The China Pearl Inn---Part Six.

S F I know what you mean. There has been a few, a very few writers that I have written with and the result were fantastic, and yes we did form a bond, and yes it hurt when they left. But life goes on.

So what kind of stories spark your interest?
"I know this is a erotic site, but I like stories where the characters develop. I like the thoughts and emotions rather than just the action. Although I realize that there has to be some sexual interaction. For me that is what develops naturally out of the storyline, rather than being the storyline." soft chuckle "If that makes sense."
"What do you like to write?"
It does S F. I like plot, character development and to know the thoughts and feelings of my writing partner's character. I also believe that any story has a beginning, a middle and an end. I have seen some great stories here that out lived themselves and just deteriorated in to dis joint posts.
"I have had that happen, get really into the story, then have the partner have to leave it unfinished. It is like reading part of a novel, leaves a hole in my brain." chuckling

"I always find it fascinating how into my own head I get when writing. I guess that is because I do the same thing when reading. I am there, in that place, at that moment."
laughing sheepishly
Don't feel alone S F. at times when I am reading I get so lost in the story and the characters that I lose track of times and often take them places in my mind that the author has not written :eek:
I love reading and I live for writing those I struggle at times when a co-writer does not to have appeared to have read my post and just jots down what they want. My style of writing is reflexive , building on what my partner has write.

Can I get you something to drink S F
"Exactly. I don't really start threads or ideas, I respond to them. So having a creative partner is a necessity. I really hate when they write their part and leave me nowhere to go or with nothing to respond to. It feels like being painted into a corner. So it is hard for the partner, as they have the responsibility of writing their part but also keeping me out of the corner. A drink would be nice, something cool and non-alcoholic. But let me get it, can I bring you something, what would you like?"
Nothing for me S F as it is getting late in my little corner of the world and I'll be up at about 06:30

A hug and a soft kiss for the charming young Miss.

Night S F.
"Good night. I enjoyed the talk. Sleep well."

Getting up for my drink, I glance out the window, the sun is still up in my part of the world, so I settle back into my chair for a bit.
Stretching, I rise, leave some money on the table that includes a hefty tip, and stroll out the door. It seems like a good time to stroll around town and reacquaint myself with the layout.
Good Morning SF. Here in the UK it's nearly 0700 hours. I've been up since 0500, had a 3 mile run and a shower. Now time for breakfast. I often drop by briefly in the morning. Can't stop now but just wanted to say 'Hi'.

As I leave I see CG sleeping in a chair and adjust his blanket before returning to real life.
I smile up into G G 's eyes as she tucks the blanket in around me.

Morning ladies. S f I see you have met G G.

I yawn and stretch as G G heads for the UK and S F head for the West coast. I pour my morning coffee and go to see what naughty little post requires my attentions.
Good morning, everyone! I'm curled up on the couch with a big mug of 'Constant Comment' and the second day of a headache that won't go away.

I'm going to try writing today, if I feel a bit better.
Bigalow's 'Constant Comment' is a very old friend BFG :D It has sooth my restless soul and mind on many an occasion;)

I am sorry to here that you have a rather persistent headache.

I hand BFG two aspirin tablets to go along with her 'Constant Comment'

Shall I pull the curtains BFG, subdue the lighting?
Just one, please, to take the edge off. I'm one of those people that two Tylenol will put me to sleep. Which may not be a bad thing, at this point.

Thank you, CG, for your care.
I hand BFG her tablet.

One it is Miss. No lay down and rest just a bit in the cool stillness of the Inn. While I see what your young Marcy is up to. :devil:ish :D
I stretch, a yawn contorts my face. Just one naughty post to divert my restless mind.

Afternoon I call to no one in particular.
Really young lady? Last I saw of those two young virgins they were trying to slit poor Lars's throat HSG.:eek:
A little slow S F. It seems most of those that viosit the Inn are either across the pond in the UK or on the west coast. I am about halfway between the two.:eek:

So how is your day going young lady?
One of the great things about the internet is that it brings people all over the world together. One of the drawbacks.... time zones. :)

My day is going okay. I got some better sleep so actually accomplished a couple of things. Still, I am a procrastinator at heart and am putting off some things. LOL