Hunting Time (one on one)


Mar 5, 2006
Sam was running. He was running hard. What he was running from he wasn't sure. He'd never seen anything like it. But it was definitely dangerous, and seemed quite willing to try to kill him. He ducked under a massive fist as it slammed into the wall, and then took off running again, trying to get as far away as possible. Then he skidded to a stop, seeing a woman with gorgeous black hair, pale skin, and eyes that could only be considered dangerous. He moved to the side just as she attacked, and her blade sliced through the creature behind him. He didn't stick around to find out who she was. He started running again, wondering why his day was going so badly.

Sam came to a stop in an alley. No way out, he saw. "FUCK. Can this day get any worse?" "It just did." Sam's eyes widened, and he whirled, dropping into a crouch instinctively. There, standing less than ten feet away, was the woman from earlier. Her long black hair was almost invisible in the darkness of the alley, but the blade of her sword and the white of her outfit seemed to glow with an otherworldly light. "Fuck." He breathed out again, knowing that something bad was about to happen. "Fuck indeed, boy. I don't know what you are, but it's time for you to d..." She didn't get the chance to finish, as a fist slammed out of the wall and sent Sam flying. When he landed, he winced, groaned, and climbed to his feet again. He was off before he saw the creature that was even now chasing after him. Time later to thank the Gods for small miracles.

Yamamoto Genryuusai was troubled. He'd sent Soi Fong out on a mission to investigate heightened Hollow activity in another country. She had yet to return, which meant she'd encountered trouble of some kind. He was about to call in the rest of the Gotei 13 Captains to discuss sending her reinforcements when a glow started from a small room off to his left. He looked in that direction, and his eyes narrowed briefly. He stood up, wincing slightly, though it didn't hurt him nearly as much as he let on. As he entered the room, the only thing amiss seemed to be the glow. But then he saw what it was coming from. In a long forgotten corner of the small museum off of his meeting hall, a very old and very unusual sword, kept in a glass display case on top of a cloak and armored breastplate that had once belonged to a powerful Ryoka, was glowing brightly.

They'd always wondered about the sword. They called it the Sword of the Seven Dragons, but the Ryoka had named it the Seven Swords Buster. Unlike a Zanpaku-tou, the sword was entirely mechanical in nature, made up of seven unique blades. It was kept under lock and key both out of reverence for the warrior who had wielded it, and the fact that it had become imbued with the essence of that warrior, turning it into something similar to a Zanpaku-tou. The fact that it had started to act again was very disturbing, and made Genryuusai nervous. Few things could claim such a feat. He stood there, stroking his beard for a moment, then whirled, and stormed out of the vault of weapons. He immediately bellowed, his voice carrying throughout the hall and summoning some of the servants, who he immediately ordered to gather those Captains still there.

Sam stopped to catch his breath, panting heavily as he stood in the middle of a park. He couldn't believe how bad his luck seemed to be today. First the creatures attacking them, then the woman wanting to kill him. She was hot, of course, but for some reason she didn't like him. Story of his life, he thought, as he sighed.

Soi Fong growled in frustration. Her quarry had vanished on her. No, that wasn't right. It had been sent flying by a Hollow. But that didn't explain what IT was. It looked like a Ryoka, but there was no sense of spiritual energy from it. So what was luring Hollows to it. She couldn't figure it out, and the fact that she now had to start all over with looking for it pissed her off like nothing else. Still, there she was, standing on top of a building and looking out at her surroundings. Then she saw it. She leaped down, and landed in front of it, this odd creature she was hunting. He fell backwards, trying to get away from her. That was when it happened. In an eyeblink, she was slammed into a wall, a particularly hideous Hollow's hand wrapped around her throat. She'd gotten careless, and this monster had taken advantage of it. She swore in her mind, feeling herself slipping.

Sam stared, unable to move. The woman who had been chasing him all morning was now held up against the wall by one of the...whatever they were. His mind screamed that he had to get out of there. He started to turn away, but then something stopped him. He wasn't sure what it was, but his hand reached behind him and closed on something. His fingers circled a metal, a hilt, he realized. He turned behind him, and saw a thin, muscular man with long, spikey blond hair literally placing a sword in his hands. The words sounded in his ears. "You need this more than I do right now, kid. Question is, what are you going to do with it?" Sam stared at the man, then turned back to the woman, then again to the man, only to find him gone. He blinked a few times, then made a decision. Not the smartest of decisions, but he knew it had to be done.

He brought the sword forward, grabbing it with both hands, and charged towards the creature. He leaped, higher than he knew he was capable of. The sword was raised over his head, catching the light along the blade, before he brought it down as he landed. The blade sliced through the creature's arm with ease, but Sam wasn't done. Even before he'd fully landed, he twisted the blade and swung it left with everything he had. The creature jumped backwards, clutching the stump of an arm. The rest of the arm started to slowly fade away, as Sam turned to face the beast. He held the weapon in one hand now, his other held out to the other side to balance the massive sword. "Alright then. Let's finish this."

Soi Fong coughed, clutching her throat, and stared in awe, unable to believe what she was witnessing. The person she had been chasing all day now stood between her and the Hollow, not just keeping it at bay, but driving it back. Not only that, but she knew that sword, she just couldn't remember where from. The fighting style seemed familiar to her too. But the frightening part was the ease with which this guy fought using only one hand. Surely a sword that big couldn't be light enough for anyone to use onehanded, she thought. Suddenly, before she even realized she'd said anything, her voice rang out. "Aim for the mask. That's its vulnerability."

Sam nodded in response, and then raised the sword up in one hand. The creature charged forward suddenly, thinking it had an opening now. But Sam just swung the sword down, moving so fast that it created a shockwave that ripped straight through the monster. As the mask was cleaved in half by the crescentshaped blast of energy, the creature started to fade away, turning to ash.

Soi Fong stared at the creature that had just saved her life. She was angry, not just at having needed to be rescued, but also at her quarry proving far more dangerous than she would have thought possible.

OOC: looking for someone to play Soi Fong. She is a woman who, while startlingly beautiful, is also fiercely independant and doesn't like being proven weak.
okay, bumping this in one last attempt to get someone interested in it before I let the idea actually die.
Hmmm. Let's bump this again and see if we can find anyone who wants to play the sexy Soi Fong.