X-Men: A Bright New World (OOC)

Real Name: Katherine ‘Katt’ Winona Wilson
Alias: Deadpool
Age: 25
Gender: Female

Powers and Abilities: Deadpool possesses a superhuman healing factor that allows her to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. She is able to heal from injuries such as slashes, puncture wounds, bullet wounds, and severe burns. The healing factor causes her brain cells to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration, rendering her immune to psychics.
Her body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins. For example, it is extremely difficult, though not impossible, for her to become intoxicated. She can, however, be affected by certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, if she is exposed to a large enough dosage. She is also immune to the effects of all known diseases and infections.
She also possesses incredible strength, though while not unnatural is akin to that of an Olympic level weightlifter. Her stamina, agility and speed are all at super human levels.

Deadpool is also an extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant and is a master in multiple unarmed combat techniques, as well as a master of assassination techniques, espionage methods, covert operations, infiltration methods, escape artistry, marksmanship. She’s also proficient with many melee weapons, firearms, and explosives.

Personality : Deadpool is, at the core: random. It is difficult for anyone to know what Deadpool will do at any given moment, given that she herself barely knows what she'll do at any given moment. This makes it difficult for most opponents to predict her next move.

Equipment: Carries a teleportation device to whisk her out of (and occasionally into) danger, as well as a holographic image inducer that she can use to disguise her true appearance as necessary, and a satchel that contains all of her weaponry and ammo.

Physical Appearance : Brown hair and brown eyes. Hair is cropped short. She has a stunning figure built to perfection. Sleek, svelte and athletic, with ample breasts, a small waist and curvy hips.

Background: At a very young age Katt’s mother died of cancer. Her father was an abusive lout who smacked her around when he wasn’t out cold. She joined the military as soon as she could, though her career there was short and sweet. After that brief stint of military service Katt began her mercenary career. Little is known about her time as a mercenary, though she was particular proficient in assassination skills.

Around this time she was diagnosed with cancer. Instead of fighting it she simply decided to give up, that was until she was approached and offered a hint of hope in the form of Department K, a special weapons development branch of the Canadian government. She became a test subject of the joint US/Canadian superhuman enhancement project, a secret one at that. Her cancer was temporarily cured via the implantation of a healing factor derived from another unknown source. During the process she gained many of her powers though her mind snapped in the process. Deemed a failure she was dumped into the Hospice, a government facility where failed superhuman experiments and operatives went to be treated. Unbeknownst to the government the Hospice actually served the person experimental lab for Doctor Killebrew.

After a grueling ordeal she managed to break out of the Hospice, freeing her fellow patients as well. She took the name of Deadpool after that and returned to her life of mercenary service.
Ohai. Lach finally let me post my character. Feels like forever. He wanted a surprise. So any annoyance on it direct all the blame at him.
Yeah, it's true. And what a *SURPRISE* in the 'making'. What's it been. Like TEN PLUS months??? I've been trying to recruit "KattDclaw" since about a year ago as well........because, well....she's just....freakin'.....*AWESOME*(can you really blame me??)............but the timing was always off. In game, in character, y'see!

Always had to get people to the damn *CLUB*, and then INSIDE the *CLUB*.....yadda, yadda, etc's.

I'm so THANKFUL it all *FINALLY* worked out, that her very talented 'butt' is in here. Feels like a miracle. Like it's Christmas. So gooooooooooood.

And yes, people. SHE was the "roleplay trigger" for those at The Brazen Fox! nowNOWnow, without further ado. "Felix80", "DeathsKnight", and "Remec: YOU ALL MAY POST!!!

Thank you for your patience. Thanks "KattDclaw" for hanging in there with/for me. THANK the HEAVENS for synchronicity. Mm..dreams coming true, rather! ;)

***Updated the roster and character location breakdown sections, to reflect such!
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Welcome! Hope you have loads of fun and are ready to kick so behind X-style :)

I'll post tomorrow, after my activity this week on other threads, I am SICK and TIRED of typing on a darnned phone. Now time to get some creative work done which should be ready by tomorrow evening at nineteen hundred hours. F'r fck sakes, I hate when people say: "take your time" then a week before it should be done, tells you: "oh by the way, this weekend? Yup it should be finished by then."


Anyroad, welcome again Katt, glad to have you. Also welcome to the new writers (whom I am ashamed to say, names I can't remember)

Semper Fi and all that
Welcome Katt, good to have you aboard this ship of shared thoughts.

Let me see if I got this straight. You took an innocent and uninvolved person inside a strip club and pointed multiple guns at him. That person happens to be able to redirect and amplify kinetic energy to the level that a clap of his hands has enough power to level a skyscraper. A bullet has exponentially more kinetic energy than a clap of the hands...

I don't want to power game here. A couple snaps of his fingers will produce enough kinetic force to incapacitate everyone in the room. Except Madrox. Inside of a confined space the concussive force of explosives is more effective because it is directed, or channelled. I need to find a way to play the scene that is true to War's character and gives everyone a chance to play and be significant. It would also be nice to not kill everyone.

I should have stuck with Doug Ramsey.

Ok, without the stream of consciousness writing please, I would like an accurate description of the layout; specifically the number of mooks we're facing, the number of girls, the size of the room and everyone's location in regards to one another. Basically all the information War would have just by the virtue of being in the room. A map would be wonderful.
Thanks for the welcomes. Direct all questions, thoughts and concerns to Lach. He just threw me in there with bare bone details. I'll leave the specifics to him. But having the place leveled would be funny. I approve.
That was directed more towards him than anyone else, though it was a general information sort of post. The greeting, that was all for you Katt.

I have some ideas that would work in the scene, but would be out of Character for War. He's a combat vet, a marine. The first step is neutralizing the adversary.

Maybe I'm taking this too seriously. I have to post in Justice League first anyway, gives me a chance to think about it.
"Felix80": I think if 'I' left your character outside, it would have been far less *FUN* for you. That's MY reasoning behind it, and I'm sticking to it!

Part of the fun in these type of scenarios -- especially *group* -- is seeing how people react, to different triggers and what not. This particular situation shall prove even MORE intriguing! *motions to "KattDclaw"* ;)

As to the layout:

Let's picture a 45' x 23' rectangle as the "main room" of the club. The lengthier side can be facing North to South. Like so:

S|.......[ |
..|...( )...|

So the small hallway(||) that you guys came in, connects to the southern wall. The stairs(S) that Gambit was 'escorted' from, on the western. There is a 'hallway'(||) leading away(that may have NOT been 'noticed' yet) on the northern side. In the center of the room is the stage( ). And top right(north-east) is the DJ booth([ |).

Deadpool is up in the booth, with the 'real' *DJ*. The three characters(Wolverine, Multiple Man, and War) are in front of the center stage, but closest to the southern wall on the map. Gambit was brought to the top left portion of the stage area. There were some "tied up" staff members below the booth and to the right of the stage. The (5) dancers are located above the stage on the map, near the north wall. As far as is known(keeping in mind the limited vision), the 'gunned men' came out from the perimeter of the room and closed in on everyone. So they are surrounding every single person. All. FORTY EIGHT-ish of them(count those "click's")! ;) Except of course your....host-ess. But we can say there's at least *twenty* of them, if not a few more...

Oh. And so the bouncer presumably did his 'job', we'll say he disarmed you guys on the way of....shoving you guys in. So any weapons, left at the door. That would probably make sense...:)

Hopefully that helped paint a better picture for everyone.
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"DeathsKnight": the other two new gal pals' names are the very talented and lovely "SinisterSpiders" and "AnyOtherName". :)
Okay. So, apart from maybe Deadpool and Wolverine....let's maybe have people NOT "know" each other(unless there's a really good/cool reason for it)...since again, this is an *ALTERNATE* reality. And our 'gang' of mutants haven't really been out in the open world, really much at all or anything. I can't pass up on the DP knowing Wolvie bit, because it's too cool in itself....;)

And the ol' Canuck's been around for a goooooooood long while, so I'm sure SOMEone, SOMEwhere has "seen" him or "knows" him, etc etc.

But it's FOR THE MOST part, I speak of, y'see.

Like, it wouldn't make sense for Betsy to have known Jamie previous to the time they "met" at Xavier's. Just because of how things have unfolded in this reality. She coming from England, and he, from a farm. Even though in a "previous/comic-book-cannon reality they *KNEW* each other--!" Of course in this case, these two set of characters might not really have a pre-determined shared history....;)

But you all get my point. (hah, does this sound familiar "Felix80". *DEJA-VU*!!! *smirk*)

Anyhow, good times. Thanks gang.

Annnnnnnnnnnd, I'm still......throwing out many "lines" and lots of "bait" out, in the EMPLOYMENT 'pond/lake' deal.....................lots of nibbles....some even potential BITES. But nothing....solidly......reeled in yet! *sigh* So I'm still........fishing..........daily.
Deadpool knows Wolverine by reputation, Wolverine knows Deadpool by reputation. Never said that he knows her personally. I am quite certain that Deadpool would know the "older" X-men as well. If that is wrong, feel free to correct me
"KattDclaw": Hey, I've all ready 'cleared' her for knowing him. But fourth wall references? Fuck yeah. 'Son'. *gigg-i-ty*

"DeathsKnight": Aside from what "KattDclaw" stated(which almost supersedes all logic, and also GOES so well with the character...heh...damn DP!*grin*). How exactly in your original logic, or 'reality' within the roleplay's logic would she have known ANY of the X-Men, OLDER or YOUNGER/NEWER? Let's keep in mind, that THEY -- any of them -- have NOT been on any 'missions' together. Until "now"(which is to say, the one officially taking place in Russia as their very first mission sent by the professor, and the unofficial one that your group is a part of.....which started out more for personal reasons). See where I'm coming from? The 'history' just isn't there yet....because there have not really been ANY transpired events that have taken place, within the 'team'. Outside of the school, on the field, etc...

Which mainly is the reason why the 'world' at large does not *KNOW* about the existence of their kind yet. Because they haven't been out in the open......until now-ish....

(also, the universe as a whole is sorta young. The FF, Spidey, and the Avengers have ALL come into existence within the last few years, in that order. So there haven't been years upon years upon years..........of rich history to play with. Like in the comics...)

Not to nitpick.......buttttttttt someone's gotta be metiiculous around here. Sometimes....;)
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OK then, the two of them did a stint during some sort of deployment and he had his tags which said Wolverine. Most like where he lost them and then Gambit got hold of them again.

This could have taken place before she lost her mind, so he would be able to pick up her scent. Whether she remembers that 'encounter' is up to "KattDclaw"(and you guys can figure that out). I'm sure her character is more awestruck/focused on your character as a...heh...comic book/celebrity type, thus her reference for recognition. Which is hilarious, and so Deadpool-esque. ;)

Good call on the tags-continuity! I dig that :)
Okay. Great posts people. With that said, I sent a message to "Felix80" to.....discuss some...thoughts, I'm having. ;)

My writing time is...sporatic at the moment, unfortunately. So please be patient with me. My posts are going to have to be postponed. As is, next up still is Russia. Before I spin back around, eventually. To this Brazen Fox ordeal.

But I can't help but think...that one man. Wolverine, is going to have a WHOLE hell of a lot on his plate. Being the one "in charge", representing Xavier's. With so many....antagonistic-like....elements, going on. Poor fella. Pulled in so many directions. People just don't make it easy for Logan, do they?? Hehe.
Was working on Psylocke's post last night, so I'll finish her. And bang one out for Cannonball and get them both added for today sometime!

Good news as well: I have brand new employment status as of this week! November is looking the heck up! Thank the HEAVENS....:)
"DungeonsofDread" briiiiiiiiiiiibed the hell outta me(heh), and also won all out in a thumb wrestling contest*smirk*. For the chance to take over as Wolverine.

In all seriousness though. Please welcome him, he comes heavily recommended...and.....I believe "SinisterSpiders" might know him??? ;)

Working/training the next three days days straight(weekend outta town), and I'll have *HIM* doing some "catch-up/homework" on the thread as well.

Next week, I'll look to fix my eyes on the Cajun! :)
You are correct, "SinisterSpiders". And before that, I need to get a Gambit post going. Here's the reality of the situation for me at the moment...

I'm off today. But my second half of a sales training course is this coming weekend(last half was the previous), for work. And on Sunday, at the end of it all. I shall have some kinda big *TEST* to be graded!

My original ambition was/is/was to split time...maybe.....between writing and studying. But now I'm wondering if I should maybe concentrate more on the studying, since this job is new, and the material is new to me. Just found out my schedule for next week. One of those ever-changing schedules -- from week to week, which of course I'm NOT going to complain about and just be thankful I'm employed once more! -- that finds me off at 5pm on Wednesday and then the next two days off.

That might be a more realistic goal for me, to delve into the roleplay writing. Can people wait until then? I'm really sorry for the postponement. If I hadn't lost the job last month in the first place, and/or need to be graded on this course..etc etc....I would just write. But that is not the case.

Will that work for everyone? Again, I apologize for the slow progression on MY end....and thank everyone of you guys for your understanding and patience during this process!
No rush from me, Lach!

I have complete confidence that you will do marvelously on your test! Or...did marvelously? I'm too late to the party to wish you luck, it seems... So I hope you get the results sooner rather than later and that they're marvelous!

Also a belated welcome to Dungeons!