Immortal Love

The man who had hit Deacon looked stronger than an ox and the blood on the club he had in his hand proved the wound to be fatal,

"Ox! I told you many times not to kill them!"

Ox shrugged,

"Not my fault he is such a soft head."

Grumbling the leader went through Deacon's pockets,

"And he doesn't even have money on him you idjit, come let's go. The woman will be fine addition to our business back home. With that they hurried away, picking Samira up and carrying her along to the waiting boat.
Samira still struggling and fighting wildly against them panicked.

One of the wait staff went to go clean up the mess they had left not daring near Deacon till they were gone. Prepared to drag him to the undertaker if they had to. Watching the poor girl but too old to try to stop them from taking the poor girl.
Deacon Frost

He came to with a groan, as he slowly got to his feet, he noticed the blood that seeped into the hard packed ground, he moved his neck and it cracked, but that did a lot to remove his headache. He noticed the old woman standing near by,

"Did they take her?"

She nodded, Deacon knew that he did not have to run, it would be too late. He walked to the harbor and watched as a boat pulled out of docks, he knew that with the people around they would not see him, but he took in every little detail of the boat that he needed.

"Hold on Samira, I'll find you. You will have your freedom."
Trapped again she did all she could to survive this wondering if Deacon would even look for her or be glad to be rid of her. One night a man arrived that even the owners of her newest prison feared laying claim to her she now knew more hell than Salim's patrons could have ever dished out.

Her mind for its own safety simply broke
Months later on a stormy night, the "Patron Lady" came under attack by a band of pirates. On the Patron Lady was a man, solidly built and he killed many of the pirates before a tall man stepped up with a sword in his hand. Ox could not believe his eyes, he never believed in ghosts, yet here he was facing one. The apparition grinned at him and it was all that he could take, he charged, swiping with his axe. His life ended as cold steel cut through his neck, the man moved silently among the fighting, killing the sailors that dared to come in his way. The captain's cabin offered little resistance and the bullets fired had not the desired effect, he smiled at the captain as the wounds closed. The captain almost died of terror as he recognized the man,

"Captain...where is she? I will let you live if you give me that information."

The captain could barely speak,

"S...s...she was....ta....ta...taken from, s...s...sold to N...n...n...ivar D'C...c...cout...o...o...wns a...a...a Paris."

Deacon Frost gave the captain a cold smile,

"I will not kill you, but I do not know what my mates will do to you."

He laughed and left, the sailors were killed and the pirates swarmed into the captain's cabin. Deacon met up with the Pirate captain, a man with a fierce black beard and two sabers in his hands and eight pistols on two belts which crossed his barrel of a chest.

"Found what ye came fer?"

Deacon nodded,

"Good, then ya can play fer us agen before we drop you off hey?"

Deacon smiled,

"Oh for sure captain, without you I would still be floundering around on a merchant vessel."

He looked out over the chopping waves, somewhere out there, Samira had to go through God only knew what. He turned from the screams of the ship's captain and used a rope to swing back to the pirate ship. They would still be looting for a long time, he needed to get his gear ready.
She had gained the eye of a young noble who made his determination to have her known with drawn steel. Even his Advisor and aged parents tried to persuade him to not lay claim to this one till his mother realized she wielded no memory of who she was or anything of her past and created an idea that would hopefully humor her son till his fickle mind found another more noble prey.

A story woven around her being a gift to their son from far away interests and allies. Poor girl had been assaulted by bandits and with an unfortunate hit to the head she does not remember her past so she is to be left alone and allow his young Lordship time to help his bride to be remember and heal.
Deacon Frost

A dark evening saw him banging on the door of a rather upstate brothel, the madam who opened the door first wanted to dissuade him to enter, but the steel that suddenly appeared at her throat got him to enter. Deacon took the blade from her throat as he closed the door behind him,

"I did not come to cause trouble, I am looking for a girl, Nivar D'Count brought her here, she was rather dark of complexion, she would not understand any other language than her own."

The madam of course started to shake and told him of the young nobleman who wanted and took her away. Deacon sighed when she concluded her tale and pressed several gold pieces on her as payment,

"Thank you ma'am."

With that he disappeared into the shadows again, that night he sat on the market plain, playing a sad song on his guitar, it was now a solid black, with strings dyed the very same color. He hatched a plan as he played, sure that he will have to "die" to free Samira again.
He always kept her by his side as he would travel to the taverns he had managed even with his rougher ways to endear her to him so that he could keep her close. Walking towards the tavern with her walking curled in his arm a clearly unnecessarily tight grip on her arm.

Her eyes so hollow and soft she glanced around smiling softly at the greetings they received. Hearing the music her eyes moved to where the sad melody came from her head tilted at why such sad tones filled this place normally so loud and merry from the musics and celebrating within the taverns.
Deacon Frost

He kept playing and on an impulse started to play a song that he knew Samira liked, he knew it was futile, but something made him do it and he knew better than to argue with his instincts.
Her eyes fell on the musician.

The song... My love perhaps he should play at the party...

her voice so familiar yet so strange to her own ears. The one she was to wed it seemed held no understanding of what she said but when she pointed to the musician he smirked and called to him telling the minstrel to walk with them since his bride seemed impressed with his playing.
Deacon Frost

It was when the courtier approached him, that he looked up and found that the object of his hunt have been so close to him.

"Sir you are requested..."

Deacon's eyes looked at the man and he stepped back, his words frozen on his lips.

"What have you done to her?"

He came to his feet, his sword slipping into his hand with practised ease. The courtier gave a shrill cry and fled, the cry brought the noble man's guards running and Deacon placed the guitar against his seat, his sword at the ready. A sword against pikes not a good idea, but they were not attacking yet, Deacon called out first to Samira,

"Samira! Are you free?"

There was no response and Deacon focused on the guards,

"Come you dogs, let me see just how good you really are."
She saw the weapons the guards rushing around them her eyes now wild with confusion and fear she wanted them to understand what she was saying as she tried again to speak....

NO... His song... the song after such sad tones... I... I want this musician to play as your mother said for us to find music for the wedding and the parties... I wish him to play... invite him to come with us so that you and he may speak business of his prices to play... NO weapons... Love make them stop... Now...

She moved to the one who was the leader trying to push away the pike. Searching their faces wishing they understood. simply repeating NO to them seeing them look to her husband to be to see what he said though none of them wanting to hurt her they were still ready but the pike tips were away from her and Deacon.

He gestured them stand down.

It seems she likes your music stranger... perhaps you would humor her and play at our wedding?
Deacon Frost


He lowered his sword,

"What wedding?"

It was almost like a rehearsal, one of the guards saw the chance and lunged with his pike, the head cutting into the still confused Deacon's chest and straight to his heart, killing him on the spot. He slowly slumped to the ground, still holding his sword.
Samira screamed watching what happened and lunging she forced the commanders pike into the one that attacked the musician. She was terrified but did not understand why... moving to the musician she hissed at all of them cradling him confused why she even cared. Still tears fell this world this life was far too maddening for her as her mind shattered more.
Everybody stood in shocked silence, they had not expected this reaction...then things became even worse for them.

Deacon Frost

He gasped as life returned to him, he looked up to find himself cradled by Samira, quite a view if you had just died. He pulled free from her and got to his feet, his sword glittered as he set on his attacker, the guards died before anybody could even act or fathom what had happened. Finally Deacon stood alone with the young nobleman, his sword dripping blood onto the cobblestones.

"What have you done to her? She have forgotten me."
She was that why when I removed her from the Counts brothel... what is the strange woman to you stranger that you kill so many over one whore simply chosen as a wife to anger those who wish to keep their precious air of being kind to the people.

Samira looked between them confused lost terrified of all the blood and death around her having quickly moved back to the one she understood she was to marry. Biting her lip watching this strange musician something in the back of her mind drawn to him but what she did not know.
Deacon Frost

"She is no whore. She was taken from me and you think that what you did is right? Then how about we deal with this your way."

Deacon spat on the young man's feet, the challenge laid down,

"You may accept it if you are man enough..."

There was a scream and Deacon knew that soon the City Guard would be summoned,

"Well? Or are you just another coward like the rest of the gantry?"
You want the woman she is yours I grow weary of her babbling anyways but if you wish still to fight then so be it. The young man prepared to fight having never had to fight before beyond simple fencing with his tutors.

She moved to stand between them shaking her head no looking to both of them almost pleading scared and confused. Steadying her nerves and mind for a brief moment she became angry though not sure why as she spoke once more with a tone of command

Deacon Frost

He smiled at the young man,

"She has just saved you bloodloss,"

he looked at Samira.

"Do you wish to come with me, or do you wish to stay with this man Samira?"
The young nobleman walked away leaving her there. She looked to the musician confused.

You understand what I say... you seem to know who I am when... I do not. How?

Her eyes searched his wanting to understand this lack of fear... she was scared of everyone beyond the family that had rescued her and now he had simply walked away without her or without wanting her. She was confused but not scared and that seemed due to this man.
The young nobleman walked away leaving her there. She looked to the musician confused.

You understand what I say... you seem to know who I am when... I do not. How?

Her eyes searched his wanting to understand this lack of fear... she was scared of everyone beyond the family that had rescued her and now he had simply walked away without her or without wanting her. She was confused but not scared and that seemed due to this man.
Deacon Frost

"I will explain to you, let us get away first."

He cleaned the blade of his sword, grabbed his guitar and waved her to follow him,

"Please Samira, let's get away."
Nodding she did her best to follow him. Even having been wearing the clothing of the region they were still cumbersome to her as she tried to hurry. Still very confused she strangely felt safe with this stranger wishing she knew why. For that matter bow he knew her language or seemed to know her.
Deacon Frost

He stopped at one dark entrance way and pulled her close to him, ducking deeper into the darkness and shushed her. A group of guards passed them and he waited for them to pass, then he pulled her out and ran further, at an Inn he entered and entered his room on the lower floor, he kept the door open and after she had followed him inside he closed the door behind them and breathed out loudly.

"Samira, do you know that is your name?"

He gave her a small smile,

"We met in your country and we had to flee from where you lived and worked."
She followed him as best she could till they got to the inn. Sitting down she listened shaking her head.

I do not remember anything before awakening at the end of a long arm gripping at my neck and pain all over. The man seemed to be called count... I have tried to figure out who the people around me were but I can not understand them untilled they turn physical.

She recoiled almost instinctively when she mentioned the physical side of it all. Her dark eyes darted to watch him realizing the door was closed and him between her and the door.