Dungeon Fantasy (Group Game Recruitment Thread) - Come on in!

MilitusAngelus said:
Name: Haldir
Level: 1
Race: Dark Elf
Class: Assassin
Date/Time: Day 1-Early Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - at the quest board then the bar
Tagging: N/A
Mentioned: Party, Geeva Goodhead

Haldir walked through the door as the Knight came down the stairs and made his way to the table. Haldir waked to the quest board and looked over the available ones. After looking them over he picked one and headed for the bar to get a drink and survey the room. His eyes drifted back and forth until he finished his drink. He then ordered some food to wait for the best time to go see the quest giver. His eyed Geeva the red headed barmaid and thought about spending a night here but kept looking around. As his eyes passed over the Knight and the Ranger in the middle of the room as something moved under the table and he took a closer look, he was surprised to see a slime, to be more precise he could be classified as a Greater Slime since he took human form. He heard shouting from upstairs, he watched the woman come down the stairs but couldn't really consider her human from the way she moved down the stairs. After she finished making a scene Haldir watched a hooded figure make their way to the table and sit down without saying a word.

'Must be an adventure party,' Haldir thought to himself, 'they seem kind of new to the whole thing.' When he had finished that thought he heard a loud shriek and crash from a room upstairs. He smiled when the busty blond ran downstairs and straight to the showers, she was followed by a large Warrior who did not look very happy. He finished his food as the Warrior sat down and started taking. Last thing he heard as he headed for the door was the Warrior saying something about 'Dragon cock'. he slipped out without making a noise and went to go see the Farmer about his Daughter and the Bandits.

Hey buddy, this post is not acceptable and not believable one bit. You are writing your character ignoring the entire rat situation that has the entire town swamped in vermin. You need to edit your post because you're not going to be doing any quests until the town that quest takes place in is finished being in chaos.
Hey buddy, this post is not acceptable and not believable one bit. You are writing your character ignoring the entire rat situation that has the entire town swamped in vermin. You need to edit your post because you're not going to be doing any quests until the town that quest takes place in is finished being in chaos.

Understandable. I am sorry. Will fix it in the morning. too tired to think of a new post atm.
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Wow, Obuzeti, I didn't know Aim was strong enough to propel a dagger through the ceiling of the ground floor, then through the rooms on the first floor, and then through the tavern's roof...
yeah, you kinda forgot about that whole floor, didn't you my friend? Could have just gone up the stairs, but that's too mainstream for Aim XD
I'm going to post to move us along this weekend. Work has been taking my soul.

Guys, do not be afraid to act. You are free to do what's necessary but every decision/move has a consequence whether positive or negative. The more logical you are, the more likely it'll be a positive result.
Oh, I was going to post, just wanted to make sure no one else had something to add first as I only posted two comments ago.
Oh, I was going to post, just wanted to make sure no one else had something to add first as I only posted two comments ago.

If you want to post, you can, I'm just saying that I am moving the game along this weekend. That doesn't mean I am ending the scene. I'm just making another GM post so if you have actions to make before the boss, you better post before me. Because the more people don't act to stop him, the harder this mission is going to get.
Btw, what exactly happens when we level up? New ability slot or something? (If you explained this before and I just forgot I'm gonna feel silly lol)
Btw, what exactly happens when we level up? New ability slot or something? (If you explained this before and I just forgot I'm gonna feel silly lol)

Yeah, a new ability slot. You can also write out the effects of the level up. Say if there is some burst of power around them or something. However you want to show it up.
Ico: So you're going to light the tavern on fire with innocents still in it? Great strategy. The whole reason No didn't do that in the first place was because the rats changed strategy, and the party was no longer forced into a corner.

Also, do not control other players' characters. Saying that a character "arched a brow" or rendered any expression in response to anything when the writer hasn't written such is controlling another writer's character. That is not allowed here.
But Negi did aim the bow at the rat king, then missed the shot when she locked eyes with it. That's what I was talking about.
And I think there's a big difference in scale between a dragon shooting a massive infernal breath of fire, and liting a small puddle of fast burning alcohol on fire. Shouldn't do too much damage to the building, I think
Wait..... How am I at fault here for your godmodding??? The rat king is an NPC therefore, we all have access to how we interact with it. Locking eyes with an NPC is very different than moving a body part on another person's character!
Guys this isn't a big deal. I was just saying not to do it. We're all good here.
We're all good here.

No we are not. I want to know where she gets off making accusations that are un-grounded. Perhaps I should back out. This whole thread is stressing me out anyways because people can't use basic role play etiquette.
i didn't say anyone was at fault! you wrote that Negi aimed at the rat king, then missed when your eyes locked, and that's what I was talking about when I said that Vynn saw her drawing the bow. Or did I read that wrong, was that it?
And even if I did, jesus, chill out. Just tell me I made a mistake and i'll fix it. It's no big deal, but suddenly having a civil conversation here became as hard as doing it in a fucking youtube comment section. No one's attacking anyone, no one's here to fight. I came to have fun and chill, if that mindset is unwelcome I can just leave
i didn't say anyone was at fault! you wrote that Negi aimed at the rat king, then missed when your eyes locked, and that's what I was talking about when I said that Vynn saw her drawing the bow. Or did I read that wrong, was that it?
And even if I did, jesus, chill out. Just tell me I made a mistake and i'll fix it. It's no big deal, but suddenly having a civil conversation here became as hard as doing it in a fucking youtube comment section. No one's attacking anyone, no one's here to fight. I came to have fun and chill, if that mindset is unwelcome I can just leave

I am just trying to figure out where my character came into play here. That is why I am getting ticked. It is downright OBVIOUS he was talking about the "quirking eyebrow" you referenced. That was not an original move, and while it seems like a tiny, simplistic reaction, it is still a reaction and can mean so much. Excuse me when my ten years of experience in role play and writing get in the way of fun and being "chill".
HotCider, go ahead and kill off Negi. I am backing out. Between her and Sir Steven, I am going insane.
Aaaah, I thought HotCinder said "arched a bow"
see this whole thing could have been avoided if you just said "what does negi have to do with this, he was talking about Grymm"

(wait, what did Steven even do? I thought I was the one being dumb, not him?...)

You know what, the only one starting up shit is you, Makitsu. This whole thing could've been a civil conversation if you hadn't gotten triggered by... whatever the hell it was that made you so mad.

Don't bother having Negi killed off though, cause Vynn is dying first.

I don't think I wanna sit here and get berated for making a little mistake in A FUCKING ONLINE ROLE-PLAY. Chill the fuck out, this isn't a novel you've been working on since you were fucking 16, okay? It's not your fucking masterpiece you've sunk years into, and it wasn't even your idea, it was Cinder's. It's a bunch of posts on a forum telling the tale of a bunch of sexual freaks fighting giant rats.

Oh, you have 10 years of experience in roleplaying? Good for you. I've been doing MMO raiding for years, but let me tell you: I don't go fucking ape shit when a newbie makes a mistake that costs us days and days of preparations and hours of effort and coordinating 40+ people - we just laugh it off and help them do better next time, because we're civilized people.

Well. Sorry for getting a bit mad just now, guys. High and mighty little princes and princesses are amongst the kinds of people I hate the most... I don't get angry often, but the few times that I do it's an explosion like this, so again, sorry. But I meant every word I said, and I needed to say them. Either that, or break more of my shit, and that gets a bit expensive after a while.

I'm officially out, folks. Peace.
*reads over the OOC* ...

Yeah, both of you guys just leave lol. We don't need none of that moody, unnecessary drama in this OOC and if that's how you guys are going to act every time I ask one person to stop doing something (like children), then yeah, definitely don't need that here.

If this game was stressing you out as leisure as it moves, then this game wasn't the game for you.

With that having been said, for those who want to continue playing, we're going to continue like those characters don't even exist. For those who were turned off by that drama, I don't blame you.

I'm going to be recruiting one:


Because I have no idea where Mage dude went.

Edit: Well, I guess Ico already killed Vynn off so never mind lol. Work around that.
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I'm still interested in playing, the RP has been entertaining to me so far and while the above drama was... unpleasant, it's not enough to kill my interest.

That said, are the remaining three of us going to continue the quest while you search for replacements, or will it go on hold until then?
I'm still interested in playing, the RP has been entertaining to me so far and while the above drama was... unpleasant, it's not enough to kill my interest.

That said, are the remaining three of us going to continue the quest while you search for replacements, or will it go on hold until then?

We're going to continue if Ob is still around. I'm not yet tempted to PM him just yet.
Just letting everything settle out first. I actually had pneumonia the last couple weeks, which kind of put a damper on my schedule. -_-

I'll keep rolling if you guys will. Being an asshole is entertaining enough for me.
Just letting everything settle out first. I actually had pneumonia the last couple weeks, which kind of put a damper on my schedule. -_-

I'll keep rolling if you guys will. Being an asshole is entertaining enough for me.

That sucks dude. Hope you're feeling better
To all SRPers who may browse this game, we're looking for a Mage, Healer, and an Archer. Be sure to read the opening post (OP), so that when you submit a profile to this OOC that it will have met the requirement.