How or more of a Why is love so hard?

"You trundle along in your rose tinted wish." So beautiful....

I'm sorry your heart is heavy, and I hope it doesn't remain so for too long. :heart:

Thank you, that's very kind of you. I hope so too 🙂
Why does it bind us in chains of our own making that no matter how painful we do not really want to escape them because for some elusive reason it seems worth the pain?

My heart is braking,
I ache inside,
I bleed for you,
With no where to hide,
You wound me so,
But my love runs deep,
You eat away at it in your daze less sleep.

Running silently down my tear stained cheek.
The pain you inflict it runs very deep.
I scream out for you in silent agony,
But though you are physically there it's just me.

I give you my everything,
But I become depleted inside.
My blood runs cold by this oncoming tide.

I wish you could see but your ignorance is bliss.
You trundle along in your rose tinted wish.

There is nothing more to say,
Little to give, breathless with hurt,
I hope you enjoy my gift.

Beautiful! I could really feel your pain...
Falling in love is easy. I have done it many times. It's dealing with that love in the long run that's hard. And unrequited love is the worst. Yet, even those who never loved me back are still in my heart today.

And love is not easy to get over. It takes time and a lot of work.

I hope you're pain will ease as time passes.

Your words are warm and filled with love like blood runs through my veins... All I can say... Do your best , if it is meant for you then you will get the love and attention you deserve. After a certain point it will be okay for you to seek happiness from a person who gives you what you need and desire... At the end of the day you are human...
