The Lady of Skye (closed)

Kitty was silent as she let Tamblin get use to the idea that he was the father of a little girl. She could see the wheels turning in her husband's brain and she smiled gently. Tamblin didn't know what to do with that tiny little girl, but she was sure that Selena would have her father wrapped around her finger in no time.
Tamblin finally looked to Kitty with what seemed to be an expression of relief. "Is she healthy... E'en so early?"

He sat down beside his wife, trying to think about what exactly he'd do with a daughter. Durban would be Crown Prince, and any other sons were sure to be warriors and lords. What about daughters, if he had more than one? They certainly would not be having much contact with other lords- Tamblin hated them all too much to even think of the suitors that would eventually come- so he slowly resigned himself to the idea that any daughters would be Kitty's responsibility and she would ultimately make the decisions about them.
"She's perfectly healthy." Kitty murmured as Tamblin came to sit down at her side, staring at Selena so intently as he tried to come to terms with the little bundle in his arms. "Just love her, Tamblin. That's all she'll need in life. It's no different then Durban at this age. Love her and she'll love you."
"... I think I'll leave th' raisin' of lasses t'you, Kitty. Mother knows best fer little girls. But I do love 'er. I'm jus' not sure what else I can do." Tamblin laid Selena in her arms. "Never really dealt much with girls."
"You're a good father, Tamblin." Kitty said as she placed Selena on the bed, unwrapping the bundle as the little girl started to squirm.

She whimpered like a newborn kitten, her tiny face scrunching tightly as she waved her arms and legs in an unsteady motion. Kitty gentled pressed her finger to Selena's lips, silencing her daughter as she suckled on her finger in a soothing manner.

"Do you mind if I named her Marie? After my Ma too?" She asked, glancing at Tamblin. Selena Marie had a pretty sound to it, but it ultimately came down to her husband's answer.
"As I said... Mother knows best," Tamblin nodded and rose to shed his claymore and belts and armguard. He hadn't slept that night and was running on barely any energy at all. He lay with a sigh in their bed, and it wasn't too long before she heard the soft and even breathing of sleep. He'd fought all day and night to get her back, and only once she was safe did he completely destroy his enemy and send them running for the highlands.
Kitty watched her husband slumber and she gently leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek before she turned back to her infant. She smiled down at Selena as the little girl looked at her with those dark eyes.

"Well, my girl, how about we go and get some breakfast with your brother?" She murmured to the baby, scooping her up against her chest as she went to wake Durban.
Ashelin was soon along to help Kitty keep track of the two children, which was certainly needed because Durban was not so happy. It was probably to do with the residual pain of the cut across his neck, but the healers only had very weak herbs that were alright for his sensitive young skin that didn't help much except dull the pain to an ache. Warwick was running things smoothly, also keeping an eye on Kitty and her children. When he walked away to speak to someone, Ashelin gave Kitty a smile.

"So, how was that for an exciting night?" She often made light of such situations in the interest of keeping spirits high. "And what did Tamblin think of Selena?"
"He doesn't know what to do with a daughter." Kitty said softly as she hugged Durban close as he whimpered and fretted with his pain. "I guess I'll have to show him that Selena is no different then Durban."

Kitty glanced down at her toddler, giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Do you want a cold drink? Would that make you feel better?" She asked him, struggling to find a way to help him feel better.
Durban looked up at his mother, and his eyes seemed to beg her to take the pain away. But then, Warwick approached, having noticed Durban seeming so distracted and upset by pain. "Milady? Marius asked me to give you this for the Prince." He placed a hand-sewn horse doll on the table and Durban's eyes grew wide with wonder at it. Marius' wife must've made it.
"I'm sorry, my love. This is a pain your Ma can't take away." She murmured as she saw the look in Durban's eyes.

She glanced up as Warwick placed a stuffed horse on the table, telling her it was from Marius. She watched as Durban reacted, his little eyes widening as she placed it in his little hands. She pressed a kiss to his brow as he played with the horse and she looked up at Warwick with a grateful gaze.

"Thank you." She said softly.
In time, Durban healed well and Lochlan was held back in the north with relative ease now that Warwick could create a strategy. Upon the coming of spring, the royal couple and their children made ready for the journey to Edinburgh. Tamblin wasn't looking forward to it in the slightest, especially considering that Brian's people didn't like clan lords and believed Brian should be King of all Scotland, not just the territories unclaimed by clans. As of the moment, Brian's lands stretched down the coast from Aberdeen and then fanned out below the wild highlands, including Glasgow, Dumfries, and all the way down to northern England where he was currently holding the border near Carlisle to keep the English out. King William the Conqueror was still on the throne, but he was too old and too unwilling to partake in more war. It was one of his sons that was waging war while his grandson Prince Henry was about to take the throne as soon as he returned from Normandy.

The day Kitty and Tamblin arrived in Edinburgh via carriage, people came out to see them, but they received no welcome from the commoners. There was only curiosity at the sight of the 'Lady of Skye' as she'd come to be called by the Scots, and overall confusion as to why she'd marry a brute like Tamblin Ghis. At the palace, the gates were opened for them and in the courtyard stood an all-around large man (but not quite Tamblin's size) with a woman of similar size at his side who looked like she was more suited to be a Viking shieldmaiden than the Queen of Scotland. Of course, if Kitty and Tamblin had heard right, she was the daughter of a Viking warrior who'd remained in the isles after the Battle of Hastings, and a Scottish noblewoman of Edinburgh. The two were a perfect match and Kitty could see just by the way that they held one another's hands that they were at least close, if not in love. It hadn't been an arranged marriage, so one could only guess they enjoyed one another's company.

"Tamblin," Brian spoke up after Tamblin had helped Kitty from the carriage and both Selena and Durban were secured in their mother's and caretaker's arms. Ashelin had come along specifically for that reason.

"Brian," Tamblin tried not to growl in his slightly-deeper voice.
Kitty slipped from the carriage with Tamblin's help, Selena bundled in a piece of Ghis tartan as she slumbered. She was a good baby, barely making a sound in the weeks she'd been in the world. She was a serious child though, one that rarely smiled unless something absolutely took her fancy.

She had been surprised when Tamblin had presented her with a new gown, one that would fit in with the court of King Brian and Queen Marianne's court. It was a beautiful grey color, like a mourning dove, and Kitty felt like the prettiest girl in all of Scotland standing there before the king and queen.

"Brian. Marianne. Thank you for inviting us to your home." Kitty said with a smile as little Durban squirmed restlessly in Ashelin's arms.
"Kitty, love," Marianne smiled brightly. Even though she was a stern and all-around tough woman, she had also taken an instant liking to Kitty on their first meeting and had called her sister by the end of a week. She chose her friends and family quickly, including her husband, but she never seemed to be wrong about those she chose. She'd first perceived Kitty as soft but with a stout heart full of love to give to anyone who wished it, and that, she'd decided, was a perfect sworn sister for herself. Their last meeting had been nearly a year before, not long after Durban's birth, and now, Kitty could see that Marianne's own first pregnancy was just beginning to show. She'd sent letters about it, but she mostly spoke of how Brian was a ball of energy and optimism for his first child. He wanted a girl, but never said so in public.

Marianne came forward to hug Kitty, making sure not to disturb Selena. She gazed down adoringly at the little girl, lifting a hand to her heart. "Oh, she's beautiful..." Then she turned to Durban. "And 'e's twice as 'andsome as I remember."

Rather as a silent show of ownership, Tamblin drew Durban into one arm and the boy settled against his father's chest contently. Marianne didn't say a word to him, instead welcoming the party into the palace to unwind over tea and a small brunch to hold them over til the noon meal. Brian and Tamblin didn't have much to say to each other. Tamblin seemed perfectly alright with letting Brian and Marianne focus on Kitty. He didn't want to be there anyway. In fact, it was fair to say that no one but Kitty and Durban really noticed he was there. Selena was content to be fawned over by Marianne who, like her husband, so badly wanted a girl.

"So, we 'eard about th'trouble with Lochlan," Brian finally spoke to both the Invernessian royals instead of just Kitty. "D'ya need any 'elp beatin' 'em back?"

"I can fight my own wars fer myself," Tamblin grunted, and Kitty knew that was a not-so-disguised insult. Brian's battles were often fought by surrounding lords because Edinburgh was central to all of his lands. Tamblin often proclaimed him a lazy coward for it, but the truth was, Brian directed every battle he could, but most of them were too far away to arrive in time to be of any use, so he instead sent the majority of his forces to the other lords to command, and rewarded them well for their loyalty and good work. His finest generals were the Duke of Glasgow, the Earl of Dumfries, Count Robert MacCann of a small settlement called Perch, the Duke of Liverpool, and the Duke of Aberdeen.
Kitty looked at her husband with a dark glare, silently telling him to be careful as she turned her attention back to Brian with a smile. "Tamblin took care of Wick just fine. Lochlan hasn't made a peep since he was forced back into his dreary city. His son was actually the one that set us free and I'm saddened to say that I haven't heard anything about him since then."

Durban played silently with his stuffed horse on his father's lap, sneaking peeks every so often towards Marianne as she held his baby sister. He was very protective of Selena, insisting on being with her all the time. It made Kitty smile knowing that he would love his siblings until the end of his days.

"But enough talk of war. Tell us about your upcoming plans for the city. Tamblin and I noticed that you are building roads further outside of Edinburgh and widening your docks. Have you struck up more trade with King William?" Kitty asked, struggling to steer the conversation away from what made her husband cranky and uncomfortable.
"Sure 'ave. William's a fine man, good heart an' more'n willin' t'make peace. 'E's 'ad too much war in 'is life, conquering England, an' 'e's strippin' 'is son of power t'stop the wars along the border down south. Prince Henry's a fine lad, met 'im a month back, and 'e loves Scotland. I think we'll 'ave peace fer some time with him when 'e takes th'throne. Seems William's content t'spent the rest of 'is days as King, so it'll be after 'e's gone that Henry rises. Much as I like Henry, I hope tha's no time soon." Brian smiled softly, clearly considering William a personal friend. "Th'people o' southern and mid-England don' have a problem with Scotland 'r the rest of the isles. It's the northerners on th'borders o' Scotland an' Wales that seem t'have an issue, but they'll be no bother with William's son gone."

"What about th'Norwegians?" Tamblin muttered, making Brian sigh.

"They'll always be a problem. Harald Hardrada fell t'William at Hastings, but 'is only living heir is his grandson, hardly Durban's age. His widow'll be takin' over along with a young new General by th'name o' Ulfric an' with th'old King o' Denmark's help. But Denmark'll soon be overthrown, I'm sure. Th'king there is more concerned with th'rest of th'world, so 'is nephew Elhardt is takin' over by force. Elhardt's a man like William, so maybe Norway'll 'ave a chance t'be allied with th'Isles."

"An' what news from Irelan'?"

"King Bernard's just 'ad is fourth son, strong as th'first three, an' 'e's set up a line of heirs startin' with th'oldest son, goin' down through t'the youngest, an' then t'his brother in arms, a young lord of a new settlement named Stephen Monaghan, and his fiancee."

"So... no hope fer Ireland."

"Tha's good news, Tamblin. What did you want?" Brian raised an eyebrow.

"Irelan's been a thorn in th'side o'Scotland ever since th'Celts first settled 'ere. We ought t'try t'ally the two."

"Bernard is my close friend, Tamblin."

"But th'people are still at war."

"The people have disagreements an' the occasional small battle breaks out b'tween rogue Irish an' Scottish lords an' rebels an' bandits. No officer or lord loyal t'his country are at war."

"Is tha' some kinda slight at me?" Tamblin growled.

"Quit gettin' offended, Tamblin, y'might be loyal t'Scotland, but yer not a member o' my council o' lords. You're a Clan King, independent. Th'reason we stay in contact is because we 'ave th'same interests in keepin' our Highland home safe." However, both of them knew very well that Tamblin fought regularly with Ireland as much as other Clan Kings.

"Alrigh', boys," Marianne growled, making them both look at her. "If yer gonna argue, Kitty an' Ashelin an' I are goin' t'go enjoy ourselves elsewhere with th'children."

"I'm sorry, love, I di-"

"No." She interrupted her husband and rose with the other two women, and Ashelin scooped up Durban who'd become aware of the tense situation and had stopped playing. The three women made their way out, and Marianne sighed. "Brian's a dear man... but 'e's so wary o' the Clan Kings an' they're so wary o' him tha' this always happens..."
"Tamblin." Kitty murmured softly, knowing that her husband could become as heated and violent as a swift summer storm when he wanted. "Behave."

She followed Marianne out of the room, Durban fretting at the energy of the fight that still hung in the air. He gripped his horse tightly, reaching for his mother though Ashelin held him. Kitty gently passed Selena off to Marianne and scooped her son into her arms. A kiss on the cheek and his chubby arms wrapped around her neck tightly.

Selena fretted and whimpered, squirming until her blanket was pulled free and she was placed against Marianne's shoulder. Kitty had worked hard on the lace gown that her daughter wore. She had stitched every piece of it to make the best impression that she could on the high king and queen of Scotland. She wanted to show that Inverness had changed from Tamblin's father. It was a place of culture and learning, a place that was rehabilitating its image the best that it could.

"A word of warning, Marianne. Once you have that wee little one, do not let your husband near you for a long time. That's how you end up with a toddler and a newborn that take up all your hours."
"Oh, Brian knows I'm already no' very happy with 'im," Marianne nodded. "It's been absolutely miserable, an' that oaf is always busy off with 'is council an' messengers. Still, he's tryin' 'is best an' I'd 'ave married him whether 'e was royalty or not." She cradled Selena close as she fell still. "I'd hoped this meeting would've been more... civil. But it looks like the boys are set on fighting. I'm honestly surprised Brian 'asn't placed a standing army between Inverness an' our kingdom, he's so afraid of Tamblin... Not nearly as afraid as 'e was of Old Tamblin b'fore 'e died, but... With how much Tamblin likes t'fight, Brian's wary of 'im."
"Tamblin can be...difficult." Kitty admitted as she looked at her dear friend. "But he does have a heart. Perhaps we can work on showing both men that they should have the interests of Scotland in their minds instead of squabbling with one another."

"Having Durban seemed to have softened Tamblin up though. Perhaps when your little one comes along, Brian will finally slow down and make more time for you." Kitty offered, trying to make her friend feel better about the situation. "Although, he has no idea of what to do with Selena. I'm sure that he loves her, but he doesn't hold her or rock her like he did with Durban."
"Boys like t' keep to their own," Marianne nodded. "I know y'love 'im... but I'm honestly surprised 'e's as civil as 'e is with you, an' that 'e even publicly mentions 'e 'as a daughter. I remember Old Tamblin... he had a daughter. But no one knows what 'appened t'her."

That was an entirely new piece of information that shed new light on Tamblin's strange inability to interact with his daughter. Perhaps it was only partially the memory of his mother that influenced how he treated Selena. He wasn't unkind or neglectful, he simply left her to Kitty as often as possible as he was entirely uncomfortable.
"He doesn't talk much about his family." Kitty said softly as they entered a sunny room just beside the queen's privet chambers. "When I told him we were going to name Selena after his mother, he acted strange. He hasn't said anything else about it though."

Kitty sat Durban on the floor to play with his horse, settling into a cushioned seat with a sigh as Selena continued to snuggle up against Marianne. "He told me that he loved me. I do believe him and I know how difficult that was for him to admit. He loses the things he loves."
"Yes, 'e does, but even Tamblin knows it's better to 'ave loved an' lost. He jus' doesn't like the fact tha' it's true."

The women kept to themselves and the men did as well for the larger part of the day before Brian entered, looking like he'd just finally calmed himself down from an outright rage. He settled at Marianne's side with a long sigh and looked to Kitty. She knew that gaze. She received it all the time, from everyone, and it said quite plainly, 'your husband is the most difficult man I've ever met'. She'd gotten that look from Ashelin more times than she could count, and even more so from Marius and Warwick.
Kitty sympathized with Brian as he sat down with a sigh. She knew how difficult and bullheaded that Tamblin could be even on his best days. She glanced at her children and knew that she needed to go and take care of her husband.

"Would you both watch the children? Selena should sleep until dinner and little Durban is content at the moment." Kitty said softly as she stood from her seat.
"Tamblin went off ridin', love. Yer no' gonna find 'im until 'e comes back," Brian warned her gently. "Give 'im a bit t'cool down. We... well, we both tried t'work it out, but..." he sighed once more, shaking his head. "He doesn' want t'make friends."
"I'll talk to him, Brian. Just...don't give up on him so easily. I know he can be one of your greatest allies if he can just get over his distrust." Kitty said to the couple as Durban pulled himself to his feet and toddled to the great King's side.

Durban showed him his horse, babbling in the talk that only he seemed to understand as if he were explaining everything about his stuffed toy.