First one-shot story

It's well-written. Some of it is very well written. As for story telling, I think you did about what's possible in such a short piece. Of course your readers want it longer. They'd probably also like some sex.
I thought it was quite good, and I doubt it's your first "anything" in writing. It's very well written, both in the technicals and the storytelling. I'll probably be thinking back for a couple of days on what there was in it other than a betrayal of their relationship--and that's a good thing for a writer to get their reader to do.

A short story, particularly flash fiction, can focus on one element of storytelling. To me, this one explored emotion--and did so extremely well.
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It's well written, but it reads more like a scene than a story to me. And I'm saying this as someone who tends to like shorter pieces. Also, belongs into the non-erotic cathegory, in my opinion.
I would echo what others have said. There's skill to your writing, and I don't mind the abrupt drop into the middle of a scene (if you've read my one current submission, you'll know I'd have no leg to stand on in that regard); but your story gets repetitive and doesn't advance. You have to give your reader something to grab onto, and instead you repeat a number of things: he's angry, seeing red, fire, murder, leave, leave. I assume she cheated on him, but you haven't quite given me enough reason to find out. You have enough space to do so, even in this short a piece.
I left a comment. I think it's really well written but I do think it needs expanding on to make it stand on it's own feet. Fell's more like a fragment at present.