A new leader! (Closed for Sensualista)

A hateful stab of jealousy rose in Bryant as his love chose Valen to feed from. His more basic emotions were arrogance and he felt she should have chose him. He didn't let the feeling linger, he was growing more and more mature, less narcissistic about such things. Valen was a gift to her and he would never talk ill of him. His loyalty reminded Bryant of Camden, he missed that and wouldn't wish the loss of such a loyal aid.

When he left Aradia, came to him and thanked him, kissed him, put his ego right.

"It is time for my regent to return. There is a secret door in this chamber that will allow you to make your way to the stable, where you can take a horse and arrive officially. Go now and come to my chamber. We will smoke this rat out that has killed thrice already now to hurt us"

"Yates must have somehow reached out to me. My defenses were so down I just experienced the full force of her emotions and her suffering. You have now seen first hand why I avoid wars and torture and why I control my emotions as tightly as I do. Thank you for keeping your calm, your strength and determination was one of the things that helped me keep my sanity in that situation"
Bryant kissed her.

"I see and understand." Bryant said with a smile.

"Go now slave and return as my regent, ready to command the hunt for the killer of Camden" Bryant bowed down low, and left with haste he moved to the stables. Then to the Inn where he found a few of him men.

"My lord!" They bowed low. "We are ready for the full weight of your punishment!" one said. Bryant turned to him.

"You made a mistake, you all did, I will let this be a lesson to you all, I am as you know not a forgiving man! But I am looking at this new regime through new eyes. This new outlook saved you all. Now there is work to do! I will need one of your sets of armor I am to return to the castle it will be in my house's armor." The man who matched his build striped off the armor and Bryant dressed. "You other two with me." And the three rode hard back to the castle and entered though the gates. Bryant was no longer the slave, he was again Lord Bryant the most feared, dangerous Vampire to live. With him he was bringing a swift and brutal justice. He went to the passage way, Valen was efficient all the men and women Aradia had asked to be there.

Bryant walked up and embraced Bristol. "My lord! I..."

"No words Aid. We have work to do, I have been asked to assist in a hunt. From here on I am in charge. Valen you serve your Queen better then any man possibly could you will be in charge of her security. Only the Queens orders will supersede my own!" Bryant said and, then the group awaited the Queen.

How much Bryant had already grown still astonished Aradia. Even she could have never anticipated this development. She had planned to seduce him and make him her ally and yet their hearts had somehow reached out towards one another. Two lost souls, powerful in their own rights and yet as night and day in their differences, drawn towards each other as moths to the flame.

She could only hope that their love did not lead to their demise. Aradia dressed as befitting her station as queen in a midnight blue gown, which beautifully set off her porcellain skin and red hair. She donned the crown, Kahn's crown, whilst a smaller, more suitable one was made according to her design.

She heard Bryant retrun with his retinue, barking commands. Her heart swelled with pride. He was quite magnificent. She strode out of her chambers, meeting Valen outside, who bowed before her. She followed him into the room where Bryant's leading soldiers and her own were assembled. Aradia walked elegantly towards the front of the room.

"Leaders of House Bryant and House Aradia, welcome. Look around you. Here you will see your future comrades. The houses Bryant and Aradia are now allied. Lord Bryant acts as regent to me, the queen of the realm. He acts as the supreme commander in my absence and will lead our united military forces. Whilst all houses obe me allegiance, you all know how fickle Vampire politics can be", she said with a small chuckle, immediately winning the soldiers over to her cause.

"Since our interests are aligned in governing the realm together in this room are the people who you can trust. It may take time to overcome old feuds or personal arguments, but these MUST be bridged and mended. We have your first task for you. Find and capture this man", she said, whilst holding her painting of him up. She had had simpler drawings made and copied, therefore the murderers image was passed to all the leaders in the room to keep.

"He is responsible for the murder of several Vampires, including the female Vampire known as Camden", she added meaningfully. "My sources tell me is is also responsible for the death of another of House Bryant's proudest: Yates. This attack will not go unpunished. Collaborate, share information and work together to search every nook and crannie of this castle. Find him and apprehend him. He is very skilled and dangerous. I also want a triple force of guards outside Booth's cell. Be unobtrusive. I do not want to other lords to think I mistrust their intentions or capacilities."

"I will now hand this over to my capable regent. Lord Bryant", she said coldly, nodding towards him,
He watched her in her regal beauty, Her choice of attire was as usual perfect, her presence was felt by all and was respected by all, Araria was not some pompous, spoiled leader who neither commanded nor deserved a persons respect, she was the epitome of what true leader was.

Bryant couldn't lie to himself he had fallen so deeply in love with her that should she order it he would willingly die for her. Though keeping up appearances he neither smiled nor showed her any more respect then the situation called, he would have rather been at her side looking like a happily married couple, this though was neither the time nor the place.

"Very good my Queen. Alright you heard the Queen. Not a spot in this castle to left unsearched. We will always be in pairs. You see him you attack, do not talk, hesitate, reason or think! He killed a woman who was kind and loving and only sought peace in this world. He then killed a slave who had done nothing wrong other then be in the wrong place at the wrong time!" Bryants warriors lowered their heads in a remorse for their hand in the slaves death. "Then he killed Yates who was a top captain in my army, survivor of countless battles and a woman of honor. None of these people needed to die. But there is a cancer in the castle and it's time we cut it out! Aradia rule will be one of peace, someone wants it to start a war, we will not let it! This all ends tonight!" Bryant was becoming his old self only with control now. His love for her and his need for justice out weighing his lust for battle and need for bloodshed. He paced back and forth.

"I know some of you and others I am meeting for the first time. Some of you know me and what I am capable of, others know rumor and innuendo. I am a killer, I am a butcher, I am the man who stopped the hunters from crashing through the gates of this very castle. I am with no amount of arrogance the strongest Vampire to live. But this task is one that requires team work, and trust! I trust you all to do what is needed." Bryant then set out quadrants from them to work, He knew in a castle such as his James could if careful hide indefinitely. He was counting on a little luck, and for James to become careless in his efforts to free Booth.

"My Queen if there is nothing further right now I will go and see the Prisoner!" He said allowed, then through thought. "If James has Booths cell watched as I think he does When I enter he will think the end is here for his master, it may prompt him to strike! Or draw him out in any case! I do promise not to harm or let harm come to Booth before an order from you is given!" Then he waited to be dismissed from the Queen. Giving her the slightest of smiles.

Bryant was growing into a king. However things had turned out, she had been strangely able to keep her promise to Krahn to help him, even if the way in which this had been achieved was unlikely what the old king had had in mind.
She sent him the warm and approving energy of her smile, whilst her face showed nothing but stony indifference.

"That is a sound plan. No need to hold back though. I believe a little torture with sufficient screams might draw the killer out even better. Just leave enough of him alive and in one piece that we can have a formal execution", aradia said with uncharacteristic cruelty. He would pay for the pain he had caused to her beloved and to her. No mercy for scum like that!
"In fact, I believe it is time for you to meet my offspring, Valkyria. She will meet you in the dungeon. I am sure you will find her particualr gifts useful as she can make a man feel the pain of having his organs removed one by one without the limitation of running out of organs. She can do it again and again and again", Aradia said coldly.

"She will be ecstatic. I rarely allow her free reign with her particular "gift". Let Booth be an example of the full force of my wrath. The land knows of my mercy and yet my wrath is equal in its intensity. I want a word with my soldiers from house aradia. The rest dismissed", she said regally.

"I will not be long, Lord bryant, then I will release them to your command to distribute them as you see fit", she added with a cold nod of respect to her regent.

After everyone but her men had left, she spoke again.
"This is a new era. House Aradia and House Bryant, forces like night and day have become allies. With all of the challenges this brings, it also brings us remarkable strength and one of the finest commanders who has ever lived. Lord Bryant's orders are my orders and are to be obeyed as if they came from me. The only exceptions are to kill me or dethrone me, those you should resist, but other than that disobedience to Lord Bryant is disobedience to your queen. Our position has changed. We need to become a house strong in military prowess in addition to being diplomats and ambassadors. Lord Bryant can help us with this. Whatever his reputation or my personal feelings about his approach, he is our ally and as such I trust him. Do the same", she ordered.

"We will add more weapons training to the traditioal martial arts training of House Aradia. Every one of you will be stretched as a man or a woman and a warrior."

"Hail our queen", the cheer emerged from her men, which she greeted with a warm smile before she dismissed all but Valen and five other guards.

"You will go to Lord Emerson and ask him for half his forces to add to our serach party. Ask not command. Tell him that someone is threatening my life. And you will go to Lord Clarke to ask him for the same thing. The rest of you stay with me as my guard, I feel I likely will need some protection from now on", she satted matter of factly.

Mentally she sent a message to her sister. "Valkyria I will need to in the dungeon immediately. You are to meet my regent there and both of you will work together to punish a prisoner. You aer allowed the full range of your power. Just make it last and keep him alive", she commanded, feeling the nod from the woman that was thepolar opposite to her in every way and yet one of her most loyal subjects. Blood was thicker than water, but noone, not even Bryant knew that connection between them.

Aradia turned, followed by Valen to return to her chamber. The hunt had begun.
When she had finished, and released the group of twenty or so warriors from the two factions Bryant took over. She had understood the importance of needing to catch the killer beyond the obvious, she knew that it was very personal to Bryant, and thus made it personal to her too.

Bryant split them off into quadrant’s and sent them out. Keeping Bristol there on the floor with Aradia. “You are to keep out of her way and not to speak to her but keep your eyes and ears peeled. If this should turn south and it very well may I want her to have a guard I trust!” He told his acting second. Bristol nodded and walked off. Then with the remaining two men Bryant headed for lord Booths chamber to see if he may get the assassin to show themselves.

As per Aradia’s orders there were guards posted at each end of the hall and at the door. He entered with out knocking or announcement. “Lord Bryant! You’re back!” Clark said with surprise.

“Observant as ever Lord Clark!” Bryant said with a smile.

“Why are you here we didn’t call for you?” Emmerson said not hiding his displeasure of Bryant being back. “I trust you will conduct yourself with some decorum?” Emmerson said coolly.

Bryant smiled, there was a knock at the door and when Emmerson bid them to enter in walked Valkyria who like Aradia said was a complete polar opposite of her self. Bryant could smell the sin on her, she was in many ways a female version of Emmerson. She took pleasure from causing pain to others. “Good you are here! Emmerson, Clark you are welcome to stay but I warn you this is going to get ugly! We have a killer free in the castle and Booth here is going to help root him out!”

“We have a killer right here in this room now!” Clark said in a low voice. Though he had come so far this slight set him off, Bryant turned to the lord and within a blink of an eye was upon him.

“Do not try me Clark I am in no mood for your back talk!” Bryant spat at the other Lord. Emmerson stood and in a rare show of solidarity and ever more rare show of bravery got between them.

“Calm yourself Regent unless you wish to break one of the sacred rules of the castle! Though if I had my way you’d be hanging for hurting our Queen as you did!” Emmerson said and not so lightly but with little effect pushed Bryant away from Clark. “Now we were given orders to not let harm come to Booth till the execution! You are to leave… Now!” Emmerson said pointing to the door. The whole time Valkyria was stalking around Booth eyeing him like a cat eyes a mouse.

“I am here on the Queens orders and, learn your place I am a regent if I wish to be someplace I will be there, only the Queen can tell me what to do!” Bryant said turning from the others. “Booth where is James?” He asked. Emmerson and Clark looked at each other not sure what they could do. Their decision seemed to be made up for them when there was another knock on the door. A guard for the Queen entered and asked that the two lords send reinforcements to the Queen while the threat was in the castle, that it was for her protection. Clark nodded to his own aid who left to see it done. Emmerson too sent word to his men.

“My Queen must need me! Things are worse then she had let on! Excuse me gentlemen.” And Emmerson left the room, leaving Clark, booth and Bryant with Valkria and a few guards.

“Booth I should tell you this, I am longing to kill you! But what you don’t know, is I’ve been given the right to hurt you! Hurt you really, really badly. How long I get to hurt you will depend on you! Yes, you can prolong the pain for as long as you want, or end it as quick as you want.” Bryant said then gestured to the woman. "Valkyria is a master at torture and her special ability is that she can cause you pain and yet not cause any lasting damage. Now you might be thinking. “Hey he just told me I won’t have any lasting damage! Why would he do that!” Well you see it’s not the damage, it’s the pain. Unimaginable pain! Clark has seen battle and though a weak soldier he’s been there! Emmerson whom I hate, has also seen battle and I can not take from him that he is a good warrior, these men have known pain!” Bryant said removing his armor revealing a body of muscle and battle damage. Scars snaked all over his body. “I also know a thing or two about pain. I’ve been dealt my fair share! But the most pain I’ve endured in my many years! Well it was the pain of losing a woman I loved! A woman who sought peace and was the embodiment of what a noble Vampire should be! Losing her to your hands was the most pain I’ve known, and I have to tell you these didn’t tickle!” Bryant explained pointing to a few of the nastier scars.

Booth was now starting to panic. “I never wanted her dead!” He said his fear showing more and more.

Bryant smiled. “Where was I???” He said pulling on a pair of sap gloves, all his men wore them. Bryant didn’t need them! He could put his hand through a solid rock. But the gloves which were lined with thin iron pieces over a leather pad they made it so his soldiers could hit harder then they could imagine. “Yes pain! Well these lords have known pain I am afraid you have not! You’ve never ventured onto the field you rose through the ranks during peacetime and never endured what we had! Well it’s time to learn what pain is Booth!” And with that Bryant punched him in the kneecap, the bone shattered like fine porcelain hitting the floor! Booth cried out in agony. Clark cringed.

“Booth tell him what he wants to know!” He told his old friend.
Valkyria licked her lip hungrily. She caressed Bryant’s chest as she watched, waiting her turn.

“Where is James?” Bryant asked in a calm yet dangerous tone. When Booth didn’t answer, Bryan punched him in the shoulder, reducing the rotator cuff to powder. Booths screams were echoing through the room. Bryant couldn’t believe Booth was not talking. “He disobeyed your orders Booth! Had he done as you asked your plan would have worked! Aradia would be dead I would be where you are and you would still have it all! Why protect him?” Booth just sat in the chair weeping from the pain. “Valkyria my dear do your worst! Just keep him alive!”

“You are truly a monster Bryant!” Clark said in disgust! Bryant smiled though he was not happy.

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Valkyria entered the cell, her ice blue eyes cold enough to make a man freeze in the midst of summer. Her long, raven hair and pale skin contrasted nicely against her leather attire. Tight corset, skintight leatherpants and long lace up overknee boots made her look like a mixture between a dominatrix and a warrior.

With a grace like death she entered the cell, wordlessly glancing at its current occupants, 'tasting' the air around them to sense the residue of pain they had been through. Clarke was a wuss, sheltered, dismissed immediately. One kiss from her would likely kill him. Booth was terrified. Breaking him would be no challenge.
And yet there was another scent, strong. She turned to see the tall, mascular form of Lord Bryant. The pain he had been thorugh both physically and emotionally was unlike anything she had ever felt. He had been barefoot through hell to emerge spitting the devil in the face.

Valkyria almost purred. A potential playmate of substance. Someone she could really let loose with, someone who would not break or cry but stare her in the eye with defiance until his last breath. She was aroused. The pain residue coming from his form almost made her cum. She might even be able to fuck him, as her control of her powers was not as good in those situations, her unfortunate previous lovers had typically died or gone mad. Valkyria knew instinctively that Bryant could continue fucking her even through her orgasm, even when it felt like his skin was peeled off his body. Very nice.

"Lord Bryant", she said with a nod, her voice dark, predatory and seductive as she began to circle Booth with obvious distaste. Why waste her considerable talents on an inferior specimen if such a wonderful subject was right here before her.

Bryant was threatening Booth, promising him the end of torture if he spoke. Valkyria knew better. The frenzied bloodlust she felt on Bryant was calling out to her own. Had she met her match with the proud warlord? He would never stop, no matter what Booth said. He wanted his pain, his destruction almost with the same intensity that Valkyria desired it for everyone else.

Only her sister had ever resisted her powers. When she had first been born a Vampire, saved by Aradia from certain death at the plague, her powers had manifested one day with a victim. She had bitten again and again, savoring the screams of her food, relishing the aliveness and power she felt, somehow growing the screams and the humming in the body. Aradia had walked in on her, ripping her away from her meal, enfuriating the young Vampire. She had sent something towards her sister, which had made her crumple on the floor. Then the wave had returned. Pleasure, so much pleasure in every cell of her body that she almost came apart. Orgasm after orgasm rippled through her form until Valkyria was so exhausted, she could hardly stand.

"You will not challenge me again, daughter", Aradia had said to her sister. "Or next time I will fry your will and control center with pleasure so you will become my devoted mindless little slutty slave who I pass from traveller to traveller for a few coins. And trust me, you would love it too as long as it made me happy", Aradia had threatened.
"Yes, Mylady, my liege", Valkyria had whispered from the floor, swearing herself to her sister on that very day. Still until today, everyone but Aradia feared her, her name used to scare unruly Vampires into compliance. Quite a bit like Baby Killer Bryant, actually.

Then the crunch of the kneecap, the fiery hot flash of white hot pain which she could feel travelling straight to her crotch. A low moan escaped her lips. Then the shoulder. Bryant was strong, Booths screams sweat, his heart about to give way.

"What a terribly direct approach, regent", she said huskily. "This man's heart is about to give way. His tolerance for pain is low. He is a weak willed, weak spirited man", she added as she stepped closer to Bryant, running her fingers over the scars on his body, shuddering from arousal at these badges of honor.

"What I wouldn't give to play with you, Lord Bryant", she whispered into his ear. "A truly worthy man for my skill", she walked towards Booth, who was panting.
Valkyria put a hand on his heart and sent a small wave of energy out, calming and desensitising the nerves leading to the weak heart. Now he could feel so much more pain without dying from a heart attack.

"Lord Booth", she purred. "Maybe you have heard of me and what I did to Lord Halmstrom", she asked almost sweetly. Booth broke down crying. "You know he voluntarily cut off a certain appendage just to stop the pain I was sending there? Can you imagine the pain that would make a man do that", she asked. "Let me help", Valkyria added, sending a trickle of pain to his balls. Booth screamed himself hoarse. Valkyria turned the intensity up. "Do you want me to leave you like this for a few hours whilst I take a bath and attend to more important matters", she asked.

"I don't know where he is. Please, please, make it stop".
Valkyria believed him. she turned the pain down to a more sustainable level until consistent whimpers emerged from Booths mouth.

In the back of her mind she could feel pain at the treatment of Booth. She shot a wave of crushing pain at the figure and heard a scream.

"Got you, little mouse", she purred, walking towards the sound.
Though he loved Aradia dearly and knew he would not waver from that love for her. Valkyria was primal, so much so when she spoke a deep set desire for her came alive. He wanted her so badly, he was going to have her! As she toyed with Booth Bryant smiled. His warrior spirit was not coming out but his lust for pain was. Aradia had worked hard to help him control his love of pain. His need for it. And here within mere minutes it was becoming undone.

"You two are fucking sick! I'll be in my chambers. Bryant!!! Get me when you two are done! I will resume my watch only when you two monsters are gone from here. Come Jackson!" Clark said getting up and walking out with his aid. Jackson was a small Vampire who Bryant knew longed for contact, this just went back to the rumors that Clark didn't like sex, the way most Vampires did.

Bryant said nothing, he wasn't about to stop the man. His gaze was more on the Sister, Valkyria, she was memorizing to him he found his gloved hand on her ass.

"You are a special kind of cunt aren't you!" Bryant said, his blood was now boiling and his cock was rigid he wanted her so badly, she was in many ways like Camden and Claire and himself. That was a combination he wanted to fuck.

Booth was reduced to a ball of blubbering shit. Bryant was happy that he was hurting. Happy that he was suffering. He believed him when he said Camden's death was not ordered, he also let a psycho loose in the castle and he did nothing to remedy the problem. Bryant was now so into what he was seeing and feeling that he allowed himself to be deceived, Aradia would not have allowed his mind to lie to him like this. He was no different, had he Lord Bryant made the order on a fellow Lord! All that would have changed was that the assassin would be dead now. Nothing else would be different. But Bryant was sure that he was the right. He pushed all thoughts of Booths own betrayal the betrayal of a man he trusted, and just kept enjoying the sounds of pain.

All of a sudden Valkyria shuddered and then turned. "Got you, little mouse" she said walking up to a young man. Who was hiding in the shadows. Bryant thinking that James was caught ran up to her. It was a man Bryant knew he was a warrior for Booth.

"Hanson! What, why are you here! You should have left with the others!" Booth cried out through sobs. Hanson was a recent addition to Booths ranks. A young soldier Booth turned, rumor was he and Hanson were lovers!

"Yes of course you were here the whole time. You and Booth were enjoying company when he was called to be judged, only he didn't know it at the time so you waited for your master. You hid when they came in with him, Clark and Emmerson the idiots they were assumed he was alone and thus didn't bother to search the chamber. And me being an idiot that I am assumed they would have done this simple task." Bryant said figuring out what had happened.

"Let's have him for dinner!" Valkyria cooed. Bryant was in many ways a monster they said. But that was not a practice he ever did.

He went behind Valkyria and cupped her leather clad tits and gave them a firm lusty squeeze. "No, We have been given orders to hurt Booth! Nothing more. If it were James then I would be more then happy too. But this Hanson is as innocent as the first snow fall! We will not be hurting him this night. Guards!" He called out, the two brutes came in. "Take this one to a cell! See no harm comes to him, then return." They nodded and took the young man away.

Valkyria it seemed was liking the attention and soon forgot about the "Toy" that was just taken from her. Bryant gave Booth another punch, not near as hard as the others. But still causing him pain. "I just saved your lover! Where would that worm hide Booth?" Bryant asked. Valkyria walked up to Booth and soon he was screaming again. She licked her lips seductively and Booth screamed in pain again and again. Drool dripped from his mouth and he started to weep, this pain did nothing for Bryant's sexual release.

He wanted to feel something with all this, grabbing her, he pulled her into a powerful kiss and with his hand on her throat he squeezed, she smiled and dug her red nails into his ribs. She was so very like him, the cut was fast and targeted at a spot that hurt. He felt his blood flow from the wound to the ribs. He let her go and looked, it was deep and hurt like hell, Valkyria smiled and bent over and drank from the wound. Bryant only gave her a taste though and healed the wound almost immediately, leaving a long clean scar.

Bryant kissed her again. Then slapped her face hard. "No, no, no! Only one person is allowed to feed from me and you dear Valkyria are not that person. Bryant felt a stabbing pain with in himself as she twisted his insides. He knew any normal man would die from this pain, and most Vampires would pass out. He now knew a little of what Booth was feeling and he was now very aroused.

"That's better." He said and pulled out his cock and pushed her down and let her take it, she didn't submit she looked up at him and gripped his balls. As if telling the world that they were hers. She soon wanted to suck so she did! Valkyria was a superb cock sucker and was driving him mad as she shot pain into his mind and desire into his soul. Booth was in such pain that he wasn't even looking at the pair.

Bryant pulled her up and pulled at her clothes. Ripping the finely worked leather from her body, her stunning body coming in to view. She in turn started to pull at his leather pants. she was not gentle or kind, he suffered a few cuts as she tore at the clothes. Soon he was kissing her again, as she finally got his pants off him.

Bryant's strength was so, he had no trouble getting her clothes off, only the battle between them, neither willing to give an inch, making the lover work for their desired prize. He put his hand between her legs and felt her sex, hot, wet and he wanted it.

"Keep the boots on!" Bryant said. With some effort managed to bend her over and enter her. She was facing Booth as Bryant invaded her sex, she accepted and sent his a torrent of pain for his effort.

"Look at me Lord Booth. What a lovely sight we are!" She said to him teasing the prisoner. Booth was a wreak he was in Bryant's eyes pathetic. Then he thought of how he was when he was a human. That was what Booth looked like! Like Bryant when he was but a weak human.

The cuckold scene was making Bryant crazy with desire. The bull fucking the maiden in front of the weak husband. Bryant pulled back her hair and then pushed a finger into Valkyria's other hole. She looked back at him as he fingered her.

"I didn't tell you that I would let you touch me there!" And Bryant, still pulling her hair howled in pain as he fucked her. The pain was so visceral and real, yet he was not being harmed in any way. It was for any masochist a glorious power to have used against. Bryant grunted, this was more then he could have wanted, and yet he knew he was receding to a place he swore to his love that he would not return.

The pain was powerful and intense, Bryant bucked into her forcing her to push into Booth cried out from the pain she then sent him. Bryant slapped her ass and pulled hard on her hair fighting the pain his lover was causing, her thrashing was powerful, she would never submit to him. They were two Alpha's battling over wills of the other.

Valkyria winced from the force and bucked back, they were now more animal then human.

"You will fuck me harder! Give me what I want!" She shouted as he slammed his cock into her.

Though the love of pain returned it came with out the thoughts of guilt it was more pure. His introduction into the world of sex was through torture, pain and humiliation, and developed a need for it, his life beyond that had been pain and suffering and guilt, these were all feelings he felt he needed to serve the king, he used them to be stronger then the others they went hand in hand with the unnatural strength he did have.

Soon the pair were clawing and slapping at each other, each forcing their own will upon the other. Valkyria was so strong and so primal, unrefined and he was loving it. It was the essence of sex, she knew what he wanted, she knew what she was willing to give and she knew what he must take by force.

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When Bryant walked over to her and roughly grabbed Valkyria's ass, pulling her against his rock-hard crotch, she almost gasped. Bryant was fearless, treating her like an ordinary woman, which frankly was exhillerating. He was so strong, effortlessly manipulating her strong body as he whispered into her ear:
"You are a special kind of cunt, arent you".

Valkyria smiled, her hand grabbing his cock equally roughly. "You have no idea how special. But maybe you'll find out. Maybe you'll even survive", she said with a small smile in a husky yet threatening voice.

Her focus was drawn by another consciousness, who seemed to favor Booth. The wave of pain she sent out would have brought any man to his knees, except for maybe the man who had casually fondled her ass.

The consciousness belonged to a simple aid of Booth's, at best a snack. Surprise showed on Valkyria's face as Bryant explained he wasn't to be harmed.
"Are you growing soft in your old age, Lord Bryant? Innocents are not to be hurt? I thought they were the most fun", she purred challengingly.

Bryant's hand found her tit and squeezed it posessively through the tight leather. Valkyria had never been with a man who had matched and maybe even exceeded her own dominance and frankly it was sexy as hell. Her cunt was already dripping, demanding to be fed by Bryants considerable manhood, judging from the feel she had gotten earlier.

He grabbed her, pulling her into a violent kiss, crushing her red lips with his own, squeezing her throat posessively. Valkyria smiled in pleasure as her nails dug into his flesh, tearing a deep wound before bending down to drink from him. The small taste he allowed her almost made her cum. His blood was liquid power, boiling rage, primal force of the apex predator and Valkyria wanted more. She would own him, posess him, make him hers now that she had tasted him.

He healed himself and drew her into another kiss before slapping her face hard. He belonged to someone else? Rage consumed Valkyria at the thought. She would snuff them out like a candle to claim her prize.
"We'll see about that", she stated hotly, her iceblue eyes holding his gaze as she sent a wave of crushing pain into his insides, expecting him to surrender. Instead his eyes never left hers as he stated hoarsely: "that's better", pulling his cock free from his breeches as he pushed her to the floor.

Entranced by his response, Valkyria dropped to the floor, her hands reaching out to claim his balls posessively, before she started to suck his huge manhood with ease. She took him straight into her throat, licking and sucking expertly to maximise his sensation as she sent wave after wave of pain to him as well, tearing him into two different sensations.

Bryant pulled her up from the floor, effortlessly ripping her finely worked leather from her body, exposing her beautiful tits and lithe but muscular body to his hungry eyes and hands. Valkyria ripped into his trousers, completely freeing the lower half of his body from its prison. As he kissed her again his hand found her sex, already hot and oh so dripping wet. Valkyria moaned lustily as he played with her, resisting him more to test his strength and feel his dominance and power rather than to prevent him from doing what he wanted. Bryant managed to turn her around to face Booth, bending her over, holding her arms together behind her back as he pushed his thick cock into her completely. He did not warm her up or prepare her for his impressive size but instead simply gave her all he had, starting to fuck her ultra-tight cunt, forcing it to accomodate his size.

Valkyria moaned loudly, struggling against his hold but unabe to free herself as she was being speared relentlessly by the warlord. How amazing to felt to be overpowered, to be used, to be utterly helpless and exposed. She couldnt remember ever having been more turned on. As his finger found her rear entrance, she sent a strong wave of pain towards him, stronger than she had used on anyone in centuries. The way he moaned and fucked her through the pain, continuing to do exactly as he pleased whilst she was ripping his insides apart with pain was just glorious.

He let go of her arms, grabbing her hair roughly instead, slapping her ass hard as he reamed her, Valkyria's moans a most powerful aphrodisiac.

"I know this is what you really need, slut, isnt it", he whispered darkly into her ear, making her shudder. It was. With a roar, she let go to the animal part within her that was clawing at her mate, urging the alpha to fuck his bitch harder. Her control was slipping and pain was just flowing out from her in concentric waves to everyone in the room and possibly the castle. Booth screamed, luckily fainting quickly whereas Bryant just moaned and fucked her.

Valkyria's orgasm was building as the red raw energy within her pushed at Bryant.
"Oh my god yes", she screamed, her hips bucking back into him, matching his rough thrusts perfectly, trying to take him even deeper. "Yes", she moaned wildly as her insides contracted, gripping his cock with vicelike strength as she came around him.

She kept milking him, finally surrendering to the extreme sensations within her, tearing at him to join her.


Aradia's link with Bryant was still strong, one of the few links she hardly shielded at all. As she felt the red hot pain through the link she whimpered. What was happening to Bryant? Valen was next to her in a heartbeat, offering her strength and support. The pain was growing. Concerned, aradia steeled herself, taking the guards with her towards Lord Booths cell. Whilst this torture chamber was about the worst place for an empath, she would endure it, if Bryant was in trouble. Waves and waves of growing pain travelled to her, at some point a ripple run through every single one of her guards. Aradia's knees were shaking. "Valen and bristol", run to the regent and defend him if needed, he is in substantial pain", she ordered, her words allowing no argument.

Surrounded by three more guards Aradia rounded the next corner only to feel her companions fall as a cold hand closed over her mouth.

"My queen", James whispered hoarsely, before the world went dark for her. He dragged her into a secret passageway after having moved a bookcase, dragging her deep into the belly of the castle, where he chained her to a wall before removing her blindfold.

"You truly are stunning", he said, licking his lips. "What a pity to kill you", he mused out loud. Aradia's heart was beating loud and fast.
"Why kill your queen if you could serve her", she asked gently, sending a wave of pleasure towards him. James smiled. "My tastes are not for pleasure, mylady, but yes, maybe I could play with you a little before I kill you. I don't believe you will like it much, but that cannot be helped", he said, moving closer towards her as he ripped the expensive dress from her lush form, exposing her completely to him.

Her helplessness, vulnerability and beauty turned him on. He would use this lush plum thoroughly before discarding her. What a nice turn of events indeed.
Bryant soon felt the climax coming. Pain, glorious pain was shooting through him. She was an artist to his canvas. He understood why people would fear her, yet he embraced her as a gift! His twisted soul was just what she needed and her gift of sexual torture was just what he wanted.

He gripped her throat and filled her with his cum. Thrusting into her over and over, squeezing her till she sent a surge of pain into him that he let her go. He looked at Valkyria, she was panting and smiling.

Bryant kissed her and thrust into her few more times.

The door burst open. "Master are... Oh shit!" Bristol said looking at the scene. Bryant turned to the intruders.

"What is it?" he asked.

"The Queen thought you were in danger! in pain!" Valen said with disgust in his eyes.

"I was in pain. But no danger! Where is the Queen now?"

"She's right... Behind us!?!" Bristol said looking back down the hall. His look told Bryant everything. She felt his pain and she thought he was in danger and came for him. He was a fool, he wanted this type of release so bad he thought of nothing else, and put Aradia in danger. he pulled on his pants, what was left of them. Valen on me. Bristol Valkyria watch Booth. Bryant said and ran from the room at top speed, Valen hot on his tail.

There were the two guards, dead upon the ground. "If anything happened to her I'll never forgive myself." He thought.

He rounded on Valen. "What were you thinking leaving her side!" He said, rage in his eyes. Valen was brave and loyal, but he knew should Bryant lose his temper this hall would be painted with Valen's blood.

"She ordered us ahead Regent!" Valen said standing his ground. Bryant knew this would of course be what she would have done. The pain she would have been feeling would have slowed her down.

"Can you not communicate with her? Call to her find out where she is?"

Valen closed his eyes and just as he pointed Bryant seemed to feel his true love. He tore into the book case that was nearby.

His beloved was in agony, she was being assaulted by James. This was all fuel for a fire now man would ever want burning. James was fast, deadly fast he moved from the Queen and into a defensible position. Valen rushed to Aradia, Bryant baring his fangs and flexing his muscles moved to attack James. Valen knew he needed to get his Queen from there. The hatred and the violence would be to much for her in that state.

"You think I fear you Bryant? I fear no man!" James said Bryant was not going to be pulled into a debate with him. He wanted blood and one way or another he was going to have it!

James struck first and struck fast! Bryant felt the burn as his cheek gashed open. James underestimated Bryant though and left his side exposed, the blow he hit Bryant with was normally a killing blow but Bryant had moved the inch or so to save his own life. The violent punch to the ribs sent James hurtling through the air. He landed hard and winded.

"You dare put your hands on Camden, the slave, Yates and most of all The Queen!" Bryant was now more animal, he had fully transformed into the Warrior that he had been for so many years. Valkyria had pushed him far and now James had sent him over. James felt his crushed ribs, he healed but that didn't stop the pain. Bryant charged, James did to, the clash was monumental. the very foundation shook as they collided, Bryant's shoulder shattered as James's punch conected, only Bryant's strength kept his arm attached at all. James felt his insides turn, looking down he saw his intestines being pulled from his body. There was no recovering from it, from there Bryant literally tore him into pieces. After he rushed to the chambers, being sure to calm himself all he could before getting there. He needed to keep up the look seeing Emmerson was there with his guards.

"What the hell happened to you Regent?" Emmerson asked as he looked Bryant over.

"Dealt with a problem. How is she?"

"She's horrible! I don't know what you did this time! But I will see that you are cast to sun for it this time!" Bryant refused to let his temper rise. He also agreed with Emmerson, this was his fault and he should be killed, if Aradia orders it our of anger he; Bryant will do it gladly.

Aradia held herself upright only through monumental force of will. The pain she had felt through the link with Bryant was still making her knees shake. What had happened to her love? It had felt as though he had been gutted, ripped to pieces. She did not know what she would do if something had happened to him. A tear was running down her face as that fear tore at her heart. Bryant - what would she do without him?

James soon ripped her roughly out of her reverie by holding a knife against her exposed breast. Aradia opened her mind and quickly recoiled. The images she saw there were the most twisted and violent images she had ever seen. Even Bryant's darker fantasies were comparably tame. He would hurt her, hurt her badly and bask in her terror. The images and the twisted feelings of James combined with her fear for Bryant were overwhelming Aradia's mind. She was screaming now as the overload of sensations was invading her sanity.

She saw what James had planned next before the knife connected with her flesh, making her cry out. It was red hot, heated in the flame, thus leaving a wound which could not be healed and hurt like hell, a long red mark now decorating her left breast.

Before he could continue to odorn his pretty thusly, the bookcase flew open and another torrent of emotion entered the room in the shape of a furious Bryant, followed closely by Valen.

The fight began immediately and the waves of hatred and raw animal wanting to kill she felt from her regent scared Aradia more than anything else she had witnessed. Right here she was experiencing "Baby Killer Bryant" in his full glory and it shocked her. She saw flashes of what he had done, felt the terror of those he had punished in the name of the crown. Aradia felt sick, heaving as the images kept invading her mind. Her eyes were rolling back in their sockets as she began to shake uncontrollably. Valens strong arms surrounded her, dragging his queen away from the carnage to the relative safety of her chamber.

So many minds, so many feelings, all around her. Many voices calling her name, asking her questions. Soft fingers tending to her wound, which would leave a small but ugly scar as a reminder of this day.

"Valen", she managed to call, her sending breaking up like a faulty transmission.

"Everyone clear the room, the queen needs complete quiet and solitude now", Valen said, pushing everyone out of the room, everyone but Bryant who would not be moved.

Valen quickly returned to his queen and joined her on the bed, where she slid into his arms, clinging to him tightly like a desperately frightened child, sobbing her heart out. He gently rocked her, stroking her hair with the infinite gentleness of a man who had loved her for as long as he could remember. He whispered sweet, soothing nothings to her as she cried.

When Bryant came closer and reached out to comfort his love, she recoiled in terror.

"Please make him leave", she whispered softly under tears.

"Regent, you have heard your queen, please, your presence is upsetting her. I will call you as soon as there is news or she sends for you", Valen said not unkindly.
When Aradia recoiled Bryant's heart sank. He had gone to far, he had hurt her to badly. Valen asked him to leave, he nodded.

"Please keep me informed!" And he walked out.

Emmerson and the others. were standing outside. "Shortest reign as Regent in the history of our race I would say!" Bryant looked up at him. He was so sick to his stomach that he didn't even reply. He walked on to his chamber and closed the door there he lay upon the bed and just stared up at the stone ceiling.

Valkyria was now getting bored she didn't want to remain there but she had been given an order. Bristol was eyeing her. "How was my master?" He asked. Valkyria smiled. "He was a match for me! That is about the highest complement a man can get from me." Bristol saw that she wasn't lying. Booth's position went from bad to worse now that his champion was dead. Valkyria kept up the assault on him, keeping him in agony. While Bristol sat and watched the door. He knew if Bryant was a match for her then he would not be.

Emmerson was now ready to assume the post. He didn't force himself but kept up a comunication with Valen. "If there is anything our Queen needs please bring it to me and I shall see it done!" Never was he rude or did he try and enter the room but he would not leave it either. He would be there for her no matter what. He would show his love for her, though hollow he truly felt he was the best man for the job now that he was sure Bryant would be removed from the post.

When Bryant left the room, whatever trace of composure aradia had maintained for his sake was exhausted. Her body shook violently as she sobbed herself to a dreamless sleep.
She heard nothing but the sweet voice of Valen whispering soft words about her safety, her beauty and his love for her, managing to drown out the screams of the innumerable children she was still hearing in her mind from her unshielded encounter with her regents darker mind.

Held in Valens arms, aradia fell into a deep sleep, her exhausted body and overstretched mind regenerating slowly.

It was the next day when she awoke hungry. Valen offered himself and she accepted, unable to face anyone else in her presence, admonishing him to eat to recharge his own strength. He did whilst she fell back asleep and when she next woke, he was again laying beside her, his strong arms holding her as though he would never again let her go. His eyes were so full of love, his mind so wonderfully soothing that Aradia reached for him, drawing him into a gentle kiss.
"I need you to make love to me Valen", she whispered softly, her exquisite and rare vulnerability making her request easy for him to meet.

His hands caressed her body so gently and reverently, as though she was the most precious and fragile being. His full and sensuous lips finally expressed the depth of his feeling for her, now after having almost lost her twice in one day even Valen could no longer hold back.

The depth of his love and devotion washed through her, replacing the terror and dread with something warm, comfortable and beautiful. Aradia drank him in, pulling him closer, rejoicing when he finally entered her. His movements were slow, sensuous and full of meaning, each thrust piercing her heart with his unshakable love. Aradia's control of her mental powers was still tenuous and her link with Bryant was still strong. Therefore every single emotion, every sigh and moan of pleasure she felt travelled to her regent as well without her intending for it, reminding him of the sweetness of his beloved as well as of the reality that she was finding safety and ecstasy in someone else's arms.
As he lay in a meditative state he felt her, as if she were there with him. Felt her getting touched, made love to, she was being consoled by another, probably Valen he thought. This stung, he hadn't really done anything wrong. He fucked a woman who liked to use violence in her love making. He in turn liked to use violence in his, Valkyria had been sent there by the Queen, the queen knew Bryant, and had to know Valkyria, thus she must know what was going to happen!

Now she was punishing him for it. Yes he was to blame for some of it but not enough to be sent a constant reminder that she would rather be with another.

He saved her. Had he not reverted to his baser instincts James would have tore him apart. He had been badly hurt by James and yet no one in this whole castle seemed to give a shit. He stood and called for a slave to be sent to him. He also called for Bristol.

A young brunette came to his room about the same time Bristol did. "Master. That Valkyria asked about you, wants you to visit her dungeon later!"

"Yes well we will see! I need you to go to the Queen find out what her mood is, I fear I will not hear the truth from Valen or perhaps even her. She also wants me nowhere near her! Go and find this out! You will know if she is telling to the truth. Be warned Bristol! Should she seduce you. I will kill you! I will never stop her or harm her but you are not hers to play with! You will stay loyal to my house. Should Emmerson detain or distract you try and find out his play to. He's just arrogant enough to tell you!" Bryant said and they ushered him away and brought in the slave. She was pretty and seemed well accustomed to the treatment she got from the masters there.

Bryant fed on her then roughly took her. He remained civil and didn't leave a mark on her. He was quick and direct she gave to him all he needed and then was sent on her way.

Bryant's mood had not improved when the time passed that he felt his aid should have returned, He couldn't feel Aradia's pleasure any longer. He couldn't feel anything actually. He needed to hear her voice either to free him of his post, order his death or to call him to her bed, he didn't care which, should she order his death he would comply, a monster such as he might have no place in the new regime.

Valens deep devotion and passionate tenderness went a long way to restore aradia's sanity. His mind was so straightforward, so simple in his need for his queen and his loyalty it was deeply soothing compared to all the ulterior motives aradia was used to deal with. She knew she could just be with him, no mental guards necessary.

Quite the opposite to her regent, really. She had opened herself to him more fully than she could have ever remembered and yet their differences had made this both an ecstatic and an agonising experience. She could not afford to let her emotions rule her the way they seemed to when she was deeply linked with Bryant.

Aradia smiled bitterly. She had wanted the feeling of aliveness she had found in his arms and yet for him everything she was did not seem enough. The infinite pleasure she offered him did not reach all of his soul. Her sister however managed to reach that part of his that Aradia could not and did not want to reach. The images she had seen and felt in that dungeon during Bryant's battle with James had flooded her broken down defenses. The waves of terror, pain and suffering had almost driven her mad. How could he have lived through this? wouldnt experiences like these leave a stain on a person's soul and heart? She didnt know and just thinking of Bryant ignited a longing and a headache. Being around him wasnt safe for her at this point, not until she had found a way to shield herself much better. She would need to have an honest conversation with him soon, but she couldnt yet.

She gestured for Valen to bring her a strong male slave to feed from, the earthier and more grounded the better.

Aradia was just completing her feeding when a knock sounded against her chambers.
"My Queen, Bristol of House Bryant is seeking an audience. He claims it is important."
Aradia nodded to herself. Bristol was one of Bryants closest alies, likely sent to feel out her mood.

"Send him in", she answered. She was dressed in a lacy nightgown with her long red hair cascading around her beautifully sculpted shoulders.

She gestured to a chair in the room for him to sit.
"Forgive my informal attire. I am still recovering from my experience the other day and would not normally see anyone at this point. However I know you are Bryant's man and I imagine he has sent you to find out what is going on with me and him", she stated matter of factly, as though the intentions were obvious.

Bristol couldnt help a smile. Aradia's mind reached out towards his and felt as small interference.

"It seems you also have powers of the mind, Bristol. Luckily for you I am nowhere near full strength yet, so I will ask you what your powers are", she added softly, scanning him energetically. Bristol tensed, it was highly unusual to be asked about one's powers.
"I am your queen and should know the tools in the realm. However looking at you, your powers are concentrated in a small part of your brain. My guess would be you have the ability to determine truth?" His slght flinch told her all she needed to know.
"I dont actually lie. I might leave certain things unsaid, but I do not believe in lies", she said with a smile. Bristol could sense the truth in her words.

"Ask me whatever direct question you want and I will answer truthfully as long as you promise that your answers will only travel to Bryant", she promised, holding his eyes firmly. He nodded.

"Lord Bryant enquired about your emotional and physical state", Bristol began.
Aradia nodded. "I am still fragile but recovering. The events of the day basically ripped my mental defenses to shreds, so I could feel everything. Past, present and future. Him and I have a very strong link and his adventures with my offspring affected me strongly. Then seeing what James had in store for me. I am a reader, something which needs to stay between us. supremely helpful and sometimes supremely dangerous as a power. Physically I am almost recovered but will carry the scar until the end of my days"

"The regent was concerned that you did not want him near you. Could you explain why tis is?"
"Yes. It was the unshielded link with Bryant that did the greatest damage to me. We are very different in some of our needs. I saw and felt most of the carnage he ever inflicted unshielded. For someone like me death is preferable to the experience I had. I dont trust myself around him yet as I need to find a way to shield myself better around him and to be honest I dont trust myself to separate what I saw and felt from him when I see him yet. I intend to have an open conversation with him as soon as I feel strong enough."

Bristol was amazed at her openness. He had never met a vampire who was that truthful or straightforward. She smiled.
"I know you are Bryant's man through and through. I can see it. As I trust him, I trust you. Because of my condition I am just unable to tell him directly at this time. Continue", she requested with a slight smile.

"My lord did not ask this, but he wonders about your thoughts around him being regent", Bristol said cautiously.
"I have no plans to change the current state of affairs. I take full responsibility for everything that happened, therefore why would I punish my regent? He is to remain in control. Ask him to engage with valkyria somewhere away from the castle. I m not sure what the range of our link is, but any place in town should do. Maybe even the opposite wing of this castle could do", she said, her voice slightly less steady as she talked about Bryant and Valkyria. "Are you truly ok with this, My queen", Bristol said unbelievingly.
Aradia's goden eyes flashed. "I hate that he needs what she can give him. And yet I want to see him happy. If this is his way, then he needs to do what he needs to do. Just tell him to do this where I cannot feel it. His pain disturbs me and tears on me. Even if it doesnt bother him to have his insides twisted, it bothers me greatly and almost makes me vomit", aradia whispered.

Bristol got up and bowed deeply.
"Thank you my queen for seeing me and for your honesty and trust", he said before turning away with a newfound respect for his queen. He could now understand why Bryant had changed around this woman.

He returned to his liege to tell him everything he had heard, knowing that keeping the regent waiting was not a clever strategy.
Bristol listened and let, now with a new respect for the Queen, she in his eyes was fair and just. Krahn had been a great king but he had not the touch that Aradia had. She was much more in tune with her people. All people Bristol felt. When she asked on his powers he flinched, no one in the history of his life had ever known by looking at him or talking to him knew he had anything special about him. less he let it be known.

"Yes my Queen I have the ability to detect when I am being told truth or lies. I can't discern to the extent of the lie mind you only that I have in fact been lied too. Thus I ask direct questions that are not often open for interpretation.

They finished their talk and Bristol returned to Bryant. who was able to calm hmself considerably.

"My lord, the Queen will see you after her strength returns. She has no ill will to you nor does she want you replaced. Emmerson had returned to his chamber for I didn't see him. The fight and the carnage, well it was too much for her and it almost killed her. I feel she still loves you but I sense she also fears you. Deep with in are horrors that if surfaced at the wrong time could actually tear her soul to pieces. She wants to be near you and will discuss this with you when her strength is whole. She also relayed to me that you are to do as you please with Valkyria, only out side the castle, far from her! She understands your need to be put in pain and hurt!" These words seemed to ignite a fire in Bryant. He rose and punched Bristol.

"You will never again bring up my needs to me or anyone again!" Bristol held his jaw. This tantrum was not uncommon. He usually took it out on furniture and not his men. But these had been trying times and his temper which was explosive most days had a hair trigger now.

"Of course my lord!" He bowed. "Will there be anything else?" He asked wanting to leave in case his lord was going to lose it on him. Bryant uttered a small apology, then dismissed his charge and fell upon the bed and waited for Aradia to need him.
