The Last Thing You Thought...

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Fresh made cheese from the Farmers market... wonderful homemade bread... simple Grilled cheese and salad for dinner... heaven
LT - Excited for today!

FLT - I hope I also get some cheesecake later on along with some delicious sangria. Now wouldn't that be a nice way to end the day...
LT ~ I'm genuinely unsure how I feel about it all!

FLT ~ But not overly surprised. That I'm sure of.
Tired, sore, dropping little girl, broken phone(maybe), have to attend court tomorrow, and still... Daddy makes it all better.

*happy little sigh*
LT~I'm just not sure about this new doctor. Tennant took the character to wonderful new expectations that Matt Smith lived very well up to. When I look at this guy I hope that we're not going to before christopher eccleston. What would have been fun is if they created the new doctor in john barrowmans image. Then one episode have them meet up.
LT~I'm just not sure about this new doctor. Tennant took the character to wonderful new expectations that Matt Smith lived very well up to. When I look at this guy I hope that we're not going to before christopher eccleston. What would have been fun is if they created the new doctor in john barrowmans image. Then one episode have them meet up.

My feeling on the new doctor will be decided like with all the Doctor; in the first few seconds.

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Its been a pretty decent Monday I am actually impressed.
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