Anal Bleaching?

As for the negative nancy replies, I don't really think my post is all that ridiculous compared to the content on here. Maybe you are just behind the times a bit, and that's too bad. Doing things to beautify oneself..such as shaving or getting our hair done, has been around for years. I am sure shaving at one time was laughed off as well but now it is required for women to shave their bodies.

I am sorry that you feel that the negative replies here are implying that your post is ridiculous. I think the general consensus is that the hazards of using a lightening agent on your anal opening far outweigh the benefits. Bleaching agents can damage your skin. (Any woman who continually bleaches her hair, for instance, will eventually experience problems with her hair and/or scalp.)

As far as your comment that it is "required" for women to shave their bodies, that is an absolute personal preference. There are many women on these boards who do not shave for either personal or cultural reasons.

And your comment about us "being behind the times a bit?" That just tells me that you are asking for help from those of us who *might* have a bit more life experience than you, but you're smarter than we are already. You asked for our advice, and we shared our advice. You just didn't like the answer. Snarky.
There are some very current and up-with-the-latest-trend folks here.

Just the other day I was on Lit Chat with a poster who uses Botox on his prolapse, which is trout-pout plump with fat injections from his B-hind.

Not behind the times at all. In fact he's a very fashion conscious individual, in tune with all the latest in orificial trends and treatments.

The next time we are on Lit Chat, I will have to ask him if he whitens his prolapse at all. I'll be sure to post any pics he may share.
I may be behind the times, but I've never had any partner refuse to tongue-fuck my hot, unbleached sphincter.
Well, I did not find that in my research. As with all things comes new products that aren't as harmful as the ones in ahem...2004. But yet still...not understanding why putting a dab of cream on my ass outweighs the hundreds of other posts on lit. I suppose being compared to posts such as come fuck my dog, and let's fist my grandmother! wish to lighten 2 inches of my body is an outrage.
There are some very current and up-with-the-latest-trend folks here.

Just the other day I was on Lit Chat with a poster who uses Botox on his prolapse, which is trout-pout plump with fat injections from his B-hind.

Not behind the times at all. In fact he's a very fashion conscious individual, in tune with all the latest in orificial trends and treatments.

The next time we are on Lit Chat, I will have to ask him if he whitens his prolapse at all. I'll be sure to post any pics he may share.
Overuse of my tush is not the issue...if anything it would be the golden hole;)
Well, I did not find that in my research. As with all things comes new products that aren't as harmful as the ones in ahem...2004. But yet still...not understanding why putting a dab of cream on my ass outweighs the hundreds of other posts on lit. I suppose being compared to posts such as come fuck my dog, and let's fist my grandmother! wish to lighten 2 inches of my body is an outrage.

What!?! Are you from 2010 or something?


I hear what you are saying about it being your bum, to do with it what you want. Funny story - when me and now Mrs. E started dating, she had problems with the whole fingers in the bum thing. But we talked about it, and I explained, my fingers, my bum. What's the problem? She's totally down with it now.;)

Lastly, this 2 inches you refer to, we talking circumference, or diameter?
Overuse of my tush is not the issue...if anything it would be the golden hole;)

So, you're striving for a golden-white finish kinda thing? Or you want rid of the blond B-hole?

Note: left the whole (;)) Goldfinger Bond villain thing alone there.
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Emerson, the discussions on those links are so negative about anal bleaching...I wonder why the discrimination?

It's similar to the discrimination of light skinned black people versus dark skinned black people. Is a person less valuable because of the colour of their skin? Is an arsehole less valuable because the colour of ITS skin? I think not.

In the lesser publicized portion of MLK Jr's speech, he said this:

"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their arseholes but by the content of their colons and outer areas of their anus. I have a dream today."

Come on guys... It's 2014; it's time we stop looking for nothing but bright white holes. :mad: You have no idea the discrimination that these darker bum holes face. They are convicted for more than 75% of farts. And, when in the midst of a group of white arseholes, they are 84% more likely to be profiled for "that smell". It has to stop. Now.
You all know that I am a shining beacon of style and sophistication. The fact that I spend 47 minutes shaving my rugged, manly face should not surprise you but perhaps that I spend equal amounts of time bleaching my b-hole may.

I thoroughly recommend b-hole bleaching but one should always remember to rinse before engaging in any variety of b-hole lovin'. Have you ever tasted that stuff? I mean.... I imagine it would be terrible and who wants a partially bleached cawk, even if it's as magnificent as mine.

For the record, I did not write this. Rainshine did. Little fucker.
Yes maam...very very dark:(

It's the only thing that keeps me from dog fucking.

I don't think the question is ridiculous. We are just ah if a bit of fun. It's a legit question and I think everyone here is enjoying the subject. Don't be offended by our sarcasm. We are just having a go.

I think the consensus is just that it's not really worth it. I've never even thought about it until I saw it on a TV show once. It was on a cable channel. Okay. YouTube. Okay. Youporn. :eek:
For health and safety reasons I recommend using only gluten-free and non-GMO bleaching products.
I wonder if anyone with a white bum hole has decided to dye their hole darker. You know, like some Finnish chick saying, "Yah, Helga, could you help me vith my anoos. I vant a dark arsehole. Or maybe something with highlights."
I wonder if anyone with a white bum hole has decided to dye their hole darker. You know, like some Finnish chick saying, "Yah, Helga, could you help me vith my anoos. I vant a dark arsehole. Or maybe something with highlights."

The youngsters are doing this in their natural rebellion to the established order.

Story of my life. :(
...I wonder why the discrimination?

Dear Dribblyvides

Out of curiosity, how many hours per day do you spread your partner's butt cheeks to stare lovingly and adoringly at their anal sphincter? Are you left less than satisfied because nature has not blessed them with a whiter than whiter butt winkle where the dark matter comes out? Do you say to yourself "My, that is an inferior butt hole, I no longer desire this person"?

...I wonder why the discrimination?

How many people are seeing your precious brown alley way daily? How do you go about offering such a view? Do you chop away with scissors on that special pair of pants to then go a walking bent forward at the waist, hands reaching back to make sure all who follow get just the right view? Have you been discriminated against with such comments as "Hey you brown poo tube person, you are inferior. We won't let you join our white butt crack parade"?

...I wonder why the discrimination?

Or are you just one of those special self butt lovin' kinda folk who love nothing better than doin' a Madonna over a mirror? If so - well I have made many suggestions to aid your quest in another thread - one such being

OK - let's get real here, your postings and profile are nothing butt (see what I did there) a crap load of pure shyte. Oh, what is the product you are selling and trying to create back links to...?

"Please check our Dribblyvides site out"
"Owner of Dribblyvides! We sell adult toys, lingerie, and novelties
Check out my blog:"

...I wonder why the discrimination?
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Yes i must say, all of your posts are very entertaining! By all means, have a go at it! But just saying, is google really the best search engine to do research on backdoor pastimes? I think not! I am forced to use it but am a die hard mozilla girl! There are other forums that can discuss the activity of butt bleaching without busting out their amateur 3rd grade inner child...SOOO that being said laugh on!! :rolleyes:
Dear Dribblyvides

Out of curiosity, how many hours per day do you spread your partner's butt cheeks to stare lovingly and adoringly at their anal sphincter? Are you left less than satisfied because nature has not blessed them with a whiter than whiter butt winkle where the dark matter comes out? Do you say to yourself "My, that is an inferior butt hole, I no longer desire this person"?

How many people are seeing your precious brown alley way daily? How do you go about offering such a view? Do you chop away with scissors on that special pair of pants to then go a walking bent forward at the waist, hands reaching back to make sure all who follow get just the right view? Have you been discriminated against with such comments as "Hey you brown poo tube person, you are inferior. We won't let you join our white butt crack parade"

Or are you just one of those special self butt lovin' kinda folk who love nothing better than doin' a Madonna over a mirror? If so - well I have made many suggestions to aid your quest in another thread - one such being

OK - let's get real here, your postings and profile are nothing butt (see what I did there) a crap load of pure shyte. Oh, what is the product you are selling and trying to create back links to...?

"Please check our Dribblyvides site out"
"Owner of Dribblyvides! We sell adult toys, lingerie, and novelties
Check out my blog:"

No, have no idea what you mean. Is dribblyvides supposed to be a snarky remark? Please keep to the topic man, or go reply in the freakzone..thanks. I am not selling a product to anyone. I am here to learn and find out more information about this topic. thanks. :(
Yes i must say, all of your posts are very entertaining! By all means, have a go at it! But just saying, is google really the best search engine to do research on backdoor pastimes? I think not! I am forced to use it but am a die hard mozilla girl! There are other forums that can discuss the activity of butt bleaching without busting out their amateur 3rd grade inner child...SOOO that being said laugh on!! :rolleyes:

Oh dear!

This certainly explains the golden B-Hole comment. Clearly the sun is shining out of your backside. :rolleyes:

Don't let the door hit you in your 2 inches of undesired Bohemian Beige B-Holy-Oh on your way to those other forums where the activity of B-Hole modification is readily discussed.

It makes sense though. One can't expect someone who doesn't like her own A-Hole to get along with the A-Holes here. ;)
That is not very nice! Shame on you! I can only hope the people here can at some point feel comfortable in life to truly be real. The forums outside of this i deal with at least involve real people and not those trying to pretending to be people they are not. It truly saddens me and I hope you all find a way to truly be yourselves. :(
That is not very nice! Shame on you! I can only hope the people here can at some point feel comfortable in life to truly be real. The forums outside of this i deal with at least involve real people and not those trying to pretending to be people they are not. It truly saddens me and I hope you all find a way to truly be yourselves. :(

Comfortable in life to truly be real, said the girl who wants to modify her turdcutter.

Thirty some odd posts in and you think you know folks here. :rolleyes:

Don't be sad. Lurk more, have fun, and judge less. You may just be surprised by what you find. :rose: