Over 50 Introduce Yourself

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Good Morning 50's! I hope y'all have a marvelous day!!!:)

How goes it in Oregon, jb?

Not to forget about this, as we go about our day, however:

Gardiner Harris, "Obama Consoles Families in Oregon Amid 2 More Campus Shootings,"
New York Times, Oct. 10, 2015, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/10/u...0151010&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=66636455&_r=0.
President Obama in Roseburg said, "At some point, we're going to have to come together"
to figure out how to prevent such tragedies from occurring so frequently.

Do not hold your breath, unfortunately.
Almost 50 and feeling young! Between gigs at the moment. The first two Mrs. Deep's couldn't handle my, um... Personality.
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Hi. I'm pretty new here too. 51, I'm a wife with 2 kids. Cold here too, but not enough snow!

Aww...hope you found some warmth to help with the cold.
Am 53, and loving it.
How are you enjoying it here?
What kinds of things do you enjoy doing here on Literotica?
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Take care!
Richard :)
Missing julybaby's good morning this morning so I will give the shout out this morning to all the 50 somethings.
Sweetest of Mornings to Y'all! It is a bright, cool day here! I hope all y'all have a blessed day! :)
And so we begin another week 50+'s! Happy Monday to all! Wishing the best of days today! :)
Happy Monday back at you July. I've got the day off, thank goodness for politically incorrect Federal Holidays in Oct!

I am certainly glad for them too but don't get me started on political correctness. Happy Monday all.
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