie is faster and takes advantage of the cover well. Soon, however they have him pinned down. Closing in they are confident of their imminent victory.

Then they hear the pop hiss of a Lightsaber as it ignites. From behind them comes a twirling blade, each trooper loses a hand as the blade flies by. The Clones collapse to the floor, the pain preventing them from continuing. The Wookie stands from his cover.

"I owe you my Life."

"Then I give you this charge. Defend your people. Take whatever measure you must. Be a leader that even Great Bacca would smile upon viewing."

With that Shiriiak bows and moves to the door. He moves onto his ship and starts the engines.

Some time later, Shiriiak approaches Coruscant.
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Bail Organa

Bail Organa was not given to profanity, but when he caught a glimpse of the source of that smoke from the pilot’s chair of his speeder, the curse it brought to his lips would have made a Corellian dockhand blush. He grabbed the yoke and maneuvered the craft through a dozen crisscrossing streams of air traffic.

He reached over and activated his comm. unit. “Antilles! Route an alert to PERT. The Jedi Temple is on fire!”

“We know sir. The Planetary Emergency Response Team has announced a state of martial law, and the Temple is under lockdown. There’s been some kind of Jedi rebellion.”

“What are you talking about? That’s impossible. Why aren’t there fire-ships on station?” the Senator from Alderaan asked.

“I don’t have any details, sir. We only know what PERT is telling us.”

“I’m approaching the temple now, I’m going to find out what’s happening.”

“Senator I wouldn’t recommend it….”

“I won’t take any chances.” Bail hauled the yoke to slow the speeder toward the broad landing deck on the roof of the Temple ziggurat. “Speaking of not taking chances, Captain order the duty crew onto the Tantive and get her engines warm. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”


“Just do it.” Bail said as he landed the speeder only a few meters from the deck entrance and hopped out. A squad of clone troopers stood in the open doorway. Smoke billowed out from the hallway behind them.

One of the troopers lifted a hand as Bail approached. “Everything is under control here citizen.”

“Under control? Where is PERT? What is the military doing here? Bail demanded.

“I’m sorry, I can’t talk about that, sir.”

“Has there been an attack on the Temple?”

“I’m sorry, I can’t talk about that, sir.”

“Listen to me, Sergeant, I’m a Senator of the Galactic Republic” Bail’s voice was no less demanding then before, but now he was improvising. “and I’m late for a meeting with the Jedi Council….”
“The Jedi Council is not in session, sir.”

“Maybe you should let me see for myself.”

The squad moved together to block his path. “I’m sorry sir. Entry is forbidden.”

“I’m a Senator…”

“Yes, sir.” The Sergeant snapped his rifle to his shoulder, and Bail, blinking, found himself staring into its blackened muzzle from close enough to kiss it. “And it’s time for you to leave sir.”

“Well when you put it that way…”Bail said as he backed off, lifting his hands.

A burst of blaster fire ripped through the smoke. Bail stared with an open mouth as a Jedi flashed out of nowhere and started cutting down clones. No, not a Jedi, a boy. A child, no more then ten years old, swinging a lightsaber whose blade was almost as long as he was tall. More blaster fire came from inside, and a whole platoon of clones came pelting toward the landing deck, and the ten year-old was hit, and hit again, and then just shot to rags among the bodies of the troopers he had killed, and Bail started backing away faster now, and in the middle of it all, a clone wearing the colors of a commander came out of the smoke and pointed at Bail Organa. “No witnesses, kill him.” The Commander ordered.

Bail ran, and dove into his speeder. He stabbed the keys activating the auto router. Clones charged toward him, firing as they came.

His speeder heeled over and blasted off.

After he was far enough away he sat up. He was white as flimsiplast, and his hands were shaking so badly he could barely activate his comm.


“Yes Sir.”

“It’s worse then I thought. Far worse than you’ve heard. Send someone to Chancellor Palp… no, strike that. Go yourself. Take five men and go to the spaceport. I know there is at least one Jedi ship on the ground there; Saesee Tiin brought in the Stellar Envoy a few days ago. I need you to steal its homing beacon.”

“What? Its beacon? Why?”

“No time to explain. Get the beacon and meet me at the Tantive. We’re leaving the planet.” Bail told him his trusted pilot and friend. “While we still can.”
Ro'ak slammed his fist against the ship's airlock. Stupid thing refused to open for him! At least, it wasn't accepting his attempt to hack in via control codes. Taking a quick look around, he wondered to himself if it was worth abandoning this ship and go in search of an easier ride. However, he thaught, it might raise too many suspicions to see him leaving this area so soon. Suspicions led to arrests, arrests led to penal sentancing, and that would mean he couldn't serve his gods. No. He would stay and work on this ship.

Turning his attention back to the control panel, Ro'ak drew out his vibro-ax and used it's blade to pry off the panel's casing. If codes won't work, then perhaps a hotwire would...

After barely a minute had passed, a loud clunk signalled the release of the door clamps, and the access ramp slowly tilted down until it touched the surface of the landing pad. Success! Hastilly gathering all of his scattered gear, Ro'ak dashed onboard.

The interior of the ship matched it's exterior almsot exactly. Lots of exposed pipes and steel-grate flooring giving the impression of a junker craft, but it was all so well maintained that it must belong to someone important. Dumpting everything except his holdout blaster, Ro'ak went in search of the cockpit. Hopefully this ships systems would be easier to crack than the dor lock...
Aagh Koth

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Time: Approximately 87 years before the Battle of Naboo

For all intents and purposes, the warehouse appeared to be abandoned, just like the rest of the buildings in the area. But Aagh Koth knew better. He knew that there were people in that warehouse, people he was supposed to meet. Pushing open the broken doors with his hands, he walked in. There, in the middle of the building, was a raised platform that had a beam of light covering it. Aagh walked towards it and mounted it. A voice then rang out from the darkness.

“You are Tarkin Antilles, yes?” asked the voice. Aagh could not place what species it belonged to, because it sounded rather artificial.

Aagh simply nodded in response.

“You wish to join our organization, yes?”

Again, Aagh only nodded.

“Why do you wish to join our organization?” Before Aagh could reply, the voice continued. “Could it be, that you wish to make this organization another part of your empire, Jodo Galak?”

Aagh’s eyes widened only a fraction in surprise. His cover had been blown, or at least his cover for his cover. But how? Before he could start to consider this, a stun pike had come out of the shadows and stunned him, dropping him to his knees. He stared out into the darkness, towards where the voice had come.

“Don’t be so surprised, Jodo,” said the voice. “Someone with your reputation would find it very hard to go unrecognized, especially in the criminal underworld. You thought you could worm your way into our organization and take it over from the inside. Well, that isn’t how it’s going to happen, now is it? Once you’re out of the way, we’ll get into your ship and learn all your secrets. The Black Sun Syndicate won’t stand a chance once we take over your organization. Now to dispose of you.”

The platform beneath Aagh opened, dropping him into a pit. And as he dropped, the Force presented him with a vision of the future: the Jedi Temple in ruins, bodies everywhere, and the Jedi on the run and in hiding from a dark presence lurking on Coruscant.

Then, all was dark. The floor of the pit rose. Upon it, standing upright, was a slab of solid carbonite, with Aagh Koth inside. Sound seemed to return to the warehouse, and with it, the sound of the voice laughing. The voice continued to laugh for nearly a whole minute before it fell silent. Then it said: “Take him and his ship to Tatooine. Lock them away for the rest of time.”

Little did the voice know that in truth, Aagh Koth was a Jedi Master, and that he, the voice, was merely a pawn in a grand plan.
Shiriiak spent his trip from Kashyyyk in meditation. The Force was screaming, the agony of the Jedi Purge was immense. It was hard to block out the screams. But Shiriiak did. He pushed it away. He focused on the purity of The Force.

As Shiriiak's shuttle landed, he stood and moved to the shuttle doors. He could feel the great waves of agony coming from the City Planet. He focused on what he had to do. He focused on finding the remaining Jedi. He needed to find Yoda. He longed to speak to him. He could feel his presence. Yoda was alive. He also wanted to find Cin Drallig. He remembered meeting Cin when he first arrived at the Temple. A young boy, gifted incredibly with the Lightsaber.

Shiriiak sensed a presence outside his ship. He opened his eyes and nodded.

"Of course. They are waiting. Well, who am I to let them wait longer?"

Shiriiak called on The Force. He called on it to guide his blade, and to give him strength and agility. He looked up at the dome in the cieling of his shuttle. With a flick of his mighty wrist, and a leap Shiriiak shattered the protective cieling and landed amid his would be killers.

"I apologize for the pain I will cause you. I assure you, you will suffer no more than needed."

Shiriiak howled and sneered as he grabbed two Clone Troopers and smashed them together with such force that he shattered there helmets and bloodied there faces. He hurled them at their allies. With supernatural speed he took off across the hangar. He smashed through other troops before they saw he was there.

As he exited the hangars he found himself in a central terminal. Tens and twenties of troopers stood before him.

"By Bacca's Might. Never the easy road."

Shiriiak drew his Lightsaber and there was a soft pop hiss as his orange blade ignited. He had often been thought odd of for carrying such a rare blade. However he was proud of the blade. He had acquired the crystal from a Kinrath hive before leaving Kashyyyk as a boy.

Several troops opened fire at once. The flash and flare was dazzling as he deflected and redirected bolts in rapid succession. Shiriiak wondered how long he could keep this up. He saw no easy exit.
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Twelve Days.

Twelve mindlessly boring days. Nine Hour shifts. Patrol the hallways.

The squad had even resorted to playing cards with younglings and Padawans in the Temple.


TR-116611 walked down the hall, a Sniper rifle slung across it's back. Here in the halls of Coruscant the weapon was virtually useless. DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle, the best weapon in existance, useless.

Instead TR-116611 held two personalized weapons, special made just for the Sniper's use. Technically they were backup weapons, if someone got past the spotter. But when inside they came in handy.

Passing down the great hallway the squad walked past dormitories and classrooms in it's patrol route. This was possibly the most boring mission teh squad had yet been assigned. Patrol teh Jedi Temple. Make sure no one was here that wasn't supposed to be. It had to be punishment detail. It had to be. But why?

A boot kicked something and it scittered across and down the hall as a dozen weapons flicked and a dozen sets of eyes tracked it. Tumbling and rolling down the hall the object flipped and flopped as a small pair of feet chased it.

A boot lifted and dropped, almost crushing the furry and floppy looking object. Just enough pressure to stop it's motion, but not enough to crush it. The squeel of fear prevent the crushing at least.

Bending down TR-116611 removed the boot and picked up the small obect. It looked like a stuffed wookiee, but that made no sense.

Running up the youngling looked up at the Sniper from under her hood, her lower lip protruded in what was abviously an attempt at cuteness. Or she was genuinely afraid the item would be turned over to one of the Masters of the Temple.

Turning the item over for a moment the Trooper delayed the answer for as long as possible. Then held the item out for the youngling when it appeared as if it would burst into tears.

Snatching the item and holding it tight the youngling dashed off, running as quickly as it's small legs would carry it.

"116611 Return to your position." The squad leader demanded.

Nodding in assent, the Trooper returned to it's correct position in the formation, as the squad began moving once more.


Seven hours.


Seven long.




Insanity was setting in. The whole squad was sure of it. TR-116611 was positive it was setting in.

Again and again they'd walked the route.

Then it happened.

The comm channel crackled. "Order 66. Repeat Order 66. All unit report to assigned postions. Order 66 is activated."
Anakin tried desperately to communicate with Captain Typho, but no luck. It seems as the frequencies that were used by Naboo security was being jammed. Anakin dodged and dove through the traffic. He had opened himself to the Force and was letting it guide him through until he stopped at the small landing pad just outside of Padmé’s penthouse.

He thought about everything that had happened in the last several weeks. How the Jedi Council had assigned him a secret mission to spy on the Chancellor because they didn’t trust him. How Palpatine turned out to be the very Sith Lord , who was behind the Separatists and the Clone War. How he tried to seduce him to the dark side, by using his fear of Padmé’s death against him. How he had killed several Jedi Master’s that had gone to arrest him in the name of the Senate.

Anakin’s speeder slowed to a stop as he arrived at Padme’s penthouse. He leapt out and ran inside calling out for Padme. Only there was no reply. As he looked around he saw the mess that had been made. There were scorch marks from blaster fire all over, he saw on the floor one of her shawls. He walked over to it and picked it up. Instantly he was elsewhere.

He saw and felt Padme’s fire as she looked out and saw the temple on fire. Then there was an explosion that rocked the building. The door opened and Typho and some of his men ran in, with a hail of blaster fire behind them as the door opened and then closed. Anakin watched as a transport arrived at the landing and Typho rushed her onto it, before
she could do anything. That’s when she dropped the shawl, and Anakin’s vision discontinued.

He didn’t know where she was, or if she was fine. But he had to believe she was. She was his life. He’d find her, but he needed to get away before trooper reinforcements arrived. He began to head to back to his speeder when he heard something, it sounded like knocking. It was coming from one of the storage closets. He grabbed his lightsaber and held it at the ready,

He ignited it as he opened the door. He swung but stopped mere inches away from taking off the golden head of C-3PO, the protocol droid he had created as a child and eventually given to Padme. “Oh the Maker… Master Anakin it was terrible. They’re madmen, the clones just stormed in and began shooting everywhere. I just barely managed to to get myself and R2 into the closet before we got hit.” The protocol droid rambled about. The smaller astromech whistled in his machine language. Although Anakin didn’t know what it was he had just said he had a feeling it was that 3PO was taking credit for something he hadn’t done.

Normally this sort of interaction between the two droids would have brought a smile to his face, but there was no time for that. He began to walk back to the landing pad and his speeder when all of sudden he had the urge to duck. Laser fire lashed out and the speeder exploded, shrapnel just missing the young Jedi. “Ok I guess I’ll need to find another way out of here.” He said as he turned around and made his way to the door to the apartment. “If you droids are coming you better move it.” He said as opened the door. He stretched out with his feelings and determined that there was no immediate danger and he exited. He needed to get to another speeder, and as much as he wanted to find Padme he needed to get off planet and find some place where he could regroup. That meant he was going to the space port and see if he could find himself a ship to get off world. Of course having the droids with him was just going to make things even harder now.

Order 66.

The Order none of them had ever believed would be Issued. "Commander, Shouldn't we verify.."

"Negative. The Order is authentic. The Encryption code is already verified. Compliance is required." The squad leader replied without hesitation or compassion.

The squad began moving again, weapons drawn and firing. Jedi Masters fell under the onslaught of blaster fire. Padawans fell even faster. And Younglings, well they didn't even have a chance.

With each death and fallen Jedi, TR-116611, felt more and more hollow. It was wrong. Horribly wrong.


Head snapping right, the visor instantly shifted color spectrum allowing the clone trooper to see in the darkness. The movement of the hand was almsot not noticed.


Stepping into the room, weapon raised and ready to fire TR-116611 moved around the furnishings until the target was in sight.

Clutching the small stuffed wookie thing the younglings lower lip pouted, dried tears crusting her face as she stared in horror and fear at the armoured form before her.

Sighing TR-116611 realized they couldn't do it anymore. Killing younglings and Jedi was WRONG. It went against the Galactic Order. Why were they all trained to Obey that order? It wasn't logical. It was wrong.

Stepping back 116611 returned to the doorway just as another Clone filled it. "Trouble?"

"Negative. Rodent. Probably a pet."

"Kill it, and join the squad."

"Affirmative," 116611 replied.

Turning away 159786 didn't see 116611's action.

Instead of complying with the murder of the youngling, or a pet. 116611 stopped just inside the doorway. A moment later the Clone Trooper stepped back into the hallway and called out. "Commander, you should see this."

Looking up the Senior Clone Trooper grabbed the object 116611 threw on reflex alone.


The detonation blew the squad apart when the grenade impacted the Commanders hand.


The detonation blew the squad apart when the grenade impacted the Commanders hand.


Bodies and armour, and parts of body and armour, flew in all directions. Covering the walls in red gore and grey matter. More explosions followed the first as grenades strapped to trooper armour became dislodged and primed.

Within the first fifteen seconds of the first explosion a section of hallway forty meters long had ceased to exist. A massive gaping hole filling the zone. Several steel beams swung out over the emptiness, looking lost and forlorn before the dislodged from permacrete and feel to the flor, several levels below.

A Padwan leaped out of a room, lightsaber gleaming with it's incessent buzz. "Run. Hide. Escape Coruscant. Take as many as you can. But get away. NOW!!" 116611 ordered the girl.

Blinking the human girl looked at the carnage wroung by the trooper and nodded, twin braids bobbing in time with her head as she turn and ran.

Stepping back into the younglings room the Clone trooper collected her and the small stuffed creature. Moving back into the hallway the trooper made sure the youngling was behind her as they moved.

Jedi and their students needed ships to get off Coruscant. 116611 would make sure they had at least one ship. That meant a docking bay.
As the blasters rained on him, Shiriiak was cautious to deflect them away from civilians. He did not want to hurt anyone if he could avoid it. Perhaps it was this caution that had him distracted...

From behind Shiriiak came a crash and a rain of debri. An air speeder had crashed throught the wall behind him. Driven by a wookie. The speeder had now seen better days, but it was functioning. The wookie behind the wheel started pelting full bore at the troopers in front of Shiriiak. As the speeder came, they scattered and fired at the speeder. It's driver dove out and landed hard besied Shiriiak.

"I told you I owe you..." the Wookie struggles to stand as the speeder explodes. Sending clone troops flying. "Sorry 'bout the mess."

Shiriiak looked at the young Wookie and smiled. He gathered him in his arms and sprinted away, using the force to carry them. As he ran he disgarded the robe he had worn for so long. He hoped they might be able to avoid the troopers through disguise.

Once they were to the other side of the port Shiriiak ducked with his new friend into a small closet. He sat down and looked at the wounded wookie. So much suffering... and why? To what end?

Shiriiak took a deep breath and focused. He reached out with his mind. Usinging the connections of the Force like a spiders web stretched between not branches of a tree but between all things. He reached out, and he sought any Jedi left on Coruscant. He felt a few tremors, but with the amount of disturbance he could not sense who was there. He callaed out his situation to those he could feel, and he hoped help would arrive. Shiriiak was no fool. He know that even a master as himself could not combat entire platoons of clone troopers. Not for long. The cursed droids were one thing. They were easily torn asunder by the Force. But these were living breathing peoples. Only following orders. Shiriiak did not wish to kill or maim any more than he had to.

The young Wookie, wounded by his foolhardy stunt, was slumped against the wall. Not unconcious but in no way wanting more combat. From his jacket pocket he produces holdout blaster and sits.

"In time youngling, there will be help. Or we shall help ourselves. But now, rest. You do Great Bacca proud by your heart and your bravery. Your cunning and your strength. Rest child. For I feel there is much more to come. I am Shiriiak. Jedi Master. And you would be?"

"Chenlambec. I beg your pardon Master. I am young and I should have listened and stayed on Kashyyyk, as you commanded, but I knew, somehow, that there was more for me to do here. With you. I snuck aboard your ship. I am sorry."

"Even an old Jedi such as myself can not change that which has come to pass. The Force guided our paths this day. Yours as mine. I will not second guess the will of the Force. Chenlambec, no matter what happens here today, those responsible shall be held as such. Now, until I give you the word you rest. Sleep. I will do what I can about these wounds. They look superficial. Shiriiak reaches into the satchel he had slung across his body and produces a small jar of ointment and starts to place it on the wounds, singing in a whisper as he does so.
Ro'ak was fast getting used to tha layout of the ship. He had to if he was going to aquire it. Already he had made two complete curcits of the main section, mentally noting where good places to hide, and better places to store equipment were. For the third time, he walked down the access corridor to the ship's cockpit. The hiss of the door mechanism as it slid open reassured him that he had found the right buttons to press to get the ship's power online.

Sitting down in the pilot's chair, Ro'ak gazed at the assortment of panels and switches ifront of him. It looked like gaining entry to this ship was the easy part. Figuring out how the thing worked would be quite another problem altogether. Grumbling to himself about the luck bestowed on him by his gods, Ro'ak slumped back in the seat, running one hand through his braids. This ship was starting to look like a bad investment in time. What use was it going to be if he couldn't figure out how to fly it?

Swinging the seat around, he looked back down the access corridor. Again, he grumbled to himself. If only he had an astromech droid, or even an interpreter, he could figure out what to do, and be spaceborn in no time. Ah well. If nothing else, he rasoned, the ship was still a good place to hide...
Anakin Skywalker

For the second time… no, it was the third time that evening, Anakin found himself in a speeder and racing through the early morning traffic of Coruscant. Obviously not everyone had heard that there was a planetary emergency going on as full as the skyways were. He had done this a few times before since he came to Coruscant, the last most significant time was three years ago when he and Obi-wan raced through them in order to try and catch a bounty hunter that had tried to kill Padme. A few differences between then and now is that he had been able to find a speeder that was effective for him. It had speed and an open cockpit, so he could save Obi-wan. This time it was a choice of speeder he wasn’t particularly happy with. It was slow, however it gave him enough cargo capacity for the droids. He probably could have left them behind, however they had all be through so much together. He really considered them a part of his family, he could never leave family behind. And the second difference from that night three years ago, was the two gunships that he had chasing and firing at him.

Anakin knew he had to get off world if he was going to survive to fight another day. That meant his going to the temple to take a ship from there, or the main spaceport. The temple was on fire, and very well guarded. That left the spaceport. If he were doing things, he would try and lock it down as well, but it was too big with too many people coming in and out. However with the two gunships on his ass, he wasn’t going to be able to just land and stroll until he found a ship he could take. This meant he had to make things a little…. interesting. So he crash landed the speeder on one of the decks. As he jumped out of the speeder, lightsaber ignited and deflecting blaster fire, he was already yelling at the droids to move it, and ordering R2 to find a ship they could use, preferably a fast one.
Tr - 116611

116611 and the youngling moved down the hall, the stuffed thing held tight to the tiny chest. The group of Troopers rounding the corner at the far end was unexpected. But they dropped to their knees in unison and took aim at 116611 and the youngling without hesitation.

"Trooper, step away from the Jedi." the squad Commander called out.

"It's not a Jedi. It's a child. Just a child."

"Trooper, the Jedi is using mind control. Break free from the grip. Step away. CLear the line of fire."

"It's not.." 116611 began, but the Clone was too late. Weapons fire crossed the distance in a blink. The body of the youngling ripped apart from the blaster bolts as it flew backwards. Splattering wetly against the wall before it slid downwards. A red stain glistening and dribbling downwards.

She still held her teddy bear in one hand.


TR-116611 gasped in horror at what the other Clones had done. Murder. Carnage. Boots slammed into the floor as the trooper ran. Faster and faster. Leaping, 116611 flipped over the bodies that littered the floor from previous combat, identical pistols slipping from sheaths.

Tight focused shots speared downwards, driving through helmets and into the skulls of two troopers. Armoured feet slammed into the Clone Comamnder knocking him down and caving in his armoured chest. Mercifully he was unconscious before he died.

Spinning in place 116611 fired point blank at the rest of the squad. Super dense beams
of light piercing armoured throats. Weak points. Points 116611 had been trained to protect against enemy weapons fire.

Pausing to locate the next target 116611 realized they were dead. All dead. Others needed to be saved and protected, 116611 realized walking down the hall back to the younglings body. Collecting the small form the Trooper walked into once of the side rooms and lay it on one of the beds.

After tucking it under the covers 116611 placed the stuffed creature under an arm and positioned the youngling as if it was sleeping. "Rest Eternal, young one." The Trooper whispered.


Walking into the hanger TR-116611 scanned the area for other troopers. None were visible at the moment, but that probably wouldn't last long. Moving quickly 116611 placed grenades collected from downed troopers. Some TR had even killed. Others had died in earlier action.

Dropping a duffel bag of collected power cells and other collected equipment, TR-116611 lay down on the top of the YT-1300 light freighter Stellar Envoy .
Shiriiak had waited only moments after having bandaged Chenlambec. Then there was a crash. Something... someone had arrived with distinction.

Shiriiak looked at the young Wookie. "Stay here until I signal."

"How will I know your signal?"

"Trust me youngling... you will know." with that Shiriiak was moving... moving fast and with grace.

Shiriiak burst through the hallway and found the wreckage of the crashed speeder. He saw a young Jedi. One he had met only in passing. And two droids. He also saw the squad of Clone Troopers charging toward the dock and the squad that had already arrived.

"Young Skywalker, on guard if you please!" Shiriiak roared as he dove through the air and positioned himself between the on coming clones and the young Jedi, who was already facing toward a large platoon of troopers coming from the other direction.

The first two fired their carbines only to take their own blasts in the visor. The next two stopped, and as they leveled their carbines, Shiriiak growled as he tossed chunks of the broken speeder toward the troopers, burying them and at least knocking them unconscious.

"It seems the Force has answered. Shall we? I believe there are hangars this way." Shiriiak turned and faced toward the troopers, as they formed ranks and leveled their carbines. "Ah... yes I promised a signal..." Shiriiak mused to himself as he turned and with a grunt of effort brought a large section of the hallway down just behind the where the clones lay in a heap, crushing a rather large squadron of Clones as they charged toward the dock.

Chen laughed, which anyone not familiar with Wookies, would no doubt have thought more menacing than mere laughter as he heard what sounded like the end of days. He stood slowly stood and un-slung the the bowcaster from his shoulder. His heart pounding like mad he walked cautiously out into the hallway and grinned at Shiriiak as he returned fire on the clones.

"You were right Master Shiriiak. I did recognize your signal. I am Chenlambec. Pleased to meet you." The Wookie nods at Anakin as he levels his bowcaster at the large squad coming from the outer hangars.
Anakin continued to deflect the incoming fire, but as they became more and more out numbered he began to use the force as well. Throwing random crates at the troopers as he acknowledge Shi’s timely arrival. Normally he would have greeted the other Wookie, but now wasn’t the time. “Yeah I think that would definitely be a good idea.” Anakin replied and began heading to the nearest hanger while defending himself and the others.

Once through the doors, they had more room to maneuver, that meant so would the Clones once they came through. Anakin looked around and saw a rather nice size lifter and smile. He focused on it, embraced the force that surrounded it and slid it across the floor until it came to a stop in front of the door. “That should buy us a little time.” He said and then looked around. “We just need to find a ship.” He said looking around. His smile grow wider as he saw the Stellar Envoy. He didn’t know the ship all that well, but he had traveled in it a few times. “As you said Shi, the Force provides.”

Shifting angle and position slightly 116611 covered the Jedi as they moved. The built in IFF confirmed the identy of Jedi Master Skywalker, but was having trouble confirming the wookie's. But they weren't Clones and were helping Skywalker. So they obviously weren't targets.

Sighting in she locked on the Blue marked CL Trooper. The beam darted over the shoulder of the retreating trio and snapped through the priming pin on the Lieutenants hip. Only the tell tale blinking red light gave it away, and even the Clone wasn't fast enough to get it off.

The detonation ripped a gaping hole in the assault squad, but didn't get them all. Angling their attack upwards, over half the Clones started peppering the Snipers position. At least until grenades started flying their way. The small metalic spheres pinged and bounced before rolling through the hole in the defensive position.

The first explosion killed two more luckless troppers. the Second tagged nothing. The third.. well that was a small thermal detonator. Twelve more clones vaporized in an instant, as TR-116611's death tally slowly increased. The dark marks on it's soul rising in a steady wash of pain.

Brothers, friends, companions. So many of them were dying at the hands of 116611, bred and trained for war.. But now turned against brothers.

The rest of the Clones managed to retreat down the hallway to a more safe distance. But the fight wasn't over yet. A Single shot smacked into 116611's armoured head from the side, vision blurry the sniper shifted targets and punched three shots through the counter snipers helmet.

Then the heavy gunner stepped into the open. "Shit.." 116611 muttered. Targeting the new threat the Sniper opened up with precision firing, and watched as the beams of energy bounced off of a shield.
Chenlambec raised his rifle as the sniper first appeared. However, Shiriiak stepped into the line of fire and put his hand on the bowcaster and nudging it down. Then all hell broke loose.

Shiriiak watched as the sniper took down several clones. He waited until the heavy gunner stepped out. As he watched the sniper's rounds bounce harmlessly off the shielding, he stepped forward and used the Force to bring the ceiling down on the gunner. Several hundred kilograms of debris rained down on the trooper.

"Anakin, I would greatly suggest that you get aboard that ship and get it fired up. This is not going to be an easy flight. Chen, watch Anakin's back get him and the droids aboard and watch the door." Shiriiak looked to the sniper on the roof. "I suggest, given the fact that you jut helped fugitives evade capture, that if you wish to live past this moment you accompany my friends aboard. I will do what I can to hold them off." Shiriiak smiled warmly, as warmly as a wookie can anyway, up at the sniper.

Chen immediately started guarding the droids and leading the way toward the door. Still untrusting of the sniper. But he would listen to Master Shi. No matter the command. That was his debt to pay.
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Anakin nodded and made his way up the landing ramp. It was strange that it was down, but it may just be the Force guiding him again. He ran to the cockpit and opened the door. When it opened he was surprised to see someone already sitting in the pilot's seat. "Who the heck are you?" Anakin asked. First he was saved seemingly by a clone trooper, now there's some stranger in his pressence. The force always provided, but he wondered what this individual would provide.

Nodding in agreement TR-116611 - Recon Trooper, Sniper, and Clone - moved from a semi-prone position to a crouched one. Inching forward and taking out several more targets. Keeping even more at bay behind crates and such. Moving forward 116611 took several steps then fired again. Move and fire. Move and fire. Working toward the edge of the transport.

Unfortunately one of the Clone Troopers anticipated what was happening. Just as 116611 moved forward on the last section, preparing to jump, Several Clones leaned out from behind seperate boxes and opened fire. At precisely the right - or wrong - moment. It kinda depended on whom you were siding with. For the Jedi, and TR-116611, it was the wrong moment.

Laser fire speared out and upwards, aimed not at the Wookie, or even any targets on teh ground. Instead 116611 was blested by five to six direct hits. Several of them penetrating the minimal shielding the armour provided.

Punctured and smouldering through two holes, 116611 folded. Rolling off the edge of the transport the ally Clone tropper crashed to the ground behind the wookie. Micro-seconds later the duffel bag, a trailing string wrapped around one armoured fist, crashed ontop of the already damaged and wounded trooper.
Andio sat at the cockpit console of the ship in the hangar, shaking with horror. The visuals in his eye piece showed security camera recordings of the horror that befell the Jedi in the temple. It was all he could do not to vomit.
He was a creature of the underworld, a slicer who specialized in cracking high security data safes and theft of certain objects and data. Yes, on occasion he has had to draw his pistol or withdraw his vibroblade but the shear carnage of what he witnessed…
“My god… The younglings…” His fingers quickly worked as if possessed, desperately searching for something, anything, a single image, and a tiny corner where she might be…
He had smuggled himself on this ship three days prior, guaranteed to be able to enter into the Jedi databanks for the slice of the lifetime, a five million credit bounty on specific information stolen from the Jedi themselves. Three days of sitting in a cramped corner of the ship, hiding from every noise until they finally docked and the occupants left, and he was finally free to do his work. He made his way to the cockpit and began to slice the systems, using the connection between this ship to the Jedi database to access the archives themselves. He was there, ready to break through the security protocols on the tertiary level when suddenly the he heard a strange order “order sixty six…” And then the carnage began
For the past twenty minutes he had completely forgotten the slice and had been studying the cameras, looking for any signs of life for…
The carnage as too great, his hand was already on his weapon when suddenly a voice came out from behind him.
“Identify yourself!” the voice was unmistakable. Anyone who had spent any time around the republics army would identify that voice, not to mention that was the voice that had strictly ordered the…
“Um… uh…uh…” Andio turned slowly, falling back into an innocent role, turning so that his hand was poised on his blaster but that his body hid his subtle body movements.
“Identify yourself!” The clone barked again as the sound of his armor clanked in the small cockpit of the cargo vessel.
Andio didn’t hesitate, his blaster was in his hand and the trigger was squeezed almost before he realized it. The bolt of flame licked out of the end of his pistol, impacting the Trooper directly through the helmet. Andio’s free hand pulled the blaster away from his body as the trooper’s last impulse attempted to assassinate his own murderer before he fell to the ground. Andio caught his breath and quickly raised his blaster to the door where another voice rang out.
“K 98833, Report!”
Andio pulled his body to the side, sliding the heavy trooper to the corner. He heard the heavy footfalls of the next clone trooper stepped up slowly. Andio slowly pulled the vibroblade from his boot and activated the nearly silent blade and narrows his eyes. The instant that the man came into view, Andio struck. He knew exactly where to pierce his vibroblade, watching as the blade sink deeply into the man’s chest through his exposed armpit. Andio withdrew the blade and quickly grabbed the head of the trooper and forced the man to the ground. With another thrust, the vibroblade entered into the soft area behind armor in his neck and Andio quickly severed the man’s spinal cord.
It took a moment for Andio to breathe again when he looked down at what he had done. He had acted on pure instinct, but this was…. Unexpected to say the least.
Andio fought to control his horror and the rush of the action and his brain slowly began function again. He realized that there were very little options left for him at this point. He looked down and quickly opened the locking mechanisms on the clone’s helmet. He winced at his next thought but…
Several minutes later Andio fought to breathe in the stifling airflow of the armor. He winced as he realized he was now in the battle armor of a man he had dispatched. It was still warm.
Andio quickly shook his head and raised the trooper’s blaster, feeling a bit bulky in the oversized uniform but secure that his equipment was packed between his own body and clothes and the white armor of the trooper. With a move, he awkwardly moved forward.

The Hanger outside was a battlefield. There were dozens of troopers all firing on what looked like an old freighter. Andio attempted to move through the back, away from the fighting but was swept up in another wave of troops as they flooded the hanger bay.
He took aim and winced, taking every effort to miss every shot he took, while every trooper around him was taking careful aim and dying at an alarming rate. He watched as the troopers fell around him and caught something in the corner of his very limited helmet eye. It was pair of snipers, who had taken position on top of a cargo container and was taking deadly aim at the Jedi. Andio didn’t know what he was doing when he quickly raised his own blaster and took aim, pulling the firing stud and sending a shower of rapid firing bolts towards the snipers’ position. It wasn’t enough to take them down, as they dove for cover, but it was enough for the wookee Jedi to take notice and quickly swing his blaster around to deflect the incoming sniper bolts.
Andio quickly made a decision and raced towards the Jedi. The wookee took an instant look at him and let him dive behind what looked like a wounded trooper.
Andio wondered for an instant why a Jedi was protecting a trooper, but the thought quickly passed as he dropped his blaster and quickly clasped the arms of the wounded trooper. Summoning his strength through purse adrenaline, he began to pull the trooper up the ram towards safety.
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