Fantasia (OOC)


Literotica Guru
Feb 29, 2012
Full Name: Jorn (Yorn) Ivorene
Alias: Knight of Eloria; The General of the Ivorene Army; The Shrewd Knight
Age: 29
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 210 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Grey
Physique: Solid

Written Appearance: Jorn almost lives up to the tales spoken about him. The only difference is that he’s not seven-feet tall and charges into battle on a horse the size of a dragon, trampling legions beneath him. Still, he’s rather imposing, and one would be a fool to take him lightly. He is clad heavily in Ivorian armor, the best of its quality, and sports a shield with the Symbol of the Goddess on its face. Physical appearance, he’s about as handsome as carved stone. He keeps his hair near-bald and the scars he’s received in battle mark his flesh like a tapestry. His body was forged on the battlefield and he has to stay in shape if not just to stand his ground as a defender, but to protect his sister.

Visual Appearance: Visual
Class: Knight
Pole Arms
Beast Master (willing to give this up if someone really wants it)

Level 2
Strength 2
(P)Defense 5
(M)Defense 5
Magic 1
Dexterity 2
Experience: 8/20

Javelin Throw: When wielding a javelin, Jorn will scope out a single enemy and hurl it at its intended target up to 100 m.

Shield Bash: A forceful strike with a shield that can stun and shove back a single enemy.

Background: Jorn is the younger brother of Emeline. They are what remains of the Ivorene royal blood since an uprising long ago threatened to destroy the nation. It was both their parents King Harlow and Queen Sybil who had them both sent away to a neutral kingdom. It was there that they hid, awaiting the news of the war. The news came cold and harsh. Both the King and Queen had been slaughtered and the kingdom overtaken by the Milians. Ivorene became known as Mila and the people were oppressed by the ruler King Lorbane. Jorn and Emeline were later found by fugitive members of the Ivorene army, and under the tutelage of General Beloran Storm, Jorn would undergo his transformation into a knight. He trained hard determined to avenge his family and protect his sister.

Emeline had always been special. No one could understand it, but at first he secretly blamed her for the uprising. It was Eloria who resided within her that attracted evil like Lorbane, and if she hadn’t existed, if she hadn’t resided in Emeline, then their parents would still be alive. As he grew older, such childish thoughts left him. General Beloran was able to amass an army and with it, they stormed Mila to reclaim the throne. The battle was dark and bloody. King Lorbane had with him a witch that could summon demons and the dead. Many died on both sides, a result Emeline had been against. Among those many, General Beloran was one, and Jorn took up arms as the new general to continue the storm. By the time they reached the throne room, the supposed witch was nowhere to be found. She left King Lorbane alone in his defeat, and the kingdom was once again reclaimed. During its darkest time of recovery, Emeline shined brightest, soothing the peoples’ wounds and hearts. The people overcame the past, but it was not forgotten. Emeline became the new queen and Jorn continued to serve under her as her protector.

(If any player would like to take from this tale for their character’s background, say if he/she and Jorn served under Ivorene, you can. I left how King Lorbane died vague in case someone wanted to take credit for his death.)

Current Story: Emeline was taken in the middle of the night under The Watch’s close guard. It was said to have been carried out by a small unit of kidnappers who could perform black magic. They left behind a message in what Jorn feared to have been his sister’s blood that invited them to come to the new Mila to witness her execution. The news of there being a new Mila disturbed him, and even more that the son of King Lorbane, King Grigori was now the one seeking vengeance. Jorn recalled his sister warning him about continuing the endless cycle of bloodshed and he understood it ever clearly to his deepest regret. Jorn with a small unit sought out to infiltrate Mila in secret, rescue Emeline, and return home alive.
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Full Name: Loia Junse
Alias: Black Ember, the Incinerator
Age: 19
Weight: 125lbs.
Hair Color: Chocolate brown
Eye Color: Chocolate brown
Physique: Buxom

Written Appearance: Loia would seem to be your average noble maiden, with pale skin, innocent visage and alluring body. Her clothing says otherwise. Under a raven-black hooded cloak that completely hides her figure, she normally wears a tight, black leather leotard secured onto her open back by a small chain below her neck. On top, and making her attire only slightly more presentable, there is a matching long-sleeved, wide-cuffed, cropped jacket with golden filigree that overhangs her large breasts. Her extremely thick gloves point toward rather uncommon capabilities. Her thigh-high boots sport normal heels, surprisingly enough. This attire is clearly meant to grant agility at the cost of decency, but even the dumbest and most uninformed molester would realize that Loia should be left alone. Her unnervingly detached demeanour and intensely calm eyes belie the inferno within.

Visual Appearance: Visual
Class: Mage

Level 1
Strength 1
(P) Defense 1
(M) Defense 2
Magic 3
Dexterity 3
Experience: 0/10

Devil hands – Rather than casting spells, Loia shows her mastery of the elements through physical channeling. While unable to incinerate enemies from afar, her arms aflame are a fearsome sight indeed.

It is only natural that gods would exercise their will through special individuals of untapped potential. Potential they would develop, guided and empowered by that divinity. Loia was one such individual, the daughter of a duke under Howne´s service and meant only to marry and breed another generation of Milian nobility, until Meldorne´s corruption gave Howne new insight into the workings of the arcane. As a result, Loia´s latent magical gift was transformed into something slightly different, and she was made to fulfil a new duty: to be one of Howne´s weapons of terror. Wherever resistance to the Milian king´s will is found, Loia is sent to burn it out. The qualms she should have about slaughtering whole villages or razing her way out of castles and fortresses do not seem to be there. This ruthlessness, coupled with her black leather clothing in the middle of the raging infernos she creates, has earned her the byname “Black Ember”. Those less inclined to such poetry take to call her “Incinerator”, preferring to ignore the fact that she looks human... though no one is sure what she is now, other than infamously dangerous.

Current Story:
Loia was involved in the kidnapping of Emeline through the crude and simple expedient of staging a diversion. She infiltrated a garrison not far from the capital of Fantasia and proceeded to set it ablaze. While the troops drawn from the capital to reinforce the garrison were engaged in a desperate fight in the burning streets, it was easier for the main infiltration group to get into the palace and take the goddess. This has left the Black Ember in a precarious position, though, as she tries to escape from Fantasia and back into Mila through a chaos of troops hunting for her, and others marching after the kidnappers.
Name:Gillian Longstrider
Alias:Ghost of the Woods
Hair color:Brown/green
Eye color:Green

Written Appearance:Gillian is a tall slender elf that has mottled green brown hair instead of the usual blonde of his race. He wears Leathers of the same color and carries a large bow and a slender sword on a wide leather belt.Instead of boots he wears a pair of moccasin type of shoes. All of these items are actually magic in nature. His outfit is actually as strong as the best leather armor but as supple as cloth allowing him free movement and his sword is made by the elves so is of course extremely sharp and strong while being light.

Visual Appearance:Ranger

Level 2

P Defense:2
M Defense:1

Experience 10/20

Ability:Quick shot. Gillian has the ability to fire arrows at a rate that is double that of a normal Elf even, making him a formidable foe.

Clinging vines: Gillian has the ability to effect the growth of any greenery in his immediate area. This enables him to cause roots and vines to entangle his enemies, help in his camouflage skills, and grow vines for climbing purposes.

Background:Gillian was taken early and trained by the druids of his clan to be a superior warrior and druid. He has become one with the forests surrounding his home clan and has no problem blending into them and can do the same in any forested terrain or any long grasses. His training has also made him a superior shot with the bow and an excellent blades man. He is also a very good acrobat as he is used to making his way through the forests of his homeland and can leap vast distances both in length and vertically as well as performing feats of tumbling and other skills. He also uses these when fighting to disorientating his foes and to form a basis for a type of hand to hand style of fighting the druids have passed down to him. He has protected his homeland from attacks for over a century now, dispatching any who would dare penetrate it's depths without permission. he does so with stealth and precision, the few he let's go to spread the stories calling him "the Ghost of the Woods".

Current Story:The Druids have learned of Emeline's plight and know what the consequences will be for the world if Howne succeeds with his plan. They decide to send Gillian to attempt to save her. he is to try and find like minded individuals on his way there and join up with them.
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Full Name: Stephan Openheimer
Alias: The Lifebringer
Age: 30
Height: 6'0
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Blue
Physique: Slender
Written Appearance:
Stephan is a tall and slender figure, with a sly expression. He has no facial hair and a wide smile. He wears a long blue cloak with a light leather vest, secured by a belt. His yellow sleeves are long and wide, and his leather gloves assist him in gripping blunt weapons. His leather with an iron bottom boots cover his legs from light damage.
Visual Appearance:
Class: Cleric
Specializations: Blunt Arms, Chef, Herbalist.

(You have 5 points to allocate as appropriate. This does not include the five points already present below. Those are base stats.)
Level 2
Strength 2
(P)Defense 2
(M)Defense 4
Magic 4
Dexterity 3
Experience: 5/20

Healing Aura - Stephan is able to maintain a healing aura that assists in the regeneration of his friends and allies around him, but it breaks if he enters combat or breaks concentration too much.

Healing Aura lvl.2 - Due to the increasing combat and magic experience, Stephan is now able to have a passive aura that's active on all times. Although it isnt as powerful as the other, active aura, it still speeds up regeneration and protects against dark magic. If the aura is channeled, the effects are doubled or even trippled.

Stephan was born in a family of clerics and herbalists, the main way to make money was to treat sick people. Stephan was given the gift of magic and was a great cleric and herbalist. He practiced his abilities on the sick who were seemingly irredeemable from their heavy diseases. Yet Stephan was able to save most of them. With his abilities getting a lot of attention, the local bandits around were seeking to use advantage of this. The first couple of attempts were stopped by the town's guards, but Stephan had to protect himself. He started training with blunt weapons, as they were easy to learn. Soon enough, Stephan used his newfound ability to defend himself. He had to move out, when he heard news of Emeline getting denounced. He wanted justice, as he believed in Eloria and was guessing she gave him the gift.

Current Story:
Stephan was moving out of his town, and heard the rumors in a tavern while eavesdropping. Since Stephan believed in Eloria, he wanted to attempt and rescue Emeline.
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Full Name: Connell Markard
Alias: The Chameleon

Age: 35
Height: 5'10
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Physique: Slender and fit

Written Appearance: Connell is an unassuming man. He is of average looks with no discerning scars or features. He keeps his blonde hair relatively short but is prone to dye it. He is graceful, moving carefully and with purpose unless modifying his movements as part of taking on another persona. He favors clothes that allow for movement over protection and often wears no visible armor unless specifically preparing for combat. He has daggers hidden in his clothing and sometimes wears a blade on his hip. He is usually seen with a satchel of one kind or another.
Visual Appearance: Thief

Class: Thief
Specializations: Trickster, Swordsman, Demolition

Level 2

Strength 4
(P)Defense 3
(M)Defense 2
Magic 1
Dexterity 5

Experience: 5/20

Ability Slot
Feint: Whether it is with a small flash powder explosion or a sudden, dramatic change in expression or movement, Connell has become adept at causing his opponents to hesitate momentarily allowing him to gain the upper hand.
Sleight of Hand: Connell can seemingly make items disappear or appear, lift them off of an unsuspecting mark or place items on them unawares.


Connell grew up in the capital. He was the son of an ambitious artisan of moderate
talent. As such, he was often in the company of the upper class - enough to get
a taste of wealth but never destined to dine on it. They would frequent his
father's shop to peruse paintings or to discuss a commission, and Connell would be
in the background, unheeded. He spent hours daydreaming of being rich, and
would practice how he would speak and walk and conduct himself - and was
surprised at how well he managed to look the part. As he grew older and
stronger he would accompany his father to their estates as his father's porter
and would slip away to explore while his father worked. He would join the stream
of servants going about their business, and found he was equally able to adopt
their demeanors. This allowed him (with few exceptions) to go where he liked
without looking out of place.

His love of the capital grew as he did - the exotic travelers of the market, the
stern guardsmen, the drunks at the tavern all fascinated him. He would look for
opportunities to slip into a group, act convincingly enough that he was
overlooked, and slip out again. He started to pick up a lot of interesting pieces
of information that way, and over the course of a few years he found himself in
the smuggling business. This exposed him to many new types of goods and
materials that needed to be moved in less mainstream manner, including
explosives. When a contact of his never showed up to collect a crate of them
once, he decided to keep it as payment. While there were a few close calls, he
was able to get proficient enough in their use.

With his abilities to navigate the streets and alleys as well as the social circles
of the city added to his ability to be overlooked, he started to make a name for
himself amongst the thieves and merchants as a man who could find information
and make things disappear.

When the unrest started, Connell couldn't sit idle. He couldn't bear the thought of
what war would do to the people and places that he loved so much. To his great
surprise, he found himself as a foot-soldier under General Beloran. Life in an
army camp made it difficult ever for him to come and go as much as he would
have liked, and so (constrained as he was) it was during that time that he
perfected his swordsmanship.

When it was time to assault the castle, Connell volunteered. He used his
demolitions to blast his way through doors and interior walls to allow the
vanguard the entry they needed.

He was there when Lorbane was struck down, but refuses to speak of it.

Current Story:

Connell returned to the city and re-assumed his smuggling and spying operation.
But his strongest desire was to keep the city safe, and often he found himself
hampering the criminal element as much as helping them, depending on what
impact their schemes had on innocents. That made him many enemies, and so
he took to taking random personas each day - a wide-eyed foreign visitor, a
crippled beggar, a loud and boisterous merchant. It was a wonder what could be
done with a change of accent, of stance, of demeanor. He found ways to
change the color of his hair and gathered an assortment of clothing. After a time,
he started to lose his own sense of identity.

Rumors grew of his ability to be anywhere, be anyone. Many events started to
be attributed to him, even if he had nothing to do with it, which only made his
legend grow.
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So, I'll just reiterate in here. The only experience that you will award yourself is the experience you receive from word count. The GM will award players experience received from killing enemies for there is no guarantee that the enemy will fall immediately. The stat system was to knock out all of those one-hit wonder type characters and to make the game more challenging by promoting teamwork and creativity.

I did post in the strategy that the Executioner is vulnerable, but damage output still plays a role. I have yet to introduce his stats. :rolleyes:

I also want to say that the healer doesn't have to just sit back and watch. The healer does get exp for assists, which will be crucial if he is to level up and receive more abilities to remain effective. Depending on how fast he reaches level 2 and also depending on the type of ability you give him, he can make this battle go smoother and I don't mean with heals alone. :D
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you should probably bring the stats/ability sheets in this thread aswell, dont you think?
I had everyone post their profiles in this thread so they can keep up with their xp. The reason why you haven't seen me introduce the stats of enemies is because I haven't introduced any enemies to combat yet. At least not in a serious manner. The next GM post will be introducing enemies because the Archer has already alerted the enemy to an assault. I was actually expecting the Archer to post last, but it doesn't matter. I can improvise.
According to my character´s current history, she is not there... unless you would prefer otherwise, GM?
Her bio suggests she is fleeing back towards the Milian kingdom after causing the distraction that enabled the capture of Emeline.

However as that occurred a little while ago Katamari it can be taken that you did survive the journey back and made it to the castle to be here.
Looks like the party bus is waiting on me. I should be able to get something out later today hopefully or if not Friday.
I posted the next GM post and I have awarded some players experience points. I decided to go ahead and give Aussie the executioner because I DID say in the last GM post that he can be felled by a lucky shot and yeah, so I'll be fair. But I hope you guys now understand how the xp will be awarded from here on.

I did not forget anyone. If your character wasn't mentioned in the mentioned line, I wasn't ignoring him or her, I just didn't have anything strategically for them at this time. However, you can get your character involved more now that the battle has officially begun.

When everyone reaches level 2, besides distributing another 5 stat points, you are free to unlock one ability slot. So go ahead and add a second ability to your sheet. :)

Also, please record your experience points on your character sheet. It's there so that you can keep track of the points. If you aren't keeping track of your points, then as soon as you miscalculate, I'm going to take the xp away. So please keep track of it all.
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hey, so i was thinking, when i could level up, can i upgrade my first ability as in making it more powerful or something?
Also, anyone who assists in killing the undead executioner will also get the 10 xp because he's a mini boss. :)
I'm just posting in here for log purposes. Sodalitas went on leave yesterday Dec. 12, 2015. He will be back in seven days. *nods* Okay got it.
well I was going to post last but I guess I could post again. The thing is as the archer it is best for me to post last to support any attacks made by other people, just like the cleric should either be first (to heal everyone from the round before and bless them so they do more damage etc), or if he is attacking whenever.
Ok, I'll get a post up for Jorn this weekend. I had planned for it to be up that night but I had some things come up.

Also, don't be surprised to see the game slow down. You forget that we discussed that it is the holiday that's going to slow things down.