New York City Police Union Doesn't Want Mayor At Cop Funerals

So what?

Come to my upstate city and you'll see far more white "thugs" walking in the street as if they own it, and not move over when cars near.

He was shot because of his skin color.

He won't get it.

He's been taught the latest public-safe codeword for those people by the media and he'll continue to be a blind meme vector for it until the next codeword is uploaded into his cortex.
RealJaundicedThoughts, the recipient of a sub standard education, thinks only black people have been enslaved in history.

You're just as dumb as him!

Let's no longer sugarcoat this: Whites were indentures while blacks were slaves, is that what you both are saying?

I've been saying that indentures have the expectation of freedom. If there isn't any expectation or even freedom itself, they are SLAVES!

For fuck's sake, Query accuses me of poor reading comprehension, while he's blatantly guilty of it.
RealJaundicedThoughts, the recipient of a sub standard education, thinks only black people have been enslaved in history.

It was the black slaves that built this fucking country and gave it its financial structure, you schmuck. The very fucking financial heart of America is literally built on their bones.

Oh, you weren't talking about America for once? Why don't you say so, then?
Total bullshit, idiot.

Are you seriously claiming the US of A's economic foundation was NOT built on the sweat/blood of black slaves?


Show me one historian that is NOT nor ever has been affiliated with any white supremacy groups who back that up...just one and I'll bend over and kiss my own ass.

I'm betting you...

1) Call names and/or just slink the fuck off never to show your face in this thread again.

2) Find a historian who was never an OFFICIAL member of the KKK specifically, but gets paid by numerous other white supremacy groups to speak about his latest book "I smell nigrahs!", get all demanding with arbitrary qualifiers and start running around with the goal post as per Vetteman standard.

3) Come up with some bullshit about how you weren't talking about that and you had some other totally not related interaction in your head that led to what looked like to the rest of the universe you outright denying slavery in the US. Tell me I can't read, you had a black friend once so impossible to be racist piece of shit and THEN slink the fuck off never to show your face in this thread again....

I'm betting on option #2...anyone want to wager???:D

He probably denies the Chinese built the railroads.

Of course not, that was a hard working conservative white man that did all that....Chinese are communist and that means they don't even WORK, how could they build a railroad?:rolleyes:

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My dads people built the C&O Canal. Then when they got to the end, they found some hottie Scotts-Irish waiting for them in the mountains. The rest is history.
I guess he took option number 1....tell a huge racist lie then crawl back under a rock. LOL figures.