Aliens: Colonial Marines new recruits (closed)

Seeing most of the squad was comfortable in their tshirts and boxers I heade down as well hearing the sergeant summon us. I ran my eyes over his body and bit back a smile. He was very good looking. I stood serious so no one noticed me ogling him and waited to hear what he had to say.

He looked less stressed out and a little more comfortable. I gave him a nod as I joined the group.


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Connell looked over Lowell as they stood side by side. I could tell that our medic was a bit jealous by what she saw in the cadet, but she kept her misgivings to herself as I began the briefing. It was predicted that we would be in sleep for five weeks and four days before we entered the system where LV-555 was and that there was still no contact with the colony. "We will be going in on the first wave," I said, "we will secure the landing pad and proceed to the colony's headquarters where the facility was electronically run. Once we seize that place we'll have control over the facility including the reactor a good 15km away. Turning to Lowell I nodded, "Lowell and Connell will with me in the command center. Once we secure it we may be tasked with search some of the nearby facilities," then I held up a slender finger, "That's IF Elmer and the rest of them can get their heads out of their asses and be able to do their job".

"Not likely" Mitch grumbled.
I nodded as he said that Connell and I would be going in with him in command center and that wed be the first out along with Elmer's squad. I rolled my eyes with frustration. 'Great were paired with those assholes' I thought 'Hopefully they wont do anything stupid'

I thought about the nearly six weeks of sleep and now knew why we ate so much that was a month! And four days hopefully I could manage without nightmares.
"We won't be landing with them" I said, "They'll be taking their own Cheyennes (our drop ships) and landing at a separate landing zone so we can cordon off the area so that no one gets in or out. So, don't worry. We won't be dealing with them unless they screw up big time." There was some sighs of relief from the others. Iggy rested his thin frame against the wall locker beside me with his arms crossed as Torres continued to flex his muscles to get himself loosened up before the big sleep. Mitch and Dominic were sitting on a bench and taking a smoke. It was one of the few places on the ship we could smoke. It was not a common thing for our squad because we didn't want the smoke to give us away, but smoking a cig was a good way to relieve stress.

"Go use the facilities and relieve yourself," I said, "This is going to be your last chance," then pointed over at the line of horizontal tubes that were waiting for us.
I headed off with Connell and the rest of the crew as we went to the separate facilities. I used the bathroom and did a brief wash off before heading back to base with them. I examined my tube a bit before getting in wishing everyone safe travels.

I climbed in praying for a safe trip for my crew and myself and lay back waiting till we got clearance to close them.
As the ranking soldier it was my job to ensure that everyone was inside their tubes. Watching them lay out and waving me bye for now I looked over at Lowell as she waved and I waved back and then the clear fiberglass cover came down over her body and I turned on the gas that knocked them out then programmed my own. I was all the way down the end of the line and along the way I looked at my now napping squad and seeing their bodies and wondered what would happen once we set down at LV-555 and how they would handle it. Maybe it was pirates or just a big foul up. Either way, I said a quick prayer that we would make it out of it before I slid inside my tube and watched the cover come down.
As the ranking soldier it was my job to ensure that everyone was inside their tubes. Watching them lay out and waving me bye for now I looked over at Lowell as she waved and I waved back and then the clear fiberglass cover came down over her body and I turned on the gas that knocked them out then programmed my own. I was all the way down the end of the line and along the way I looked at my now napping squad and seeing their bodies and wondered what would happen once we set down at LV-555 and how they would handle it. Maybe it was pirates or just a big foul up. Either way, I said a quick prayer that we would make it out of it before I slid inside my tube and watched the cover come down.
A few weeks later...

We were awakened by the computer programming and the tubes began to open. I sat up feeling a wave of nausea and dizziness come over me and headed to a basket losing all my stomach contents. I held my forehead feeling myself blackout and fainted.

I woke up on my cot and sat up slowly with a few of the crew staring at me and I thanked Connell who had helped me out. I was in a space suit and breathed un even for a bit but then it got better after a while. I looked at Connell and said "Does that normally happen?"
"Quite a bit" Connell replied with a smirk. "I did it when I first went in."

Behind her there was the laugh of Iggy, "I'll say she lost it. Right all over Sarge's feet. This made the medic turn her head, face contorted into a scowl that made Iggy back away. Looking back at Lowell the medic nodded, "Just drink some fluids and settle yourself, but make it quick. We need to gear up. We're approaching orbit over LV-555 and it looks like we're going in."

It appeared that way. At the time I was called away to speak with my platoon commander who was feeding what was coming down the pipe. Our people were going to have chow to stock up on what they lost in hypersleep and then we'll have one final brief then we would be boarding our Cheyennes for the drop to the surface. So far, still no contact with the colony and I could feel my body tingling because that meant that we would be going in as the first wave.
I giggled and Iggys joke and took the water Connell gave me thankfully and wet my face and drank some to cool down. I had lost a little weight during the hypersleep butnit was nothing I couldnt gain back. I settled for a bit before getting geared up like the rest of the crew and we waited till the sergeant returned.

I asked a few members what it was like out there since it was my first time.
"Alright" I said marching into the room in full gear, "listen up" everyone in the room jumped to their feet and gathered closer to hear me. Going before them I took a deep breath and looked at their faces, "We've still had no contact with the colony. Which means now we're going down to investigate. We'll be going in the first wave to secure the landing pad and then proceeding to the command and control center."

Torres clapped his strong hands together and began rubbing them, "Yes!"

Turning to Lowell I smiled and nodded, "You'll be going with us and sticking with Connell with the tracker as we land. Keep your eyes open," pointing a finger at her, "You're going to be our eyes out there. The weather is going to be dark and stormy so visibility will be down to next to nothing. We're going to be counting on you, cadet."
I smiled and nodded "Yes sir!" I said as he told me id b e sticking with he and Connell as we landed. I hoped it wasn't too bad outside but it probably wasn't anything too serious. He told me I had to be alert of everything which I was already.

The dreams hadnt been as frequent in the tube but I still had a few flashbacks. I was trained well enough and I noticed something was a little off about Connell I walked over giving her a small smile "Hey everything ok?"
"Yeah," she replied, "Just a..headache, you know, from the long sleep," rubbing her temples with both hands. It wasn't exactly true, but looking at Lowell she whispered, "I just don't have a good feeling about this mission. I think something's going to happen. Something we haven't experienced before," though she didn't want to bow out of the mission and leave everyone else to their devices she whispered to Lowell, "Just stick with me. No matter what."

We went to the arms room and began collecting our weapons. Pulse rifles, smart gun, incinerators, shotgun and pistols plus grenades. We were loaded down with ammunition and gave ourselves careful inspections to ensure everything was in its right place as Connell was given her motion tracker.
I nodded a bit nervous but still alert.I hope this wasnt a set up mission but I trusted Connell so I stayed close I was given a weapln and motion tracker. I prayed before we went out and I told everyone good luck out there.

I held tight to the tracker and cautiously followed the team to inspect the weapons.
"Form up in the hanger" I shouted and got he squad marching out of their and into the hanger bay where the other squads from the first wave were assembling and the Cheyennes were prepping for their drop, the flight crews in the cockpit already. "Go! Go! Go!" and they charged out one behind the other. "Move it out!" They hustled out, their gear wearing down on them. They were ready for a fight.

We were arrayed in a line abreast of one another before our Cheyenne and off to the left was Elmer's squad before their own. "Don't pay attention to them" I said to my people, "Just focus on the mission. When we land on the pad, form a perimeter and let the Cheyenne lift off." Coming up to Lowell I nodded, "give me a report on what you're seeing form your monitor as soon as we land."
I nodded back "Will do". We entered our Cheyenne and I kept Open eyes the entire way down. I stayed close to the sergeant and Connell as we landed. The squad assumed position and the Cheyenne liftes ofd leaving us to secure the area.

I watched the monitor closely as we landes not seeing any activity so far and I kept eyea and ears open as well "Nothing Yet Serge .." This place looked abandoned and it was cold and dark.
"Squad, form up and move out down the path," I said with a wave of my hand above my head. Mitch and Torres lead the way down the flat, open path that connected the pad to the rest of the colony that was walled off. Because terraforming was a hazardous duty that could lead to fierce storms the facility was walled and the buildings were bunker style with thick ways and thin windows with blast shudders. "Move out," I said. As we went we noticed that there was still power to the facility and that many towers on top of the command and control center were still in tact so it couldn't be a downed transmitter.

In my ear piece I could hear Elmer as he and his squad landed. He was not picking up any movement either. "Keep going" Beside me was Lowell and as we went I moved my eyes over to catch a glimpse on her small motion tracker screen and to look at her as she was glued to the screen.
The Sergeant told us to move ahead down the corridor since it was clear so far.

As we continued there was still no activity on the screen. I moved along with the group and I noticed a small green dot forming on the screen "sir I think i got something" I said looking at the screen still.

"Hard right.." I said and I noticed it was a room as we approached.
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The 'weep weep weep' from the tracker caught our attention and we homed in on it as I sent a message off to command. It could be a false reading or it could be a real contact, either way we informed them of the changes and homed in with Torres spinning with his chest harness and wielding his smart gun in one direction as Mitch looked for threads the opposite way. The floor we were on was grated and the panels could be moved. The closer we drew to the contact the more rapid the reading on Lowell's monitor became. Following her direction and taking the hard right at a intersection the sound was near constant as I kept my eyes on the monitor with her. It didn't appear to be moving.
The monitor kept on the target and it seemed to be staying in place. Mitch and Torres were ready to attack if something were to happen and the others were on alert as well. "I got a heat signature what do you think it is Sir?" I asked as the monitor continued beeping.

I became anxious aa we ccontinud anx remembered Connells worrys getting a bad feeling as well
"Don't know" I whispered as Torres pointed towards a half opened door way. Mitch slid it open the rest of the way before Torres entered with his smartgun then Mitch was right behind, but this wasn't the room they were looking for. It was the adjacent room and with all of us moving closer the ping coming from the tracker was a 'eeeeeeeeep' and one large dot on the monitor. I waved for the others to hold in place as Torres and Mitch proceeded to sweep through the rest of the room for the contact. Connell and Lowell were to remain in place as well.
The tracker kept going off and the sergeant told us to hold our position as the dot on the tracker grew larger. Torres and Mitch continued to sweep the area and they went into the room to search more. I stayed silent monitoring the the two on the screen as well as the target.
It took a moment but they emerged a moment later and shrugged their shoulders, "Negative contact. Wind was coming in to the interior and blowing shit around." There was a sigh of relief as well as some snickering as Iggy nudged Lowell. It was a common mistake. The tracker was so sensitive and its computer had a hard time telling what was real movement from a person and what was confetti.

"Keep going" I whispered and we proceeded towards the command control. "Don't worry about it. It happens," I whispered to Lowell and then Connell gave a slight nod.
I gave a small smile and nodded as we continued relief flooding through me. I continued staring at the screen as we continued on toward the command control. The tracker still seemed clear and they kept moving forward.
There was some chuckling from the others, but it was a simple mistake and I sent a message up to command for the false contact. The command center was just up ahead. We couldn't see any sign of activity, there was no sign of a fight. Everything was still intact, the power was on, it just appeared that everyone just got up and left. It was strange because their desks were still full of papers and half eaten food. Our weapons were up. Elmer reported that they had reached the living quarters on the East side of the perimeter and couldn't find anyone as they began their search.
I looked at the office and it just looked as if everyone had left there was half eaten food and paperwork sitting on desks. Some computers were still on and yet no chairs were occupied 'Strange' I thought still examining the screen.