Why have you NOT PMed me yet?!?!!!

You should totally take that hand and put it some where more interesting than your face then. :kiss::D


No, honey. You're doing it wrong. Jokes are supposed to be funny. :rolleyes:


Yes, that was her exact response, which is really sad that you women are so shallow that you need a big cock to satisfy you... smh...

It's not the size of the boat; it's the motion of the ocean...but it takes a long time to cross the ocean in a rowboat!

When can I call you, since you're here?
LOL as soon as me, my sister in law and my daughter are done laughing
It's not the size of the boat; it's the motion of the ocean...but it takes a long time to cross the ocean in a rowboat!

I can't help it that your vagina is the Pacific Ocean. =P
at these comments!!! :D:D
Not interested in gay porn but certainly interested in talking about using a big dildo on you. :D

No size queen here. I don't want big anything unless it's big orgasms.