

.-- - ..-.
Jun 15, 2006
I just won...the problem is I don't know whether it's $5,000 or $5,000,000 due to the mixed number delineation.

You have been awarded $5,000.000.00 in our 2014 Lottery Draws.
To claim, please contact our nominated agent through the details below:

Mr.Donald Jenkinson
Remittance Officer Yahoo! Malaysia

1. Full Names:
2. Residential Address:
3. Phone/Fax Number:
4. Sex:
5. Age:

Mrs Debra Prebish

Thing is I don't play lotteries nor do I enter them online.

I just won...the problem is I don't know whether it's $5,000 or $5,000,000 due to the mixed number delineation.

Thing is I don't play lotteries nor do I enter them online.


Don't forget to include your bank's tracking number, your account number, and, oh yes, your PIN.

Just so they can direct deposit the funds, understand.
There is just one problem...the email address is for someone who doesn't really exist. :D

Who doesn't have an address, a birth date, a sex or a phone/fax number. ;)
There is just one problem...the email address is for someone who doesn't really exist. :D

Who doesn't have an address, a birth date, a sex or a phone/fax number. ;)

My address is variable; wherever I can park the boat, perhaps.
My birth date is a mystery,
My phone number is ancient, and
it's a long while since I had sex. . .
1. Names: They've given me a number and they've taken away my name.
2. Address: You may address me as Serene Highness, not Hey Fuckhead.
3. Phone: Smartphones are surveillance devices one can play games on.
4. Sex: Yes. Often. The right way. Oh yeah, just like that. Oh yeah. Oh fuck...
5. Age: Yes, I am of age. But if I told you any more, I'd have to kill you.

I just won...the problem is I don't know whether it's $5,000 or $5,000,000 due to the mixed number delineation.

Thing is I don't play lotteries nor do I enter them online.


It's too late; I already collected this amount in my offshore account.
