Sexual Healing?


Benevolent Master
Apr 1, 2004
What about a guy who cures people of STDs and even HIV by having sex with them....there is a sort of chemical property in his cum that does the job and he naturally is in high demand. The price is that he is wanted by both sexes and sometimes the people have SOs, too...but all for the greater good, right?

What happens when his parents turn out to have an STD and he has to save them by having sex with both of them....of course, he has to be the penetrator and he's not into his dad at all....or maybe his he decides that he will just close his eyes and cum down the man's throat. Mom or Stepmom, however, likes it a bit too much....and maybe she was a bit of a slut to begin as soon as the dad gets what he wants out of it, he plans to leave....which sticks our hero with his slutty mom....and he decides that he loves it.
That sounds like a mirror of the "mom needs jizm or she'll die" trope. In this case, he'll be in VERY high demand, more than he can accommodate with his own bodily resources. So he must be cloned, with each clone also producing the lifesaving semen. Do his/their offspring also have magic cum? Maybe only his children from his own mother, sisters, aunts, etc. Yeah, after every intensive healing session, he must go impregnate a relative again. The man's work is never finished. :cool: