The New Life

One Eyed Jack

Kicking the Jokers
Feb 1, 2006
The stars outside the view port in the cockpit slowed - no longer streaming by, but resuming their typical motionless twinkle. Even in the gravity cushioned couch returning to normal space made him queasy. No one ever got over that entirely, but he at least never let it shop anymore.

Not that there was anyone else on board to impress. The Novus Vita was a ship build for one to three crew, no more. Erus Ligo flew solo, his private dealings requiring no one else to aid him. The ship broke into the atmosphere, and turned into a fireball as it descended - finally slowing down and cooling.

The captain and only passenger of the crew gave flight control the needed documents, and received clearance to land. Before long, Captain Erus was sitting in an office, listening to an old friend, and business contact provide a great many excuses as to why he could not pay for the shipment of highly controlled medical supplies that he needed.

“Really Erus, I feel awful, but we must find some arrangement. I need those supplies, and you know why. What is it you need, I can pull stings, call in favors, anything, but I just don't have the credits on me right now.”

Erus sat there, frowning. He knew he was screwed, and hated himself for letting this happen in the first place it would be near impossible to find another buyer for his goods, without bringing the Empire down on top of him, and even if he could, not for a price that would make this trip worth his while. So he just continued to frown, and remain silent, letting his friend turn the heat up on himself.

The shady business man snapped his fingers, and his eyes went wide. “I have just the thing. Something more valuable, technically, then the cargo. Though I do hope you just accept the gift, and not decide to resell. You spend far too much time alone out there, and hardly age a day, while we humble planet dwellers continue to age with what grace we can.” It was a common joke between them. While it was true that those that spent most their time up in space, at speeds that would make Einstein shit a golden egg, aged more slowly from the relative vantage point of those who staved dirt side, Erus always thought those hours alone aged him plenty. But he didn't trust anyone else, so that kind of limited his companions to friends like this, and women that enjoyed whatever you did, so long as the price was right.

Liceor had mentioned this solution several times in the past, though this time Erus knew he had little choice. It's all his friend had to offer.

“Stop old man, I know what you're going to say. I have few options, and you've been good to me in the past. That later being the only reason we might ever do business again. I do understand how hard times have been out here, and how this shipment is needed.” He got up, and pulled his flight jacket down, “I'll come by in a few hours, after I've assessed my bill at the docks, and I'll inspect the merchandise you are proposing. Make no mistake though, I am NOT happy with this event, and never intended to be your customer in this way.”

Erus made sure his point had come across, then turned to leave the slaver's office. For many years Liceor had tried to sell him a sex slave or two, for those long hauls between stars, but he had always declined. Now he just became an owner. Whether he'd try to resell depended on several factors, but deep down, he was almost excited. It had gotten just a bit too lonely out there recently.
Zola or otherwise known as #2097 sat in the tiny cold concrete room and shivered waiting to be let out for more of her training. She shared the rather small room with 5 other girls all close to the same 'level' of training as her. She hated her life and everything about it. She was tired, cold, and wanted nothing more than to get out and be free, not that she knew if that was a good thing or not.

She remembered her first few days there, where she was slightly defiant and was very very quickly put in her place and she never acted out ever again. From that day forward she was a slave in training. Being taught not only to cook and clean but to please a man sexually as well as a woman just in case. She only got a bath on days where she was to be looked at by potential buyers or if they thought she needed one.

But she didnt know that today would be one of those days. She had just been fed the less than 1 serving size amount of food and sat quietly curled up in the corner of the room. A few of the other girls that were in the room layed there looking just as miserable as her. She sighed and sat there waiting for her time to come out and all of a sudden the door opened and one of the security men comes in and grabs her by the arm whipping her to her feet.
"You're needed...time to get cleaned up...."

That only meant one thing, and she realized there was a potential buyer. She was thrown into the shower and handed a bar of soap and a washcloth. A few other girls were there too and they all started washing and scrubbing. She washed the dirt out of her light brown pixie cut hair and got it all out from under her fingers nails. Washing her pale skin and lightly freckled face and making sure her long, thin limbs and torso were clean. She was allowed a razor and she shaved her underarms, crotch and legs. They trusted the girls enough with razors they couldnt do much and were watched the whole time.

After the nice shower she was given a towel to dry off and she was shoved into a different room, which was cleaner which was like a 'waiting' room before she was inspected. her and 3 other girls waited in silence, hoping that today was their day to finally leave. She prayed that if it was her time to leave that it would be a nice person...but that was something that would never happen. And all of them knew that, but she liked to pretend that maybe it would happen.
One he returned, Erus had been treated to the best wine while he waited. He kicked his stout legs up on the desk, pretending he had more say in this deal then he really did. His smile hide his anger well, but most merchants had the practiced smile required to make things run more smoothly.

When Liceor came in, he was surprised his friend was going to personally show the goods. His smile must have been very good today. “Alright friend, lets see if ol' Liceor can't find you something to enjoy on those long voyages.” He snapped his fingers and four women, all nude save for a dark metallic collar around their necks. Each was surprisingly beautiful, yet more plainly presented then he figured they would be. Something his friend quickly explained. “What you inspect now is the raw potential. We don't finish them up until you decide on one, and give the final instructions as to how you would like them delivered.” He handed Erus a hand held computer terminal, which listed various 'finishing touches' one could specific – some included in the base price, others requiring yet more credits.

He nodded, and got up to walk toward the slaves, looking over each in turn. They all held an attraction for him, and thoughts of owning each raced through his mind. But one stuck out in particular. Only one still had any feeling left in her eyes. She looked on him with fear, and hope, while the rest just seemed empty, or at best afraid.

He nodded to the guard behind the girls, and #2097 was nudged forward. Her tiny frame spoke of a low gravity world, and her pale skin hinted even more at her origins. He'd bet half his credits she was originally from Gelus IV, a cold world even further from the core planets then the rogue worlds that thrived off slavery.

“2097,” He repeated, staring at her. “I hope you're worth it.” He turned around, and nodded at Liceor, “I'll take her. I'll require her medical file before closing the deal, but I know you keep very good records.” He punched in a few things into the small computer, and handed it back. On it specified which 'options' he selected for final delivery – laser removal of all hair that was not eye brows or on top of her head, permanent eye lash enhancement, permanent make up that included eye liner, lip coloring, and eye shadow that changed color with her moods. All of which was subtle, and would only add a bit of assistance to an already beautiful face.

The slaves were lead away, 2097 to be prepared for him, and Erus and Liceor toasted their successful business. Erus was more eager then eh every imagined at getting the slave aboard his ship and seeing excatly what Ownership was like.
Her wait with the other girls soon came to an end. All four of them were quickly ushered out and they stood there quietly, just as they had been told. Arms by their sides, backs straight and eyes forward. Not to look anywhere but infront of them. If they were asked to do something else then they would do it but were to remain motionless. She saw the man that she as assuming was the buyer and he was rather attractive, but didnt look to be to happy. But she couldnt get that good of a look at him.

She then felt herself slightly pushed forward and she took a step forward and resumed her posistion of standing still. He seemed to look at her more indepthly and then said she'd better be worth it. She was in shock, today was the day the collar would be removed from her neck and she would get to leave. Hopefully she would be a good slave to him and he would treat her atleast slightly better than she was treated there.

The other girls were lead back to their room and she was brought to another room to be prepared for her new owner. She was taken to the normal medical room and was given a final physical. She was then taken into the surgery room and was strapped to a table where all her hair besides that on her head and eyebrows was removed. Then the next part was much more painful as another laser was taken out and permanent make-up was put on. Her eyelashes enhanced and a black eyeliner and grey eyeshadow was put on and a light natural looking pink on her lips. Her face hurt but it did look very nice, when they let her look.

She was finally taken into another room where the collar around her neck was removed and she was given a set of clothing to put on. A pair of cotton draw-string pants, panties, bra, and t-shirt along with a pair of small black flats for shoes. They brushed her short hair and then gave her one last inspection and then got Liceor telling him she was ready and she was taken back out to him along with her medical file.

She stood quietly with her head down and her arms by her side waiting. This was the first time she had more range of motion of her neck in years. Although that was gone the tattoo on her wrist with her number would still be a reminder of who she was. She looked up at her new owner and then put her head back down waiting.
The cargo had been transferred, and all the documents signed, making one slave 2097 the legal property of Erus Ligo, at least in the rogue worlds she was. The closer to the core systems he got, the more questionable his purchase would become, but he seldom had to travel that far inward.

Two locked boxes with handles to be easily carried sat in the room, as well as a small remote the Liceor handed Erus. “Ok, it's configured just for you now, it will not react to anyone else's touch. Press the button and the slave will feel intense pain fed directly into her brain. Let go and it stops. We added this to their ID chip attached to their 3rd vertebrae as many become used to physical pain during their training, or even the more sadistic uses once bought. This ensures you can always get their attentions, no matter what else they can endure.”

Erus took the remote, and looked at it as if he were handed a Rivcorian pit viper. The very idea of dumping pain directly into the nervous system was obscene, and he suddenly felt guilty for being a part of this deal. Of course the same device he hated, he knew was for his own safety. More then a few people had died at the hands of their unwatched slaves. He nodded, and put the horrid device in his coat pocket, then made his way over to his possession. “She looks perfect. You do fascinating things here Liceor. Next time though, just have the money – I'm not starting a harem.”

He looked directly at her, and was unsure how to call her. “Ok, I'm not going to call you by a number, so for now, we'll just use 'girl'. So, grab those boxes girl, and lets go.”

He led her out of the office, and into a waiting aircar – where they were quickly brought to the space dock, and his ship. He led her inside, and pointed to a place to put down the boxes she carried, while he checked to make sure nothing had been tampered with while he was away.

Returning to his new slave, he looked her up and down again. “You really are quite pretty. I hope you enjoy traveling with me...” Still odd to refer to someone merely as girl or slave. But he;d been warned about names with slaves – supposedly it tended to give them a sense of rebellion later on, especially if you let them reclaim their old birth names.

He motioned her to follow him, and he took her on a tour of the ship, indicating that she should never be in the cargo holds or the bridge unless specifically summoned. He'd never had a captive aboard, at least outside the cargo holds, and was awkward as to how to proceed.

Last he showed her his quarters, a simple room with a large bed in the center, and shelves with items of interest from his travels lining the walls. Once their he addressed her for what she was.

“I'm not a cruel man, but I am pretty strict. I keep my schedules and deliver what and when I've agreed to. I would expect nothing less from a crew member, or property. I'll teach you what I like to eat, though something new from time to time might be nice. You'll eat the same as I do, just be careful not to ruin that perfect figure I paid for.”

He walked further into the room, and took off his coat. “I hate to be predictable, but I'd like to sample what I bought. Undress please.” Though his words were somewhat kind, they did not sound overly like a question. He expected her to do as she was told, and hoped he;d never, ever resort to threatening, or worse – using, the remote he'd been given. He unfastened his pants, and let them drop, staring at her expectantly.
She was ready to leave and start her new life with this man. She picked up the boxes like she was asked and followed him to the aircar and then to his ship. This was the first time she had been outside in years and she had to keep herself from looking around and inspecting everything. But she walked onto his ship and set the boxes down as instructed and let him inspect them as she stood quietly.

When he said she was pretty a very tiny smile formed, almost unnoticeable. She had never received a true compliment before, and it was even more special because it was from her new owner. She was also glad that she was no longer going to be called by her number. She didnt get her name back but 'girl' worked for her, it was better than her number.

She then listened intently to him as he showed her around and explained all the rules. ALl were understandable and she had no reason to go to the places he told her not too and she figured she wouldnt be going very far anyways. But as she looked at everything she thought it was all amazing. She was used to 4 concrete walls and empty bare rooms. But she tryed not to look to amazed by it all.

As they entered his room she looked around once again and then nodded her head that she would cook what he wanted and eat what he ate. She didnt eat much and was used to eating next to nothing so she'd stay rather thin, she thought. He then walked further into the room removing his coat and he wanted to 'sample' her. And she could only guess what that meant and her thoughts were confirmed when he took his pants off and she was asked to remove her clothes.

She nodded her head and pulled the clothes off and set then neatly onto the floor and took a few steps closer towards him. Her make-up turning a light purple color. She was rather nervous about what they were about to do. She had only done "it" a few times and it had been with Liceor and it was always against her will. She finally looked up at him in the face, her golden hazel eyes looking up into his eyes as she tryed to calm her nerves.
He wasn't sure what purple meant yet, but knew from her eyes looking up at him she was nervous. His heart sank, and wondered just how much he didn't know about her. “Come on girl, it's ok. I won't hit you or anything, but it seems we should both know what it is we're getting into.”

His hand reached down to stroke her face gently. She was a beautiful creature, even looking worried. Eventually his hand reached to the back of her head, and urged her down, but not outright forcing. He understood her fear, but did not let up from his expectation of her to perform. They would both have to learn each others bodies before they could reasonably expect great things to happen.

As he coaxed her into a kneeling position in front of him, he smiled down at her. This was different then any woman he'd been with in years. Somehow more intimate, as she was not already a professional – though he wasn't paying for her services, he had already bought her – services and all.

He spoke softly, but not going back at all on his 'request'. “I know you've been taught how, though under more harsh conditions. Just do what you know, and feels natural. If needed, I'll tell you how to be better.” Somehow the look in her eyes aroused him even more, as if this slave were still vulnerable.
His words didnt really calm her down much and as his hand on her cheek caused her to jump slightly but she took a few deep breaths and let him touch her. Being touched gently was a new sensation and it deffinately felt nice. But it didnt help her from being nervous. She looked around and then looked back up at him.

He got her to her knees and she slowly moved down and then looked back up at him. Her small hands then moved up, lowering his boxers to his ankle and taking his cock in her hand stroking him and moving her hand quickly. She then took another deep breath and moved her mouth closer, sliding him inbetween her soft lips. She was nervous and cautious but she remembered what she was told.

Her lips stayed wrapped around him snuggly as she looked up at him and then back down at what she was about to do. Her mouth hugging him as her head moved at a nice pace, not to fast not to slow. One of her hands stayed on his hip for support and then her other hand massaged his balls gently. She kept looking up at him occasionally to see how she was doing and to see if he approved of her actions.

She then started to move faster and faster slowly getting a bit more deeper with every movement. Almost gagging herself the whole time. She oh so badly wanted to make sure he was pleased with what she was doing. She didnt want to start things out on a bad foot with him.
Her actions were timid – almost seductively so, and he enjoyed her touch immensely. Others, who were paid for their craft, could provide specific sensations at just the right moment, but this girl at his feet now , her very nervous effort made the entire event more personal and as such rewarding then any prostitute he'd ever spent money on. She was his, and only his. What she did, she did for him alone, not the next guy with a few spare credits. Certainly not a marriage or romantic courtship, but he'd given up on those several years ago, and went into the transportation business.

Her hands felt awkward at first, but he could tell her natural impulse came to her the more he did nothing to interfere, and just responded with low, approving moans. Her mouth around him, and her tiny fingers playing with his balls – what could be better?

Between heavy breaths, he praised her efforts, “You are doing very well girl, very very well..” When eh could he looked down to watch her work, loving hos his cock disappeared into her small mouth, filling it lewdly. Further down he could see her perfect tits bounce as she moved up and down on him. That was when images of taking this girl in every conceivable way began to flash through his head – and he silently vowed to do them all. That was when the reality really hit home fro him – he had a personal slave, and she was sucking his cock, because that's what she was there for.

Why oh why had he not done this earlier, he kicked himself. But one more look down and he couldn't imagine having ever chosen any other then this dainty girl for his own, ongoing enjoyment. With all those thoughts rolling around in his head, and the sight of her, added to the very nice sensations she gave him, he erupted in her mouth, and even as he continued rock back and forth between her lips, emptying himself on her tongue – he tried to decide what to do with her next.
His moans and words of approval made her work faster and she was rather happy that she could please him that well. As she continued his moans got louder and deeper and he came into her mouth. The thick seed dripping down her throat and she pulled his cock out of her mouth and wiped her lips, swallowing all of his cum. She licked his cock clean and then stood up, getting the feeling back in her knees.

She looked at him and then back down at the floor fiddeling with her fingers not sure of what he wanted next. She remained naked though just in case there as more of her body he wanted to explore. She licked her lips again and took a deep breath letting her shoulders relax a bit and her make-up went back to the neutral grey-ish state.

She then looked back down at the floor letting her head drop. She was taught not to look at a person higher up than her in the eye but she couldnt help it and so far he hadnt yelled at her for it. Plus she thought he was an attracive man and wanted to look at him. But for now resumed her posistion with her head down, waiting for his next commands.
He looked at her wonderful body, after she stood. She had licked him clean – something he might not have thought to have her do, and hadn't missed a drop of his cum when he came in her mouth. She was working hard to please him, and start off on a good note with him. That kind of power was seductive in itself.

He put his hand on her shoulder, moving it slowly to behind her neck. “You did very well, I am happy with you.” He assured her. “I know they don;t let you sleep much there, so why don't you take a nap while I try to find some cargo to carry. When I am done, I am sure I'll be ready for more fun.” His smile was genuine, and meant to be comforting, despite that he just basically said he would have sex with her again soon so matter of fact, it was obvious she had no say in it. But what say did she need, when she was working so hard to make him happy?

He left her in his room, and started looking up two very different things on the terminals on the bridge. On one he looked in the listings for people in need of transporting a cargo small enough for him to take on, and in a direction he didn't mind going. On the other he looked up everything he could about owning slaves.

He was glad that he found two contacts early on, both eh would meet with tomorrow, to see if they were truly compatible. The rest of hi time was spent learning all he could about others experiences with personal slaves. It seemed things varied greatly from owner to owner, which actually made him feel better. Whatever he and this 'girl' came up with, would be unique. There was some satisfaction in that notion alone.
As his hand moved to her shoulder and then to her neck she looked at it nervously almost thinking he was going to hit her or something. Thats what she was used to, but his touch was soft...and nice, so far it was anyways. And he told her that she did well, and that he was happy with her and she gave him a tiny smile. She was glad that he was already pleased with her.

He then allowed her to nap, something she had never done before really. Her days were usually filled with things to do but she deffinately wouldnt mind a little rest and she nodded her head. She then new he would want to have sex with her and that made her nervous. Everytime she had had sex it hurt and she hated it. She hoped things with him would be different.

He then left her to do what he wanted and she was left to take a nap. She looked around the room and saw his bed wanting to oh so badly crawl into it and lay on something soft but she knew it was not her place to do that. So she went into the corner of the room and leaned against the wall, curling her arms and legs to her chest and closing her eyes.

It took her a little bit to fall asleep and eventually drifted off and had a few dreams. Some of what her new life would be like with her owner, whose name she didnt even know. But so far she liked him and was glad that he chose her. She had heard horror stories of owners that treated their slaves worse than the people that trained them had. But as always her heart wanted a family. She never really had one, and it was something she had always wanted. But now it seemed to late for that, so she'd try to be as happy as she could be as long as this man owned her.
He had fallen asleep at the terminal, and cussed as he woke with a sore neck. It was an incoming call that woke him in the first place, and after doing what he could to compose himself in a few seconds, he answered.

The call was a pleasant enough one, but required that he leave immediately to meet the shipper. To hell with the other to potential customers tomorrow, if this panned out tonight, he would make plenty, and be headed in a direction he very much liked.

He poked his head into his cabin to explain things to his slave, and found her sleeping in the corner. His instinct was to put her in the bed, but remembered reading on spoiling them too much, and too soon. He settled for putting a pillow and blanket down on the floor beside her. He locked his cabin door, and recorded a message to be played should she try to leave, explaining where he went and that he should be back soon.

Instead of an air car, he took his hover bike, since then no one else would be involved, or have to know where the meeting was. A tall dark man was at the appointed location, well outside of town. There they discussed the arrangement, and came to an agreement.

Transporting unregistered nanorobots was very risky work, as the Empire frowned heavily on anyone caught with them. And by frowned heavily, usually meant they and their ship were blown out of the stars. No one wanted to risk inspecting them for what they might do. And the sheer amount in this shipment was astounding! A half metric ton of microscopic robots, divided into 10 heavily sealed containers. Beyond that he would have the compartments in which he placed them sealed and depressurized, as a safeguard.

He sped back to his ship, eager to make the pick up in the morning. He came aboard, sent his apologies to his two appointments tomorrow, and returned to his room to celebrate his good fortune.

“Hey girl, great news, we have a shipment to carry, and a good one!” He ran in and hugged her close, caught up with the excitement of such a job. His reputation as reliable and fast must be spreading to the right people, since he was offered this one! For the first time in a long time, he felt like a true success again.

But she was still a bit groggy, and he wouldn't have that for his celebration, even if her naked form alone damn near had him ripping at his pants. He let her go and poured two glasses of Edurus XII brandy. Its green and blue swirls dancing in the glasses as he handed one to her. “To our good fortune!”
She kept sleeping and eventually woke up, not seeing her master. But she did see that he had given her a blanket and a pillow and she smiled at it. She stood up slowly and stretched out her cramped limbs. She figured she might look for him or atleast poke her head out. She opened the door and startled herself as a message came on explaining where he was. She calmed her heart down and waited patiently in his room for him to come back.

After a few minutes he came back into the room looking very happy and excited. He came in quickly and took her in a hug and she jumped as his arms went around her but she relaxed quickly liking the way his embrace felt. But as his arms left her she took a step back and looked at him. She liked that he was excited.

He explained it somewhat and she didnt understand it too much but nodded her head and went along with it. He then poured her some strange liquid and handed it to her. With his toast she held her glass and took a sip and then having a sour look to her face as she swallowed. It was a very very awkward taste, one she didnt really enjoy. She licked her lips and furrowed her brow. She didnt drink anymore and just held the glass, trying to look happy along with her new owner.

She stood there nervously, not sure what to do. She wanted to speak to him, and talk to him but was so scared to vocalize anything. After being taught that she shoudlnt speak unless told too or if other rules say she can. But she smiled at him this time, a little bit more than she had before and meaning it a little bit more. She was feeling a bit more comfortable seeing that he wasnt going to smack her every ten seconds. And so far he hadnt laid a hand on her once! So that deffinately made her day so dar.
Erus Ligo, proud new owner of his first slave girl, put down his drink and stepped towards her. He took her hardly touched drink from her hands and set it down, before reaching back up to run his fingers through her hair.

“I want to celebrate girl. I want you to show me what you know in pleasing your owner. Do not be afraid, and you may ask questions. I just want to have a good time, and see what you know.”

He took a step back and undressed himself. He figured he should have her do that, but save that for another time. He sat down on the edge of the bed, and invited her over by patting the space beside him. He'd been 'in charge' before, and had regularly paid for prostitutes to be submissive. But now he had his own, and he looked forward to training her how to please just him.

When she sat down, he leaned in, and kissed her, as his hands explored her soft body. “Such a beautiful girl,” he said finally, and held her gaze for a moment. His hands continued to roam over her flesh until he slid further onto the bed. He leaned back against the head board, and waited for her to come to him.
The drink was taken from her hands and his fingers found their way through her short hairs. She looked away as he did and was still trying to get use to him touching her softly. She was used to getting a bruise or cut everytime she was touched and this was a totally new sensation. As he spoke she looked back up at him and nodded her head.

She was to please him...and she wasnt just sure how. Sex was something she had never initiated and got nervous quickly. And of course it was noticeable as her make-up turned purple again. She almost forgot that that happened when she had a strong emotions.

But she sat down next to him and then felt his kiss. She jumped slightly and got goosebumps. This was her first kiss ever, and she really liked it. She didnt know what to do and just sat there as he kissed her and felt her. His eyes then met hers and she stared into his for a moment as he complimented her once more. But as he moved back onto the bed she got more nervous.

She didnt want to just do things at random and hoped it was what he wanted or to sit there and question everything and seem so useless and inexperienced, even though she was. She then crawled over and sat down on her heels. She was still rather nervous and she moved her legs around so she was sitting next to him on the bed with her legs by his.

She then got the courage to speak.
" you want me to have sex with you? What, would you like Master?"
Her voice was soft and almost raspy from lack of use. She then cleared her throat slightly and looked away and then back at him scared to do anything. But she then let her hand move out and stroke his chest lightly and she didnt look at him but just tryed to relax having a very hard time with it. She wanted so badly to please him but didnt even know where to start.
He smiled as he watched her hesitant actions. She asked if this was what he wanted, but she knew, and she was doing her best. The poor thing had been beaten most her life, and apparently sex was not something she had previously looked forward to. Liceor had different stages of training, and Erus knew that what he was offered would not be the overly specialized slaves. What he had was little more then a girl broken down to be obedient, and used to doing simple tasks.

Erus, covered her hand with his when she placed it on his chest. “It's ok. I know there will be a lot to learn, for both of us. Just relax right now.” He pulled her over him, so she was straddling his thighs. Taking her hand in his, he brought her long, graceful fingers to his still soft cock. He encouraged her to play with his tool, and to make it grow in her hands, then he left her to it, and reached out between her legs. He began rubbing her sex, cupping it, until he noticed moisture, then stuck his middle finger deep inside her, and used her own fluids to coat her clit with as his thumb teased it.

Her nervous look, amplified by the purple hue above her eyes, made her look totally innocent – combining that with her touch, and he was rock solid in her hand. “That's it, you play with mine, and I'll play with yours. One step at a time, sound fair girl?”
He told her to relax and she took a deep breath. Her body rigid and stiff because of her nervousness and she needed to just calm down, and realize that maybe was wasnt going to make her do things. Or atleast make her do them in a nicer, less violent way. So far he was tender, and gentle but still wanting her to do things. She wasnt sure how long this would all last though.

She was then stradling him as his hand guided her hand to his cock and she massaged it while he stroked her pussy. She moved her hips away from him slightly as he touched her but then moved them back as he continued to touch her. It soon became a nice thing and she grew wet as his finger pushed into her rather tight passage. His thumb massaged her clit and let out a tiny pleasurable sigh.

She continued to move her hand up and down his shaft as he made his little 'deal'. She'd play with him, he'd play with her. She nodded her head and kept going. Moving her hand faster and noticing that his playing with her sex felt really nice. She didnt want it to. Everytime it had been touched it was awful, but this wasnt bad. She then looked back down at him and spoke sooftly once again.
"What would you like me to do next Master?"

She was still a nervous little creature and didnt really want to do anything sexual but at the moment it wasnt to bad, and he seemed to be enjoying it.
He smiled at her question, and noticed how she started to grow nervous again, when just a moment before she was sighing as he played with her.

“I want you to turn around, and sit on my lap.” He helped her turn around, and pulled her back to him, her back resting against his chest. She was tense again, knowing his cock was between her legs, but he made no move to penetrate her. Instead he wrapped his arms around her, one hand finding her clit, the other massaging her breasts, and teasing the nipples into hard tips.

“If all I wanted was to fuck, and be done, it would be over already. But to me, the sexiest thing on any world, or anywhere between them, is a woman having an orgasm. I want you to enjoy yourself, and to cum. So relax, let me show you what pleasure our bodies can give each other. Tonight will be about you learning that sex is a wonderful thing.”

He continued to finger her clit, occasionally dipping a digit into her tight hole, as well as squeezed her chest. His cock remained hard, turned on from touching his girl, and it jut out between her legs, just below her slick pussy.
As she was asked to move she did so without hesitation and made herself comfortable laying against him. His arms then moved around her and started to play with her body. At first it was weird, but then it grew into a nice peasurable feeling. She liked it, she wanted more of that feeling. She let out a tiny moan and took a breath relaxing onto his body.

What he said next was slightly comforting. He wasnt just going to fuck her and be done with her. And he talked about her having an orgasm and she now wanted to have one. She had never gotten off before and he was making her feel really nice. She moaned again slightly and closed her eyes for a moment letting him play with her body.

He wanted her to learn that sex could be good, and so far she was seeing that. She wasnt sure about penetration but so far she liked the way he was touching her. She didnt know what to do next so she laid back and enjoyed what he was doing to her.
"This is kinda nice.."
She said gently again and gave another tiny moan.
He chuckled at her comment, and continued his play, increasing the speed of his fingers against her clit, urging her toward that orgasm as best he could. Her long, thin body felt good pressed against his chest, and with his arms around her, he really began to think of her as 'his'.

“Reach down, and play with me too. Massage my balls, and gentle stroke my cock. Keep it hard,” he whispered softly in her ear. He was beginning to love her hands on him, their long digits seeming so elegant and soft.

He felt her begin to tense again, and not from nervousness this time. “That's right. I want my little slave girl to cum. Come in my hands like this, and then we'll have some real sex.” His free hand was pulling and squeezing her chest now, loving how firm they got as she got close to her climax. The fingers between her legs blazed in furious motion, urging her on.
She was now loving his touch. She never thought it could all feel this nice. His whispered request was followed quickly as her hands moved down to gently play with his balls and stroke his cock. Keeping him nice and hard just as he had asked. His hands were working magic on her body and it was hard to hold back little moans and gasps for air.

Her body wiggled and writhed softly with his arms around her. Her back arched slightly and her legs moved around and she pushed her head back as she came onto his hand. She moaned loudly and let her orgasm get drawn out. And it had felt absolutely heavenly. It was her first orgasm ever, and she hoped there would be more than just this one.

After her lovely orgasm her body relaxed nicely onto his and she caught her breath and kept playing with his cock and balls. Now she was almost curious as to what sex from a nice partner would feel like. She wasnt as nervous anymore and wanted to feel what it was like. The nervousness wasnt completely gone but it had gone down a lot and she was very glad that this was the man that bought her.
Erus loved holding her as her body squirmed and tensed up in her first orgasm. That somehow made it even more exciting, to know he was the first to please this woman – slave or not, she was still very much a woman, and deserved this sort of pleasure.

Her hands had returned to teasing him, and he too kept playing gently with her, to keep her aroused even after she had cum so beautifully in his arms. He whispered to her again, as her head lay against his shoulder, “That was wonderful Girl, amazing to see and hear. I wish to make you cum often. You are mine now, and this is how we will do things. Instead of beatings for errant behavior, rewards like this will be the norm, for good behavior.” He hugged her close, from behind, and then relaxed.

“But now it's my turn. I want you to turn around to face me. Then, as slow as you like, lower that tight little pussy of yours onto me. We'll go slow at first, and see where it leads us.” His hands moved to her hips to help her sit up and get turned around. He smiled up at her, approving, yet anticipating. “That's it Girl, we're going to have lots of fun sex, I am sure. Just ease into it tonight.”

He put one of her hand back on his cock, to let her guild him in, at her pace.
His hands continued to play with her as they both took a small moment to breath and she registered the situation and what was going on. What he said next actually made her smile. It wasnt a big one, but she actually smiled. He said he would make her cum, and called her 'his', and said he wouldnt beat her. She was so glad that this was her Master, he owned her and so far he hadnt laid a harsh finger on her.

But his next instructions she tryed to prepare her self for. His smile was deffinately comforting and makeing her feel better. She turned and faced him and nodded her head and taking a deep breath. She moved herself above his cock and pressed the tip into her pussy. She grimaced slightly and bite onto her bottom lip.

She paused again and closed her eyes and lowered herself again pushing him deeper as she chewed on her lip. She got about half way onto his cock and stopped opening her eyes and looking at him. It was slightly painful and she wasnt sure how much more she could take but she literally pushed herself down more so that she took all of him in. She let go of her lip and looked at him and took another deep breath.
He kept his eyes locked with hers as she managed to take all of him into her really tight pussy. Her face gave away the fact that some pain was involved, and he might have felt a little guilty over causing that pain, but she felt so amazing, just sitting there, he could think of nothing else.

“Oh my stars Girl, you feel great!” He could see in her face she was trying to please him, and his very honest praise came to encourage her to keep trying. “I know it is uncomfortable for you now, but in time, you will come to enjoy it, I promise. It's natural to hurt at first, but it gets better.” He would never have guessed he had to explain such things to a slave girl. But most thought of slaves as exotic beings, trained in every art of sex, or as simple ugly manual laborers. No one thought about those in between, those that were brought to to have their training finished by their owners.

He gave her a few moments to get used to being filled. He looked down and loved the sight of her bare pussy stretched around him, still a reddish pink form having cum. But eventually she loosened up a little – not much, but some, indicating her body had grown as accustom to his invasion as it would this night. His hands went to her hips, as he guided her back up, and he pressed himself into the bed, in order to withdraw from her further. Just before the head of his cock threatened to emerge, he stopped her, and pulled her back down gently, as his hips rose to meet her.

He continued to encourage a slow, steady rhythm of this, as he grinned up at her. She was so tight, she didn't need to be very skilled to please him, just the grip of her walls on him thrilled him. Finally he coaxed her back, so her hands rested on his legs to support her as she leaned back, and he taught her how to rock her hips back and forth, which he always loved, and grind herself against him. Then having taught her the basics, he stopped trying to control her, and left her to practice on him. He only moved to speed things up a bit, forcing moans from his lips.