Labyrinth (1 male needed, PM if interested)

Jareth laughed. If I wanted to see an ass crack my dear it would be yours, not the suns. Now drink your coffee and stop complaining, We have a long way to travel yet."
Sarah stuck her tongue out at Jareth, accompanied with a rude hand gesture, before returning to steadily drink her coffee and eat.
Jareth laughed at her and dug into his own food while drinking a cup of tea. He preferred to start his day with a nice cup of it than the strong bitter drink Sarah had made him get from her world. He sipped it then talked to her. "So I was thinking if we ride easily today we should get close to the top, or at least close enough to find out what is going on."
Sarah gave a thumbs up as she drank her coffee. If she awoke at her normal time, she would have been drinking tea with him. But considering the hour, she opted for the strong bitter beverage she loves.
"Well then once you are finished we can get underway and hopefully by tonight we will learn what this strange storm is all about," he smiled at her.
Sarah finished off her coffee with a deep sigh of satisfaction. "Sounds good to me, dear," she said, smiling a little as she finished up the rest of her breakfast.
Jareth stood up and dusted off the crumbs and then waved his hands, banishing the leftovers and the dishes. "I really enjoy being able to do that. It sure makes camping a lot more civilized, as does this." He waved his hands again and both he and Sarah were dressed in clean traveling clothes and the tent had disappeared and they were standing next to their horses. "Well mount up my dear. It looks like a long climb to the top. If it gets too chilly I will summon us up some cloaks."
Jareth mounted Shadow and began the ride towards the summit of the mountain. It looked like the had the morning to enjoy it before they reached the beginnings of the stormy area.
Sarah rode along, almost napping on Princess at some points. Early mornings did not agree with her, even with coffee in her system.
Jareth looked over and smiled. He was amazed that the only time his wife was alive in the mornings was if they were making love. If not she was so tired it was like she had not slept at all. Well he had to admit it was kind of cute.
Sarah yawned and sat up a little bit, trying to remain awake. Rubbing her eyes vigorously, she followed her husband, smiling tiredly.
Jareth pushed them reasonably hard and by mid morning they had traveled a fair way up. The weather was still pleasant and he could just see a village ahead. Again though nothing looked familiar to him. "Sarah I think you better take the lead. The village ahead looks like nothing I have ever seen before. Perhaps it is from your world and you can tell me what it is."
Sarah pulled Princess alongside Shadow, and she chuckled warmly. "We better leave the horses here," she said, dismounting. "The cars will scare them."