Sam Grossman, P.I.

Sam's POV

Sam Grossman, P.I.

When Sam arrived at his office the next morning and powered up his computer, he was a bit surprised by the notification that his surveillance equipment had recorded another video the previous evening. He didn't have any active cases, but then remembered that he had given a camera to Gia Harrison. He assumed that she intended to capture more of her husband's extramarital affairs.

So Sam was even more shocked to watch the video and discover that Gia had apparently recorded herself having hot sex with another man. Maybe she had decided to fight fire with fire. Maybe she thought than John's indiscretions gave her the freedom to enjoy sex with another man. And indeed she appeared to be enjoying herself quite a bit.

Sam made sure that he made copies of this video for safe-keeping and put them into his encrypted electronic vault. The video might come in handy someday. And it was really hot action. He could feel his cock swell in his pants as he watched the video, and he could imagine what it would be like to actually have sex with her. Normally it would be very wrong to have an affair with a client, especially a client that is likely heading for divorce court. But then again, technically she was no longer his client.

He watched the video again of that large cock pounding into her very wet pussy as Sam rubbed his cock through his pants.

"Gia Harrison is one hot, sexy babe." Sam thought.
Gia had no idea that a copy was being recorded into his server. All she knew was that the camera came with a small patch, tiny enough where a micro SD card is kept. Assuming it all recorded onto the card and nowhere else, she went about her night and got a good night sleep. She woke up the next day and felt really good but also guilty for doing such a thing.

Something about the whole thing, it made her feel as if she still had her games but it felt so wrong to be about doing this. And it made her wonder why he husband never felt guilty. Maybe he put all that behind him. She figured it was time to show him even she could do what he just did and have her lawyer draft up divorce papers. She even messaged one of the lawyer, making an appointment with him for Monday. She just didn’t want to rush into it either and it was Friday. It was perfect because he was supposed to leave for some trip for the weekend.

He did inform her about it and that he’ll come home to pack up a few things before leaving. So when he came by in the evening, she couldn’t help but smile, thinking about what she was about to do. She had cut and pasted the video file from the card and into her phone. She had her phone ready but when he came by, she couldn’t just bring herself to show it to him. For some reason, she thought how he could hold it against her in case they came as far as divorcing each other and she’d get nothing. Matter of fact, if they went through splitting up, she would get so little that it would be hard for her since she’d get almost nothing.


She realized it was better to not show him so she always had an upper hand in this matter. He was the one cheating….not her. That would play so well in the court. Before she knew, he packed up in less than 20 minutes and was on his way out. She had missed her window of opportunity for better or worse? Time will tell. For now, she sat in her bedroom, thinking about what she was about to do and was glad that she didn’t go through with it. On the other hand, she unlocked her phone and saw how Tom was fucking her and they both seemed to enjoy it so much. Rest of the evening, she spent on her own and having her mind heavy with thoughts, she decided to head out. She really needed a change of air and needed a drink. She got dressed up and figured she will go to downtown for a drink or two and come back home. She obviously had her share of fun the night before and wouldn’t repeat that ever. Not with Tom certainly. She had a white denim pants on, a top and a coat on top of that as she made her way to the bar and ordered a peach martini for herself. She continued to stand there as her eyes roamed around the place, finding it quite for a Friday evening, "It's pretty quite for tonight, how come?" She asked casually.
Introducing Vladimir Petrov

Vladimir Petrov - International Art Dealer


Vladimir had been sitting at the bar a while, sipping a Courvoisier. He took note when the classy looking brunette entered the club and walked over to the bar, ordering a frilly cocktail.

Vlad was very self confident and was sure he could have any woman he set his mind to having. This confidence gave him the luxury of being patient and having his choice. He was tall, 6'2", dark from eastern European ancestry, and striking handsome. Officially his profession was an international art dealer, traveling the world for rare and unusual pieces of art that he brought to his various clients who paid good money for the items. He rubbed elbows with respectable art collectors, other art dealers, and the owners of galleries and museums.

But he was also on the radar of law enforcement who had a dossier on Vladimir. While he had never been arrested, he had been linked to organized East European crime families and was suspected in illegally importing art antiquities and possibly for the trafficking of drugs and guns. Besides his rich respectable clients, he also had business associates that were shady, dangerous characters with long criminal records. He was rumored to have several tattoos on his torso as well as several scars, possibly from knife wounds or even a bullet wound or two.

Vlad knew what he liked, and he took what he liked, in the ways that he liked.

Vladimir heard the woman speak, possibly to him or to the bartender. The bartender walked away without responding, so Vlad moved a bit closer to her.

"The evening is young and the events of the night are still unknown." He replied to her.
Gia wasn’t sure what she was thinking by deciding to come out here. She even had her coat on which she decided to keep it on, thinking ONLY one drink and she will be out of there. Not really looking to settle in.

She got no response from the bartender and it really didn’t matter since she was only standing there for another minute or two. She did have that bubbly personality about her, talkative and welcoming. She pulled out her phone from her purse and decided to unlock it. Her eyes moved to look at her phone in her hands when she heard a man speak to her.

She looked up to find a fine man, wearing his suit, moving in a bit closer. She only smiled softly, not really wanting to come off as rude nor welcoming as he was a stranger to her. “And is that a riddle? Or a fact you are trying to tell me?” She looked him carefully, drawing conclusion about his height and his ethnic background. Not that it mattered but just out of curiosity.
Vlad moved directly in front of the woman with the long dark hair. He stared into her eyes as he lifted her hand towards his face and softly planted a kiss on the back of her hand.

Then is his thick eastern European accent he said softly;

"I am Vladimir. I am very pleased to meet you here tonight. You are most beautiful, and I can tell by the way you comport yourself that you are a powerful and successful woman."

He lowered her hand and let go of it while maintaining eye contact.

"I said the events of the night are unknown as those facts haven't yet been written in the stars. Together we control our destinies and have the power tonight to write whatever history we so choose."

Vlad raised his drink and clinked his glass with Gia's glass.

"A toast to power and destiny." He uttered just before taking a sip of his cognac.

Vladimir most enjoyed making love to powerful, self confident woman in his own unique way. His senses told him that Gia would be a great lover and that he could give her an experience that she would remember for a long, long time.
Gia looked up at him as he got up to move right in front of her, making this a party of two without her invitation. Though, she wasn’t opposed to it since she was indeed going to spend at least a few minutes, sipping on her drink. She had company rather than doing it alone, and that, she certainly didn’t mind.

She watched him lift her hand up to place a kiss on the back of her hand, feeling the warmth and wetness of his lips linger there as she retracted her hand and smiled, “Well thank you for the compliment but I could just be a woman who is well dressed and am fooling you?” She said smiling softly as he told her facts about her.

She didn’t know how he was able to read so much, so well. She smiled firmly as he spoke in a poetic way, “It’s funny how you speak in a poetic manner but there’s some side of you that you hide well behind that poker face of yours.”

She said what she saw, reading his face back. She toasted, raising her glass as she tipped it against her lips to take small sips, “To power? And destiny? What are you even talking about?” She was a bit irritated as he spoke in riddles and starting to annoy her. She only withstand his presence because he was a handsome fellow and didn’t want other guys bothering her.

Vladimir smiled as she spoke. While she questioned his assumptions about her, her own words reaffirmed that his instincts were very likely correct.

"I don't think you are fooling me. Where I come from it is critically important to be able to read people and situations. Such skills can be of life saving importance. And it is sometimes as important to have a poker face and hide one's own thoughts."

Spotting two empty stools at the bar, he guided her over to them. He waited for her to sit down before taking his own seat. Vlad waved at the bartender to bring each of them another drink. Then he continued,

"Power and destiny? What am I talking about? I will tell you. I know that our lifespans are limited. It is important to me to fill whatever time I have with things that truly pleasure and excite me. I have the power, we both have the power, to control our lives. Here, tonight, we each control how much pleasure we wish to receive. I can help you experience new things, and give you great pleasures. I also am certain that destiny has brought us together for exactly those reasons."

He sat back a bit and stared at her. Obviously she was listening, and thinking about what he was saying. She also appeared to be trying to keep her own feelings close to herself.

"I am most certain that you enjoy power and control. You are successful because of those qualities. But your fears likely drive your power. You fear what may happen if you are not in control."

He leaned in closer to her, just inches from her face. He reached up and took the liberty to run his fingers through her long dark hair. He lowered his voice and spoke in a hypnotic tone as he stared into her eyes.

"But have you considered what events, what emotions, what pleasures may be opened to you if you were to relinquish all control? Doing so can be incredibly liberating, scary, and exhilarating all at the same time. And I am fairly certain that you have been afraid to step off that cliff, relinquish all control, and experience all the vast pleasures that wait for you."
He seemed like someone who was more confident than her and took his power to another level. It seemed she had reached her max to utilize her power and authority. She’d never abuse it or use it to get something.

She smiled, “Where you come from?” She repeated his words, “And where exactly is that? What do you do anyways? What I see is you have two faces.” She said in her blunt words, “You don’t like showing your cards and therefore, someone who likes to keep aces up his sleeves.” She replied back with kind comment, reading him in return as he did her a favor by reading her.

She didn’t mind his company so when he motioned over to the two stools, she went over to take a seat with him. She welcomed another drink since the conversation they were having was much like a debate where they’d have to see who’ll win. He was right about what he said that lifespans are limited, “I agree to that. Lifespans are limited. But since when a lifespan intermingles with pleasure and excitement. I believe in living your life. By the way, that is my new motto.”

She chuckled at him and cocked her eyebrow, “Such bold claims mister.” She couldn’t believe her ears that he actually said ‘I can help you experience new things, and give you great pleasures.’

She had a light smile on her face as if in disbelief. He seemed not too much younger than her but he speaks of experiences she’d never experienced. She hadn’t been in the business world as long as he must have and the power, the authority she had was that of very recent. Besides that, she had a mind of a naïve woman, one without deception.

She didn’t raise objection when he told her that she enjoyed power and control. She did. Matter of fact, she couldn’t remember a time when she wasn’t control of her life. Ever since her childhood, she had done what she wanted to do.

When he leaned into her face, she could feel his hot breath on her face, his stern voice and piercing gaze. She noticed it all. If he’d be right about what he just said about her, then he actually has better idea of her than she ever did. She understood what he said to her but it was just talks and she would have no idea what it would mean to actually let go of control.

“Suppose I give up control. But who do I give up control to? And why would I do that if it makes me so vulnerable?” She curiously spoke and sipped on her drink, “And you are talking about giving up full control huh? Care to demonstrate in FIVE minutes?” She said and looked at her phone for the time, as if it was a timer and he had 5 minutes to show her what he exactly means.

The woman with the long dark hair was a feisty one. She would not become fully a sub very easy. However the challenge of making her his sub for one night of mutual sexual pleasure was appealing to him. Vlad knew the experience would not be satisfying unless she also was fulfilled sexually. For him, these conquests were never solely about his own sexual gratification, but for empowering a woman through a full understanding that through being a sub, she was actually in control and thereby could experience new delights.

This woman had challenged him in a new way, given him just five minutes to demonstrate what relinquishing control could do. His initial thought was to simply walk away. This would never work for him, or for her. Why waste both their time? But, then again, it was only five minutes and the only possible loss would be those five minutes. Vlad was not the type to back away from a challenge, no matter how improbable it appeared.

"Giving up total control to a me, a stranger is exactly the point. The greater your vulnerability, the greater your reward. This also requires trust. You must trust that I have your interest at heart and that I will protect you. We have just met. You have no reason to trust me. Therefore, giving a total stranger your trust, further increases your vulnerability, and further increases your reward."

He kept his eyes locked upon hers. They were engaged in a mental game, a dual of sorts. Would she play? Would she surrender control? And could he deliver the promised reward?

"Five minutes is a very short time. I've never been challenged to demonstrate in such a short period of time. Maybe we can do a simple exercise that will give you just a taste of the experience. Let's get started."

"First I ask that you trust me completely. Next I ask that you turn off your phone and put it back into your purse. Let this exercise run as long as you feel safe."

Vlad took a deep breath as he was about to give her the real test.

"I want you to visit the ladies room, strip out of ALL your clothing, and come back out here wearing only your jewelry, shoes, and your coat. Come sit next to me, and lets continue our discussion."
Gia had a strong personality and if any guy thought that he can just enter her life and change it all around, he'd must be in over his head for sure. But at times, one need a harder blow to get something through someone and it might just what this guy might need but it was also a risky business because one wrong move and she can slip out of his hands. It was a matter of showing her the full on lifestyle or easing her into it. Both had its ups and downs.

She wasn't really entertaining the idea of power and such talks he was giving her but at least, it was interesting enough to keep her on the ground. As long as she wasn't running away from him, one could guess whatever he was saying or doing, it was working. She didn't know if something about her gave him away how vulnerable she was at the moment that he decided to approach her with such topics of conversation. It wasn't that of norm for sure but yet, here she was, sitting and listening to him give her some explanation.

He was indeed talking about giving herself up to him, meaning give him full control of her. It sounded so much unlike her. If she had met him night prior to yesterday night, she would have gotten up and left. But after her adventure with her ex-boyfriend had let her slip once, willing. It had turned out to be just what she needed to let off some stress and you slip once meaning you are likely to slip again. The only thing was that it can't be with just anyone but someone worthy. She understood him fully, knowing that she had to trust him, the more she trusts this stranger, more vulnerable she would be and as for rewards, she'll just have to wait and see.

They had maintained stern eye contact after telling him that he had 5 minutes to show her. She didn't realize that allowing him 5 minutes meant giving up control of herself for 5 minutes in return. He was smart not to agree and instead, called it an exercise. She told herself that he can call it whatever he'd like, she was still going to give this only 5 minutes and if he failed to make any impression on her, he'd lose her. She had nothing to lose at this point. She rolled her tongue to the inside of her left cheek before pouted her lips, listening to him. She reached for her cell phone and turned it off, putting it away without thinking twice. Though, he wasn't wrong to allow her to continue this exercise as long as she felt safe rather than 5 minutes.

What he said afterwards made her stare right back at him, tilting her head to the side as if thinking if he was serious?

She took a few moments to decide on what to do. She remembered him tell her that she'd have to trust him and so she stood up without asking anything or commenting back to what he just asked her to do. She stood on her heels and walked away, down the hall and into the restroom. She wondered what she was doing here, playing this silly game and if it was really worth it, to give into what he was saying. She stepped into a stall and undid her coat and then stripped out of her clothes. She felt so awkward taking her bra off so she decided to keep them on, just for her surety. Though, she wouldn't mind coming back here to strip them off should she decides to continue playing this game. With her earrings, a watch, bracelet, heels and two articles of clothing on, she slid back into her coat and tied it up just like before. Once she was ready, she looked herself into the mirror before she walked out of there. She felt as if she was on display even though it was only she and him who knew she had nothing underneath but it felt like everyone around her knew this. She moved a bit hesitantly, gait conscious as she went to her stool and sat back down, looking at him, nodding to let him know its done.

Vladimir was a bit surprised when the brunette returned. She hadn't said anything indicating acceptance of his proposal when she had walked away minutes ago.

But here she was, back on the stool next to him, wearing her coat which sufficiently covered her body as to not arouse attention from others.

"Hello my 5-minute sub. I wasn't sure you were going to participate in this little exercise."

His eyes ran up and down her body, wondering whether she had fully complied with his command to fully strip and was, therefore, totally naked under the coat. It was clearly obvious that she had removed her pants, but he wasn't sure about anything beyond that. In fact, as he inspected her more closely, it appeared that there was some fabric in the "V" of her coat below the neckline. Was that her blouse, or maybe a bra?

His expression turned very serious and he scowled at her.

"I'm not convinced that you have taken our exercise seriously. There may be serious consequences for failure to completely comply." He spoke to her in a very stern voice.

"Stand up and hold your coat open to me. Show me that you have indeed relinquished control to me and fully complied with my command."
Gia wasn’t sure what it was about him or it was his words that convinced her OR his tone of commanding tone. But, she felt the urge to actually give him a chance and that, she did. She returned back and took her seat, looking at him to witness him being surprised that she did follow his command.

He’d find her pants gone and see how slender and nice her legs were now, bare. She didn’t smile or smirk hearing him call her his 5-minute sub. “Well I am now… you’ve got more or less 5 minutes.” She said as if challenging him in some way.

She watched him look at her, up and down until something caught his eyes. Witnessing his expression turn serious, she curiously looked up at him, smiling softly, “You are right. I kept my Bra and Panties on…it seemed like the right thing.” She shrugged her shoulders, “Trust isn’t something that comes off easy. Out of everyone, you should know since you claim to know very much about this.”

She said looking at him, “You are trying to find out if I did as you asked. The answer is no and yes. I partially trust you so I did as you asked but half the trust, you will have to earn it. It goes both ways…I hope you understand that. The moment I trust you completely, I wouldn’t mind taking them off.” She said and looked at him with her stern gaze. “But other than that, you have full control of me…”

Vladimir's eyes flared at the woman. His cheeks were surely flushed as he could feel his anger well up inside. She had disobeyed his command. She had, in essence, lied to him about giving him 5 minutes to demonstrate complete control and then she refused to do the simple, and safe, exercise.

"You will NEVER experience the glorious ecstasy that is only possible from completely relinquishing control." he said forcefully at her, his anger showing clearly. "You requested the nearly impossible task of demonstrating complete control in only five minutes, and then you refused to actually give me control. It was so simple, and so safe an exercise.

"It is too bad that your life will likely always be controlled instead by your fears.

He stood and turned as if to leave. Pausing he turned back to her as she was still sitting on the bar stool.

"I will allow you one more chance, but it will not be as easy. I am leaving and you may come with me."

He turned back again towards the door and proceeded to walk out of the club and to his car, not turning his head to see if she was following him or not.
It was obvious that she had disobeyed him but she was right in her own way. Coming from such a status and power, he felt vulnerable by taking everything off. What if he’d just snap her coat open in front of everyone. It would be awful. She didn’t want that.

She sat there as he continued to pour his thoughts and heart out to her. In a way, he was also right and that’s where TRUST would come in. He obviously should have let this go, let her slip but he didn’t. And she obviously should have fully complied with his command and she didn’t.

She heard him speak to her as if he was her father and she, some ten year old. Next thing she knew, he was standing on his feet and walking away. Last few words echoed in the back of her mind as she watched him leave.

She thought about what he just said and then his proposal to follow him for another chance. “Ahh hell…” she said when she watched him walk out of the bar and she downed her drink. She quickly grabbed her purse and walked after him, trying to catch up as her heels clicked faster. She didn’t say anything but only followed him to his car. It was weird for her to be so spontaneous.

As Vlad approached his black Mercedes he could hear the footsteps of a female behind him. His senses told him it was the brunette in the trench coat that he had just left in the bar. He hadn't really expected her to follow him. He didn't think that she would ever release her own inhibitions. But he had offered her another chance, and maybe... possibly.....

The role of a Master is to always protect their sub and treat them with proper respect. He walked up to the passenger door and opened it for her without even looking back at her.

"Please, get in." is all he said to her.

She appeared to hesitate a moment. She looked at him, then the car, and again back to him. Then she got into the passenger seat and he closed the door for her.

As he drove towards his condo, she was silent. He finally spoke to her.

"I know you have questions. I will answer what I can once we arrive. But first, I am curious to know, what is your name? However I don't intend to call you by that. I will call you 'sub' and you will always answer me by 'yes, Master'."

When they arrived at the condo, the security gate on the garage automatically opened for his car. He parked in his reserve spot next to the elevator. And soon they entered the doorway of his penthouse condo.

"Please, sit." he told her as he indicated to the leather sofa.

"May I offer you something to drink? I have a selection of wines and liquors. Unfortunately, I cannot offer you another peach martini."
She figured he’d say something to her, maybe push her away and tell her to leave but instead, she found him opening a door for her and asked her to get in. She thought for a second at first but something deep down inside her made her move to sit in the passenger seat.

What seemed like few 5 minutes, turned into a lot more. She sat there as he drove them towards some place she wasn’t sure of, she didn’t ask him a question where they were going. She did trust him in that moment. She turned her head slightly to look at him when he spoke. “It’s Gia. No questions…you asked me to trust you so here I am.”

She said as she decided to keep an open mind about this as he obviously knew more of. It sounded weird to her ears when he told her he will not call her by her name but a SUB. “Okay…” She said and nodded at him, understanding what he just told her.

The drive to a gated community wasn’t far and they were there in no time. They parked the car and he ushered her into an elevator and into his penthouse condo. Once inside, she let her eyes wander and catch what was in front of her before moving over to the sofa to take a seat. She made a thoughtful face at first and nodded, “That’s fine. Some wine will be fine...” She said and after a second or two, she remembered, “Master.” She completed her sentence with that final word.

Vladimir poured a glass of wine and handed it to Gia. He thought it interesting that she finished her request for wine by calling him Master. He doubted that she fully understood the complexities of the relationship. However he had told her to use the word when addressing him, and she had done that. Maybe she really did want to experience what he had to offer. He had only offered her another chance because of her beauty and her attitude which he considered a challenge.

He stood in the middle of the room before her. For a high price penthouse condo, the room had little furniture or decorations, almost spartan. The living area had a leather sofa and a matching side chair with a single small table between then. There was a simple bar in the corner. On one side of the room, close to the entrance door, was a dining table with two chairs and behind that was a kitchen. A hallway led to an office, bedrooms and a hall bath. The other side of the living room was one long solid wall with little decoration. In the middle was a closed door.

"It appears to me that you have little knowledge and no experience with dominance & submission, D/s for short. I assume that I have piqued your interest. You requested a five minute demonstration and that is not really reasonable. D/s role play is done in sessions that usually last hours. Now, and here, I can give you a proper introduction to D/s.

"A dominance/submission role play session is not to be taken lightly. It is NOT a game. It is something serious done by two committed people to achieve a common goal. It is not about love or romance, but about experiencing extreme pleasures of the body through what many may consider extreme measures.

"Tonight I am willing to give you an introduction. I will give you The Rules. This one time, and only this time, I will allow you to ask questions. Then you must decide whether you want to stay and pass through that door, or you want to leave."

As he mentioned "that door" he indicated at the lone door in middle of the wall.

"If you want to leave, I will take you back to your car or to your home and we will never see each other again.

"If you decide to stay, you stay on my terms.

"Once we start our session, I will be in complete control. I will decide what we do. I will decide when our session is completed. This one time I will commit to you that our session will end before 9 AM tomorrow morning.

"D/s is not only about complete control and relinquishing complete control. It is also about trust and commitment. If you stay, you will better understand all this.

"Other Rules are that you may only speak when I allow you to speak. You must always refer to me as Master and I will always refer to you as sub.

"There is likely to be pain and humiliation. But I am not a sadist. I do not get enjoyment out of your pain, only from your pleasure. Sometimes to reach incredible pleasure, you must past through considerable pain. I am certain that you will be surprised to learn how much pain you are actually able to tolerate, and how much you are willing to tolerate to achieve pleasure.

Vlad stopped at these remarks and let the points about pain and pleasure set in. He knew it was important that she understood. He watched her expression, especially her eyes and could see that she was paying attention, and appeared to have some understanding. Though he knew she could not fully understand until she had actually experienced pleasure through pain.

"I will inflict no permanent damage, no lasting marks to your body. However, you may be sore for a day or two.

"I will use a blindfold on you. I will use various restraints. For this introduction session, I will not use a gag, so tonight you will always be able to speak.

"This is VERY important. Other than when our session is completed, you will have only one way out, by saying the Safe Word, and it is absolute. You must carefully select a safe word, not something that may be part of our activities. Your Safe Word cannot be 'Stop', as there will be times that parts of your body desperately want to stop, while other parts of your body desperately want to continue. You will scream 'Stop', but that cannot be the safe word. And I will not stop at 'Stop'.

"However, if you say the Safe Word I will immediately stop our session. I will take you back to your car, your home, or some other place you feel safe. There will be no resumption of our session this day, and maybe never. That will be my choice, my decision to make.

"If you refuse my commands, I will punish you. Refusing to comply will not be a way out. Be assured that I am experienced in making a sub comply with my commands. I suggest that you do not test my resolve or abilities.

"If we have sex, it will be because I choose to have sex. I will use a condom. We will always have safe sex. And I will decide how I will use your body for pleasure.

Vladimir had been pacing back in forth in front of Gia while he spoke. Having given her most of The Rules, he stopped and faced her. It was time to give her a few final instructions and to wait for her decision.

"Please enjoy your wine. It will be the last thing you eat of drink for several hours. If you need to use the toilet, now will be the time for that.

"Then I will allow you to ask any questions you have. This is a special, one-time offer, so take advantage of the opportunity.

"And then I will ask you if you want to leave or continue. If you want to pass through that door and continue, I will ask for your Safe Word. Please make it something you will easily remember in extreme situations.

"And then our session will begin.
Gia kept an open mind about this whole thing. She had to. She was here, with a stranger whom she met at the bar, not even an hour ago and here she was, in his suite. She yet had to find out how he had convinced her to come with him but one thing for sure, she wasn’t scared of him. He sure as hell didn’t come off as some serial killer. She didn’t yet understand the full complexities of the relationship but was a quick learner.

She looked around the place and found it to be pretty empty except few furniture. Though, whatever it was there, it seemed expensive. Even the leather sofa she was sitting on. It was obvious that he was single and lived alone from the way how the place was, so neat. Everything was in its right place. She quickly looked up when he started speaking to her, explaining what this D/s was. “Nope…zero knowledge.” She said as she sipped on her wine.

It was obvious that she wasn’t going to stay here for hours but it was a common understanding and he seemed like a reasonable man who appreciated time, just like her. It’s not like she had to be anywhere tonight or the next day, but staying at a stranger’s place, it was awkward for sure. She then looked up at him as he told her how this isn’t to be taken lightly and it was about extreme pleasures through extreme measures.

It was something she understood but not fully as these were mere words and it would take for her to go through it to be able to understand and feel what it really means. She nodded in understanding what he was saying and when he mentioned THAT DOOR, she looked towards the lone door. She wondered what was past that door and her curiosity grew.

“I understand. I will decide if I am saying once I understand this a little better.” She said and hesitated when he said it going on until 9 AM. She heard his other rules and nodded once again. Her interests were growing even more, wondering how he’d incorporate pain and humiliation. She wasn’t sure if she was made for this but it was something she was going to try this one time.

He seemed like a person who knew this well and have been practicing. It was obvious there will be pain from hearing him talk about it but it was to enjoy the pleasure that comes from it. It was weird to understand which made it even more for her to want to feel this to understand it better.

She paid close attention when he told her this was very important and then spoke about safe word. This man had a class. Hearing him tell her how he will never see her again if she used the safe word…probably because it just shows you are weak and not made up for this. Her eyes widen when he spoke about sex and using condom.

She didn’t say much as she watched him pace back and forth while he spoke to her, stopping to face her. She didn’t need to use the restroom so when he told her what’s next, she finished her wine and stood up. She did take a moment to think and then spoke, looking up at him, “Pineapple.” She said indicating the safe word, wondering if she should bring up his claim about taking this up to 9 am but decided not to. She figured, if she doesn’t like this, it won’t go to such length anyways. “I am ready…” that is all she said as she looked at the door and then at him, her curiosity peaked in that moment.
He studied her as he spoke. Her facial expressions let him know that she was listening and trying to process what he told her. Obviously not everything would be understood until she actually had the experience. But informing her in advance, should help her better accept the activities as they unfolded. This was not like a haunted house with unexpected surprises around each corner. The physical experience was the thrill, not any surprise.

As she was apparently an intelligent woman, he was a bit surprised that she asked no questions. Either he had explained enough, or she was willing to venture into the unknown, or some of both.

"So 'Pineapple' is your safe word. A good choice. Remember that 'Stop' will have no effect, so please do remember Pineapple." He knew that repeating the word back to her would help her remember it, if she ever needed to use her safe word.

"It is my hope that I will take you to the edge of needing the safe word, Pineapple, but that you won't actually use it. That edge will be the point of maximum exhilaration."

He stepped back and looked her over from head to foot. Dressed only in the coat, and what was hidden underneath, she was a beautiful woman. He was pleased that she had agreed to stay, and he expected the evening to be very satisfying for both of them.

"As it appears that you have decided to stay, there is one more thing before we get started. You must go into the first guest room down that hallway and remove all your clothing, including all your jewelry. The jewelry may be a safety issue, so you must remove all of that as well. Then come back out and present yourself to me."

He put a little emphasis on the word 'present' as if it had special meaning, which indeed it did.
She knew he was looking right at her, watching her, studying her. So far, he’d done good job at interpreting her as she was a hard book to read. She had grown curious after hearing him go on about D/s and what’s to be expected of her as well what she can expect.

She had no other questions because this was unknown to her and she was looking forward to learn a little, at least enough to decide if she was made for this or not.

She nodded at him, “I remember it. Thank you…” she said as he kept on emphasizing on it, wondering how hard it could be to memorize that safeword. She smiled when he told her he will bring her to the edge, “We will see about that. I am looking forward to it.” She said as she ran her hand through her hair.

When he stepped back, she found him look her up and down, as if he was finally taking his time to admire her beauty, openly. She smiled softly and nodded when he told her she has to go to the guest room first and remove everything.

She knew she hadn’t done justice to his command earlier so she thought of taking this opportunity to make it up to him. She moved back a few steps and instead of going to the guest room, she moved to take her earrings off. Then she worked the wrist watch off of her right wrist and knowing she had no other jewelry on, she motioned to pull the knock of her coat. It split open, giving him a perfect view of her midriff and her fine slim frame.


She knew that she might get punished for not going to the guestroom but this was the least she could do. She shrugged her shoulders one after another to push the coat off of her shoulders, finally presenting herself in her matching bra-panties set. She did a little spin around and with her back facing him, she moved her hand over her back to unclasp her bra and then moved to place her thumb in the waist band of her panties to slide it down her slender legs.

She finally turned around, looking at him as she stood there, naked, “Heels too?” She asked and started to step out of her long heels and she’d find herself being dwarfed by his height. Her breasts weren’t so big but just handful for her petite frame as she took a stance by bending her one knee and placing her hand on her waist…presenting herself to him.

He watched as she disrobed, while obviously disregarding his specific instructions. He wondered if she was trying to be helpful, doing what she thought he wanted her to do, or whether she was intentionally disobeying him, testing his resolve.

When she finished her little show, bending a knee, shifting her hip, with hand on her waist, Vlad stared at her with a piercing glare. He removed his jacket and tie and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt. He walked over to a low, unimpressive cabinet, opened the top, and removed a flogger made with a latex handle and long leather thongs.

"You have disobeyed me several ways, some of which you knew about, and some you should have assumed or asked about. You may only speak or ask, when I allow you to. So when I ask if you have questions, make good use of the opportunity I grant to you." He spoke with a low, stern voice. "You will be punished so these do not happen again. Your training will begin even before we enter The Sanctum."

Vlad walked around her, kicking her clothes away, clearing the floor.

"First," he raised his voice, almost booming at her "You are always to address me as Master. Failure to do so will be punished." He swiftly flogged her ass with only medium force. He knew it was enough to sting and get her attention.

"Next, if I tell you to go to the guest room to disrobe, I expect you to do exactly that." He flogged her ass a second time with the same medium force.

"And you need to learn the proper position for presentation. There are several positions that a sub must assume upon command. 'Present' is the primary position.

Get down on your knees, your thighs spread wide apart. Sit back upon your heels, back held upright and straight, breasts thrust forward, head held high but with your eyes lowered. Finally your hands should rest on your thighs, palm up.

He walked around her again, the flogger in hand.

"Now assume this position. Whenever I say 'Present', you must immediately assume this position and address me as Master. Do as I say!"

Gia wasn't intentionally trying to disobey him, though she was trying to only make up for the task that wasn't done right by her earlier. She gave him a little show, adding a little bit of shifting of her hips, assuming he'll like it like all the other men do. Little did she knew, he had an odd taste and that is what had brought them to where they were in that moment.

She noticed his piercing gaze and knew he wasn't as happy as she thought it would make him so again, she stood straight but did feel she was on display for the whole world with his walls made of glasses and a turn of their head a little would give them a beautiful view of the city. She watched him strip away his jacket and the roll up his sleeves as if he was getting ready for something.

Though, in that moment, she noticed how the shirt hugged his broad chest and how lean and muscular he was. Her eyes widen and brow shrunk a little when he came back with something that looked a little scary and scarier was his claims, telling her how she'd disobeyed him few times now. Realizing she can't just speak but have to ask permission. Keeping that in mind, she continued to listened to him attentively once again.

She felt as if she as some little girl in school...and him, the headmaster. She was a little startled when he addressed the First issue as he walked around her, pushing her expensive coat with his feet as if it was some garbage. She found herself stumbling forward when he surprised her by swiftly flogging her as once. Her head turning to find him, a look of shock on her face which quickly dissolved when he went about telling her the second issue.

Of course, it was about dissolving where he tells her to go and the moral of the exercise was to do as ask. Proper position was something she wasn't aware of so when he explained, she listened and took mental note to look up SUB and their presentation in front of their masters once she gets home...a little take home homework for the little girl.

He already had hit her with the flogger twice so when he told her to assume position, she moved to get down on her knees and ten her heels, thighs apart, back held upright and straight, which made her torso thrust forward and accentuate her swells. She made sure to hold her head high but eyes lowered to the floor, almost as if watching his feet and the her hands rest on her thighs, palms up. Just as he wanted. She felt so awkward to be sitting in front of a stranger, butt naked and listen to this crap when she doesn't really have to. Any man in his position would be wanting to lay hands on her and please her fine body....but not him. Matter of fact, that's what made this interesting and made her want to continue this....whatever it was.

Vladimire knew it wasn't proper to punish her for not knowing the proper presentation position, something she very likely wouldn't have known. But the exercise had finally made her submit to his will, so he felt justified in what he had done.

He extended his hand to her and asked her to stand which she did. Then he lead her over to the door along the long wall, entered a code into the security keypad, and the door opened. It was dark inside as he hadn't yet turned on the lights. Turning to Gia he spoke.

"From here forward we will conduct our sessions in this room. When you enter, you become my submissive. You may exit only when I say we are finished and at that point our session is over."

Flipping the switch on the wall, the room was filled with light. It was a large room with a high ceiling. There were no windows. Almost everything in the room was made of wood, metal, and leather. The floor was made of wood, and in places there were 2" metal rings bolted to the floor. From the heavy wood beams of the ceiling were hanging ropes in some locations. The walls were dark. One wall had a large wooden "X" that stood seven or eight feet tall with leather wrist and ankle cuffs attached by short chains to metal rings on the "X". There was not any normal furniture except for a large bed with metal posts. The bed linens were the only fabric in the room. There were other items including a solidly built wood table, a padded sawhorse, a spanking bench, and some other custom built items made of wood and metal. All these items had rings or chains attached to their corners and support legs. Near the door was a long low chest with nine drawers and a hinged top.

He walked her to the center of the room where two ropes, spaced about six feet apart, hung from pullies attached to an overhead beam. Attached to the end of each rope was a leather wrist cuff. On the floor, below each rope was a metal ring attached to the floor.
He had her stand between the ropes. As he spoke he lightly ran his hand over her backside, his hand coming to rest over the cheek of her ass which he grasped gently.

"This is my sanctum. I will allow you some moments to walk around and explore. You may ask questions. When I say 'Return' you shall come back here and stand between these two ropes."
Gia found it odd to be sitting there, on the floor, as the feeling slowly rolled into her that he seemed superior to her and she, inferior. It raised different sort of feelings deep down as she always had been a strong lady and had her own opinions about things.

When he asked her to stand, she stood up on her feet quickly and walked with him to and past the secured door where he punched in few numbers before letting them in. She looked towards the dark room and then at him, nodding to acknowledge that she understood what he said.

Her head turned the moment he flipped the switch and saw how large the room was and the high ceiling. She noticed how the room had a dark eerie vibe to it, making things even more suspenseful as she finally entered, noticing the metal rings right in the middle of the floor. She wondered what those were for and finding it odd to have it in the center and then ropes hanging from above. She noticed everything around it as well as she had some questions but none urgent.

She found the room full of equipments that she hadn’t seen before and wondered if they were used sexually, if so…how? She did notice how every one of those items actually had some kind of attachment to them. She finally walked to the center of the room and moved her head in his direction, wherever he moved while he grasped her cheek gently.

She had already seen with a quick glance and as usual, she knew better to try the things than judge it by its description he’d give if she asked him a question. Nodding no, “No questions at all. What would you have me do?” she asked, looking at him.