The Beautiful Game - Closed for DeathsKnight

"Yes to hell with what they think, though I doubt you will ever become selfish, perhaps just do more of what you wish to do? That should put a bit of spike into your life."

Lisa nodded. He seemed to understand just what she was talking about ... 'a bit of spike' was just what she needed.

"And my wild younger life was mostly due to the way I had no life growing up, when you work that hard you do become a dull person, but when you don't have that responsibility anymore, your whole life opens to so many opportunities, that you have no way of controlling once you allow them to slip from your fingers."

She could tell Ivan had a true work ethic regardless of his wilder times.

"So not really boring, more level-headed. It took me a day to the hospital to reign myself in and focus on my career as player. Of course that career also saw me become a manager much younger than most ever do become managers."

She was glad he didn't think her boring. Somehow another shot glass materialised in front of her and she picked it up, sipping from it this time.

"It took me a few years to get into the national scene though... But when you get to the level where you play premier clubs, you start to make name for yourself. Having a good name meant that you had a good chance for the national team, my name was slightly tainted, but the new work-ethic, the clean living did have it's advantages and after three years of playing for Zvedstad I got called up for international duty. Now that was a proud moment for my family."

She held up her shot glass and toasted.

"... to work-ethic and clean living!"

The glass she had been sipping was upended and its contents consumed.

" ... this is easier to drink than I'd thought ... "

She commented, the warmth running down her throat and her head spinning slightly.

" ... maybe watered down like you said..?"

She suggested with a giggle.

"... at least I hope so ... "
He took her offered toast, but by her response he could see that she was getting quite intoxicated,

"It is watered down for me yes, I don't know if you could say exactly the same though."

He grinned,

"Proper Vodka this is not."

The glasses were removed and he sent a few bills along with them to pay for the rounds, he didn't think he should talk about the rest of his career, oh sure it was full of good memories, but the way how it ended was not something he was proud of. So he smiled and leaned on his arms,

"Have you considered creating your own team?"
"It is watered down for me yes, I don't know if you could say exactly the same though...Proper Vodka this is not."

Lisa giggled.

"Then keep me away from the 'proper' stuff... "

She commented with a shake of her head, realising belated that moving it in that way wasn't such a good idea as somehow it made the room shift sideways.

"Have you considered creating your own team?"

Ivan's question caught her by surprise.

"You mean a woman's team? As a player or ... "

She wasn't sure what he meant exactly.

"No ... I never thought of having any type of team of my own ... "
He smiled slightly,

"I would like to create a team of my own. Start off with nothing more than what Greendale had when I came here. See them to the top and stay with them until I retire. That is one of the best things I could do with the talents I have, but I will need help with running the club. Think that the higher up you go, the more intense things get."

He noticed that Lisa had a blush, he knew the look and knew that if she drank more she might just start to forget not to dance on the bar. It worried him slightly, but then again she was a grown woman and could make her own decisions. The test came when the last shots showed up, he knew that this was his limit, more than this and he'd feel it the next day.
"I would like to create a team of my own. Start off with nothing more than what Greendale had when I came here. See them to the top and stay with them until I retire. That is one of the best things I could do with the talents I have, but I will need help with running the club. Think that the higher up you go, the more intense things get."

She found herself carried along with his dream.

"That would be an incredible thing to do ... "

She commented.

"You need more than football talent to create a team ... you're right ... the business side gets ever more intense... "

Where the shot glasses materialised from Lisa was unsure. She had totally lost count as to how many she'd had, but realised that she had definitely had more than perhaps she should. She was still fine sitting and could hold a lucid conversation ... she thought ... but standing and moving? That might just prove a tad challenging. She giggled. No, she would definitely NOT let herself get 'smashed' ... just one more shot and that would be her limit...
The impromptu giggle told him what she had in mind, he knew he would not stop her, but later on he would have to take her home, he picked up a glass and drank it down,

"I think for that dream to realize I would have to find myself a partner."

He rubbed his chin,

"Preferably somebody with business sense, which I do lack."

He shrugged,

"But that is a distant dream right now, the team, club and partner."
"I think for that dream to realize I would have to find myself a partner.
Preferably somebody with business sense, which I do lack."

Lisa knew she had drunk too much now. When Ivan said partner she had thought of ... other things .. than the business sense ... which she would definitely have to watch. He was all too easy to let her guard down with, all too easy to be attracted to ... that and the vodka were a risky combination she was realising.

"But that is a distant dream right now, the team, club and partner."

She picked up a shot glass and sipped at it absentmindedly.

"Dreams are always distant... "

She managed to agree.

"I guess that's what keeps us going in the right direction ... "

She paused to consider.

" ... though I think right now I'm going round in circles."

Her head certainly as and for some reason the double meaning of her comment sent Lisa into giggles...
He reached out and gave her shoulder an affectionate squeeze,

"You are fulfilling your dreams one day at a time, there is no rush to achieve them. Not yet."

He stretched out and glanced at where the players was busy saying their goodbyes, he glanced at his watch, it had become much later than he had thought. He looked at Lisa,

"How about I take you home? It's a bit late and I can not with a clear conscience let you walk home at this hour."

He gestured to the players,

"They're finished as well, so we can make this a team effort."

He chuckled as he slid from his chair.
"You are fulfilling your dreams one day at a time, there is no rush to achieve them. Not yet."

She smiled at his words and nodded. No rush ... plenty of time... she reflected ...

"How about I take you home? It's a bit late and I can not with a clear conscience let you walk home at this hour.
They're finished as well, so we can make this a team effort."

She hadn't realised how time had flown and watched him get to his feet, still steady and fluid in movement.

"I'm not so sure I could walk home actually ... "

She told him as she too rose to her feet and found the room spinning slightly.

"... oops.... "

She murmured her hand going out to his arm to steady herself.

"... umm.... ok .... I'll get my balance ... head rush ... "

She giggled trying her best not to disgrace herself entirely...
Ivan watched as the players came by, joking, laughing and supporting each other, it was clear that the designated drivers was still sober. He looked down at Lisa, it seemed that she had drunk a bit more than she was used to,

"A headrush? Let's take a nice stroll shall we?"

He slipped an arm around her, supporting her as he bid everybody a good night, receiving cheers and well wishes in return. Nobody commented on Lisa and that meant she held her pose very well. He walked outside with Lisa, drawing her closer, making sure she remained upright and dignified. Everybody had piled into cars and were driving off, leaving two players without lifts. Ivan unlocked the car and motioned them over. After opening Lisa's door and watching her get in, he got in himself as the two players piled into the back, jokes and light banter filling the car as he drove them hom. They decided to walk, since they lived on the same street, so Ivan stopped at the mouth of the street and they got out.

"So Lisa, where do you live?"

No answer, he looked at her and found her asleep, he lightly shook her shoulder, but she remained asleep.

"Oh well..."

There wasn't much he could do, he drove back home
"A headrush? Let's take a nice stroll shall we?"

Lisa nodded slowly grateful for Ivan's supportive arm encircling her, anchoring her as around her farewells were exchanged as it seemed they left the place en masse. She breathed deeply as they emerged outside, the fresh air filling her lungs, but doing nothing to clear her head, which felt heavy and unstable. But Ivan remained close by. Tipsy as she was, Lisa definitely appreciated the sensation of his body pressed closely against hers as the took slow steps towards an awaiting car. Just who was driving she was uncertain. Had she been totally sober she would have insisted that Ivan did not drive having consumed as much vodka as he had, but instead she found him guiding her carefully into the back seat. Reluctant though Lisa was to move free of Ivan's arms, she did sink gratefully against the upholstery briefly closing her eyes as she realised that she did in fact feel beyond dizzy. If she just rested her eyes for a few moments, she was sure that her head would stop spinning and that her head would clear. She hadn't drank that much surely? A couple of shots?... three? ... four?


She groaned softly as the light played across her eyelids. Was someone shining a torch at her? She turned her head seeking out that soothing darkness and gave a groan. ... headache ... ouch ... Who knew a hangover would set in so quickly? But she must have dozed and of course had yet to drink the water that would avoid dehydration the next morning.

Slowly Lisa opened her eyes, blinking uncertainly as her mind raced to make sense of the light pouring into the room, a room that was totally unfamiliar.
It was day ... and she had no idea where she was ... She groaned and turned her face to groan into a pillow ... a pillow ... in a strange bed ... a double bed ... in a bedroom she had never seen before ... ? She remembered leaving with Ivan ... his arm around her, assisting, supporting ... then ... being in the car ... and then ... ? Try as she might, she could remember no more.

In sudden panic, Lisa sat up, ignoring the jolt of pain that speared her skull.
Her hands flew down to her body as her eyes took in her appearance.

"Oh my God... "

She exclaimed, her face flushing with heat at the realisation that she was dressed just in her own panties and a very large jersey, which must surely belong to Ivan?
She had no idea how she had ended up here or how she had ended up without her clothes. She could justifiably assume ... but surely she would remember if she and Ivan ... ? Not that she would regret bedding the man, only being unable to recall their time together.

She lay back with a long sigh.

"Well done, Lisa ... "

She admonished herself with a soft murmur. This wasn't exactly what she'd had in mind when she'd stated that she wanted to be 'wilder'. She could only hope she hadn't ruined their friendship or business partnership by the events of the night before. Things had been going so well and now ... She started at the sound of movement in the room beyond. She glanced at the clock beside the bed. It was almost 9 am already! Ivan must have left for his early morning jog, but what time he usually returned from it, she had no idea. Nor had she have any idea of what she would say to him when he finally came to check on her ...
He knocked gently on the door, heard her reply and pushed the door empty, he smiled at her as he balanced the tray with toast, eggs, sausage and even a burger patty in a plate, a huge cup of coffee with sugar and milk around it, along with that a large glass of water with two pain tablets,

"Ah good morning printsezza, I hope you feel up to getting rid of all that Vodka we consumed last night."

He settled the tray down and looked at her, he motioned to the jersey,

"I see you have good taste, you were quite forceful that you wanted to wear that, something about the colors."

He sat down on the edge of the bed, his hands resting next to his hips,

"You seem a bit...confused?"
The knock on the door of the room confirmed Lisa's certainty that Ivan was up and about.

"Come in ... "

She called out shyly knowing it was bizarre for him to be requesting permission to enter what was his own bedroom. She sat up a hand running self consciously through her hair as he entered, eyes widening at the heavily laden tray.

"Ah good morning printsezza, I hope you feel up to getting rid of all that Vodka we consumed last night."

Lisa flushed at his words wondering how it could be that she had gotten quite so drunk as to not be able to recall the events. She nodded slowly, but grimaced at the sight of the cooked breakfast and instead reached for the coffee taking care not to spill it down her, down his jumper she corrected herself suddenly all too aware of her state of undress.

"I see you have good taste, you were quite forceful that you wanted to wear that, something about the colors."

Her eyes widened in shock. She had no way of knowing what she had said ... what she had done ... what they had done...

"You seem a bit...confused?"

She blushed hotly as she watched Ivan sit at the end of the bed. She took a sip of coffee grimacing at the unfamiliar sweetness, but finding it seemed to settle her stomach despite the hit of caffeine.

"How ... how did I end up here...?"

She questioned hesitantly. She could not bring herself to ask how she had ended up without her clothes or details about anything else that might have happened in his bedroom.

"I remember we left the pub and then ... umm ... "

She groaned guiltily and gave up any pretence of remembering.

"Did I disgrace myself last night?"

She finally dared ask.
Ah so that was the problem,

"Well no you did not disgrace yourself, you fell asleep before I could ask where you lived, since I could not really dump you out on the street, I brought you here."

He gave her a sly little smile,

"Perhaps you did not disgrace yourself here or perhaps you did..."

He chuckled softly,

"You woke up kind of, you were mumbling in your reply when I asked how you felt. Since I had put quite a few people to bed, it was not much of a task to get you to the room, but you refused to get into the bed with your clothes. In fact you demanded something to wear as sleep clothes."

He grinned at the thought,

"You did not like the white of Zvedstad jersey, but you did mention that you really like the Russian jersey, kind of a pointed finger and nodding making a sound like Ahuh. So I gave that to you and when I checked in on you a few minutes later you had stripped and got into the jersey and managed to fall asleep on the bed. I tucked you in and folded the clothing, rumpled clothes does make people believe that there should be a walk of shame as they call it."

He patted her arm,

"Try to eat something, the greasy bits will help to make you feel better."
"Well no you did not disgrace yourself, you fell asleep before I could ask where you lived, since I could not really dump you out on the street, I brought you here."

Lisa nodded slowly, grimacing as she did so. Despite her words, she didn't care less if she had ended up dancing on the tables last night, it was what had happened between them in private that concerned her more.

"Perhaps you did not disgrace yourself here or perhaps you did..."

She flushed hotly, knowing that he was amused, loving that he could hold out on her, but as it turned out chose to tell her the truth without relishing having that knowledge over here.

"You woke up kind of, you were mumbling in your reply when I asked how you felt. Since I had put quite a few people to bed, it was not much of a task to get you to the room, but you refused to get into the bed with your clothes. In fact you demanded something to wear as sleep clothes."

Lisa groaned in embarrassment as he continued.

"You did not like the white of Zvedstad jersey, but you did mention that you really like the Russian jersey, kind of a pointed finger and nodding making a sound like Ahuh.

Her eyes met his. Ivan was enjoying recounting this tale far too much she reflected, though it was no more than she deserved.

" So I gave that to you and when I checked in on you a few minutes later you had stripped and got into the jersey and managed to fall asleep on the bed."

Lisa had the grace to blush at his account.

"I tucked you in and folded the clothing, rumpled clothes does make people believe that there should be a walk of shame as they call it."

She blinked trying to process what Ivan had told her,
... So they hadn't ... and he hadn't ...
Discovering that part of her was even ... disappointed...

"Try to eat something, the greasy bits will help to make you feel better."

She felt her stomach lurch at his words and shook her head.

"... actually ... I think I'd prefer to stick to coffee, water and toast ... "

She told him.

"I'm sorry I put you to all this trouble, "

She told him shamefacedly as she put the coffee aside.

" ... and that I get ... demanding ... on vodka ... "

She pointed to the sweater still amazed at what he had told her.

" ... I hadn't planned on ending up in your bed this morning... "

As soon as the apology left her lips, Lisa knew that though it seemed to make sense in her head, spoken outloud, her words sounded wrong in so many levels.

"Goddd... "

She sunk down in the bed and pulled the covers over her head willing the ground to swallow her up.
Her words made all the worse as she realised that being in Ivan's bed was more than an exciting prospect ... not that it was likely now of course now that she had scored the proverbial 'own goal'.
He actually laughed then,

"Oh stop it. If anything I liked it, I never had the honor of putting a lady to bed and watch her sleep. A first time for everything as they say."

He paused a moment and slowly pulled the covers down so that he could see her eyes,

"And sleeping in my bed is not what you should worry about, staying awake probably is."

He gave her a cute grin,

"I would like to see you wake up in my bed, if you look lovely now, I can only imagine how you'd look when I can see you wake up."

He carefully placed what she said she'd be eating on the bedside table and before he picked up the tray, he suddenly leaned over and kissed her gently on the forehead,

"Take your time, there is no rush."

He murmured softly, then he picked up the tray and walked out, closing the door gently behind him.
She heard him laughing and groaned anew. Even though she was dehydrated and more than a little disorientated, she could not help but find the low rumble of his mirth attractive.

"Oh stop it. If anything I liked it, I never had the honor of putting a lady to bed and watch her sleep. A first time for everything as they say."

She could not prevent him pulling down the covers, his eyes locking with hers, still dancing with amusement.

"And sleeping in my bed is not what you should worry about, staying awake probably is."

Her eyes widened as he grinned, the suggestion in his words clear.

"I would like to see you wake up in my bed, if you look lovely now, I can only imagine how you'd look when I can see you wake up."

His eyes regarded her with an intensity which made her pulses race inexplicably.
The gentle kiss upon her forehead was intended to reassure and though touched by his consideration, Lisa could not help but speculate as to what it would be like to be in his bed in other 'circumstances'.

"Take your time, there is no rush."

He was all care and reassurance. Lisa stared at the closed door amazed that for someone who usually had plenty to say for herself and who could handle all manner of challenging business situations, she felt totally inept at even the most basic communication this morning.

Sitting up once more she picked up the toast and began to nibble it tentatively, her eyes moving around the very masculine, even minimalist room. It was Sunday, she recalled, supposedly her 'visiting family' day. Nothing that couldn't be cancelled, she determined as she picked up the two pills and swallowed them down quickly. At least the combination of those with the caffeine kick and at least a bit of sustenance might make her feel more human again, although she had to admit to herself, she did feel better than she probably deserved to feel after last night's excesses...
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Ivan in turn ate the residual food, poured himself a cup and went into his garage/workshop, where he made certain that the plaque he had made for Lisa was done. Then he idly started working on a chair, of course he didn't work much on Sundays, after all, his plans for the next game was in place, he had all the information he needed and he had the training all worked out. Right now he just kept busy, trying not to think about the fact that a very attractive woman was sitting in his bed half-naked.

He grinned to himself, hopefully she decided to stay, he would enjoy her company, of that he was sure. He secured the base of the seat, waiting for the glue to settle as he sipped on his coffee, at the very least he could give Lisa's gift to her, she wouldn't mind...or at least he hoped so.
Lisa drank the coffee and managed the toast. It seemed a good idea to finish off the water also before she even attempted any real movement. Carefully she pulled back the covers and swung her legs out of bed noting that the sweater was long enough to cover her to mid thigh and so unless she was doing any bending down it was half decent. Of course she hadn't asked if she had shared a bed with Ivan, but she recalled his words about wanting to wake up with her and was sure that he must have slept elsewhere, a gentlemanly gesture that was touching, especially given her inebriated state. Stepping tentatively she saw her clothes neatly folded and hung respectively on a nearby chair and grimaced at Ivan's reference to the 'walk of shame'. It was purely down to him that she did not have anything to berate herself for that morning, a fact that she knew she was grateful for.

After a short exploration she found the bathroom and managed to freshen up but could do little with the tumble of blonde hair other than run her fingers through it and dampen it. Ivan it seemed did not own a brush. Though she knew she should probably get dressed, Lisa could not resist the urge to go in search of Ivan. She called out his name, but he was nowhere to be seen either in his living room or in his kitchen. After only a slight hesitation, Lisa returned to the bedroom to fetch her tray and set about washing up the glass, cup and plate and setting it on the rack to dry. Then, partly for her own benefit and partly as an excuse to go in search of her host she made two mugs of coffee and set off to search for him in earnest.

She was almost bewildered when she heard noises coming from beyond a door which she guessed could lead to a garage or workshop. Belatedly she recalled that he had been a carpenter and hesitated not wanting to disturb him. Carefully balancing the two mugs she knocked on the door.

"Ivan? Did you want a coffee?"

She called, pleased at the pretext of having to seek him out. Somehow she felt shy about pursuing him into a place he might not wish her to see and waited for his response...
He had finished his coffee and was busy working on one of the legs for the chair when Lisa's voice came from the door,

"Ah coffee would be wonderful right now, do come in, I will not bite."

He smiled as she entered, she may not have known it, but she looked every bit the "morning after" look and for some strange reason he loved it. He took the cup from her and took a sip, nodding his approval,

"I must say Lisa, you wear that jersey quite well, perhaps I should request a try-out for you as striker? Since you do enjoy a good penalty shoot-out every now and then."

He leaned against the work bench and motioned around them,

"Welcome to my day job, the hobby that pays my extravagances."
"Ah coffee would be wonderful right now, do come in, I will not bite."

Lisa was relieved at his invitation and finally gave way to her curiosity looking round as she entered and smiled at him holding out the mug to him hoping that she had remembered accurately and prepared it to his liking. She smiled as he nodded and became aware that his approval was not limited just to the drink.

"I must say Lisa, you wear that jersey quite well, perhaps I should request a try-out for you as striker? Since you do enjoy a good penalty shoot-out every now and then."

Lisa laughed, strangely at ease with him, half dressed as she was and sipped at her own drink.

"You have only to ask..."

She murmured in response then looked around as he explained.

"Welcome to my day job, the hobby that pays my extravagances."

She loved the scent of wood and was fascinated by the tools and pieces of wood that lay around.

"I hadn't even considered what you day job or hobby might be, but this definitely suits you, Ivan..."

She told him unable to resist running her fingers reverently along the grain of the wood beside her.

"A man who is good with his hands as well as his feet .. "

She told him flirtatiously.

"What more could a girl ask for...?"
He chuckled,

"One that understands and respects her, then the good hands and feet will be an added bonus."

He smiled at her, strange how she always got him to smile, he was sure that she didn't plan it, it just happened when she was around,

"I want to show you something."

He walked to the corner of his work bench and picked up the plaque, holding it for Lisa's inspection,

"I thought that maybe she'd like this?"
"One that understands and respects her, then the good hands and feet will be an added bonus."

Slowly Lisa nodded, a smile of her own at his perceptive words.

"That's all I'd ever want in a man."

She told him softly, wondering how it could be that a man like him was still 'available'?

"I want to show you something. I thought that maybe she'd like this?"

She followed him, her eyes widening at the plaque he showed her.

"It's ... beautiful ... "

She reached out a hand and gently traced the grain.

"You made this?"

She stated in amazement.

"... what a wonderful gift ... you really are talented, Ivan ... "
He nodded,

"I thought that she would like it, the roses worked from the wood would last longer, to last with her as long as she wanted it."

He gave a slight smile at her praise,

"Thank you, this is much better to make than furniture, but you can't fight what brings in money."

He rested the plaque on the top,

"I would really appreciate it if you could give it to her, of course it's from scrap wood, so if anybody else would wish one I could make it for them."

He grinned,

"Of course anybody outside of Happy Oaks will have to pay a modest fee of course."
"I thought that she would like it, the roses worked from the wood would last longer, to last with her as long as she wanted it."

Lisa as amazed at Ivan's generosity. Surely it must have taken some time to make.

"Thank you, this is much better to make than furniture, but you can't fight what brings in money. I would really appreciate it if you could give it to her, of course it's from scrap wood, so if anybody else would wish one I could make it for them.
Of course anybody outside of Happy Oaks will have to pay a modest fee of course."

Lisa was sure the little girl would go crazy over her gift.

"I'll give it her of course, as long as you're sure you don't want to give it to her yourself?"

She knew Ivan was busy, but was sure that Lisa would want to thank Ivan in some way if she was not given it by him directly.

"I'm sure she'll be thrilled that her 'Uncle Ivan' made something so special for her..."

Lisa told him, half teasing, half marvelling at how kind hearted he was; a true teddy bear as little Lisa had termed him.