Host's Organizational Thread (Closed)


Really Experienced
Jul 21, 2014
The Island


This is a work in progress. Please do me the kindness of not posting here. There will be an OOC thread in which the role play's writers can post OOC comments.
This post will eventually be a history of the world and the role play, too.

A work in process.
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"Farmer Brown"
(Dr. Robert Brown)


Personal Biography:
  • 1976: Born in Oregon (USA) to parents who had recently fled the Soviet Union.
  • 2040 (start of the role play): 64 years old.
  • Divorced, Widowed, and Abandoned, in that order over his years; and currently single, though being occasionally "attended to" by a kind, giving, and much younger Local woman of Filipino descent.
Professional Biography:
  • Was a bright student with family connections to the medical establishment and government both. His future was guaranteed even before he knew what it was going to be.
  • 1992 (age 16): Entered Harvard for pre-med, while simultaneously training with the CIA as a field agent.
  • 1998 (age 22): Joined Doctors Without Borders, both as doctor and an agent.
  • 2008 (age 32): Joined the CDC Virology Program.
  • 2018 (age 42): Was working on a "weaponized" virus when it was discovered that a sample of it had been stolen. He was immediately tasked with finishing the vaccine for it.
  • 2019 (age 43): The virus was deployed by unknown sources, leading to what the Press would call "The Last Plague".
  • 2020 (age 44): Knowing he couldn't stop a worldwide epidemic, he fled to the island of Ahima, where the CDC had had a research station, investigating deep water fumaroles and the molecules they emitted.
  • 2024 (age 48): After losing half of the island's population to the earlier, less lethal versions of the virus, he created a vaccine that protected all but just a few of the more vulnerable residents. Unfortunately, as would be learned over the succeeding years, the vaccine caused infertility amongst those who were inoculated.
  • He has continued his research as a "hobby" while focusing his knowledge and experience on creating new plants for Ashima's agricultural efforts.