Talking about BDSM and the forums

The edgeplay night in Baltimore is called the Kraken's Lair. Good times, good people. Get my scream on there now and then.
A sissy Opinion

sissy is not allowed to have a opinion, it is the nature of a sissy. :confused:

She has said that sissy has an opinion :confused:, opinion indicates that thinking is going on but a sissy does not think. :eek:

sissy has been told that an opinion is like an asshole and everyone has one, sissy likes assholes so sissy must like opinions. :D

sissy is allowed to make statement of sissy knowledge, since this is statement it is not opinion.

sissy knows things, not normal for a sissy, and sissy understands that others know different things so it is nice to listen to others, for good or bad. :cool:

sissy is not smart so sissy listens to others, then ask Her what sissy should do, but the point is that just listening does no harm and that allows others to vent. Just because you listen does not mean you think it but that you are open to options.

Sorry for this late post but sissy has been away for a while and just got back.
I am grateful for this thread, I am new on the forum and I don't seem to have courage enough to post my feelings / opinions. Reading your posts gave me some confidence though.
It is quite complicated to post when you lack self-confidence. I am always wondering "what if I said too many things, or not enough?" or "What if I'm not clear enough ?" or "What if I speak too much about myself and then people will think that I am too self-centered ?" Funny thing is that I do ask myself the same questions IRL but I have less troubles talking to people. I haven't been on a forum for 10 years and don't really remember how I used to interact with people.
I am also really new to the subject of BDSM and don't know a lot about my own feelings and opinions. I could be content with only lurking but when I discovered the forum, my aim was to be part of a community and find people I can talk with and learn from.
Anyways, in my case it's not because of the forum. I totally understand and accept that things can escaladate quickly when it comes to such matters. It's just a problem of confidence.
Thanks again for creating this thread and posting encouraging messages !

I'm new here myself, but am posting all over the damned place. This is because I am a heartless monster with none of the finer human feelings that seem to plague so many people, with complete and utter disdain for the opinions of the hoi polloi (in which class I include practically everybody), but this has enabled me to learn that some people even like heartless monsters, so there's really no point in hanging back, censoring yourself or pretending to be someone you're not on account of other people's hypothetical opinions of you. So dive right in! Just remember that hardly anyone tells themselves the truth about themselves. They are rarely more forthcoming with strangers on the internet.
This is because I am a heartless monster with none of the finer human feelings that seem to plague so many people,
Those pesky human feelings...going about plaguing people. How dare they? Good thing you're a monster. No fear of those feelings messing with you (or your posts). I bet the kraken could relate, not being human and all.

... with complete and utter disdain for the opinions of the hoi polloi
Seeing as they are the opposite of the hoi polloi, perhaps you un-disdain the opinions of the hoity toity?

That's really a rhetorical query. I only asked because I saw a way to use the words kracken, hoi polloi, and hoity toity all in the same post within the BDSM section of a pornification forum. :cool:

Cascadiabound, many thanks for getting the word thing started. :D