Physical changes when a women is aroused


Apr 18, 2014
What physical changes happen to woman when she is sexually aroused? We know that men get hard on arousal and also feel some tingling sensations in the genitals. May be even butterflies in stomach
Visible physical changes:

The nipples stiffen. Sometimes the aroela become swollen and puffy, sticking out a quarter inch or so from the breast.

The vulva gets darker in color. The labia swell and become distended.

As for sensory physical changes, I only know what I've picked up from erotica.


A weakening of the knees/muscular instability.

A feeling of sudden emptiness in the vagina when the man's cock is removed.

A longing for sexy, comforting embrace.

Sometimes the tingling is described as "burning" and "itching" during extremely heavy arousal moments, that normal?

Ladies, help us out?
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one item not listed in the wiki to which bramblethorn linked is that the eyes typically darken as well.
What physical changes happen to woman when she is sexually aroused? We know that men get hard on arousal and also feel some tingling sensations in the genitals. May be even butterflies in stomach

Sorry dude, if you really must ask this question you've got a problem. Either you're too young, you've never aroused a woman or you've never paid attention to your partner. Which is it?
I am not into explaining tonight.

There are three levels.

Not aroused


Smoking Fucking Hot.

Their eyes,hell the whole face. The way their body moves, their posture...the fine hair on their neck. They shiver when you kiss them behind the ear. Their breathing.

Yes. their nipples get hard and yes they get wet... when they really get hot you can feel the heat from from that pussy six inches away. I can't describe it but their scent increases

I don't know...maybe I been with too many.

Reminds me of the old question in the old west from a greenhorn, about how do you tell a unfriendly Indian from a friendly one.

One look at an unfriendly one and you will know!

One look at a hot and horny woman...
Pupil dilation, flush cheeks.

This is kind of the point of makeup. It mimicks a woman's natural responses.

Pheremones change but you sense that subliminally.
one item not listed in the wiki to which bramblethorn linked is that the eyes typically darken as well.

The article does mention pupil dilation, for both males and females, though it's just above the section I linked to so it'd be easy to miss.
All I have to add is that this is not a check-list. Some women's nipples won't always stiffen with arousal. Other women's nipples will stiffen without arousal. And older ladies like myself won't lubricate as easily as younger ladies do, although we're equally "aroused."
I'm assuming your talking about a social situation?

There are some "tells" to see if you do some homework on body language. Dialated pupils, exposing the neck and touching are just a few.
What physical changes happen to woman when she is sexually aroused? We know that men get hard on arousal and also feel some tingling sensations in the genitals. May be even butterflies in stomach

I realise you're asking about what goes on inside a woman, rather than the external body language, in which case there's a whole lot of dick here that can't really tell you. But I can give you more external body language fwiw.

Without doubling up on the previous posters, there's a look you can give a woman, and if you get it right, she'll fall apart. It's a look that says, 'I know what you're thinking, I know you find me attractive, I find you attractive too, but I'm going to tease you a bit longer because I know you're not going to make the first move, and I'm going to take my time because it's fun.' If you get this right, her face (may) go red, her pupils will dilate and she'll probably laugh self consciously and not know where to look. She might start finding things to do with her hands, especially if your hand's lying near hers and she's feeling self conscious. Or, she'll give you the same knowing look back. And if you get THAT it's all on, boyo. :cool: