Broken Body, Lively Soul (Closed)

Maggie heard his cries when she had to loop his belt around him, she had been taking classes to become a Registered Nurse all she had to do was her final test which was tomorrow. But right now the only thing that mattered to her was Horatio. She heard what he said, and grabbing the inside of the ambulance to get inside. She sat beside him, and took his hand on his good arm. Maggie loved Horatio to death and was terrified she was going to lose him. But right now things just seemed to fall into gear.

She felt when they took off and she sighed silently, leaning down as she kissed his forehead. "Your going to be okay, you are the toughest guy I know. Course with the job you have I know you kind of have to be" She said softly. She could tell the guy that sat beside her was curious about the relationship they had. She didn't tell people she was his girlfriend because she did not know how Horatio would feel about it. Her eyes looked up as she looked out the window, waiting till the ambulance stopped.

When the doors opened up she got out first and helped them with the stretcher and walked with him, the staff already knew her so she was able to do things no one else could normally. They got him into the trauma room and got him over. And removed his shirt since he was fine every place else they did not completely strip him. Her boss came in and smiled at Maggie asking to give him a run down of the situation. She was content and was glad that they would be able to do something more for him.

"Lieutenant Horatio Kane, 52 was shot twice one shot in the arm. I controlled the bleeding on the field, the other is in his shoulder it was not a through on through." She was handed stuff for an I.V and put gloves on, finding a place and getting an I.V the doctor ordered Morphine for the pain and got it into his system quickly. Rolling over they managed to get the bullet out and began to bandage him up. She smiled at Horatio and removed her gloves, took about an hour to get everything situated.

She was finally able to breath and it was a feeling she treasured, sitting beside him she took his hand in her own. God how much she loved this man it almost hurt, part of the reason no one knew of the relationship because she did not know if Horatio loved her. But only time would tell, she did not leave his side and wouldn't. Her watchful eyes checking his vitals every now and again as she closed her eyes with everything that happened she was tired and fell asleep but woke up once she felt him stir.