The Semi-Consolidated Leakage Thread again!!!

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Happy Monday!!!

I gots coffee to wake me up for the work day. I'll be running this job alone for a few days again this week.

One riot, one ranger . . . .

This past weekend made for a nice break.


Oh, she knows all about where her food comes from, she's a country girl.

She's just not about to eat the chickens she picked out...

And she was going through her mom's office when she was five and found her teeth and announced there's no tooth fairy, and I want more money for my teeth.

We had a joke, based on Ren and Stimpy, about the Tooth Beaver. That came from the night that a tooth came out and I forgot to make the exchange.

I can't remember if the beaver left a return note.

Somewhere in my stuff, I have the nastygram left for the beaver.

My friend's nephew, I know, a lot of stupid usually follows a phrase like that, but he was a comedian and he took a Smurf doll, shoe blacked it and called it Eddie Smurphy.

And no, I've never seen them either.
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That's because my kid is years older than yours.

I'm not sure how he survived all those trips to work with the old man back then. It's like there weren't enough days in the week.

There still aren't. He said he's booking over 80 hours a week lately.

Damn, we get April weather all week. Here's a wager that March contains the Suckage . . . .

I'm proud as punch that Princess has two jobs as well as her JuCo career path in media.

I just wish she'd take her grades a little more seriously than her social life.
The good news is they can always go back to school in their 20s.

Maybe she needs to get this outta her system.

Then she can support her parents in a lifestyle to which they would like to become accustomed.

I know that Junior is happy that I'm self supporting through my own contributions . . . .

Trust mo on this, we won't need her support as much as I suspect she will need ours.

She just doesn't realize that yet; we're taken for granted...
Junior had that one nailed. I think that his mother's husband pretty much gave him the 18YO boot.

Junior takes dares seriously. His usual response? Fuck you, I'll show ya . . . and then he does.

Don't tell that kid he can't do something.

I can do something, like get my arse outta here and go to be the weasel.

Mine was a gentle easing out . . . until Mom decided she'd had enough. She was quite the character when she was younger. It's only gotten worse since then.

I spent the bulk of the day running for supplies. I don't mind it, and it needed to be done. It just means that I didn't get "my work" done is all. Oh well.

I found out that my volunteer group had a business meeting last month without having a quorum, and they enacted some business to hold a group inventory meeting next month. I guess I'm going to have to show up and take their inventory by telling them that their entire process is out of order.

I know, I know, how to "win friends" and influence people . . . .

Stunning woman.

I see playboy is bringing the nudes back.

;) ;)

Seems that people just weren't buying it for the articles...
Happy Tuesday!!!

I don't think they ever did.

I remember the Carter interview. I actually read it.

However, I didn't vote for him. I couldn't be arsed to register.



Yeah, he was quite a guy.

In other news, I'm trying to deduce why I got yet another 1095-C form frommy employer. It would seem that Obamacare confuses them as badly as it confuses everyone else.

Where is Merc when you really need him??? Arsehole!!!

Thank you, hashy-dear. It's nice to see you early this Tuesday morning.

I'm sure I'll figure out the extra load of tax forms when I finally sit down and read this load of shit to fill out my 1040.

This years big tax question: is the home office deduction really worth it, and does it make sense if the home bidness isn't producing income like ti used to? I still get the vehicle, so we may let it sit there and just be done with it.

At least the day job just outright reimburses me for the miles I drive, so fuck it.

That's for folks who get refunds.

Those things are forlorn fucking hopes here. We just aim for a credit to use for next year.

Ans as small a credit as possible.

Generally not getting a refund just says that you got to use your money instead of letting the government keep it from you until you prove it's yours...
Yep, basically. Keep dat jont small as possible.

Another cloudy not-sure-if-it's-really-winter kind of day. Tomorrow will be warmer still.

I'm laying odds there's a shitty snowstorm in March, more or less on the 20th.

And that weasels need to be seen - now.

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