I miss my dead parents


Not what you expect
Jun 9, 2012
They were always there for me. They would tell me when I was wrong in a kind way. They would tell me I'll pick you up after your mistakes but never were condescending when I was wrong.They taught me how to better next time.
They were always there for me. They would tell me when I was wrong in a kind way. They would tell me I'll pick you up after your mistakes but never were condescending when I was wrong.They taught me how to better next time.

How long have they been gone?
Sorry to hear this, hope you find peace from talking about them and remember the good times you had with them.
I think about my parents every day. The worst moments are when something cool happens and I think, "Man, I'm gonna call Dad and tell him about this."
I think about my parents every day. The worst moments are when something cool happens and I think, "Man, I'm gonna call Dad and tell him about this."

I can't tell you how many times that has happens to me. My dad and I would discover something new by ourselves and say you have to see this. I still get that feeling
Well where ever you find comfort, and yes lit may not be .... but remember we are all people too, and we can connect in that we have all exp a loss in some way, how we choose to deal with it there is no rule book.
Putting yourself out here takes courage, I believe like the song says most people are good .
They are still here.

You know it.

When you do something you shouldn't, and can feel them watching.
I miss my father.

He was brilliant, and it's sad to see so many morons still on the planet vs. him.
Anyone have parents like that?

Nope. Not the kind, gentle never condescending bits, that’s for sure.
“If you dont shut up back there im gonna swing my belt around and i dont care which one if you i hit”
Were your parents heavily medicated... or was it you?
My mom is dead. She was ok as moms go. Didn't abuse or neglect, drink heavily or cheat as far as I know. Kind of a bitch but I suppose raising 3 boys will do that to ya.
Never was big on showing love but we all seemed to know she did in her own way.
Dad is kinda the same way but still breathing. He's good at teaching life but not in a kind, loving way. In a "get off your ass and take care of your family you fuck" kind of way. He'll tell ya how, help when you absolutely need it but expects you to do it on your own.
4 for my Mom and a little more than 1 for my Dad and yes I miss them, great parents.
I see more of him in myself now that he has passed. Mixed feelings about that.